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Bluetooth - AI/ML Hand Signal Recognition


This application uses TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers to run image classification machine learning models to detect the hand gestures from image data recorded from a Far Infrared Sensor. The detection is visualized using the OLED and the classification results are written to the VCOM serial port. Additionally, the classification results are transmitted to a connected Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) client.

The hand gestures:

  • Nothing
  • Thumbs Up
  • Thumbs Down

Gecko SDK Suite version

Hardware Required

NOTE: Tested boards for working with this example:

Board ID Description
BRD2703A EFR32xG24 Explorer Kit - XG24-EK2703A
BRD2704A SparkFun Thing Plus Matter - MGM240P - BRD2704A
BRD2601B EFR32xG24 Dev Kit - xG24-DK2601B

Connections Required

The following picture shows how the system works.


Listed below are the port and pin mappings for working with this example.

  • Board: BRD2704A - Sparkfun Thing Plus Matter - MGM240P

    Qwiic Pin Connection Pin function
    SCL PB03 I2C Clock
    SDA PB04 I2C Data
  • Board: BRD2703A - EFR32xG24 Explorer Kit - XG24

    Qwiic Pin Connection Pin function
    SCL PC04 I2C Clock
    SDA PC05 I2C Data
  • Board: BRD2601B - EFR32xG24 Dev Kit - xG24

    Qwiic Pin Connection Pin function
    SCL PC04 I2C Clock
    SDA PC05 I2C Data


To test this application, you can either create a project based on an example project or start with a "Bluetooth - SoC Empty" project based on your hardware.


Create a project based on an example project

  1. From the Launcher Home, add your hardware to My Products, click on it, and click on the EXAMPLE PROJECTS & DEMOS tab. Find the example project with filter "hand signal".

  2. Click Create button on the Bluetooth - AI/ML Hand Signal Recognition (MLX90640) example. Example project creation dialog pops up -> click Create and Finish and Project should be generated. board

  3. Build and flash this example to the board.

Start with a "Bluetooth - SoC Empty" project

  1. Create a Bluetooth - SoC Empty project for your hardware using Simplicity Studio 5.

  2. Copy all attached files in inc and src folders into the project root folder (overwriting existing).

  3. Load the model file into the project:

    Create a tflite directory inside the config directory of the project and then copy the config/tflite/thumbs_up_and_down.tflite model file into it. The project configurator provides a tool that will automatically convert .tflite files into sl_tflite_micro_model source and header files.

  4. Import the GATT configuration:

    • Open the .slcp file in the project.

    • Select the CONFIGURATION TOOLS tab and open the Bluetooth GATT Configurator.

    • Find the Import button and import the attached config/btconf/gatt_configuration.btconf file.

    • Save the GATT configuration (ctrl-s).

  5. Open the .slcp file. Select the SOFTWARE COMPONENTS tab and install the software components:

    • [Services] → [IO Stream] → [IO Stream: EUSART] → default instance name: vcom

    • [Application] → [Utility] → [Log]

    • [Third Party] → [Tiny Printf]

    • [Platform] → [Driver] → [LED] → [Simple LED] → default instance name: led0.

    • [Platform] → [Driver] → [I2C] → [I2CSPM] → instance name: qwiic. Configure this instance to suit your hardware.

    • [Machine Learning] → [Kernels] → [TensorFlow Lite Micro] → Configure this component to use 9000 Tensor Arena Size.


    • [Platform] → [Toolchain] → [Memory configuration] → Set this component to use 10240 Stack size and 12288 Heap size.


    • [Third Party Hardware Drivers] → [Display & LED] → [SSD1306 - Micro OLED Breakout (Sparkfun) - I2C] → use default configuration


    • [Third Party Hardware Drivers] → [Service] → [GLIB - OLED Graphics Library]

    • [Third Party Hardware Drivers] → [Sensors] → [MLX90640 - IR Array Breakout (Sparkfun)]

  6. Build and flash the project to your device.


  • Do not forget to flash a bootloader to your board, see Bootloader for more information.

Hand Signal Model

Model overview

Before continuing with this project, it is recommended to review the MLTK Overview, which provides an overview of the core concepts used by this project.

Image classification is one of the most important applications of deep learning and Artificial Intelligence. Image classification refers to assigning labels to images based on certain characteristics or features present in them. The algorithm identifies these features and uses them to differentiate between different images and assign labels to them [1].

In this project, we have a dataset with three different image types:

  • Thumbs up - Images of a person's hand making a "like" gesture
  • Thumbs down - Images of a person's hand making a "dislike" gesture
  • Nothing - Random images not containing any of the above

We assign an ID, a.k.a. label, 0-2, to each of these classes.
We then "train" a machine learning model so that when we input an image from one of the classes is given to the model, the model's output is the corresponding class ID. In this way, at runtime on the embedded device when the camera captures an image of a person's hand, the ML model predicts its corresponding class ID which the firmware application uses accordingly. i.e.

model overview

Dataset Model

The most important part of a machine learning model is the dataset that was used to train the model.

Class: Thumbs up

thumbs up

Class: Thumbs down

thumbs up

Class: Nothing

thumbs up

Model Input

The model input should have the shape: <image height> x <image width> x <image channels>

  • <image height>: 24
  • <image width>: 32
  • <image channels>: 1

The datatype should be float32.

Model Input Normalization

The application supports "normalizing" the input.

If the samplewise_norm.rescale model parameter is given, then each element in the image is multiplied by this scaling factor, i.e.:

model_input_tensor = img * samplewise_norm.rescale

If the samplewise_norm.mean_and_std model parameter is given, then each element in the image is centered about its mean and scaled by its standard deviation, i.e.:

model_input_tensor = (img  - mean(img)) / std(img)

In both these cases, the model input data type must be float32.

Model Output

The model output should have the shape 1 x <number of classes>
where <number of classes> should be the number of classes that the model can detect.

The datatype should be uint8:

  • 0: Nothing

  • 1: Thumbs up

  • 2: Thumbs down

Model Evaluation

Name: thumbs_up_and_down
Model Type: classification
Overall accuracy: 98.795%
Class accuracies:
- thumbs_up = 99.682%
- thumbs_down = 98.457%
- nothing = 98.446%
Average ROC AUC: 99.472%
Class ROC AUC:
- thumbs_up = 99.996%
- nothing = 99.246%
- thumbs_down = 99.174%

Model Evaluation Model Evaluation Model Evaluation Model Evaluation Model Evaluation

How It Works


Watch the video

System Overview Diagram

system overview

Application Workflows

Startup and initialization


Application event loop


User Configuration

// These are parameters that are optionally embedded
// into the .tflite model file
typedef struct AppSettings
  // norm_img = img * rescale
  float samplewise_norm_rescale;
  // norm_img = (img - mean(img)) / std(img)
  bool samplewise_norm_mean_and_std;
  // enable verbose inference logging
  bool verbose_inference_output;
  // Drop all inference results older than this value
  uint32_t average_window_duration_ms;
  // The minimum number of inference results to average
  uint32_t minimum_count;
  // Minimum averaged model output threshold for a class
  // to be considered detected, 0-255; 255 = highest confidence
  uint8_t detection_threshold;
  // The number of samples that are different than the last detected sample
  // for a new detection to occur
  uint32_t suppression_count;
  // This the amount of time in milliseconds between inference
  uint32_t inference_time;
} app_settings_t;



Note: score is the probability score of the detected gesture as a uint8 (i.e. 255 = highest confidence that the correct gesture was detected)


  • Device Name: Hand Signal Recognition

  • Service: Hand signal with UUID: b1448626-7e61-40a5-8ac7-aabae70f3b2a

Which has one characteristic with the properties: Read and Notify. The contents of this characteristic are two bytes with the format:

<detect_class_id> <score>


  • detect_class_id - Is the class ID of the detected gesture (0 - Nothing, 1 - Thumbs up, 2 - Thumbs down)

  • score - Is the probability score of the detected gesture as a uint8 (i.e. 255 = highest confidence that the correct gesture was detected)


Upon reset, the application will display the Silicon Labs's logo on the OLED screen for a few seconds. Then you can bring your hand close to the camera and make thumbs up or down. The classification results will be displayed on the OLED screen.

Follow the below steps to test the example with the EFR Connect application:

  1. Open the EFR Connect application on your iOS/Android device.

  2. Find your device in the Bluetooth Browser, advertising as Air Quality, and tap Connect. Then you need accept the pairing request when connected for the first time.

  3. Find the unknown service at the above of OTA service.

  4. Try to read, subscribe to the characteristic, and check the value.

    efr app

  5. You can launch the Console that is integrated into Simplicity Studio or can use a third-party terminal tool like TeraTerm to receive the data from the virtual COM port. Use the following UART settings: baud rate 115200, 8N1, no flow control. You should expect a similar output to the one below.
