Add your language in Admin -> Locales and go to Admin -> Translations -> Other translations to translate admin panel to your language.
Set default language for admin panel in Admin -> Settings -> General.
- Add below code to your themes /functions/functions.php
'post-format-key' => [
'key' => 'post-format-key',
'name' => 'Post Format Name',
You can use Theme::set()
and Theme::get()
for partials views (using Theme::partial('...')
In public/themes/ripple/views/post.blade.php
you can add bellow code to share $post
Theme::set('current_post', $post);
And if you want to use it in public/themes/ripple/partials/header.blade.php
$current_post = Theme::get('current_post');
You can pass data like normal if you're using @include.
@include('theme.ripple::partials.header', ['current_post' => $post])
There're 2 ways to do that.
Add to /platform/themes/your-theme/functions/functions.php
add_action(BASE_ACTION_PUBLIC_RENDER_SINGLE, 'custom_breadcrumbs', 10, 2);
function custom_breadcrumbs(string $screen, $post) {
if ($screen == POST_MODULE_SCREEN_NAME) {
Theme::breadcrumb()->crumbs = [];
$breadcrumb = Theme::breadcrumb()->add(__('Home'), url('/'));
$category = $post->categories()->first();
$breadcrumb->add($category->name, $category->url);
Theme::breadcrumb()->add($post->name, $post->url);
Add to /platform/themes/your-theme/functions/functions.php
\Event::listen(\Botble\Theme\Events\RenderingSingleEvent::class, function (\Botble\Theme\Events\RenderingSingleEvent $event) {
if ($event->slug->reference_type == \Botble\Blog\Models\Post::class) {
$post = $event->slug->reference()->with('categories')->first();
\Theme::breadcrumb()->crumbs = [];
$breadcrumb = \Theme::breadcrumb()->add(__('Home'), url('/'));
$category = $post->categories->first();
$breadcrumb->add($category->name, $category->url);
\Theme::breadcrumb()->add($post->name, $post->url);