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Install (deploy) presidio as a system

You can install Presidio locally using Docker, as a service in Kubernetes or use it as a framework in a python application.

The easy way with Docker

You will need to have Docker installed and running, and make installed on your system.

Sync this repo use make to build and deploy locally.

For convenience the script at the root of this repo will run the make commands for you. If you use the script remember to make it executable by running chmod +x after syncing the code.

NOTE: Building the deps images currently takes some time (~70 minutes, depending on the build machine). We are working on improving the build time through improving the build and providing pre-built dependencies.

NOTE: Error message You may see error messages like this: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for presidio/presidio-golang-deps, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied when running the make commands. These can be ignored.

NOTE: Memory requirements if you get an error message like this tests/ ...............The command '/bin/sh -c pipenv run pytest' returned a non-zero code: 137 while building you may need to increase the docker memory limit for your machine

If you prefer to run each step by hand instead of using the script these are as follows:

# Build the images

export DOCKER_REGISTRY=presidio
export PRESIDIO_LABEL=latest

# Run the containers

docker network create mynetwork
docker run --rm --name redis --network mynetwork -d -p 6379:6379 redis
docker run --rm --name presidio-analyzer --network mynetwork -d -p 3000:3000 -e GRPC_PORT=3000 -e RECOGNIZERS_STORE_SVC_ADDRESS=presidio-recognizers-store:3004 $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/presidio-analyzer:$(PRESIDIO_LABEL)
docker run --rm --name presidio-anonymizer --network mynetwork -d -p 3001:3001 -e GRPC_PORT=3001 $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/presidio-anonymizer:$(PRESIDIO_LABEL)
docker run --rm --name presidio-recognizers-store --network mynetwork -d -p 3004:3004 -e GRPC_PORT=3004 -e REDIS_URL=redis:6379 $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/presidio-recognizers-store:$(PRESIDIO_LABEL)

sleep 30 # Wait for the analyzer model to load
docker run --rm --name presidio-api --network mynetwork -d -p 8080:8080 -e WEB_PORT=8080 -e ANALYZER_SVC_ADDRESS=presidio-analyzer:3000 -e ANONYMIZER_SVC_ADDRESS=presidio-anonymizer:3001 -e RECOGNIZERS_STORE_SVC_ADDRESS=presidio-recognizers-store:3004 $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/presidio-api:$(PRESIDIO_LABEL)

Once the build is complete you can verify the local deployment by running docker ps. You should see 4 Presidio containers and one Redis container running with the following names:


Presidio As a Service with Kubernetes


  • Kubernetes 1.9+ with RBAC enabled.
    • Note the pod's resources requirements (CPU and memory) and plan the cluster accordingly.
  • Helm

Default installation using pre-made scripts

Follow the installation guide at the Readme page

Step-by step installation with customizable parameters

  1. Install Helm with RBAC

  2. Install Redis (Cache for storage and database scanners)

    helm install --name redis stable/redis --set usePassword=false,rbac.create=true --namespace presidio-system
  3. Optional - Ingress controller for presidio API.

    Note that presidio is not deployed with an ingress controller by default.
    to change this behavior, deploy the helm chart with api.ingress.enabled=true and specify they type of ingress controller to be used with api.ingress.class=nginx (supported classes are: nginx, traefik or istio).

  4. Verify that Redis and Traefik/NGINX are installed correctly

  5. Deploy from /charts/presidio

    # Based on the DOCKER_REGISTRY and PRESIDIO_LABEL from the previous steps
    helm install --name presidio-demo --set registry=${DOCKER_REGISTRY},tag=${PRESIDIO_LABEL} . --namespace presidio
  6. For more options over the deployment, follow the Development guide

Install presidio-analyzer as a Python package

If you're interested in running the analyzer alone, you can install it as a standalone python package by packaging it into a wheel file. Note that Presidio requires Python >= 3.6.

Creating the wheel file:

In the presidio-analyzer folder, run:

python bdist_wheel

Installing the wheel file

  1. Copy the created wheel file (from the dist folder of presidio-analyzer) into a clean virtual environment

  2. install wheel package

pip install wheel
  1. Install the presidio-analyzer wheel file
pip install WHEEL_FILE

Where WHEEL_FILE is the path to the created wheel file

  1. Install the Spacy model from Github (not installed during the standard installation)
pip install

Note that if you skip this step, the Spacy model would install lazily during the first call to the AnalyzerEngine

  1. Optional : install re2 and pyre2:
  • Install re2:

    wget -O re2.tar.gz${re2_version}.tar.gz
    mkdir re2
    tar --extract --file "re2.tar.gz" --directory "re2" --strip-components 1
    cd re2 && make install
  • Install pyre2's fork:

    pip install

    Note: If you don't install re2, Presidio will use the regex package for regular expressions handling

  1. Test the installation

To test, run Python on the virtual env you've installed the presidio-analyzer in. Then, make sure this code returns an answer:

from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine

engine = AnalyzerEngine()

text = "My name is David and I live in Miami"

response = engine.analyze(correlation_id=0,
                          text = text,

for item in response:
    print("Start = {}, end = {}, entity = {}, confidence = {}".format(item.start,