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ESP-IDF Settings

This extension contributes the following settings that can be later updated in settings.json or from VS Code Settings Preference Menu (Menu View -> Command Palette -> Preferences: Open Settings (UI)).

NOTE: Please consider that ~, %VARNAME% and $VARNAME are not recognized when set on ANY of this extension configuration settings. You can instead set any environment variable in the path using a ${env:VARNAME} such as ${env:HOME} or you can refer to other configuration parameter path with ${config:SETTINGID} such as ${config:idf.espIdfPath}.

The idf.saveScope allows the user to specify where to save settings when using commands such as Configure Paths, Device Configuration, Set Espressif Device Target and other commands. Possible values are Global (User Settings), Workspace and WorkspaceFolder. For more information please take a look at Working with Multiple Projects. Use the Select where to Save Configuration Settings command to choose where to save settings when using this extension commands.

NOTE: All settings can be applied to Global (User Settings), Workspace and WorkspaceFolder unless Scope is specified.

ESP-IDF Specific Settings

These are the configuration settings that ESP-IDF extension contributes to your Visual Studio Code editor settings.

Setting ID Description
idf.buildPath Custom build directory name for extension commands. (Default: ${workspaceFolder}/build)
idf.buildPathWin Custom build directory name for extension commands. (Default: ${workspaceFolder}\build)
idf.sdkconfigDefaults List of sdkconfig default values for initial build configuration
idf.cmakeCompilerArgs Arguments for CMake compilation task
idf.customExtraPaths Paths to be appended to $PATH
idf.customExtraVars Variables to be added to system environment variables
idf.gitPath Path to git executable
idf.gitPathWin Path to git executable in Windows
idf.enableCCache Enable CCache on build task (make sure CCache is in PATH)
idf.enableIdfComponentManager Enable IDF Component manager in build command
idf.espIdfPath Path to locate ESP-IDF framework (IDF_PATH)
idf.espIdfPathWin Path to locate ESP-IDF framework in Windows (IDF_PATH)
idf.ninjaArgs Arguments for Ninja build task
idf.pythonBinPath Python absolute binary path used to execute ESP-IDF Python Scripts
idf.pythonBinPathWin Python absolute binary path used to execute ESP-IDF Python Scripts in Windows
idf.toolsPath Path to locate ESP-IDF Tools (IDF_TOOLS_PATH)
idf.toolsPathWin Path to locate ESP-IDF Tools in Windows (IDF_TOOLS_PATH)

This is how the extension uses them:

  1. idf.customExtraPaths is pre-appended to your system environment variable PATH within Visual Studio Code (not modifying your system environment) before executing any of our extension commands such as openocd or cmake (i.e. build your current project) else extension commands will try to use what is already in your system PATH.

    NOTE: In ESP-IDF: Configure ESP-IDF Extension you can download ESP-IDF Tools or skip IDF Tools download and manually enter all required ESP-IDF Tools as explain in SETUP which will be saved in idf.customExtraPaths.

  2. idf.customExtraVars stores any custom environment variable such as OPENOCD_SCRIPTS, which is the openOCD scripts directory used in openocd server startup. These variables are loaded to this extension commands process environment variables, choosing the extension variable if available, else extension commands will try to use what is already in your system PATH. This doesn't modify your system environment outside Visual Studio Code.
  3. idf.espIdfPath (or idf.espIdfPathWin in Windows) is used to store ESP-IDF directory path within our extension. We override Visual Studio Code process IDF_PATH if this value is available. This doesn't modify your system environment outside Visual Studio Code.
  4. idf.pythonBinPath (or idf.espIdfPathWin in Windows) is used to executed python scripts within the extension. In ESP-IDF: Configure ESP-IDF Extension we first select a system-wide python executable from which to create a python virtual environment and we save the executable from this virtual environment in idf.pythonBinPath. All required python packages by ESP-IDF are installed in this virtual environment, if using ESP-IDF: Configure ESP-IDF Extension
  5. idf.gitPath (or idf.gitPathWin in Windows) is used in the extension to clone ESP-IDF master version or the additional supported frameworks such as ESP-ADF, ESP-MDF and Arduino-ESP32.

NOTE: From Visual Studio Code extension context, we can't modify your system PATH or any other environment variable. We use a modified process environment in all of this extension tasks and child processes which should not affect any other system process or extension. Please review the content of idf.customExtraPaths and idf.customExtraVars in case you have issues with other extensions.

Board/Chip Specific Settings

These settings are specific to the ESP32 Chip/Board

Setting Description Scope
idf.adapterTargetName ESP-IDF Target Chip (Example: esp32)
idf.customAdapterTargetName Custom Target Name for ESP-IDF Debug Adapter
idf.flashBaudRate Flash Baud rate
idf.monitorBaudRate Monitor Baud Rate (Empty by default to use SDKConfig CONFIG_ESP_CONSOLE_UART_BAUDRATE)
idf.openOcdConfigs Configuration Files for OpenOCD. Relative to OPENOCD_SCRIPTS folder
idf.openOcdLaunchArgs Launch Arguments for OpenOCD before idf.openOcdDebugLevel and idf.openOcdConfigs
idf.openOcdDebugLevel Set openOCD Debug Level (0-4) Default: 2
idf.port Path of Selected Device port
idf.portWin Path of Selected Device Port in Windows
openocd.jtag.command.force_unix_path_separator Forced to Use / as Path sep. for Win32 Based OS Instead of \\ User, Remote or Workspace
idf.listDfuDevices List of DFU Devices Connected to USB User, Remote or Workspace
idf.selectedDfuDevicePath Selected DFU Device Connected to USB User, Remote or Workspace
idf.svdFilePath SVD File Absolute Path to Resolve Chip Debug Peripheral Tree view User, Remote or Workspace

This is how the extension uses them:

  1. idf.adapterTargetName is used to select the chipset (esp32, esp32s2, esp32s3, esp32c3 and custom) on which to run the extension commands.

    NOTE When you use the command ESP-IDF: Set Espressif Device Target it will override idf.adapterTargetName with selected chip and idf.openOcdConfigs with its default OpenOCD Configuration Files.

    If you want to customize the idf.openOcdConfigs alone, you can modify your user settings.json or use ESP-IDF: Device Configuration and select Enter OpenOCD Configuration File Paths List by entering each file separated by comma ",".

  2. idf.customAdapterTargetName is used when idf.adapterTargetName is set to custom.
  3. idf.flashBaudRate is the baud rate value used for the ESP-IDF: Flash your Project command and ESP-IDF Debug.
  4. idf.monitorBaudRate is the ESP-IDF Monitor baud rate value and fallback from your project's skdconfig CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_MONITOR_BAUD ( monitor' baud rate). This value can also be override by setting the environment variable IDF_MONITOR_BAUD or MONITORBAUD in your system environment variables or this extension's idf.customExtraVars configuration setting.
  5. idf.openOcdConfigs is used to store an string array of OpenOCD scripts directory relative path config files to use with OpenOCD server. (Example: ["interface/ftdi/esp32_devkitj_v1.cfg", "board/esp32-wrover.cfg"]). More information here.
  6. idf.port (or idf.portWin in Windows) is used as the serial port value for the extension commands.
  7. idf.openOcdDebugLevel: Log level for OpenOCD Server output from 0 to 4.
  8. idf.openOcdLaunchArgs: Launch arguments string array for openOCD. The resulting OpenOCD launch command looks like this: openocd -d${idf.openOcdDebugLevel} -f ${idf.openOcdConfigs} ${idf.openOcdLaunchArgs}.

Code Coverage Specific Settings

These settings are used to configure the Code Coverage colors.

Setting ID Description
idf.coveredLightTheme Background color for covered lines in light theme for gcov coverage
idf.coveredDarkTheme Background color for covered lines in dark theme for gcov coverage
idf.partialLightTheme Background color for partially covered lines in light theme for gcov coverage
idf.partialDarkTheme Background color for partially covered lines in dark theme for gcov coverage
idf.uncoveredLightTheme Background color for uncovered lines in light theme for gcov coverage
idf.uncoveredDarkTheme Background color for uncovered lines in dark theme for gcov coverage

Extension Behaviour Settings

Setting ID Description Scope
idf.enableUpdateSrcsToCMakeListsFile Enable update source files in CMakeLists.txt (default true) User, Remote or Workspace
idf.flashType Preferred flash method. DFU, UART or JTAG
idf.launchMonitorOnDebugSession Launch ESP-IDF Monitor along with ESP-IDF Debug session
idf.notificationMode ESP-IDF extension notifications and output focus mode. (default All) User, Remote or Workspace
idf.showOnboardingOnInit Show ESP-IDF Configuration Window on extension activation User, Remote or Workspace
idf.saveScope Where to save extension settings User, Remote or Workspace
idf.saveBeforeBuild Save all the edited files before building (default true)
idf.useIDFKconfigStyle Enable style validation for Kconfig files
idf.telemetry Enable telemetry User, Remote or Workspace
idf.deleteComponentsOnFullClean Delete managed_components on Full Clean Project command (default false) User, Remote or Workspace
idf.monitorNoReset Enable no-reset flag to IDF Monitor (default false) User, Remote or Workspace
idf.monitorEnableTimestamps Enable timestamps in IDF Monitor (default false) User, Remote or Workspace
idf.monitorCustomTimestampFormat Custom timestamp format in IDF Monitor User, Remote or Workspace
idf.monitorStartDelayBeforeDebug Delay to start debug session after IDF monitor execution User, Remote or Workspace
idf.enableStatusBar Show or hide the extension status bar items User, Remote or Workspace
idf.enableSizeTaskAfterBuildTask Enable IDF Size Task to be executed after IDF Build Task User, Remote or Workspace
idf.customTerminalExecutable Absolute path to shell terminal executable to use (default to VS Code Terminal) User, Remote or Workspace
idf.customTerminalExecutableArgs Shell arguments for idf.customTerminalExecutable User, Remote or Workspace

Custom Tasks for Build and Flash Tasks

Setting ID Description
idf.customTask Custom task to execute with ESP-IDF: Execute Custom Task
idf.preBuildTask Command string to execute before build task
idf.postBuildTask Command string to execute after build task
idf.preFlashTask Command string to execute before flash task
idf.postFlashTask Command string to execute after flash task

QEMU Specific Settings

Setting ID Description
idf.qemuTcpPort QEMU tcp port for serial communication

Log Tracing Specific Settings

These settings are specific to Application Log Tracing.

Setting Description
trace.poll_period poll_period will be set for the apptrace
trace.trace_size trace_size will set for the apptrace
trace.stop_tmo stop_tmo will be set for the apptrace
trace.wait4halt wait4halt will be set for the apptrace
trace.skip_size skip_size will be set for the apptrace

Other Frameworks Specific Settings

These settings allow to support additional frameworks together with ESP-IDF:

Setting ID Description
idf.espAdfPath Path to locate ESP-ADF framework (ADF_PATH)
idf.espAdfPathWin Path to locate ESP-ADF framework in Windows (ADF_PATH)
idf.espMdfPath Path to locate ESP-MDF framework (MDF_PATH)
idf.espMdfPathWin Path to locate ESP-MDF framework in Windows (MDF_PATH)
idf.espMatterPath Path to locate ESP-Matter framework (ESP_MATTER_PATH)
idf.espRainmakerPath Path to locate ESP-Rainmaker framework in Windows (RMAKER_PATH)
idf.espRainmakerPathWin Path to locate ESP-Rainmaker framework in Windows (RMAKER_PATH)
idf.sbomFilePath Path to create ESP-IDF SBOM report

The ESP-IDF: Install ESP-ADF command will clone ESP-ADF and set idf.espAdfPath (idf.espAdfPathWin in Windows). The ESP-IDF: Install ESP-MDF command will clone ESP-MDF and set idf.espMdfPath (idf.espMdfPathWin in Windows). The ESP-IDF: Install ESP-Matter command will clone ESP-Matter and set idf.espMatterPath. The ESP-IDF: Set ESP-MATTER Device Path (ESP_MATTER_DEVICE_PATH) is used to define the device path for ESP-Matter. ESP-Matter is not supported in Windows. The ESP-IDF: Install ESP-Rainmaker command will clone ESP-Rainmaker and set idf.espRainmakerPath (idf.espRainmakerPathWin in Windows) configuration setting. The ESP-IDF: Install ESP-HomeKit-SDK command will clone ESP-HomeKit-SDK inside the selected directory and set idf.espHomeKitSdkPath (idf.espHomeKitSdkPathWin in Windows) configuration setting.

The ESP-IDF: Show Examples Projects command allows you create a new project using one of the examples in ESP-IDF, ESP-ADF, ESP-Matter or ESP-MDF directory if related configuration settings are set, or to create projects from examples found in the Component Registry.

Use of Environment Variables in ESP-IDF settings.json and tasks.json

Environment (env) variables and other ESP-IDF settings (config) current values strings can be used in other ESP-IDF setting as ${env:VARNAME} and ${config:ESPIDFSETTING}, respectively.

Example : If you want to use "~/esp/esp-idf" you can set the value of idf.espIdfPath to "${env:HOME}/esp/esp-idf".