old content here no longer needed
We hope to provide several documents, available as .jl (Pluto format) with PDF/HTML. Movies could be made too (but take a lot of time).
- Introduction to Julia for CATAM DONE
- Conversion of 1A code NEEDS examples in Pluto
- Conversion of 1B Numerical analysis UNDERWAY (3rd example)?
- 1B model code for root-finding UNDERWAY @jmb280cam
- Case studies (see next section) to demonstrate different aspects of Julia
- Logistic equation (for the introduction)
- SIR model for disease spread
- Four colour map theorem
- Finding prime numbers (Done)
- Matters of efficiency (Gokul mentions maths macros
and column-major arrays in particular) (Done) - Advantages of macros
- Voronoi diagrams (Done)
- Examples from John Hinch's new book on fluid dynamics? code
- Game of life
- Automatic differentiation --> neural networks (gradient descent) starting point
- Something to read in large CSV data files/process/summarise / data analysis
- Numerical optimisation?
- Turing patterns -- following tutorial by Miura and Maini
- Mandlebrot/Julia fractals
- Statistics of card shuffles (Done)
- RSA/Diffie-Hellman Encryption
- Different approaches to approximate pi or e (monte carlo, series, continued fractions, etc.)
- Perlin noise generation
- Enumeration of Polyominoes
- Finite projective geometry
- A mention of type stability (link from Gokul https://www.juliabloggers.com/writing-type-stable-julia-code/)