diff --git a/docs/2024/puzzles/day19.md b/docs/2024/puzzles/day19.md
index 5a7242562..f25b5478b 100644
--- a/docs/2024/puzzles/day19.md
+++ b/docs/2024/puzzles/day19.md
@@ -2,10 +2,197 @@ import Solver from "../../../../../website/src/components/Solver.js"
# Day 19: Linen Layout
+by [Paweł Cembaluk](https://github.com/AvaPL)
## Puzzle description
+## Solution summary
+The puzzle involves arranging towels to match specified patterns. Each towel has a predefined stripe sequence, and the
+task is to determine:
+- **Part 1**: How many patterns can be formed using the available towels?
+- **Part 2**: For each pattern, how many unique ways exist to form it using the towels?
+The solution leverages regular expressions to validate patterns in Part 1 and employs recursion with memoization for
+efficient counting in Part 2.
+## Part 1
+### Parsing the input
+The input consists of two sections:
+- **Towels**: A comma-separated list of towels (e.g., `r, wr, b, g`).
+- **Desired Patterns**: A list of patterns to match, each on a new line.
+To parse the input, we split it into two parts: towels and desired patterns. Towels are extracted as a comma-separated
+list, while patterns are read line by line after a blank line. We also introduce type aliases `Towel` and `Pattern` for
+clarity in representing these inputs.
+Here’s the code for parsing:
+```scala 3
+type Towel = String
+type Pattern = String
+def parse(input: String): (List[Towel], List[Pattern]) =
+ val Array(towelsString, patternsString) = input.split("\n\n")
+ val towels = towelsString.split(", ").toList
+ val patterns = patternsString.split("\n").toList
+ (towels, patterns)
+### Solution
+To determine if a pattern can be formed, we use a regular expression. While this could be done manually by checking
+combinations, the tools in the standard library make it exceptionally easy. The regex matches sequences formed by
+repeating any combination of the available towels:
+```scala 3
+def isPossible(towels: List[Towel])(pattern: Pattern): Boolean =
+ val regex = towels.mkString("^(", "|", ")*$").r
+ regex.matches(pattern)
+`towels.mkString("^(", "|", ")*$")` builds a regex like `^(r|wr|b|g)*$`. Here’s how it works:
+- `^`: Ensures the match starts at the beginning of the string.
+- `(` and `)`: Groups the towel patterns so they can be alternated.
+- `|`: Acts as a logical OR between different towels.
+- `*`: Matches zero or more repetitions of the group.
+- `$`: Ensures the match ends at the string’s end.
+This approach is simplified because we know the towels contain only letters. If the input could be any string, we would
+need to use `Regex.quote` to handle special characters properly.
+Finally, using the `isPossible` function, we filter and count the patterns that can be formed:
+```scala 3
+def part1(input: String): Int =
+ val (towels, patterns) = parse(input)
+ patterns.count(isPossible(towels))
+## Part 2
+To count all unique ways to form a pattern, we start with a base algorithm that recursively matches towels from the
+start of the pattern. For each match, we remove the matched part and solve for the remaining pattern. This ensures we
+explore all possible combinations of towels. Since the numbers involved can grow significantly, we use `Long` to handle
+the large values resulting from these calculations.
+Here’s the code for the base algorithm:
+```scala 3
+def countOptions(towels: List[Towel], pattern: Pattern): Long =
+ towels
+ .collect {
+ case towel if pattern.startsWith(towel) => // Match the towel at the beginning of the pattern
+ pattern.drop(towel.length) // Remove the matched towel
+ }
+ .map { remainingPattern =>
+ if (remainingPattern.isEmpty) 1 // The pattern is fully matched
+ else countOptions(towels, remainingPattern) // Recursively solve the remaining pattern
+ }
+ .sum // Sum the results for all possible towels
+That's not enough though. The above algorithm will repeatedly solve the same sub-patterns quite often, making it
+inefficient. To optimize it, we introduce memoization. Memoization stores results for previously solved sub-patterns,
+eliminating redundant computations. We also pass all the patterns to the function to fully utilize the memoization
+Here's the code with additional cache for already calculated sub-patterns:
+```scala 3
+def countOptions(towels: List[Towel], patterns: List[Pattern]): Long =
+ val cache = mutable.Map.empty[Pattern, Long]
+ def loop(pattern: Pattern): Long =
+ cache.getOrElseUpdate( // Get the result from the cache
+ pattern,
+ // Calculate the result if it's not in the cache
+ towels
+ .collect {
+ case towel if pattern.startsWith(towel) => // Match the towel at the beginning of the pattern
+ pattern.drop(towel.length) // Remove the matched towel
+ }
+ .map { remainingPattern =>
+ if (remainingPattern.isEmpty) 1 // The pattern is fully matched
+ else loop(remainingPattern) // Recursively solve the remaining pattern
+ }
+ .sum // Sum the results for all possible towels
+ )
+ patterns.map(loop).sum // Sum the results for all patterns
+Now, we just have to pass the input to the `countOptions` function to get the final result:
+```scala 3
+def part2(input: String): Long =
+ val (towels, patterns) = parse(input)
+ countOptions(towels, patterns)
+## Final code
+```scala 3
+type Towel = String
+type Pattern = String
+def parse(input: String): (List[Towel], List[Pattern]) =
+ val Array(towelsString, patternsString) = input.split("\n\n")
+ val towels = towelsString.split(", ").toList
+ val patterns = patternsString.split("\n").toList
+ (towels, patterns)
+def part1(input: String): Int =
+ val (towels, patterns) = parse(input)
+ val possiblePatterns = patterns.filter(isPossible(towels))
+ possiblePatterns.size
+def isPossible(towels: List[Towel])(pattern: Pattern): Boolean =
+ val regex = towels.mkString("^(", "|", ")*$").r
+ regex.matches(pattern)
+def part2(input: String): Long =
+ val (towels, patterns) = parse(input)
+ countOptions(towels, patterns)
+def countOptions(towels: List[Towel], patterns: List[Pattern]): Long =
+ val cache = mutable.Map.empty[Pattern, Long]
+ def loop(pattern: Pattern): Long =
+ cache.getOrElseUpdate(
+ pattern,
+ towels
+ .collect {
+ case towel if pattern.startsWith(towel) =>
+ pattern.drop(towel.length)
+ }
+ .map { remainingPattern =>
+ if (remainingPattern.isEmpty) 1
+ else loop(remainingPattern)
+ }
+ .sum
+ )
+ patterns.map(loop).sum
+## Run it in the browser
+### Part 1
+### Part 2
## Solutions from the community
- [Solution](https://github.com/nikiforo/aoc24/blob/main/src/main/scala/io/github/nikiforo/aoc24/D19T2.scala) by [Artem Nikiforov](https://github.com/nikiforo)
diff --git a/solutions b/solutions
index ff8014db4..3c45b7a5c 160000
--- a/solutions
+++ b/solutions
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit ff8014db46148c4f11aa5ee4d33dfbbc3ef27fcc
+Subproject commit 3c45b7a5c93f1fa683902a72d0e5779e3352af97
diff --git a/solver/src/main/scala/adventofcode/Solver.scala b/solver/src/main/scala/adventofcode/Solver.scala
index 2cdba0801..d29da132c 100644
--- a/solver/src/main/scala/adventofcode/Solver.scala
+++ b/solver/src/main/scala/adventofcode/Solver.scala
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ object Solver:
"day13-part1" -> day13.part1,
"day13-part2" -> day13.part2,
+ "day19-part1" -> day19.part1,
+ "day19-part2" -> day19.part2,
"day14-part1" -> day14.part1,
"day14-part2" -> day14.part2,
"day21-part1" -> day21.part1,