See example.R
for documentation, and example video.
This version uses websockets to communicate directly between Emacs and the httpgd() device. This is efficient, as httpgd() notifies Emacs when a new plot is made, rather than needing to poll every 2 seconds.
(This version requires the R session is running locally. If you are using ESS and Tramp to run a remote R session, this is highly unlikely to work. For remote usage, something similar to version 1 of the code is probably going to be required.)
- [ ] Close the essgd window when the R session closes, or if the httgpd() device is closed.
- [ ] Investigate window layouts so that manual placement of windows not required.
- [ ] Provide an interface from essgd for deleting plots (or clearing them all).
- [ ] Provide easy ways of downloading current plot as e.g. pdf or svg.