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715 lines (557 loc) · 15.3 KB

File metadata and controls

715 lines (557 loc) · 15.3 KB

Mojoc strictly follow this code style to ensure the C code readability and uniformity. This code style is important to understanding how Mojoc works.

Code Naming

Code Format


Basic Naming

The basic use CamelCased, this is BigCamelCased, this is smallCamelCased.

Variable Naming

  • The common variable use smallCamelCased.

    int               keyLength;
    int               valueTypeSize;
    SkeletonBone*     bone;
    SkeletonBoneData* boneData;
    Drawable*         drawable;
  • The const use smallCamelCased.

    static const char*  ids[AudioId_Length];
    static const char*  saveDataFileName = "MojocSaveDataFile";
    static const int    bezierSize       = (BEZIER_SEGMENTS + 1) * 2 - 1;
    static const float  subDivPre        = subDivStep3           / pre5;
  • The bool variable (including member variables) begin with prefix is, then the whole is smallCamelCased.

    SLboolean isLoopEnabled;
    bool      isFound;
    bool      isRemoved;
  • The singleton variable begin with prefix A, then the whole is BigCamelCased.

    extern struct AComponent   AComponent  [1];
    extern struct ADrawable    ADrawable   [1];
    extern struct AParticle    AParticle   [1];
    extern struct AApplication AApplication[1];
  • The variable of function get out argument begin with prefix out, then the whole is smallCamelCased.

    void (*OnSaveData)(void**   outSaveData,   int*         outLength);
    void (*Inverse)   (Matrix4* matrix4,       Matrix4*     outInverse);
    void Init         (int      valueTypeSize, ArrayIntMap* outArrayIntMap);
  • The variable of function pointer use BigCamelCased.

    typedef struct
        void (*OnPause)  (void);
        void (*OnResume) (void);
        void (*OnDestroy)(void);
    typedef float (*TweenActionValueOnGet)(void* target);
    typedef void  (*TweenActionValueOnSet)(void* target, float value);
    typedef struct
        TweenActionValueOnGet OnGet;
        TweenActionValueOnSet OnSet;

Abbreviated Naming

  • The abbreviated words use uppercase words or lowercase words.
    typedef struct
    RGB rgb;
    RGB myRGB;
    RGB rgbDatas[10];
    RGB myRGBData;
    void SetRGB    (RGB* rgb);
    void RGBSet    (RGB* rgb);
    void SetRGBData(RGB* rgb);

Goto Label Naming

  • The goto label tag use BigCamelCased. But goto label address use common variable rule.

    goto ParseArrayEnd;
    goto ParseObjectEnd;
    goto UseVBO;
    goto UseVAO;
    goto *coroutine->step;

Enum Naming

  • The enum use BigCamelCased, and must have prefix separated by _.

        CollisionGroup_HeroBody   = 1,
        CollisionGroup_HeroAttack = 1 << 1,
  • The typedef enum use BigCamelCased, and must have prefix separated by _.

    typedef enum
    typedef enum
        InputTouchType_Up     = 1,
        InputTouchType_Down   = 2,
        InputTouchType_Move   = 3,
        InputTouchType_Cancel = 4,

Function Naming

  • The global function and global inline function use BigCamelCased, and must have prefix separated by _.

    extern void         Application_Main        (void);
    static inline void  AApplication_AppendChild(Component* child);
    static inline float AGLTool_ToGLWidth       (float      screenWidth);
    static inline float AMath_Random            (void);
  • The local function and local inline function use BigCamelCased;

    static void         LoadingRun    (Coroutine* coroutine);
    static inline float GetWorldScaleY(Drawable*  drawable);
  • The typedef function use BigCamelCased, and must have prefix.

    typedef float (*TweenActionValueOnGet)(void*      target);
    typedef void  (*TweenActionValueOnSet)(void*      target, float value);
    typedef void  (*CoroutineRun)         (Coroutine* coroutine);
  • The function operation may not succeed, begin with prefix Try, then the whole is BigCamelCased.

    void* (*TryPut)   (ArrayIntMap* arrayIntMap, intptr_t key, void* valuePtr);
    bool  (*TryRemove)(ArrayIntMap* arrayIntMap, intptr_t key);
  • The function return boolean which is operation purpose, begin with prefix Is or Test or Check , then the whole is BigCamelCased.

    bool (*IsContains)         (ArrayIntSet*  arrayIntSet, intptr_t element);
    bool (*TestPolygonPoint)   (Array(float)* vertexArr,   float x, float y);
    bool ADrawable_CheckVisible(Drawable*     drawable);
  • The function begin with prefix Release, means free the struct members memory, after then the pointer needs to be freed manually.

    void (*Release)    (Mesh* mesh);
    void (*ReleaseQuad)(DrawAtlas* drawAtlas, SubMesh* subMesh);
  • The function begin with the prefix Destroy, means free the struct members and self memory, after then the pointer cannot be used.

    void (*Destroy)(void);
    void (*Destroy)(Texture* texture);
  • The function begin with prefix Create, means return the malloc pointer, so use Release and free or Destroy for delete.

    ArrayList* (*Create)            (int elementTypeSize);
    ArrayList* (*CreateWithSize)    (int elementTypeSize, int size);
    ArrayList* (*CreateWithCapacity)(int elementTypeSize, int capacity);
  • The function begin with prefix Init, means the pointer members memory on stack, so use Release or Destroy for delete memory.

    void (*Init)            (int elementTypeSize, ArrayList*               outArrayList);
    void (*InitWithSize)    (int elementTypeSize, int size,     ArrayList* outArrayList);
    void (*InitWithCapacity)(int elementTypeSize, int capacity, ArrayList* outArrayList);
  • The function if no args then type void arg.

    Drawable*          (*Create)      (void);
    int                (*GetDrawCalls)(void);
    struct ATweenTool* (*AddAction)   (void);
  • The function have suffix Impl, means the function must be implemented in .c file.

    extern void Application_MainImpl(void);
    struct ATweenActionValueGetSetImpl
        TweenActionValueGetSet moveX  [1];
        TweenActionValueGetSet moveY  [1];
        TweenActionValueGetSet scaleX [1];
        TweenActionValueGetSet scaleY [1];
        TweenActionValueGetSet rotateZ[1];
        TweenActionValueGetSet fadeTo [1];
    extern struct ATweenActionValueGetSetImpl ATweenActionValueGetSetImpl[1];

Struct Naming

  • The struct (union) or typedef struct (union), use BigCamelCased.

Macro Naming

  • The head define macro, use uppercase words separated by _ and have suffix H.

    #ifndef STYLE_GUIDE_H
    #define STYLE_GUIDE_H
  • The macro without parameters, use uppercase words separated by _.

    #define MATH_PI  3.141592653589793
    #define MATH_2PI 6.283185307179586
    #define MATH_PI2 1.570796326794897
  • The macro with parameters, use BigCamelCased, and must have prefix separated by _.

    #define AMath_Min(x, y) 
    #define AStruct_GetParent2(memberPtr, structType)
    #define ACoroutine_YieldFrames(waitFrames)
  • The local macro in .c file, use BigCamelCased, no prefix required, and must #undef in same .c file.

    #define CheckIndex(tag, index)
    #define CheckCallback(callback)
    #define CheckFingerId(tag, fingerId)
    #undef CheckIndex
    #undef CheckCallback
    #undef CheckFingerId
  • The macro type parameter must have suffix Type.

    #define ArrayList(ElementType)
    #define AArrayIntSet_Init(ElementType, increase)
    #define AArrayList_Pop(arrayList, ElementType)

Array Naming

  • Array as parameter, use [] form, not * form.

    void (*SetTimeToBuff)(char        buff  [], int seconds);
    int  (*BinarySearch) (const float values[], int valuesLength, float target);
  • Array as parameter, use [length] form, if the length is clear.

    void (*GetLanguageCode)(char outLanguageCode[2]);
  • Array variable use [length] form, if the length is clear.

    extern struct AMesh AMesh[1];
    struct AGLInfo
        GLfloat pointSizeRange[2];
        GLfloat lineWidthRange[2];
    ArrayIntSet set[1] = AArrayIntSet_Init(ElementType, increase);
  • Array composite literal use [length] form, if the length is clear.

    #define AColor_Make(r, g, b, a) (Color[1])   {{r, g, b, a }}
    #define AMatrix_Make(...)       (Matrix4[1]) {{__VA_ARGS__}}
    InitSprite(outSprite, texture, (Array(Quad)[1]) {quad, 1}); 

Others Naming

  • The following cases use BigCamelCased.
    • File Name
    • Folder Name
    • Resource Name

Basic Format

  • Use 4 spaces key indent, not tab key.
  • One line 120 chars.
  • The pointer * on type name side.
    int*  p1;
    int** p2 = &p1;
    void* Function(char* str);
  • In code block try vertical alignment.
    See all the examples above.

Space Format

  • The operator at least one space on both sides.

    vertexX + (y - vertexY) / (preY - vertexY) * (preX - vertexX)
  • The if, while, for, switch, must have {}, and one space with ().

    if (...)
    while (...)
    for (...)
    switch (...)

Indent Format

  • The case 4 spaces indent, and the break 4 spaces indent in switch case.

    switch (...)
        case 0:
        case 1:
  • The goto label indent with the current line.

    static void Function()
         goto Label:
         int a;
         int b;
         int c;
  • The conditional compile, indent with the current line.

    typedef struct
         Sprite       sprite[1];
         PhysicsBody* body;
         Enemy*       enemy;
         ArrowHitType hitType;
         #ifdef APP_DEBUG
         Drawable     debugDrawable[1];
    void Function()
        int a;
        #ifdef APP_DEBUG
        int b;
    #ifdef APP_DEBUG
    Drawable debugDrawable[1];

Parentheses Format

  • The {} and {{}} vertical alignment or on the same line.

    }  // vertical alignment
    }} // vertical alignment 
    {...} // same line
    {{...}} // same line
  • The {{}} used for array init.

    struct AGameMap AGameMap[1] =
        .Init      = Init,
        .Run       = Run,
        .RandomMap = RandomMap,
    Vector3 vector[1] =
    #define AMatrix_Make(...) (Matrix4[1]) {{__VA_ARGS__}}
  • The () if need to wrap, then vertical alignment.

            deformTimeline->frameArr->length - 1,
    static void ReadAnimationDeform
        SkeletonData*          skeletonData,
        JsonObject*            jsonDeform,
        SkeletonAnimationData* animationData,
        ArrayList*             skeletonTimelineArr

Lines Format

  • Empty two lines around functions.

    static int a = 100;
    static void Function1()
    static inline void Function2()
    struct A
  • Empty two lines between different contents.

    #include "AAA.h"
    #include "BBB.h"
    typedef float (*Function1)(void* target);
    typedef float (*Function2)();
    struct A
    struct B
    extern struct B B[1];

Code Comment

  • Outside function body use /***/.

     * Comment struct
    struct A
         * Comment property
        int a;
         * Comment function
        void (*Function)();
  • In function body use //.

    void Function()
      // comment in function body.
  • Comment block or multiline code.

    /* This is means comment block or multiline code. */
    This is means comment block or multiline code. 
  • Use comment line to separate different logical related contents.

    void Function1();
    void Function2();
    void Function3()
        int a;
        int b;
  • Use comment line to mark macros #ifdef Platform_X or multiple #endif.

    #ifndef PLATFORM_H
    #define PLATFORM_H
    // platform codes.
    #endif // PLATFORM_H

Other Rules

  • The parameter macro, used only when inline function not working.

    • such as shortcut parameters of function call.

       * Shortcut of AArrayList->GetAdd.
       * return element.
       #define AArrayList_GetAdd(arrayList, ElementType) \ 
       (*(ElementType*) AArrayList->GetAdd(arrayList))
    • such as macro specific functionality.

      #define CheckIndex(tag, index)                                      \
      ALog_A                                                              \
      (                                                                   \
          ((index) < arrayList->size && (index) >= 0),                    \
          "AArrayList " tag " failed index error, index = %d, size = %d", \
          index,                                                          \
          arrayList->size                                                 \
    • such as generic parameter.

       * Marked ArrayList element type.
       * ElementType: element data type
      #define ArrayList(ElementType) ArrayList
    • such as varargs.

      #define ALog_A(e, ...) e ? (void) 0 : ALog_E(__VA_ARGS__),  assert(e);
  • Do not use number as boolean value.

  • The coefficient number uses int unless it is a float.

    float f1 = sprite->width / 2;
    float f2 = sprite->width / 2.5f;
  • Use ++i whenever possible.

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
  • Assignment appears in the if or while statement, adding brackets.

    int intVal;
    if ((intVal = GetInt())) 
        int tmp = intVal * 100;
    int intVal1;
    int intVal2 = GetInt();
    while ((intVal1 = intVal2)) 
        int tmp = intVal1 * 100;
  • The const variable cannot be modified.

  • Use enum instead of macro #define whenever possible.

  • Use a monospaced font.

😈 Follow the Style, Feel the Power !