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Kovalan R edited this page Oct 26, 2020 · 11 revisions

1) What are the credentials for Homer dashboard login?

  Username: admin
 Password: sipcapture

2) how do I upgrade the UI changes alone without affecting the homer-app core functionalities?

   Homer-App UI is driven by the dist folder in the source code. to upgrade the UI part we can take the release version that we want and replace the dist folder with homer-ui-<version>.tar.gz dist folder and files

3) How data retention policy is taken care of within Homer setup - PostgreSQL Data?#

  Currently, this is controlled from Heplify-server **DBDropDays = 14**. We maintain 2 weeks of data. The rest of the data will be purged automatically.
  ### File: heplify-server.toml

4) Can we set a retention policy for different types of data? say calls 14 days and Registration 4 days?

  Yes, The same can be achieved via Heplify-server config. Below are the params for the same which we need to change in the below-mentioned file.

  `DBDropDaysCall = 14`
  `DBDropDaysRegister = 4`

 ### File: heplify-server.toml