Home -Blog (whatever pyladies, python, tech, women, etc.) -Talks/Tutorials (workshop notes and handouts; member-created tutorials; lightening talk materials) -Glossary (annotated resource list) -Members (member profiles) -About (pyladies pdx; how to get involved) -Contact (irc; google group; github; twitter; meetup, etc.)
- Finish designing layout (see pictures in Issues tab above under "Design"); wireframes and colors
- Finalize lists of categories and tags to choose from (to keep site size and organization under control); pick icons for categories
- Write the code to handle categories (see tags files for guidance)
- Finish the templating for each of the pages listed above
- Write markdown templates for blog posts, profiles, talks/tutorials; glossary entries (ie, copy/paste templates for contributors)
- RSS page; 404 page; Archive page templates
- site integrations: meetup, twitter, instagram, instapaper...whatever people think we should use for social
- Color scheme and image assets!! CSS!!
- any javascript/jquery scripting for UI, apis, etc
- solicit profiles from individual PyLadies
- migrate resources from Meetup
- add in blog posts that have previously been published to pyladies.com
- calendar of events with iCal/google cal integration
- make site responsive