All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
3.0.0 (2024-11-25)
- chore!: set license to BSD-3-Clause (9e84194)
- The license for this project has changed to BSD-3-Clause
2.0.0 (2024-11-25)
- chore!: set license to AGPL-3.0-only (b1ccfa9)
- This project is now licensed under the AGPL version 3.0
1.0.16 (2024-09-11)
- try to store npm tarball in /tmp dir named with git hash (76d5a20)
1.0.15 (2024-09-10)
- work around semantic-release/npm plugin prepack issue (a5d298d)
1.0.14 (2024-02-23)
- add Scratch to npm keywords (f39e937)
1.0.13 (2024-02-22)
- deps: update dependency eslint-config-scratch to v9.0.6 (4040a3b)
1.0.12 (2024-02-22)
- deps: update dependency eslint-config-scratch to v9.0.5 (a5612d6)
1.0.11 (2024-02-21)
- deps: update dependency eslint-config-scratch to v9.0.4 (4eb6ffd)
1.0.10 (2024-02-21)
- Revert "chore(deps): use js-lib-bundled Renovate config" (76c051a)
1.0.9 (2024-02-21)
- bump version to sync with npm registry (96c98fe)
1.0.8 (2023-07-01)
- deps: update dependency @semantic-release/github to v8.1.0 (5844f05)
1.0.7 (2023-03-27)
- deps: update dependency @semantic-release/changelog to v6.0.3 (6341b1d)
1.0.6 (2023-03-22)
- deps: update semantic-release monorepo (e12550b)
1.0.5 (2022-10-03)
- release: limit release git commit message to 32k (7d40354)
1.0.4 (2022-08-31)
- release: run npm plugin before git so new package.json version gets committed (a994008)
1.0.3 (2022-08-26)
- commitlint: tell commitlint to ignore release commits (e254188)
1.0.2 (2022-05-21)
- ci: fix release config by moving branches setting (d001e99)