- pyenv
- docker
- awscli
pyenv virtualenv 3.7.5 cloudwatch-pod-alerts-operator
pyenv activate cloudwatch-pod-alerts-operator
pip -r requirements.txt
This will create a docker image with the application in it and upload it to ECR. Push the image into your repository of choice.
The current CRD supports kubernetes <= 1.15.
kubectl apply -f crd-v1beta1.yaml
Setup roles and service account with needed permissions for the operator
kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml
Edit the deployment yaml and change the repository where the image is located
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
You can test the operator without craeting a container and deploying it in kubernetes. In order for this to work you need to uncommend lines 13-15 from src/handler.py Make sure you export AWS_PROFILE, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION and choose your kubernetes context before that.
kopf run src/handler.py
Edit the example and replace the topics, namespace and cluster name
kubectl apply -f alarm.yaml
For your examples to work, the container needs to have IAM policy that allows it to access cloudwatchlogs assigned ot it
- Introduce parameters for cluster and region (currently region is hardcoded to us-west-2 for the creation of the cloudwatch alerts)
- Introduce a better kubernetes login mechanism to remove the need to uncomment the client authentication for local testing