diff --git a/docs/2024/puzzles/day14.md b/docs/2024/puzzles/day14.md
index 2fac9c10e..caf439def 100644
--- a/docs/2024/puzzles/day14.md
+++ b/docs/2024/puzzles/day14.md
@@ -1,11 +1,315 @@
import Solver from "../../../../../website/src/components/Solver.js"
# Day 14: Restroom Redoubt
+by [Bulby](https://github.com/TheDrawingCoder-Gamer)
## Puzzle description
+## Solution Summary
+1. Parse input into a `List[Robot]`
+2. Make function to advance state by `n` steps
+3. Solve
+ * For `part1`, this is advancing the state by 100 then calculating the safety score
+ * For `part2`, this is finding the first state where a christmas tree is visible
+## Part 1
+Part 1 shouldn't be too bad. Let's get started with our `Robot` class (and a `Vec2i` class):
+case class Vec2i(x: Int, y: Int)
+case class Robot(pos: Vec2i, velocity: Vec2i)
+Now we can parse our input:
+def parse(str: String): List[Robot] =
+ str.linesIterator.map:
+ case s"p=$px,$py v=$vx,$vy" =>
+ Robot(Vec2i(px.toInt, py.toInt), Vec2i(vx.toInt, vy.toInt))
+ .toList
+Let's define our grid size in a `val`, as it can depend on if we are doing a test input or not:
+val size = Vec2i(101, 103)
+The problem text states that when a robot goes off the edge it comes back on the other side, which sounds a lot like modulo.
+Unfortunately, modulo is incorrect in our case for negative numbers. Let's define a remainder instead:
+extension (self: Int)
+ infix def rem(that: Int): Int =
+ val m = math.abs(self) % that
+ if self < 0 then
+ that - m
+ else
+ m
+Now we can add a function to `Robot` that advances the state by `n`:
+case class Robot(pos: Vec2i, velocity: Vec2i):
+ def stepN(n: Int = 1): Robot =
+ copy(pos = pos.copy(x = (pos.x + n * velocity.x) rem size.x, y = (pos.y + n * velocity.y) rem size.y))
+Now for the full `List[Robot]`, we can add `stepN` to that too, and also define our safety function:
+extension (robots: List[Robot])
+ def stepN(n: Int = 1): List[Robot] = robots.map(_.stepN(n))
+ def safety: Int =
+ val middleX = size.x / 2
+ val middleY = size.y / 2
+ robots.groupBy: robot =>
+ (robot.pos.x.compareTo(middleX), robot.pos.y.compareTo(middleY)) match
+ case (0, _) | (_, 0) => -1
+ case ( 1, -1) => 0
+ case (-1, -1) => 1
+ case (-1, 1) => 2
+ case ( 1, 1) => 3
+ .removed(-1).values.map(_.length).product
+Let's explain this a little. There are 4 quadrants, and as specified there are also lines that aren't in any quadrant.
+We can use `groupBy` to group the robots into quadrants.
+First, we get the midpoints by dividing the size by 2. We then compare the robot to the midpoint, returning `-1` if it's on the line
+(either comparison is equal), and otherwise sort the remaining 4 results into quadrants. We then remove the robots on the line,
+get the length of each of the lists, and multiply them together.
+With this `part1` is easy to implement:
+def part1(input: String): Int = parse(input).stepN(100).safety
+## Part 2
+Part 2 wants us to find an image which is really hard. Thankfully, there is one thing I know about Christmas trees: They have
+a lot of lines in a row and are an organized shape.
+We are assuming here that the tree is solid. This assumption is fine in this case, the space to search is finite
+so the worst we can get is a "not found" answer, but in other problems we may want to be more sure about our input.
+The christmas trees I know are really tall, but only in a few columns. So let's test the vertical columns for a few lines that are really long.
+They also have a lot of shorter horizontal lines, so let's also check the rows for a lot of shorter lines.
+Let's also inspect the input more: the grid size is 101 wide and 103 tall. If we've moved vertically 103 times, then we've moved a multiple
+of 103 and are thus back at the start. The same logic applies for horizontal movement, but with 101 instead. This means a robot can, at most, be in
+101 * 103 unique positions, or 10,403, and because all robots are moved at the same time there will only ever be 10,403 unique states. This lets us
+fail fast while writing our code in case we messed something up.
+This is arbitrary and only really possible by print debugging your code, but here's my final code:
+extension (robots: List[Robot])
+ def findEasterEgg: Int =
+ (0 to (size.x * size.y)).find: i =>
+ val newRobots = robots.stepN(i)
+ newRobots.groupBy(_.pos.y).count(_._2.length >= 10) > 15 && newRobots.groupBy(_.pos.x).count(_._2.length >= 15) >= 3
+ .getOrElse(-1)
+We don't even need to check if the lines are contiguous - our test is strict enough with counting lines that it works regardless. Results may vary
+on your input. Here I test if there are more than 15 horizontal lines with a length of 10 or more, and that there are 3 or more vertical lines
+with length 15 or greater.
+Then let's hook it up to `part2`:
+def part2(input: String): Int = parse(input).findEasterEgg
+My Christmas tree looks like this:
+With this information of how this looks we could make a smarter `findEasterEgg` with the knowledge of the border. The border
+makes it much easier as we only have to check for 2 contiguous lines in each dimension.
+## Final Code
+case class Vec2i(x: Int, y: Int)
+val size = Vec2i(101, 103)
+extension (self: Int)
+ infix def rem(that: Int): Int =
+ val m = math.abs(self) % that
+ if self < 0 then
+ that - m
+ else
+ m
+case class Robot(pos: Vec2i, velocity: Vec2i)
+ def stepN(n: Int = 1): Robot =
+ copy(pos = pos.copy(x = (pos.x + n * velocity.x) rem size.x, y = (pos.y + n * velocity.y) rem size.y))
+def parse(str: String): List[Robot] =
+ str.linesIterator.map:
+ case s"p=$px,$py v=$vx,$vy" =>
+ Robot(Vec2i(px.toInt, py.toInt), Vec2i(vx.toInt, vy.toInt))
+ .toList
+extension (robots: List[Robot])
+ def stepN(n: Int = 1): List[Robot] = robots.map(_.stepN(n))
+ def safety: Int =
+ val middleX = size.x / 2
+ val middleY = size.y / 2
+ robots.groupBy: robot =>
+ (robot.pos.x.compareTo(middleX), robot.pos.y.compareTo(middleY)) match
+ case (0, _) | (_, 0) => -1
+ case ( 1, -1) => 0
+ case (-1, -1) => 1
+ case (-1, 1) => 2
+ case ( 1, 1) => 3
+ .removed(-1).values.map(_.length).product
+ def findEasterEgg: Int =
+ (0 to 10403).find: i =>
+ val newRobots = robots.stepN(i)
+ newRobots.groupBy(_.pos.y).count(_._2.length >= 10) > 15 && newRobots.groupBy(_.pos.x).count(_._2.length >= 15) >= 3
+ .getOrElse(-1)
+def part1(input: String): Int = parse(input).stepN(100).safety
+def part2(input: String): Int = parse(input).findEasterEgg
+## Run it in the browser
+### Part 1
+### Part 2
## Solutions from the community
- [Solution](https://github.com/nikiforo/aoc24/blob/main/src/main/scala/io/github/nikiforo/aoc24/D14T2.scala) by [Artem Nikiforov](https://github.com/nikiforo)
@@ -16,7 +320,6 @@ https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/14
- [Solution](https://github.com/spamegg1/aoc/blob/master/2024/14/14.scala#L165) by [Spamegg](https://github.com/spamegg1)
- [Solution](https://github.com/jnclt/adventofcode2024/blob/main/day14/restroom-redoubt.sc) by [jnclt](https://github.com/jnclt)
- [Solution](https://github.com/Philippus/adventofcode/blob/main/src/main/scala/adventofcode2024/Day14.scala) by [Philippus Baalman](https://github.com/philippus)
-- [Writeup](https://thedrawingcoder-gamer.github.io/aoc-writeups/2024/day14.html) by [Bulby](https://github.com/TheDrawingCoder-Gamer)
- [Solution](https://github.com/jportway/advent2024/blob/master/src/main/scala/Day14.scala) by [Joshua Portway](https://github.com/jportway)
- [Solution](https://github.com/AvaPL/Advent-of-Code-2024/tree/main/src/main/scala/day14) by [Paweł Cembaluk](https://github.com/AvaPL)
diff --git a/solver/src/main/scala/adventofcode/Solver.scala b/solver/src/main/scala/adventofcode/Solver.scala
index 2705c7a0e..2cdba0801 100644
--- a/solver/src/main/scala/adventofcode/Solver.scala
+++ b/solver/src/main/scala/adventofcode/Solver.scala
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ object Solver:
"day13-part1" -> day13.part1,
"day13-part2" -> day13.part2,
+ "day14-part1" -> day14.part1,
+ "day14-part2" -> day14.part2,
"day21-part1" -> day21.part1,
"day21-part2" -> day21.part2,
"day22-part1" -> day22.part1,