'locations' => [
'header-menu' => 'Header Navigation',
'main-menu' => 'Main Navigation',
'footer-menu' => 'Footer Navigation',
Menu::renderMenuLocation('main-menu', [
'options' => [],
'theme' => true,
is the menu location key
'options' is attributes of ul
tag. Ex: 'options' => ['id' => 'menu-header-main-menu', 'class' => 'menu']
Menu::addMenuLocation('menu-location-key', 'Description here');
To customize view to display menu. You can create a file in /public/themes/your-theme/partials
Ex: /platform/themes/your-theme/partials/custom-menu.blade.php
<ul {!! $options !!}>
@foreach ($menu_nodes as $key => $row)
<li class="{{ $row->css_class }} @if ($row->url == Request::url()) current @endif">
<a href="{{ $row->url }}" target="{{ $row->target }}">
<i class='{{ trim($row->icon_font) }}'></i> <span>{{ $row->name }}</span>
@if ($row->has_child)
{!! Menu::generateMenu([
'slug' => $menu->slug,
'parent_id' => $row->id
]) !!}
Default code to display menu is located in core/menu/resources/views/partials/default.blade.php
And to show menu with custom view, using below code:
Menu::renderMenuLocation('main-menu', [
'options' => [],
'theme' => true,
'view' => 'custom-menu',
Menu in the location 'main-menu' will be generated using custom view
in /platform/themes/your-theme/partials/custom-menu.blade.php