From bbba403f685f2256f8c9066267a1439548305aa2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: smruthig <> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 21:54:27 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Added code files --- .../Global Binary Measures.ipynb | 1 + .../Global Weighted Measures.ipynb | 1 + .../Local Binary Measures.ipynb | 1 + .../Local Weighted Measures.ipynb | 1 + .../XGB for threshold comparison.ipynb | 1 + ...Data Augmentation Distribution sampling.ipynb | 1 + .../All ML Models 10 fold CV.ipynb | 1 + .../DGCNN model 10 Fold CV.ipynb | 1 + Code/5. Graph Neural Network/DGCNN model.ipynb | 1 + .../DGCNN with node2vec.ipynb | 1 + .../GCN model 10 fold CV.ipynb | 1 + .../RLF feature selection.ipynb | 1 + Code/6. Biomarker Detection/SpeCo.ipynb | 1 + Code/ | Bin 0 -> 8702 bytes 14 files changed, 13 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Code/1. Feature Generation/Global Binary Measures.ipynb create mode 100644 Code/1. Feature Generation/Global Weighted Measures.ipynb create mode 100644 Code/1. Feature Generation/Local Binary Measures.ipynb create mode 100644 Code/1. Feature Generation/Local Weighted Measures.ipynb create mode 100644 Code/2. Threshold Comparison/XGB for threshold comparison.ipynb create mode 100644 Code/3. Data Augmentation/Data Augmentation Distribution sampling.ipynb create mode 100644 Code/4. Machine Learning/All ML Models 10 fold CV.ipynb create mode 100644 Code/5. Graph Neural Network/DGCNN model 10 Fold CV.ipynb create mode 100644 Code/5. Graph Neural Network/DGCNN model.ipynb create mode 100644 Code/5. Graph Neural Network/DGCNN with node2vec.ipynb create mode 100644 Code/5. Graph Neural Network/GCN model 10 fold CV.ipynb create mode 100644 Code/6. Biomarker Detection/RLF feature selection.ipynb create mode 100644 Code/6. Biomarker Detection/SpeCo.ipynb create mode 100644 Code/ diff --git a/Code/1. Feature Generation/Global Binary Measures.ipynb b/Code/1. Feature Generation/Global Binary Measures.ipynb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76e9d68 --- /dev/null +++ b/Code/1. Feature Generation/Global Binary Measures.ipynb @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"cells":[{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"U7XnRxphhudt"},"source":["# IMPORT STATEMENTS"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"colab":{"background_save":true},"id":"OXjAAcZCdaPk"},"outputs":[],"source":["import pandas as pd\n","import numpy as np\n","import networkx as nx\n","import os\n","import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n","import graphviz\n","from operator import itemgetter\n","from networkx.algorithms import approximation as approx\n","from networkx.algorithms import bipartite"]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"X7tW3FIbhzX2"},"source":["# DATA LOADING"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"p-8aq6oLe0wn"},"outputs":[],"source":["from google.colab import drive\n","drive.mount('/content/drive')"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"iO66ONDNSSYn"},"outputs":[],"source":["# Labels\n","combined_phenotype= '/content/drive/MyDrive/SUPPLEMENTARY CODE/Data/Metadata/phenotypic_data.csv'\n","labels_mappings= pd.read_csv(combined_phenotype)\n","labels_mappings"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"hontMDXXfRB-"},"outputs":[],"source":["ub = '/content/drive/MyDrive/SUPPLEMENTARY CODE/Data/Preprocessed Data/UCLA Binary 0_2'\n","uw = '/content/drive/MyDrive/SUPPLEMENTARY CODE/Data/Preprocessed Data/UCLA Weighted v2'"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"euDWtNH76rjP"},"outputs":[],"source":["# Add the directories as per requirement\n","dirs = [ub]\n","\n","graphs = list()\n","labels = list()\n","\n","for dir in dirs:\n"," for file in os.listdir(dir):\n"," if file.endswith(\".csv\"):\n"," if (dir == ub):\n"," subject = file[12:16]\n"," elif (dir == uw):\n"," subject = file[14:18]\n"," else:\n"," print(\"If you are using a statically binarized folder:\")\n"," print(\"Add a condition along with cb condition for COBRE and ub condition for UCLA\")\n"," print(\"Example: elif (dir == ub) becomes elif (dir == ub) or (dir == ub0_3)\")\n"," exit(0)\n","\n"," # APPENDING LABEL\n"," mask = labels_mappings['Subject'] == int(subject)\n"," labels.append((labels_mappings[mask]['Label'].values[0], int(subject)))\n","\n"," # APPENDING CORRESPONDING GRAPH - may change based on implementation\n"," df = pd.read_csv(dir+file, header=None)\n"," G = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(df)\n"," graphs.append(G) "]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"fPgrpAooqz_B"},"source":["# INDIVIDUAL SUBJECT EXPLORATION"]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"5SppRteFh3rc"},"source":["## Basic information about the graph"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"b1877Uy4fWwg"},"outputs":[],"source":["G = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(df)"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"kXriVxTYfd4O"},"outputs":[],"source":["print(\"Number of nodes in the graph:\", len(G.nodes()))\n","print(\"Nodes:\", G.nodes())\n","print()\n","print(\"Number of edges in the graph:\", len(G.edges()))\n","print(\"Edges:\", G.edges(data=True))"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"e3ssXGpBfhqH"},"outputs":[],"source":["plt.figure(3,figsize=(20,12)) \n","nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, node_size=700, font_size=8)\n",""]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"jkXTkpjEib0a"},"source":["## Global measures"]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"wVoCoCtG0Qn3"},"source":["### Chain decomposition"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"jnOHS4dhzkzX"},"outputs":[],"source":["ch = nx.chain_decomposition(G)\n","ch = list(ch)\n","ch"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"2jWadMn-5ZRs"},"outputs":[],"source":["reachable = {}\n","for l in ch:\n"," for t in l:\n"," s=t[0]\n"," d=t[1]\n"," if s not in reachable:\n"," reachable[s]=[d]\n"," else:\n"," reachable[s].append(d)\n","\n"," if d not in reachable:\n"," reachable[d]=[s]\n"," else:\n"," reachable[d].append(s)\n","\n","max_l = 0\n","highest = -1\n","for i in sorted (reachable) :\n"," print ((i, reachable[i]), end =\" \")\n"," if len(reachable[i])>max_l:\n"," max_l = len(reachable[i])\n"," highest = i\n"," print()\n","\n","print(\"Most connected node: \", highest, \" connected to \", max_l,\" nodes\")"]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"9IQSFgfi3lcv"},"source":["# Utility function (for measures' calculations)"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"id":"FOV_iP2L3nh9"},"outputs":[],"source":["class global_measures_binary:\n","\n"," def __init__(self, subject_no, schiz, G, df):\n"," self.G = G\n"," self.subject = subject_no\n"," if schiz:\n"," self.schiz = 'Schizophrenic'\n"," else:\n"," self.schiz = 'Control'\n"," self.df = df\n","[self.subject, \"Subject\"] = self.subject\n","[self.subject, \"Schizophrenic\"] = int(schiz)\n"," \n"," print('\\n\\nSUBJECT NUMBER: ',self.subject)\n"," \n"," self.approx_node_connectivity()\n"," self.approx_max_independent_sets()\n"," self.approx_max_clique()\n"," self.approx_clique_removal()\n"," self.approx_large_clique_size()\n"," self.approx_avg_clustering()\n"," self.approx_diameter()\n"," self.approx_min_edge_dominating_set()\n"," self.approx_min_wt_dominatind_set()\n"," self.approx_maximal_matching()\n"," self.approx_ramsay()\n"," self.approx_tsp()\n"," self.approx_treewidth_min_degree()\n"," self.approx_treewidth_min_fill_in()\n"," self.approx_min_wt_vertex_cover()\n"," self.approx_randomised_partitioning()\n"," self.approx_one_exchange()\n"," self.assortativity()\n"," self.avg_shortest_path_length()\n"," self.asteroidal_triplet()\n"," self.bridges()\n"," self.local_bridges()\n"," self.colouring()\n"," self.avg_degree()\n"," self.global_clustering()\n"," self.edges()\n"," self.chordal()\n"," self.cliques()\n"," self.num_of_isolates()\n"," self.non_randomness()\n"," self.transitivity()\n"," self.connected_components()\n"," self.diameter()\n"," self.k_edge_connected(1)\n"," self.k_edge_connected(2)\n"," self.k_edge_connected(3)\n","\n"," def approx_node_connectivity(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\")\n"," r = approx.node_connectivity(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\"] = r\n","\n"," def approx_k_components(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics K Components\")\n"," r = approx.k_components(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics K Components\"] = r\n","\n"," def approx_max_independent_sets(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\")\n"," r = approx.maximum_independent_set(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\"] = str(r)\n","\n"," def approx_max_clique(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\")\n"," r = approx.max_clique(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\"] = str(r)\n","\n"," def approx_clique_removal(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\")\n"," r = approx.clique_removal(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\"] = str(r)\n","\n"," def approx_large_clique_size(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\")\n"," r = approx.large_clique_size(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\"] = r\n","\n"," def approx_avg_clustering(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\")\n"," r = approx.average_clustering(self.G, trials=1000, seed=None)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\"] = r\n","\n"," def approx_diameter(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\")\n"," r = approx.diameter(self.G, seed=None)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\"] = r\n","\n"," def approx_min_edge_dominating_set(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\")\n"," r = approx.min_edge_dominating_set(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\"] = str(r)\n","\n"," def approx_min_wt_dominatind_set(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\")\n"," r = approx.min_weighted_dominating_set(self.G, weight=None)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\"] = str(r)\n","\n"," def approx_maximal_matching(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\")\n"," r = nx.maximal_matching(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\"] = str(r)\n","\n"," def approx_ramsay(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\")\n"," r = approx.ramsey_R2(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\"] = str(r)\n","\n"," def approx_tsp(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics TSP\")\n"," r = approx.traveling_salesman_problem(self.G, weight='weight', nodes=None, cycle=True, method=None)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics TSP\"] = str(r)\n"," \n"," def approx_treewidth_min_degree(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\")\n"," r = approx.treewidth_min_degree(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\"] = r[0]\n","\n"," def approx_treewidth_min_fill_in(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\")\n"," r = approx.treewidth_min_degree(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\"] = r[0]\n","\n"," def approx_min_wt_vertex_cover(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\")\n"," r = approx.min_weighted_vertex_cover(self.G, weight=None)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\"] = str(r)\n","\n"," def approx_randomised_partitioning(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\")\n"," r = approx.randomized_partitioning(self.G, seed=None, p=0.5, weight=None)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\"] = str(r)\n","\n"," def approx_one_exchange(self):\n"," print(\"Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\")\n"," r = approx.one_exchange(self.G, initial_cut=None, seed=None, weight=None)\n","[self.subject, \"Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\"] = str(r)\n","\n"," def assortativity(self):\n"," print(\"Degree Assortativity\")\n"," r = nx.degree_assortativity_coefficient(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Degree Assortativity\"] = r\n","\n"," def avg_shortest_path_length(self):\n"," print(\"Avg Shortest Path Length\")\n"," if nx.number_connected_components(self.G) is 1:\n"," r = nx.average_shortest_path_length(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Avg Shortest Path Length\"] = r\n"," else:\n","[self.subject, \"Avg Shortest Path Length\"] = np.NaN\n","\n"," def asteroidal_triplet(self):\n"," print(\"Asteroidal Triple\")\n"," if not nx.is_at_free(self.G):\n"," r = nx.find_asteroidal_triple(self.G)\n"," else:\n"," r = []\n","[self.subject, \"Asteroidal Triple\"] = str(r)\n","\n"," def is_bipartite(self):\n"," print(\"Is Bipartite\")\n"," r = nx.is_bipartite(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Is Bipartite\"] = r\n","\n"," def bipartite_color(self):\n"," print(\"Bipartite Color\")\n"," r = bipartite.color(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Bipartite Color\"] = str(r)\n","\n"," def bridges(self):\n"," print(\"Bridges\")\n"," r = nx.has_bridges(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Bridges\"] = r\n","\n"," def print_bridges(self):\n"," r = nx.has_bridges(self.G)\n"," if r:\n"," print(self.subject,\"->\",self.schiz,\"-> has bridges: \", list(nx.bridges(self.G)))\n","\n"," def local_bridges(self):\n"," print(\"Local bridges\")\n"," r = len(set(nx.local_bridges(self.G)))\n","[self.subject, \"Local Bridges\"] = r\n","\n"," def colouring(self):\n"," print(\"Graph coloring\")\n"," r = nx.greedy_color(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Graph colouring\"] = max(r.values())\n","\n"," def avg_degree(self):\n"," print(\"Avg Degree\")\n"," N,K = self.G.order(), self.G.size()\n","[self.subject, \"Avg Degree\"] = float(K)/N\n","\n"," def global_clustering(self):\n"," print(\"Global Clustering\")\n"," r = nx.average_clustering(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Global Clustering\"] = r\n","\n"," def edges(self):\n"," print(\"Edges\")\n"," r = len(self.G.edges())\n","[self.subject, \"Edges\"] = r\n","\n"," def chordal(self):\n"," print(\"Chordal\")\n"," r = nx.is_chordal(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Chordal\"] = r\n","\n"," # maximal cliques\n"," def cliques(self):\n"," print(\"Maximal Cliques\")\n"," r = nx.graph_number_of_cliques(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Maximal Cliques\"] = r\n"," \n"," # maximal cliques\n"," def print_cliques(self):\n"," r = list(nx.find_cliques(self.G))\n"," print(self.subject,\"->\",self.schiz,\"-> has cliques: \", r)\n","\n"," def num_of_isolates(self):\n"," print(\"Num of isolates\")\n"," r = nx.number_of_isolates(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Num of isolates\"] = r\n","\n"," def non_randomness(self):\n"," print(\"Non Randomness wrt Random Model\")\n"," if nx.number_connected_components(self.G) is 1:\n"," nr, nr_rd = nx.non_randomness(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Non Randomness wrt Random Model\"] = nr_rd\n"," else:\n","[self.subject, \"Non Randomness wrt Random Model\"] = np.NaN\n","\n"," def print_chain_decomposition(self):\n"," r = list(nx.chain_decomposition(self.G))\n"," print(self.subject,\"->\",self.schiz,\"-> has chain: \", r)\n","\n"," def transitivity(self):\n"," print(\"Transitivity\")\n"," r = nx.transitivity(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Transitivity\"] = r\n","\n"," def connected_components(self):\n"," print(\"Connected Components\")\n"," r = nx.number_connected_components(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Connected Components\"] = r\n","\n"," def k_edge_connected(self, k):\n"," print(str(k)+\" Edge Connected\")\n"," r = nx.is_k_edge_connected(self.G, k=k)\n","[self.subject, str(k)+\" Edge Connected\"] = r\n","\n"," def diameter(self):\n"," print(\"Diameter\")\n"," r = nx.diameter(self.G)\n","[self.subject, \"Diameter\"] = r"]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"HQcrtNqdrVqf"},"source":["# Driver function"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"colab":{"background_save":true,"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"id":"xoHE9ilerSHt","outputId":"2ed5f445-f861-4ff1-dd65-44e48caf06bc"},"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","output_type":"stream","text":["\u001b[1;30;43mStreaming output truncated to the last 5000 lines.\u001b[0m\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2048\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2073\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2076\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2039\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2051\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2049\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2075\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2043\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2069\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2027\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2074\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2058\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2055\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2065\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2053\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2046\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2072\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2034\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2041\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2057\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2031\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2066\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2064\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2032\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2054\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2071\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2060\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2028\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2045\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2050\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2047\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2037\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2099\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2114\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2108\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2104\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2078\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2101\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2110\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2081\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2087\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2121\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2092\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2079\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2080\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2113\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2094\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2112\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2091\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2090\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2105\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2102\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2088\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2109\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2084\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2098\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2118\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2119\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2115\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2086\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2124\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2100\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2117\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2103\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2125\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2085\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2120\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2097\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2089\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2107\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2106\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2095\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2093\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2083\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2122\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2111\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2082\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2126\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2116\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2096\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2077\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2123\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2148\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2155\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2130\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2171\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2129\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2151\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2145\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2142\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2156\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2143\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2167\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2144\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2147\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2152\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2163\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2138\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2159\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2158\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2134\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2169\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2136\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2137\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2166\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2170\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2128\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2149\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2172\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2168\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2160\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2154\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2161\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2140\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2164\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2165\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2146\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2150\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2141\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2131\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2135\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2127\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2132\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2162\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2157\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2139\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2133\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n","\n","\n","SUBJECT NUMBER: 2153\n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets\n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques\n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal\n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size\n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering\n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set\n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching\n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay\n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In\n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover\n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning\n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange\n","Degree Assortativity\n","Avg Shortest Path Length\n","Asteroidal Triple\n","Bridges\n","Local bridges\n","Graph coloring\n","Avg Degree\n","Global Clustering\n","Edges\n","Chordal\n","Maximal Cliques\n","Num of isolates\n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model\n","Transitivity\n","Connected Components\n","Diameter\n","1 Edge Connected\n","2 Edge Connected\n","3 Edge Connected\n"]}],"source":["df = pd.DataFrame()\n","for i, g in enumerate(graphs):\n"," global_measures_binary(labels[i][1], labels[i][0], g, df)\n","df.to_csv('global_measures_binary.csv')"]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"mIZd0ss5h64N"},"source":["# Results"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":null,"metadata":{"colab":{"background_save":true},"id":"70T16CxcaZIw","outputId":"163f24f8-7814-48e5-a014-012d1861e4c5"},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/html":["\n","
\n"," | Subject | \n","Schizophrenic | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Maximal Matching | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Ramsay | \n","Approximation and Heuristics TSP | \n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Degree | \n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Fill In | \n","Approximation and Heuristics treewidth Min Wt Vertex Cover | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Randomized Partitioning | \n","Approximation and Heuristics One Exchange | \n","Degree Assortativity | \n","Avg Shortest Path Length | \n","Asteroidal Triple | \n","Bridges | \n","Local Bridges | \n","Graph colouring | \n","Avg Degree | \n","Global Clustering | \n","Edges | \n","Chordal | \n","Maximal Cliques | \n","Num of isolates | \n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model | \n","Transitivity | \n","Connected Components | \n","Diameter | \n","1 Edge Connected | \n","2 Edge Connected | \n","3 Edge Connected | \n","
2019 | \n","2019.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","{128, 0, 4, 147, 89, 156} | \n","{11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 2... | \n","({128, 0, 4, 147, 89, 156}, [{4, 133, 6, 5, 16... | \n","39.0 | \n","0.693 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18... | \n","{2, 136, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 3... | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18... | \n","({4, 133, 6, 5, 16, 21, 44, 45, 50, 51, 57, 59... | \n","[0, 160, 0, 86, 81, 1, 159, 1, 99, 69, 82, 85,... | \n","127.0 | \n","127.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3769, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 17, 1... | \n","(4076, ({0, 1, 2, 6, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 2... | \n","0.320875 | \n","1.437977 | \n","[104, 115, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","45.804878 | \n","0.688333 | \n","7512.0 | \n","False | \n","227045.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","7.277249 | \n","0.698336 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2024 | \n","2024.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","62.0 | \n","{33, 4, 134, 8, 12, 56} | \n","{5, 6, 7, 10, 145, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52,... | \n","({33, 4, 134, 8, 12, 56}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, 3, 6... | \n","31.0 | \n","0.644 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (154, 156), (... | \n","{96, 98, 101, 102, 133, 139, 144, 117, 91, 62,... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (154, 156), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 131, 3, 6, 18, 25, 29, 32, 49, 53, ... | \n","[0, 161, 4, 130, 41, 7, 92, 73, 1, 108, 56, 15... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3699, ({2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24... | \n","(4000, ({1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16... | \n","0.173836 | \n","1.448825 | \n","[80, 125, 134] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","44.920732 | \n","0.643601 | \n","7367.0 | \n","False | \n","165809.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.495979 | \n","0.644565 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2022 | \n","2022.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","{1, 100, 5, 36, 159} | \n","{0, 1, 2, 131, 4, 133, 3, 135, 140, 24, 30, 32... | \n","({1, 100, 5, 36, 159}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, 4, 133,... | \n","32.0 | \n","0.659 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (154, 156), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{3, 131, 135, 136, 144, 24, 32, 33, 38, 45, 46... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (154, 156), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 131, 4, 133, 3, 135, 140, 24, 30, 3... | \n","[0, 161, 162, 1, 79, 4, 82, 81, 150, 12, 6, 10... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3750, ({8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 22, 25, 26... | \n","(4069, ({0, 3, 4, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 1... | \n","0.158501 | \n","1.438875 | \n","[39, 70, 131] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","45.731707 | \n","0.668338 | \n","7500.0 | \n","False | \n","261112.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.893600 | \n","0.666596 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2015 | \n","2015.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","60.0 | \n","{128, 0, 76, 148, 29} | \n","{6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 145, 146, 147, 21, 150, 157, ... | \n","({128, 0, 76, 148, 29}, [{128, 129, 134, 12, 1... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.649 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","{32, 162, 163, 100, 145, 149, 150, 151, 152, 5... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","({128, 129, 134, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 1... | \n","[0, 163, 0, 158, 1, 107, 61, 1, 108, 54, 1, 12... | \n","131.0 | \n","131.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3400, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17,... | \n","(3712, ({0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19... | \n","0.091587 | \n","1.497755 | \n","[29, 44, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","40.932927 | \n","0.658575 | \n","6713.0 | \n","False | \n","33730.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","0.766125 | \n","0.652857 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2025 | \n","2025.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","50.0 | \n","{130, 100, 5, 6, 9, 154} | \n","{129, 8, 141, 19, 22, 23, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, ... | \n","({130, 100, 5, 6, 9, 154}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 14... | \n","26.0 | \n","0.639 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","{99, 4, 41, 137, 43, 44, 14, 47, 22, 152} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 14, 18, 19, 29, 32, 33, 36, 3... | \n","[0, 157, 2, 66, 101, 95, 69, 4, 82, 85, 84, 83... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3768, ({1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16,... | \n","(4032, ({1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18, 21, 2... | \n","0.094496 | \n","1.441568 | \n","[100, 112, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","45.512195 | \n","0.643546 | \n","7464.0 | \n","False | \n","289857.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.706520 | \n","0.640787 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2017 | \n","2017.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","35.0 | \n","{32, 101, 137, 12, 151, 125} | \n","{6, 8, 9, 10, 17, 146, 147, 20, 21, 19, 18, 30... | \n","({32, 101, 137, 12, 151, 125}, [{4, 5, 6, 9, 1... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.652 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (125, 126), (154, 156),... | \n","{4, 146, 147, 150, 27, 30, 161, 162, 163, 35, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (125, 126), (154, 156),... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 18, 147, 20, 21, 30, 159, 34... | \n","[0, 163, 0, 99, 68, 4, 76, 92, 85, 84, 91, 72,... | \n","146.0 | \n","146.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3902, ({1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, ... | \n","(4188, ({2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 22, 24, 2... | \n","0.142865 | \n","1.416130 | \n","[20, 162, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","47.585366 | \n","0.671961 | \n","7804.0 | \n","False | \n","465583.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.686776 | \n","0.672450 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2010 | \n","2010.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","{66, 130, 4, 106, 75, 124} | \n","{12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 28, 29, 36, 3... | \n","({66, 130, 4, 106, 75, 124}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 22,... | \n","32.0 | \n","0.675 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","{130, 4, 5, 11, 12, 140, 143, 16, 145, 157, 16... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 22, 23, 25, 27, 32, 33, 38, 39, ... | \n","[0, 120, 0, 163, 84, 85, 83, 86, 82, 0, 87, 81... | \n","137.0 | \n","137.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3664, ({0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, ... | \n","(4001, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1... | \n","0.218099 | \n","1.447329 | \n","[39, 70, 131] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","45.042683 | \n","0.660352 | \n","7387.0 | \n","False | \n","340624.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.674585 | \n","0.664132 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2020 | \n","2020.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","47.0 | \n","{129, 4, 102, 11, 87, 121} | \n","{130, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 151, 27, 29, 32, 34,... | \n","({129, 4, 102, 11, 87, 121}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 148... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.651 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (40, 41), (72, ... | \n","{130, 37, 103, 43, 148, 149, 150, 151} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (40, 41), (72, ... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 148, 149, 23, 28, 29, 47, 53, 54... | \n","[0, 86, 85, 87, 84, 88, 83, 93, 79, 98, 74, 97... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3646, ({1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18... | \n","(3962, ({18, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 3... | \n","0.156659 | \n","1.446207 | \n","[39, 70, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","45.134146 | \n","0.644929 | \n","7402.0 | \n","False | \n","433172.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.632726 | \n","0.645652 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2026 | \n","2026.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","{0, 4, 38, 144, 19, 58} | \n","{2, 8, 140, 141, 148, 149, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27,... | \n","({0, 4, 38, 144, 19, 58}, [{128, 4, 5, 6, 12, ... | \n","23.0 | \n","0.608 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{101, 137, 114, 148, 151, 157, 30} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({128, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 16, 34, 35, 45, 48, 49... | \n","[0, 158, 3, 64, 115, 1, 160, 104, 63, 2, 137, ... | \n","138.0 | \n","138.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3564, ({1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 18, 21, 23,... | \n","(3799, ({0, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18... | \n","0.073258 | \n","1.471644 | \n","[20, 162, 1] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","43.060976 | \n","0.622604 | \n","7062.0 | \n","False | \n","140155.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.790843 | \n","0.618605 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2023 | \n","2023.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","58.0 | \n","{128, 68, 15, 145, 83, 28} | \n","{7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 21, 152, 35, 42, 66, 74... | \n","({128, 68, 15, 145, 83, 28}, [{160, 129, 66, 1... | \n","26.0 | \n","0.620 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (72... | \n","{34, 35, 36, 11, 76, 12, 111, 115, 84, 116, 86... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (72... | \n","({160, 129, 66, 130, 70, 7, 9, 74, 10, 140, 77... | \n","[0, 163, 162, 1, 145, 24, 7, 140, 31, 57, 121,... | \n","146.0 | \n","146.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3582, ({0, 1, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 20... | \n","(3886, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17,... | \n","0.128423 | \n","1.467006 | \n","[39, 70, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","38.0 | \n","43.439024 | \n","0.621843 | \n","7124.0 | \n","False | \n","170074.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.953470 | \n","0.621398 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2001 | \n","2001.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","{0, 162, 99, 130, 47, 56} | \n","{10, 148, 149, 22, 151, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29... | \n","({0, 162, 99, 130, 47, 56}, [{96, 65, 1, 0, 6,... | \n","25.0 | \n","0.627 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{106, 44, 46, 48, 146, 50, 51, 85, 60, 30} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({96, 65, 1, 0, 6, 111, 144, 145, 50, 83, 49, ... | \n","[0, 161, 158, 3, 69, 104, 87, 84, 88, 83, 91, ... | \n","129.0 | \n","129.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3443, ({1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 20,... | \n","(3721, ({0, 6, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 26,... | \n","0.077016 | \n","1.488104 | \n","[39, 70, 97] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","41.719512 | \n","0.624067 | \n","6842.0 | \n","False | \n","95316.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.295260 | \n","0.619708 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2018 | \n","2018.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","48.0 | \n","{0, 1, 163, 69, 139, 26} | \n","{1, 2, 131, 4, 5, 6, 10, 144, 146, 19, 18, 21,... | \n","({0, 1, 163, 69, 139, 26}, [{1, 2, 131, 4, 5, ... | \n","37.0 | \n","0.650 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (72, 73), (34... | \n","{96, 132, 101, 133, 134, 102, 137, 42, 144, 49... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (72, 73), (34... | \n","({1, 2, 131, 4, 5, 6, 10, 144, 146, 19, 18, 21... | \n","[0, 126, 42, 2, 61, 108, 85, 84, 87, 83, 0, 88... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3586, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18... | \n","(3821, ({1, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24,... | \n","0.234087 | \n","1.468727 | \n","[100, 112, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","43.298780 | \n","0.649441 | \n","7101.0 | \n","False | \n","85479.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.749277 | \n","0.653283 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2007 | \n","2007.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","{128, 3, 7, 136, 145, 86} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, 150, 28, ... | \n","({128, 3, 7, 136, 145, 86}, [{0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6... | \n","32.0 | \n","0.623 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (125, 126), (15... | \n","{37, 9, 10, 46, 48, 50, 51, 116, 56, 62} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (125, 126), (15... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 19, 153, 46, 48, 52, 61, 6... | \n","[0, 163, 156, 2, 68, 93, 96, 75, 1, 88, 86, 85... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3645, ({2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 21, 22,... | \n","(3952, ({0, 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23... | \n","0.146979 | \n","1.454137 | \n","[20, 162, 2] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","44.487805 | \n","0.648795 | \n","7296.0 | \n","False | \n","127133.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.019981 | \n","0.648262 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2002 | \n","2002.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","50.0 | \n","{0, 4, 138, 52, 93} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 145, 147, 21, 150, 161, 3... | \n","({0, 4, 138, 52, 93}, [{4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14... | \n","44.0 | \n","0.694 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{96, 130, 132, 101, 102, 70, 133, 107, 13, 46,... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 145, 147, 21, 150, 161, ... | \n","[0, 160, 0, 99, 68, 1, 163, 94, 73, 74, 97, 4,... | \n","139.0 | \n","139.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3926, ({0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15,... | \n","(4266, ({2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18,... | \n","0.136600 | \n","1.411492 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","47.963415 | \n","0.690387 | \n","7866.0 | \n","False | \n","316538.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.475254 | \n","0.688748 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2009 | \n","2009.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","{128, 0, 69, 137, 140} | \n","{9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 35... | \n","({128, 0, 69, 137, 140}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 22,... | \n","37.0 | \n","0.675 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{97, 100, 102, 70, 104, 9, 40, 75, 106, 42, 13... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 22, 29, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, ... | \n","[0, 85, 83, 87, 80, 93, 79, 88, 77, 89, 76, 90... | \n","139.0 | \n","139.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3810, ({0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12... | \n","(4082, ({1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 19, 22, 27, 28, 29... | \n","0.202940 | \n","1.437304 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","46.0 | \n","45.859756 | \n","0.676030 | \n","7521.0 | \n","False | \n","118837.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.519213 | \n","0.677979 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2016 | \n","2016.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","{128, 1, 0, 5, 78, 112} | \n","{11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 32, 33, 3... | \n","({128, 1, 0, 5, 78, 112}, [{128, 130, 135, 136... | \n","25.0 | \n","0.628 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{131, 36, 133, 123, 108, 91, 124} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({128, 130, 135, 136, 12, 13, 14, 15, 33, 34, ... | \n","[0, 88, 87, 84, 83, 85, 82, 86, 81, 92, 80, 0,... | \n","137.0 | \n","137.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3581, ({128, 2, 3, 4, 131, 134, 8, 9, 10, 11,... | \n","(3889, ({2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20... | \n","0.092618 | \n","1.464761 | \n","[20, 162, 10] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","43.621951 | \n","0.644739 | \n","7154.0 | \n","False | \n","132992.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.386453 | \n","0.641166 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2006 | \n","2006.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","63.0 | \n","{67, 163, 135, 14, 57, 158} | \n","{138, 139, 12, 13, 15, 17, 146, 147, 20, 19, 1... | \n","({67, 163, 135, 14, 57, 158}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, ... | \n","38.0 | \n","0.682 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 1... | \n","{152, 24, 117, 151} | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 1... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 131, 132, 133, 3, 152, 156, 157, 32... | \n","[0, 161, 157, 3, 111, 63, 1, 64, 103, 4, 114, ... | \n","148.0 | \n","148.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4208, ({1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19... | \n","(4420, ({2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18, 20, 21, 22, 2... | \n","0.072866 | \n","1.380892 | \n","[63, 76, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","48.0 | \n","50.457317 | \n","0.702655 | \n","8275.0 | \n","False | \n","514570.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.719736 | \n","0.698530 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2003 | \n","2003.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","{128, 131, 6, 24, 154, 156} | \n","{128, 130, 133, 134, 135, 11, 12, 13, 27, 32, ... | \n","({128, 131, 6, 24, 154, 156}, [{1, 2, 3, 5, 7,... | \n","28.0 | \n","0.654 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(14, 17), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40... | \n","{129, 46, 110, 49, 50, 51, 147, 54, 56, 28, 30... | \n","{(14, 17), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40... | \n","({1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 144, 145, 19, 21, 155, 44... | \n","[0, 128, 43, 4, 114, 58, 46, 126, 85, 84, 86, ... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3884, ({1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19... | \n","(4124, ({0, 1, 9, 10, 13, 16, 22, 27, 29, 30, ... | \n","0.107629 | \n","1.425557 | \n","[80, 125, 1] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","46.817073 | \n","0.667762 | \n","7678.0 | \n","False | \n","632171.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.071428 | \n","0.665443 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2008 | \n","2008.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","{106, 123, 78, 15, 58, 27} | \n","{4, 5, 135, 136, 11, 12, 13, 16, 145, 18, 19, ... | \n","({106, 123, 78, 15, 58, 27}, [{0, 1, 2, 8, 19,... | \n","37.0 | \n","0.697 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 1... | \n","{100, 136, 43, 108, 80, 144, 85, 152, 26, 92, ... | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 1... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 8, 19, 23, 25, 26, 29, 32, 33, 36, ... | \n","[0, 162, 1, 70, 100, 96, 69, 1, 101, 62, 78, 9... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3947, ({0, 1, 3, 131, 134, 135, 8, 9, 137, 11... | \n","(4286, ({0, 3, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27,... | \n","0.143386 | \n","1.411492 | \n","[63, 76, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","47.963415 | \n","0.688201 | \n","7866.0 | \n","False | \n","430027.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.457034 | \n","0.687060 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2014 | \n","2014.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","58.0 | \n","{0, 129, 1, 4, 119} | \n","{5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 34, 35, 43, 45, 65,... | \n","({0, 129, 1, 4, 119}, [{0, 2, 3, 7, 22, 23, 26... | \n","37.0 | \n","0.667 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (7, 12), (156, 157), (17,... | \n","{134, 135, 138, 46, 47} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (7, 12), (156, 157), (17,... | \n","({0, 2, 3, 7, 22, 23, 26, 28, 33, 162, 36, 41,... | \n","[0, 158, 122, 42, 2, 159, 1, 163, 97, 69, 107,... | \n","136.0 | \n","136.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3721, ({0, 128, 130, 4, 133, 134, 7, 8, 135, ... | \n","(4006, ({2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2... | \n","0.115936 | \n","1.446431 | \n","[20, 162, 64] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","45.115854 | \n","0.666603 | \n","7399.0 | \n","False | \n","209043.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.742011 | \n","0.660747 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2021 | \n","2021.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","63.0 | \n","{163, 9, 11, 19, 116, 126} | \n","{0, 132, 133, 134, 135, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 143, 14... | \n","({163, 9, 11, 19, 116, 126}, [{0, 132, 133, 13... | \n","24.0 | \n","0.645 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","{135, 105, 10, 138, 107, 77, 46, 81, 59, 29, 31} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","({0, 132, 133, 134, 135, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 143, 1... | \n","[0, 163, 162, 4, 129, 34, 6, 91, 67, 1, 100, 7... | \n","135.0 | \n","135.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3423, ({0, 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18... | \n","(3692, ({0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,... | \n","0.061771 | \n","1.496110 | \n","[20, 162, 2] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","38.0 | \n","41.067073 | \n","0.617040 | \n","6735.0 | \n","False | \n","59676.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","0.696142 | \n","0.614149 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2004 | \n","2004.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","{4, 8, 75, 44, 13, 95} | \n","{1, 2, 3, 6, 17, 27, 28, 29, 40, 46, 48, 50, 5... | \n","({4, 8, 75, 44, 13, 95}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 17, ... | \n","27.0 | \n","0.623 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (65, 67), (54, 55), (82, 86), (156, 1... | \n","{70, 71, 40, 73, 47, 144, 113, 83, 27, 28, 157... | \n","{(6, 9), (65, 67), (54, 55), (82, 86), (156, 1... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 17, 27, 28, 29, 50, 51, 53, 5... | \n","[0, 158, 85, 83, 0, 84, 159, 4, 81, 87, 80, 0,... | \n","147.0 | \n","147.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3729, ({0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 23... | \n","(3943, ({0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 16, 18, 21, 22, 26,... | \n","0.148396 | \n","1.452491 | \n","[39, 70, 130] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","44.621951 | \n","0.638818 | \n","7318.0 | \n","False | \n","221252.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.730499 | \n","0.640309 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2011 | \n","2011.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","{65, 38, 7, 136, 11, 77} | \n","{132, 5, 134, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 34, 35, 42, ... | \n","({65, 38, 7, 136, 11, 77}, [{128, 1, 2, 3, 0, ... | \n","31.0 | \n","0.660 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{161, 17, 148, 154, 95} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({128, 1, 2, 3, 0, 71, 73, 75, 140, 17, 148, 5... | \n","[0, 162, 1, 94, 77, 96, 72, 103, 70, 1, 102, 6... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3814, ({0, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22... | \n","(4106, ({0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17,... | \n","0.111769 | \n","1.430570 | \n","[20, 162, 6] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","46.408537 | \n","0.668854 | \n","7611.0 | \n","False | \n","293623.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.985657 | \n","0.664580 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2005 | \n","2005.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","57.0 | \n","{160, 0, 4, 7, 53, 62} | \n","{131, 3, 8, 137, 11, 142, 18, 158, 34, 35, 46,... | \n","({160, 0, 4, 7, 53, 62}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 132, 8,... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.636 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{8, 107, 13, 145, 29, 17, 152, 60, 93, 95} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 132, 8, 142, 18, 152, 153, 158, ... | \n","[0, 162, 158, 2, 108, 70, 4, 71, 97, 1, 163, 1... | \n","146.0 | \n","146.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3679, ({0, 128, 130, 3, 4, 132, 133, 8, 9, 10... | \n","(4006, ({6, 8, 13, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25,... | \n","0.149463 | \n","1.443813 | \n","[20, 162, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","45.329268 | \n","0.644864 | \n","7434.0 | \n","False | \n","211212.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.735188 | \n","0.644686 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2012 | \n","2012.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","34.0 | \n","{19, 121, 155, 0} | \n","{128, 129, 130, 133, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 1... | \n","({19, 121, 155, 0}, [{128, 129, 130, 0, 133, 1... | \n","66.0 | \n","0.801 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{128, 133, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 20, 21, 32, 33, 35... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({128, 129, 130, 0, 133, 134, 7, 12, 13, 15, 2... | \n","[0, 162, 0, 84, 83, 87, 81, 88, 80, 86, 79, 98... | \n","137.0 | \n","137.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4906, ({1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 2... | \n","(5170, ({1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22,... | \n","0.170094 | \n","1.269265 | \n","[68, 138, 39] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","71.0 | \n","59.554878 | \n","0.807532 | \n","9767.0 | \n","False | \n","858989.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","8.424471 | \n","0.816065 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2042 | \n","2042.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","46.0 | \n","{99, 6, 11, 142, 26, 126} | \n","{4, 5, 9, 138, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 34,... | \n","({99, 6, 11, 142, 26, 126}, [{4, 5, 9, 138, 10... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.659 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","{97, 129, 100, 133, 103, 7, 105, 78, 116, 53, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","({4, 5, 9, 138, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 34... | \n","[0, 160, 0, 132, 44, 4, 138, 28, 5, 57, 111, 1... | \n","145.0 | \n","145.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3651, ({0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 20, 21,... | \n","(3940, ({7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28,... | \n","0.158284 | \n","1.455185 | \n","[39, 70, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","44.402439 | \n","0.651236 | \n","7282.0 | \n","False | \n","212400.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.483528 | \n","0.649907 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2044 | \n","2044.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","{0, 129, 4, 14, 157, 62} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 21, 29, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50... | \n","({0, 129, 4, 14, 157, 62}, [{4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10... | \n","38.0 | \n","0.652 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","{133, 134, 12, 144, 145, 18, 146, 147, 26, 154... | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 21, 29, 44, 45, 48, 49, 5... | \n","[0, 153, 141, 20, 3, 138, 31, 150, 21, 67, 101... | \n","137.0 | \n","137.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3504, ({4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, ... | \n","(3802, ({2, 6, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, ... | \n","0.215561 | \n","1.478004 | \n","[20, 162, 5] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","50.0 | \n","42.542683 | \n","0.657188 | \n","6977.0 | \n","False | \n","68496.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.707790 | \n","0.656986 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2013 | \n","2013.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","55.0 | \n","{6, 11, 46, 143, 16, 159} | \n","{1, 2, 3, 14, 148, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32, 33,... | \n","({6, 11, 46, 143, 16, 159}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 140,... | \n","28.0 | \n","0.624 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{4, 100, 104, 106, 138, 116, 153} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 140, 14, 22, 23, 25, 29, 32, 33,... | \n","[0, 161, 162, 3, 49, 128, 0, 85, 84, 87, 83, 8... | \n","129.0 | \n","129.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3484, ({1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21... | \n","(3801, ({0, 3, 9, 10, 14, 19, 20, 22, 26, 29, ... | \n","0.125164 | \n","1.480398 | \n","[80, 125, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","42.347561 | \n","0.633101 | \n","6945.0 | \n","False | \n","116355.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.612991 | \n","0.629158 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2067 | \n","2067.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","{128, 0, 2, 70, 10, 82} | \n","{140, 146, 148, 24, 25, 27, 29, 38, 40, 42, 48... | \n","({128, 0, 2, 70, 10, 82}, [{2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 146... | \n","24.0 | \n","0.670 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(65, 67), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{162, 100, 136, 43, 110, 144, 146, 116, 52, 12... | \n","{(65, 67), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 146, 27, 38, 40, 42, 43, 49, ... | \n","[0, 162, 1, 105, 62, 2, 69, 98, 88, 77, 101, 6... | \n","141.0 | \n","141.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3435, ({0, 1, 2, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 2... | \n","(3775, ({3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, ... | \n","0.163601 | \n","1.479276 | \n","[39, 70, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","42.439024 | \n","0.630545 | \n","6960.0 | \n","False | \n","163839.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.247327 | \n","0.628454 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2062 | \n","2062.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","66.0 | \n","{162, 130, 7, 140, 15, 49} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, 34, 35, 45, 6... | \n","({162, 130, 7, 140, 15, 49}, [{4, 5, 6, 8, 12,... | \n","25.0 | \n","0.633 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{160, 100, 101, 104, 48, 151, 152, 59, 157} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, 34, 35, 45, ... | \n","[0, 161, 85, 0, 87, 84, 0, 162, 1, 88, 83, 93,... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3515, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18,... | \n","(3837, ({3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, ... | \n","0.090466 | \n","1.471794 | \n","[80, 125, 4] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","43.048780 | \n","0.623979 | \n","7060.0 | \n","False | \n","155845.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.011585 | \n","0.621167 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2052 | \n","2052.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","50.0 | \n","{0, 129, 99, 143, 89, 155} | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 136, 22, 24, 158, 31, 32, 33, ... | \n","({0, 129, 99, 143, 89, 155}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 7, ... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.651 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (... | \n","{128, 7, 8, 10, 141, 144, 147, 149, 158, 30, 1... | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 136, 22, 24, 158, 31, 32, 33,... | \n","[0, 131, 44, 4, 117, 57, 1, 62, 116, 106, 76, ... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3584, ({0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 22, 24,... | \n","(3867, ({2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21,... | \n","0.197926 | \n","1.469176 | \n","[39, 70, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","43.262195 | \n","0.639916 | \n","7095.0 | \n","False | \n","144546.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.482125 | \n","0.641359 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2070 | \n","2070.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","{0, 129, 101, 70, 7} | \n","{141, 149, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 38,... | \n","({0, 129, 101, 70, 7}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 22, 24, 2... | \n","26.0 | \n","0.635 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18... | \n","{161, 163, 58, 5, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 145, 146... | \n","{(54, 55), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 22, 24, 27, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41, ... | \n","[0, 84, 83, 85, 82, 0, 87, 80, 92, 73, 0, 96, ... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3429, ({0, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 21... | \n","(3764, ({0, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20... | \n","0.096126 | \n","1.484513 | \n","[20, 162, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","42.012195 | \n","0.636653 | \n","6890.0 | \n","False | \n","70742.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.591885 | \n","0.631683 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2068 | \n","2068.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","{162, 132, 4, 72, 12} | \n","{13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 26, 27, 33, 3... | \n","({162, 132, 4, 72, 12}, [{0, 12, 13, 26, 27, 2... | \n","37.0 | \n","0.698 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","{101, 139, 45, 112, 114, 86, 118, 151} | \n","{(86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","({0, 12, 13, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 36, 40, 42, 4... | \n","[0, 163, 0, 101, 61, 11, 17, 149, 1, 150, 16, ... | \n","130.0 | \n","130.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3811, ({0, 2, 3, 5, 14, 15, 20, 21, 26, 28, 2... | \n","(4123, ({0, 3, 7, 11, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, ... | \n","0.112556 | \n","1.431169 | \n","[20, 162, 132] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","46.359756 | \n","0.697440 | \n","7603.0 | \n","False | \n","163109.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.458729 | \n","0.689284 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2035 | \n","2035.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","{162, 41, 14, 51, 24, 59} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 146, 147,... | \n","({162, 41, 14, 51, 24, 59}, [{4, 5, 6, 9, 10, ... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.646 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","{131, 132, 134, 135, 155, 46, 144, 146, 83, 30... | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 146, 147... | \n","[0, 163, 2, 68, 103, 1, 105, 69, 1, 100, 67, 2... | \n","138.0 | \n","138.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3648, ({0, 1, 4, 7, 9, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22... | \n","(3928, ({7, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,... | \n","0.148620 | \n","1.458327 | \n","[20, 162, 5] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","47.0 | \n","44.146341 | \n","0.660729 | \n","7240.0 | \n","False | \n","140215.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.739114 | \n","0.657446 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2030 | \n","2030.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","38.0 | \n","{128, 0, 132, 122, 63} | \n","{12, 13, 14, 15, 144, 17, 146, 147, 20, 16, 27... | \n","({128, 0, 132, 122, 63}, [{0, 5, 6, 11, 13, 15... | \n","50.0 | \n","0.763 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","{104, 9, 76, 77, 46, 28} | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","({0, 5, 6, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 146, 19, 20, 21... | \n","[0, 84, 81, 85, 80, 88, 77, 92, 73, 94, 72, 93... | \n","137.0 | \n","137.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4453, ({0, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, ... | \n","(4772, ({0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 21, 26... | \n","0.095720 | \n","1.331363 | \n","[50, 96, 7] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","61.0 | \n","54.493902 | \n","0.753845 | \n","8937.0 | \n","False | \n","1281881.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","6.064478 | \n","0.753239 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2036 | \n","2036.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","{0, 5, 40, 8, 156, 126} | \n","{11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 3... | \n","({0, 5, 40, 8, 156, 126}, [{4, 5, 102, 91, 108... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.668 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(65, 67), (54, 55), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","{159, 33, 34, 101, 102, 155, 108, 14, 15, 145,... | \n","{(65, 67), (54, 55), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","({4, 5, 102, 91, 108, 13, 14, 12, 81, 21, 24, ... | \n","[0, 142, 0, 115, 49, 2, 69, 95, 111, 57, 5, 16... | \n","146.0 | \n","146.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3789, ({3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 18, 21, 23, 2... | \n","(4135, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16,... | \n","0.094568 | \n","1.428400 | \n","[20, 162, 97] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","46.585366 | \n","0.653785 | \n","7640.0 | \n","False | \n","409071.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.246370 | \n","0.652370 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2033 | \n","2033.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","{130, 4, 136, 22, 155, 157} | \n","{5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 27, 34, 35, 3... | \n","({130, 4, 136, 22, 155, 157}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 6,... | \n","41.0 | \n","0.738 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","{32, 100, 27, 106, 46, 84, 55, 24, 91, 93} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 18, 19, 25, 28, 33, 36, 46, 4... | \n","[0, 85, 84, 86, 83, 89, 82, 90, 81, 0, 87, 80,... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4256, ({0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 15, 18, 24, 26,... | \n","(4556, ({0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, ... | \n","0.135981 | \n","1.368248 | \n","[20, 162, 6] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","51.487805 | \n","0.720692 | \n","8444.0 | \n","False | \n","859669.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.606039 | \n","0.721608 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2029 | \n","2029.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","62.0 | \n","{0, 4, 7, 56, 62} | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 140, 141, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 156... | \n","({0, 4, 7, 56, 62}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 140, 141, 23... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.648 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (62, 64), (92, 93), (125, 126), (15... | \n","{128, 162, 58, 133, 132, 134, 27, 40, 42, 138,... | \n","{(54, 55), (62, 64), (92, 93), (125, 126), (15... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 140, 141, 23, 24, 25, 26, 154, 2... | \n","[0, 161, 2, 78, 95, 85, 82, 4, 81, 84, 87, 83,... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3427, ({1, 5, 6, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, ... | \n","(3789, ({3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 24, 26, 27... | \n","0.091927 | \n","1.480847 | \n","[20, 162, 98] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","42.310976 | \n","0.631969 | \n","6939.0 | \n","False | \n","80910.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.276170 | \n","0.628128 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2038 | \n","2038.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","47.0 | \n","{160, 1, 7, 42, 157} | \n","{4, 133, 134, 6, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16,... | \n","({160, 1, 7, 42, 157}, [{0, 132, 133, 134, 6, ... | \n","56.0 | \n","0.738 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (136, 141), (125, 126), (154, 156),... | \n","{104, 106, 51, 103} | \n","{(54, 55), (136, 141), (125, 126), (154, 156),... | \n","({0, 132, 133, 134, 6, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1... | \n","[0, 163, 99, 69, 4, 160, 4, 81, 84, 83, 82, 85... | \n","136.0 | \n","136.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4533, ({0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 21, 23, 24,... | \n","(4849, ({0, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 25, 28, 29, 30, 3... | \n","0.130442 | \n","1.324031 | \n","[20, 162, 99] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","69.0 | \n","55.091463 | \n","0.759686 | \n","9035.0 | \n","False | \n","555722.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","6.167336 | \n","0.761351 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2063 | \n","2063.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","63.0 | \n","{128, 0, 74, 12, 142} | \n","{0, 1, 2, 131, 3, 140, 14, 144, 23, 25, 28, 29... | \n","({128, 0, 74, 12, 142}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, 3, 140... | \n","33.0 | \n","0.697 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (125, 126), (86, 90), (15... | \n","{46, 50, 152, 92, 158} | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (125, 126), (86, 90), (15... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 131, 3, 140, 14, 144, 23, 25, 28, 2... | \n","[0, 160, 2, 65, 104, 1, 98, 69, 74, 97, 0, 99,... | \n","141.0 | \n","141.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3787, ({3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 17, 21, 23, 24... | \n","(4181, ({0, 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18... | \n","0.088969 | \n","1.427802 | \n","[20, 162, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","46.634146 | \n","0.677373 | \n","7648.0 | \n","False | \n","254206.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.494494 | \n","0.672600 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2061 | \n","2061.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","{0, 129, 34, 7, 55} | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 144, 145, 146, 22, ... | \n","({0, 129, 34, 7, 55}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, ... | \n","32.0 | \n","0.663 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (... | \n","{2, 3, 133, 134, 9, 10, 13, 145, 147, 27, 33, ... | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 144, 145, 146, 22,... | \n","[0, 163, 3, 45, 120, 1, 161, 1, 90, 73, 109, 6... | \n","139.0 | \n","139.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3749, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16,... | \n","(4031, ({1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24... | \n","0.165223 | \n","1.441793 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","45.493902 | \n","0.655389 | \n","7461.0 | \n","False | \n","220342.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.336317 | \n","0.656424 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2059 | \n","2059.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","57.0 | \n","{0, 4, 38, 9, 153, 28} | \n","{14, 15, 16, 17, 146, 19, 20, 21, 18, 156, 159... | \n","({0, 4, 38, 9, 153, 28}, [{4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 15,... | \n","25.0 | \n","0.605 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","{129, 134, 136, 73, 43, 76, 46, 47, 48, 50, 11... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 15, 16, 29, 35, 42, 48, 49, ... | \n","[0, 99, 72, 1, 160, 1, 73, 96, 0, 158, 10, 6, ... | \n","135.0 | \n","135.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3426, ({5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 1... | \n","(3636, ({3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22,... | \n","0.172253 | \n","1.500673 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","38.0 | \n","40.695122 | \n","0.612250 | \n","6674.0 | \n","False | \n","72659.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.245983 | \n","0.611132 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2040 | \n","2040.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","58.0 | \n","{8, 41, 16, 24, 154, 93} | \n","{5, 7, 8, 9, 138, 10, 146, 147, 159, 34, 44, 4... | \n","({8, 41, 16, 24, 154, 93}, [{4, 5, 6, 7, 146, ... | \n","34.0 | \n","0.645 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (12... | \n","{99, 101, 133, 138, 143, 47, 144, 146, 19, 147... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (12... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 7, 146, 147, 20, 21, 159, 34, 35, 4... | \n","[0, 91, 79, 7, 162, 40, 127, 2, 155, 109, 64, ... | \n","135.0 | \n","135.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3507, ({0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 20, 2... | \n","(3889, ({0, 2, 3, 7, 8, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 27... | \n","0.223788 | \n","1.470971 | \n","[63, 76, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","43.115854 | \n","0.655452 | \n","7071.0 | \n","False | \n","53847.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.839933 | \n","0.656033 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2056 | \n","2056.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","{128, 0, 68, 14, 93} | \n","{133, 134, 7, 136, 9, 138, 11, 12, 10, 8, 33, ... | \n","({128, 0, 68, 14, 93}, [{0, 1, 131, 132, 134, ... | \n","36.0 | \n","0.657 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{160, 34, 35, 133, 134, 138, 75, 74, 145, 146,... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({0, 1, 131, 132, 134, 7, 9, 10, 11, 143, 144,... | \n","[0, 162, 127, 45, 1, 108, 63, 114, 57, 50, 119... | \n","145.0 | \n","145.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3639, ({129, 132, 5, 6, 133, 8, 135, 10, 136,... | \n","(4099, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 2... | \n","0.152378 | \n","1.438725 | \n","[20, 162, 132] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","45.743902 | \n","0.656577 | \n","7502.0 | \n","False | \n","152743.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.209659 | \n","0.656266 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2048 | \n","2048.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","{72, 45, 48, 121, 90, 157, 62} | \n","{4, 133, 134, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 35, 42, 57, ... | \n","({72, 45, 48, 121, 90, 157, 62}, [{64, 0, 68, ... | \n","33.0 | \n","0.653 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(65, 67), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40... | \n","{4, 118, 150, 152, 57, 91} | \n","{(65, 67), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40... | \n","({64, 0, 68, 5, 6, 9, 44, 77, 142, 80, 81, 49,... | \n","[0, 84, 83, 85, 82, 86, 81, 0, 88, 80, 87, 79,... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3622, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 1... | \n","(3895, ({0, 4, 8, 14, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, ... | \n","0.135606 | \n","1.462816 | \n","[20, 162, 131] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","43.780488 | \n","0.638660 | \n","7180.0 | \n","False | \n","123199.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.392270 | \n","0.637142 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2073 | \n","2073.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","{0, 130, 5, 101, 16} | \n","{128, 129, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 14... | \n","({0, 130, 5, 101, 16}, [{128, 129, 4, 5, 9, 10... | \n","39.0 | \n","0.695 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{160, 66, 68, 70, 71, 104, 11, 46, 78, 48, 113... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({128, 129, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 146, ... | \n","[0, 156, 148, 83, 85, 80, 88, 75, 87, 73, 91, ... | \n","132.0 | \n","132.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3440, ({0, 1, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19, 2... | \n","(3707, ({3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, ... | \n","0.322831 | \n","1.488329 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","50.0 | \n","41.701220 | \n","0.662090 | \n","6839.0 | \n","False | \n","33981.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.526566 | \n","0.664195 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2076 | \n","2076.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","{4, 7, 139, 152, 57} | \n","{129, 132, 133, 134, 137, 143, 144, 145, 147, ... | \n","({4, 7, 139, 152, 57}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 136, 11, ... | \n","38.0 | \n","0.683 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{42, 43, 140, 141, 148, 86, 54, 30, 159} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 136, 11, 140, 141, 13, 12, 22, 3... | \n","[0, 162, 1, 155, 3, 104, 68, 110, 61, 111, 56,... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3885, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 16, 18, 20,... | \n","(4230, ({1, 2, 3, 8, 13, 18, 20, 21, 24, 30, 3... | \n","0.194100 | \n","1.411866 | \n","[20, 162, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","47.932927 | \n","0.692870 | \n","7861.0 | \n","False | \n","713564.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.639553 | \n","0.695803 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2039 | \n","2039.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","48.0 | \n","{0, 4, 137, 90, 156} | \n","{133, 6, 5, 10, 13, 17, 19, 26, 27, 28, 34, 35... | \n","({0, 4, 137, 90, 156}, [{128, 130, 5, 12, 13, ... | \n","31.0 | \n","0.653 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (40... | \n","{32, 33, 133, 103, 110, 46, 142, 144, 145, 114... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (40... | \n","({128, 130, 5, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 26, 35,... | \n","[0, 163, 144, 26, 5, 148, 4, 91, 69, 98, 68, 7... | \n","148.0 | \n","148.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3892, ({0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 20, 26, ... | \n","(4200, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 11, 14, 16, 20, 22... | \n","0.115981 | \n","1.416430 | \n","[20, 162, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","48.0 | \n","47.560976 | \n","0.671663 | \n","7800.0 | \n","False | \n","365371.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.854819 | \n","0.670414 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2051 | \n","2051.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","{129, 100, 76, 116, 23, 155} | \n","{128, 1, 2, 0, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 6, 5, ... | \n","({129, 100, 76, 116, 23, 155}, [{128, 1, 2, 0,... | \n","39.0 | \n","0.696 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{0, 40, 137, 8, 11, 44, 43, 46, 14, 144, 145, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({128, 1, 2, 0, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 6, 5,... | \n","[0, 162, 0, 157, 1, 100, 69, 4, 139, 28, 61, 1... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3662, ({0, 2, 3, 6, 8, 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22... | \n","(4025, ({0, 2, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, ... | \n","0.187953 | \n","1.445833 | \n","[100, 112, 3] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","55.0 | \n","45.164634 | \n","0.687429 | \n","7407.0 | \n","False | \n","89104.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.653854 | \n","0.684771 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2049 | \n","2049.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","60.0 | \n","{64, 0, 36, 11, 156} | \n","{4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 29, 34,... | \n","({64, 0, 36, 11, 156}, [{4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 15,... | \n","32.0 | \n","0.672 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157),... | \n","{100, 133, 134, 101, 40, 10, 77, 47, 49, 29, 1... | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157),... | \n","({4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 29, 34... | \n","[0, 123, 46, 4, 81, 86, 1, 156, 100, 67, 107, ... | \n","146.0 | \n","146.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3507, ({128, 2, 131, 132, 7, 8, 135, 137, 11,... | \n","(3777, ({0, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 20, 21,... | \n","0.164167 | \n","1.479500 | \n","[20, 162, 130] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","42.420732 | \n","0.643667 | \n","6957.0 | \n","False | \n","56835.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.334603 | \n","0.642317 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2075 | \n","2075.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","{0, 33, 129, 143, 63} | \n","{0, 1, 2, 131, 132, 5, 134, 6, 136, 4, 3, 144,... | \n","({0, 33, 129, 143, 63}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, 132, 5... | \n","38.0 | \n","0.731 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","{128, 135, 136, 10, 145, 148, 26, 47, 90, 91, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 131, 132, 5, 134, 6, 136, 4, 3, 144... | \n","[0, 162, 96, 77, 4, 70, 94, 99, 69, 76, 93, 10... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4320, ({0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, ... | \n","(4690, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 18, 23, 25, 26,... | \n","0.092582 | \n","1.354407 | \n","[68, 138, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","52.615854 | \n","0.732850 | \n","8629.0 | \n","False | \n","1501073.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.217935 | \n","0.730167 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2043 | \n","2043.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","60.0 | \n","{2, 133, 70, 78, 115} | \n","{8, 9, 138, 10, 20, 21, 22, 28, 156, 31, 40, 4... | \n","({2, 133, 70, 78, 115}, [{4, 5, 6, 10, 20, 21,... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.647 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (21... | \n","{134, 40, 28, 46, 47, 53, 58, 27, 156} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (21... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 10, 20, 21, 48, 49, 51, 64, 65, 66,... | \n","[0, 162, 97, 76, 4, 100, 67, 77, 95, 96, 75, 1... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3598, ({0, 1, 2, 129, 4, 5, 131, 7, 134, 140,... | \n","(3862, ({3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 2... | \n","0.088365 | \n","1.463639 | \n","[20, 162, 3] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","43.713415 | \n","0.644545 | \n","7169.0 | \n","False | \n","122028.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.510342 | \n","0.640026 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2069 | \n","2069.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","50.0 | \n","{128, 1, 0, 7, 81, 60} | \n","{134, 144, 145, 146, 147, 150, 151, 152, 158, ... | \n","({128, 1, 0, 7, 81, 60}, [{0, 2, 131, 3, 6, 14... | \n","40.0 | \n","0.653 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","{132, 133, 8, 9, 18, 151, 152, 153, 154, 159, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","({0, 2, 131, 3, 6, 144, 18, 152, 153, 157, 31,... | \n","[0, 123, 42, 1, 91, 68, 63, 104, 0, 124, 41, 6... | \n","136.0 | \n","136.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3689, ({0, 1, 6, 8, 16, 17, 25, 28, 31, 34, 3... | \n","(3910, ({7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, ... | \n","0.274955 | \n","1.455409 | \n","[57, 163, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","46.0 | \n","44.384146 | \n","0.656334 | \n","7279.0 | \n","False | \n","125518.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.412146 | \n","0.662022 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2027 | \n","2027.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","{64, 1, 128, 15, 51} | \n","{4, 5, 136, 12, 16, 22, 155, 33, 35, 37, 44, 4... | \n","({64, 1, 128, 15, 51}, [{0, 1, 130, 3, 2, 7, 1... | \n","27.0 | \n","0.663 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18... | \n","{97, 103, 104, 107, 76, 13, 77, 80, 114, 147} | \n","{(54, 55), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18... | \n","({0, 1, 130, 3, 2, 7, 138, 140, 142, 30, 158, ... | \n","[0, 162, 119, 48, 1, 96, 74, 108, 63, 105, 62,... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3830, ({2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14, 18, 20, 21, 2... | \n","(4113, ({7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20,... | \n","0.131023 | \n","1.429597 | \n","[39, 70, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","46.487805 | \n","0.661009 | \n","7624.0 | \n","False | \n","402498.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.668836 | \n","0.659450 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2074 | \n","2074.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","63.0 | \n","{128, 0, 66, 78, 28} | \n","{2, 3, 140, 141, 15, 18, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31, 3... | \n","({128, 0, 66, 78, 28}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 140, 18, ... | \n","24.0 | \n","0.648 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (136, 141), (92, 93), (15... | \n","{131, 75, 30, 92, 95, 127} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (136, 141), (92, 93), (15... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 140, 18, 19, 29, 31, 32, 33, 36,... | \n","[0, 92, 71, 1, 151, 78, 89, 84, 83, 97, 69, 82... | \n","139.0 | \n","139.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3454, ({0, 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 1... | \n","(3781, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 13, 15, 16, 19, 22, 24... | \n","0.055801 | \n","1.483017 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","42.134146 | \n","0.639270 | \n","6910.0 | \n","False | \n","90166.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.044081 | \n","0.631867 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2058 | \n","2058.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","34.0 | \n","{0, 5, 70, 141, 126} | \n","{137, 144, 149, 151, 152, 153, 26, 27, 30, 161... | \n","({0, 5, 70, 141, 126}, [{128, 1, 2, 3, 0, 6, 1... | \n","31.0 | \n","0.685 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{64, 128, 97, 6, 103, 104, 45, 46, 144, 145, 1... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({128, 1, 2, 3, 0, 6, 144, 145, 18, 36, 37, 45... | \n","[0, 163, 0, 129, 44, 3, 90, 76, 109, 66, 68, 1... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3964, ({2, 6, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22,... | \n","(4218, ({2, 4, 6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, ... | \n","0.132054 | \n","1.415457 | \n","[20, 162, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","48.0 | \n","47.640244 | \n","0.687553 | \n","7813.0 | \n","False | \n","347615.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.766550 | \n","0.685572 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2055 | \n","2055.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","{0, 129, 135, 142, 112, 154} | \n","{7, 8, 9, 10, 146, 147, 150, 30, 159, 31, 161,... | \n","({0, 129, 135, 142, 112, 154}, [{0, 1, 3, 7, 8... | \n","39.0 | \n","0.657 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{99, 7, 106, 46, 47, 79, 145, 146, 52, 150, 12... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({0, 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 144, 153, 157, 158, 33... | \n","[0, 163, 162, 3, 142, 31, 32, 130, 4, 159, 160... | \n","125.0 | \n","125.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3699, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17,... | \n","(4056, ({2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 1... | \n","0.221599 | \n","1.444935 | \n","[20, 162, 1] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","48.0 | \n","45.237805 | \n","0.678727 | \n","7419.0 | \n","False | \n","105832.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.250403 | \n","0.678334 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2065 | \n","2065.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","{0, 130, 4, 41, 145, 89} | \n","{131, 132, 133, 12, 13, 148, 24, 25, 27, 32, 3... | \n","({0, 130, 4, 41, 145, 89}, [{0, 131, 132, 134,... | \n","36.0 | \n","0.669 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","{128, 131, 132, 134, 40, 82, 150, 59, 30, 127} | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","({0, 131, 132, 134, 11, 12, 13, 19, 22, 25, 27... | \n","[0, 162, 93, 69, 4, 81, 86, 85, 83, 87, 80, 95... | \n","135.0 | \n","135.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3699, ({0, 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 20,... | \n","(4012, ({1, 2, 9, 10, 18, 20, 36, 40, 42, 44, ... | \n","0.213979 | \n","1.444561 | \n","[20, 162, 32] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","46.0 | \n","45.268293 | \n","0.673326 | \n","7424.0 | \n","False | \n","199950.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.733721 | \n","0.674039 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2053 | \n","2053.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","{0, 3, 42, 60, 159} | \n","{6, 7, 9, 18, 20, 48, 51, 64, 65, 66, 67, 76, ... | \n","({0, 3, 42, 60, 159}, [{128, 0, 132, 5, 134, 4... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.643 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{1, 99, 58, 6, 104, 48, 49, 51, 90} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({128, 0, 132, 5, 134, 4, 11, 110, 144, 81, 11... | \n","[0, 163, 97, 74, 1, 75, 96, 98, 69, 1, 76, 95,... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3697, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, ... | \n","(3996, ({4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21... | \n","0.177799 | \n","1.452491 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","44.621951 | \n","0.652324 | \n","7318.0 | \n","False | \n","120042.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.220581 | \n","0.651945 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2046 | \n","2046.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","{160, 3, 101, 12, 19} | \n","{4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 18, 20, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49... | \n","({160, 3, 101, 12, 19}, [{0, 4, 5, 13, 18, 34,... | \n","42.0 | \n","0.738 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","{2, 131, 133, 134, 136, 46, 146, 147, 115, 93} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","({0, 4, 5, 13, 18, 34, 35, 44, 45, 49, 64, 65,... | \n","[0, 162, 2, 78, 88, 87, 83, 85, 82, 0, 91, 80,... | \n","126.0 | \n","126.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3863, ({130, 4, 132, 134, 7, 8, 9, 135, 137, ... | \n","(4272, ({1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17,... | \n","0.114202 | \n","1.413811 | \n","[20, 162, 34] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","47.774390 | \n","0.724110 | \n","7835.0 | \n","False | \n","188814.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.185537 | \n","0.711776 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2072 | \n","2072.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","{0, 128, 8, 108, 155} | \n","{3, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 24, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34... | \n","({0, 128, 8, 108, 155}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 138, 140... | \n","34.0 | \n","0.664 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{5, 9, 142, 14, 22, 33, 35, 37, 42, 46, 62, 71... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 138, 140, 14, 17, 19, 24, 25, 31... | \n","[0, 163, 85, 86, 84, 87, 83, 88, 80, 93, 79, 9... | \n","151.0 | \n","151.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4022, ({1, 2, 4, 6, 16, 23, 25, 28, 29, 34, 3... | \n","(4342, ({1, 4, 5, 6, 12, 16, 22, 23, 24, 28, 3... | \n","0.104485 | \n","1.396304 | \n","[63, 76, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","49.201220 | \n","0.682544 | \n","8069.0 | \n","False | \n","429935.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.363692 | \n","0.681441 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2034 | \n","2034.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","{0, 1, 3, 154, 126} | \n","{4, 133, 134, 7, 6, 137, 10, 9, 5, 16, 19, 21,... | \n","({0, 1, 3, 154, 126}, [{1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 142, 1... | \n","47.0 | \n","0.747 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (125, 126), (156, 157),... | \n","{128, 131, 132, 133, 134, 137, 13, 146, 19, 27... | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (125, 126), (156, 157),... | \n","({1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 142, 143, 21, 34, 42, 68, 74... | \n","[0, 159, 2, 72, 96, 0, 122, 46, 48, 119, 1, 79... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4380, ({3, 4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, ... | \n","(4648, ({8, 13, 14, 15, 19, 24, 25, 27, 31, 32... | \n","0.125923 | \n","1.350741 | \n","[68, 138, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","52.914634 | \n","0.733150 | \n","8678.0 | \n","False | \n","782138.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.880217 | \n","0.734675 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2041 | \n","2041.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","{0, 162, 4, 14, 145} | \n","{133, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, ... | \n","({0, 162, 4, 14, 145}, [{129, 130, 5, 7, 12, 1... | \n","58.0 | \n","0.742 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (136, 141), (100, 101), (... | \n","{96, 161, 131, 132, 100, 101, 99, 102, 38, 45,... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (136, 141), (100, 101), (... | \n","({129, 130, 5, 7, 12, 13, 17, 29, 35, 40, 42, ... | \n","[0, 161, 159, 2, 66, 98, 160, 1, 151, 4, 70, 9... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4350, ({0, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 21... | \n","(4640, ({0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 13, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24... | \n","0.253543 | \n","1.354856 | \n","[49, 146, 141] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","68.0 | \n","52.579268 | \n","0.749408 | \n","8623.0 | \n","False | \n","177544.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","8.766873 | \n","0.762173 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2057 | \n","2057.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","55.0 | \n","{128, 131, 4, 8, 75, 24} | \n","{5, 7, 9, 10, 17, 146, 147, 20, 21, 28, 34, 42... | \n","({128, 131, 4, 8, 75, 24}, [{5, 7, 9, 10, 17, ... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.678 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (10, 17), (92, 93), (100,... | \n","{34, 4, 45, 46, 47, 112, 48, 110, 116, 56, 28,... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (10, 17), (92, 93), (100,... | \n","({5, 7, 9, 10, 17, 146, 147, 20, 21, 28, 34, 4... | \n","[0, 158, 84, 83, 85, 82, 87, 80, 96, 73, 88, 7... | \n","139.0 | \n","139.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3788, ({0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, ... | \n","(4082, ({2, 4, 5, 8, 14, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24, 2... | \n","0.110343 | \n","1.437827 | \n","[39, 70, 131] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","45.817073 | \n","0.671073 | \n","7514.0 | \n","False | \n","345661.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.435442 | \n","0.665554 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2031 | \n","2031.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","61.0 | \n","{129, 131, 37, 6, 54, 155} | \n","{5, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 34, 35, 36, 43, 44... | \n","({129, 131, 37, 6, 54, 155}, [{128, 130, 4, 13... | \n","33.0 | \n","0.637 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18, ... | \n","{36, 14, 144, 81, 50, 18, 17, 146, 145, 19, 95} | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18, ... | \n","({128, 130, 4, 133, 134, 5, 12, 13, 34, 35, 43... | \n","[0, 163, 0, 103, 66, 4, 99, 68, 69, 98, 104, 6... | \n","137.0 | \n","137.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3233, ({0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16,... | \n","(3627, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 1... | \n","0.235065 | \n","1.501272 | \n","[39, 70, 131] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","40.646341 | \n","0.630619 | \n","6666.0 | \n","False | \n","35359.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.261431 | \n","0.630856 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2066 | \n","2066.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","{64, 1, 133, 10, 24} | \n","{130, 137, 138, 139, 13, 142, 16, 145, 17, 149... | \n","({64, 1, 133, 10, 24}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 140, 141,... | \n","37.0 | \n","0.646 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (92, 93), (125, 126), (... | \n","{130, 137, 138, 145, 147, 148, 150, 152, 153, ... | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (92, 93), (125, 126), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 140, 141, 152, 153, 26, 25, 28, ... | \n","[0, 162, 85, 84, 88, 83, 92, 80, 93, 76, 94, 7... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3332, ({1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1... | \n","(3698, ({0, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30... | \n","0.255232 | \n","1.497007 | \n","[20, 162, 131] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","40.993902 | \n","0.639779 | \n","6723.0 | \n","False | \n","46130.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.007564 | \n","0.641453 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2064 | \n","2064.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","57.0 | \n","{0, 129, 100, 43, 51} | \n","{1, 2, 131, 132, 3, 134, 7, 144, 145, 19, 22, ... | \n","({0, 129, 100, 43, 51}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, 132, 3... | \n","34.0 | \n","0.702 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{33, 131, 132, 133, 134, 7, 103, 78, 79, 145, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 131, 132, 3, 7, 137, 144, 19, 153, ... | \n","[0, 153, 20, 3, 68, 67, 100, 4, 127, 139, 1, 1... | \n","141.0 | \n","141.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3777, ({3, 11, 12, 15, 20, 25, 26, 31, 32, 33... | \n","(4081, ({0, 3, 5, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 2... | \n","0.209827 | \n","1.436705 | \n","[20, 162, 6] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","45.908537 | \n","0.663743 | \n","7529.0 | \n","False | \n","246927.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.919790 | \n","0.665439 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2032 | \n","2032.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","47.0 | \n","{128, 0, 70, 7, 141, 118} | \n","{6, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 154, 29, 35, 42, 44, 4... | \n","({128, 0, 70, 7, 141, 118}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 23, ... | \n","25.0 | \n","0.645 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (125, 1... | \n","{160, 1, 133, 134, 52, 54, 152, 30} | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (125, 1... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 23, 24, 25, 153, 30, 32, 33, 36,... | \n","[0, 162, 102, 69, 1, 70, 101, 100, 68, 98, 67,... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3680, ({3, 5, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24,... | \n","(3937, ({0, 1, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19... | \n","0.073750 | \n","1.454511 | \n","[20, 162, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","44.457317 | \n","0.639628 | \n","7291.0 | \n","False | \n","160154.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.631310 | \n","0.636311 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2054 | \n","2054.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","48.0 | \n","{132, 100, 138, 12, 154, 123} | \n","{5, 6, 9, 10, 144, 145, 146, 147, 19, 21, 17, ... | \n","({132, 100, 138, 12, 154, 123}, [{4, 5, 6, 9, ... | \n","37.0 | \n","0.673 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, ... | \n","{142, 144, 16, 145, 147, 19, 150, 152, 29, 30,... | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, ... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 144, 145, 17, 147, 21, 159, ... | \n","[0, 162, 7, 16, 157, 95, 75, 1, 79, 89, 161, 3... | \n","134.0 | \n","134.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3530, ({2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, ... | \n","(3922, ({1, 2, 3, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20, 24, 25, ... | \n","0.263017 | \n","1.458926 | \n","[100, 112, 1] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","48.0 | \n","44.097561 | \n","0.659846 | \n","7232.0 | \n","False | \n","139667.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.410228 | \n","0.662649 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2071 | \n","2071.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","{0, 129, 4, 74, 151} | \n","{133, 7, 8, 9, 138, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17... | \n","({0, 129, 4, 74, 151}, [{4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15... | \n","50.0 | \n","0.719 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","{134, 8, 91, 46, 47, 86, 94, 122, 59, 30, 127} | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15, 146, 21, 160, 34, 35,... | \n","[0, 162, 1, 86, 81, 94, 71, 99, 68, 107, 63, 6... | \n","124.0 | \n","124.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3793, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 2... | \n","(4152, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 16, 17, 18, ... | \n","0.265158 | \n","1.436107 | \n","[29, 44, 136] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","45.957317 | \n","0.717209 | \n","7537.0 | \n","False | \n","56794.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","6.709588 | \n","0.718188 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2060 | \n","2060.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","{128, 0, 163, 4, 38, 153} | \n","{1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 144, 18, 49, 76, 77,... | \n","({128, 0, 163, 4, 38, 153}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, 13... | \n","23.0 | \n","0.636 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{161, 34, 35, 100, 106, 44, 45, 47, 48, 81, 11... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 131, 132, 3, 135, 136, 9, 8, 144, 1... | \n","[0, 162, 1, 154, 4, 105, 72, 2, 161, 0, 126, 4... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3591, ({1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, ... | \n","(3955, ({0, 1, 2, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 1... | \n","0.102245 | \n","1.455559 | \n","[20, 162, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","38.0 | \n","44.371951 | \n","0.635333 | \n","7277.0 | \n","False | \n","287709.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.406804 | \n","0.633285 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2028 | \n","2028.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","{160, 129, 0, 1, 54} | \n","{3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 20,... | \n","({160, 129, 0, 1, 54}, [{1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 1... | \n","35.0 | \n","0.716 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 137, 13, 143, 147, 21, 29, 42... | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 28, ... | \n","[0, 104, 63, 1, 88, 79, 89, 78, 98, 69, 109, 6... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4156, ({0, 3, 5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, ... | \n","(4384, ({0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18... | \n","0.162536 | \n","1.390094 | \n","[20, 162, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","49.707317 | \n","0.704491 | \n","8152.0 | \n","False | \n","652462.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.666857 | \n","0.704436 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2045 | \n","2045.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","63.0 | \n","{0, 97, 12, 94, 63} | \n","{128, 5, 134, 6, 12, 13, 16, 22, 34, 35, 39, 4... | \n","({0, 97, 12, 94, 63}, [{128, 5, 134, 6, 12, 13... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.660 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{128, 161, 162, 47, 114, 30} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({128, 5, 134, 6, 12, 13, 16, 22, 34, 35, 39, ... | \n","[0, 162, 1, 161, 4, 109, 58, 5, 70, 94, 1, 92,... | \n","136.0 | \n","136.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3732, ({1, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 22, 23, 2... | \n","(4030, ({0, 1, 7, 11, 16, 18, 19, 24, 28, 29, ... | \n","0.111280 | \n","1.444710 | \n","[67, 137, 2] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","45.256098 | \n","0.655559 | \n","7422.0 | \n","False | \n","211170.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.359846 | \n","0.651035 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2050 | \n","2050.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","{2, 132, 9, 61, 126} | \n","{11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 152, 153, 30, 34, 35, 36,... | \n","({2, 132, 9, 61, 126}, [{1, 5, 6, 12, 18, 22, ... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.626 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(98, 102), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (125... | \n","{4, 5, 12, 145, 18, 19, 150, 152, 155, 27, 30,... | \n","{(98, 102), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (125... | \n","({1, 5, 6, 12, 18, 22, 38, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45,... | \n","[0, 85, 81, 1, 163, 84, 0, 87, 82, 0, 88, 80, ... | \n","146.0 | \n","146.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3669, ({2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 21, 23, 27,... | \n","(3928, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ... | \n","0.247756 | \n","1.458701 | \n","[80, 125, 6] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","44.115854 | \n","0.643761 | \n","7235.0 | \n","False | \n","159427.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.004547 | \n","0.648723 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2047 | \n","2047.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","{0, 163, 5, 138, 60} | \n","{11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 146, 148, 21, 150, 20, 15... | \n","({0, 163, 5, 138, 60}, [{1, 3, 4, 7, 12, 147, ... | \n","35.0 | \n","0.673 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","{101, 102, 107, 75, 144, 145, 51, 152} | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","({1, 3, 4, 7, 12, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 20,... | \n","[0, 123, 45, 4, 18, 147, 1, 86, 81, 88, 79, 89... | \n","147.0 | \n","147.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3593, ({1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18,... | \n","(3930, ({1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 22, 2... | \n","0.254260 | \n","1.458028 | \n","[20, 162, 131] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","48.0 | \n","44.170732 | \n","0.662248 | \n","7244.0 | \n","False | \n","79734.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.005112 | \n","0.664114 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2037 | \n","2037.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","{0, 162, 13, 46, 126} | \n","{7, 139, 141, 145, 147, 22, 151, 23, 26, 155, ... | \n","({0, 162, 13, 46, 126}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10... | \n","27.0 | \n","0.627 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (125, 126), (40, 41), (... | \n","{103, 41, 143, 53, 27, 29, 62} | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (125, 126), (40, 41), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 48, 50, 51, 52, 56, 74... | \n","[0, 163, 121, 42, 2, 162, 2, 70, 91, 84, 83, 8... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3599, ({0, 1, 5, 9, 11, 16, 18, 22, 23, 24, 2... | \n","(3885, ({0, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, ... | \n","0.109383 | \n","1.468801 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","43.292683 | \n","0.643106 | \n","7100.0 | \n","False | \n","88192.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.869529 | \n","0.638739 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2099 | \n","2099.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","58.0 | \n","{0, 1, 105, 114, 19} | \n","{128, 0, 130, 2, 11, 13, 15, 145, 24, 29, 32, ... | \n","({0, 1, 105, 114, 19}, [{128, 0, 130, 2, 11, 1... | \n","31.0 | \n","0.639 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (21, 28), (40, 41), (72, ... | \n","{128, 130, 66, 133, 47, 52, 53, 55, 151, 26, 2... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (21, 28), (40, 41), (72, ... | \n","({128, 0, 130, 2, 11, 13, 15, 145, 24, 29, 32,... | \n","[0, 162, 2, 61, 106, 101, 74, 1, 88, 82, 99, 7... | \n","149.0 | \n","149.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3683, ({2, 3, 4, 5, 131, 132, 135, 9, 137, 14... | \n","(3974, ({1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22,... | \n","0.167957 | \n","1.444561 | \n","[39, 70, 97] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","45.268293 | \n","0.651451 | \n","7424.0 | \n","False | \n","207727.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.212866 | \n","0.651784 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2114 | \n","2114.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","48.0 | \n","{0, 130, 5, 24, 153} | \n","{134, 13, 14, 15, 16, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, ... | \n","({0, 130, 5, 24, 153}, [{5, 7, 9, 10, 145, 146... | \n","34.0 | \n","0.686 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (154, 156), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{128, 34, 133, 134, 136, 41, 48, 145, 144, 115... | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (154, 156), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({5, 7, 9, 10, 145, 146, 147, 19, 21, 150, 151... | \n","[0, 100, 74, 1, 69, 107, 4, 108, 68, 77, 96, 1... | \n","130.0 | \n","130.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3783, ({2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19... | \n","(4127, ({3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 22, 2... | \n","0.170634 | \n","1.430944 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","46.378049 | \n","0.676270 | \n","7606.0 | \n","False | \n","218348.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.413105 | \n","0.677640 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2108 | \n","2108.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","38.0 | \n","{0, 163, 9, 138, 111} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 145, 18, 17, 20,... | \n","({0, 163, 9, 138, 111}, [{128, 129, 4, 5, 6, 1... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.666 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{128, 131, 132, 134, 136, 8, 18, 147, 25, 29, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({128, 129, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 145, 17, ... | \n","[0, 160, 0, 100, 69, 2, 70, 91, 85, 84, 92, 83... | \n","134.0 | \n","134.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3955, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 18, 21, ... | \n","(4238, ({0, 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19,... | \n","0.108218 | \n","1.413287 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","47.0 | \n","47.817073 | \n","0.682713 | \n","7842.0 | \n","False | \n","578662.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.078344 | \n","0.678217 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2104 | \n","2104.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","60.0 | \n","{2, 132, 136, 111, 52, 31} | \n","{1, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 22, 26, 33, 162, 35, 39, ... | \n","({2, 132, 136, 111, 52, 31}, [{1, 4, 5, 6, 12,... | \n","26.0 | \n","0.591 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{1, 4, 5, 135, 10, 14, 145, 146, 159, 33, 43, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({1, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 22, 26, 33, 162, 35, 39,... | \n","[0, 161, 0, 123, 40, 4, 162, 1, 163, 90, 75, 9... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3454, ({0, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16... | \n","(3716, ({1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 22, ... | \n","0.133848 | \n","1.484962 | \n","[80, 125, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","35.0 | \n","41.975610 | \n","0.603081 | \n","6884.0 | \n","False | \n","142090.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.613855 | \n","0.602439 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2078 | \n","2078.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","{128, 66, 7, 44, 141, 56} | \n","{11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 148, 21, 150, 20,... | \n","({128, 66, 7, 44, 141, 56}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, 3,... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.690 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (125, 1... | \n","{16, 156, 32, 161, 39, 40, 41, 43, 71, 84, 86,... | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (125, 1... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 131, 3, 133, 134, 29, 34, 54, 58, 8... | \n","[0, 161, 96, 74, 1, 160, 1, 98, 69, 70, 95, 99... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3651, ({128, 129, 3, 4, 5, 6, 131, 132, 134, ... | \n","(4092, ({0, 4, 5, 8, 16, 18, 24, 27, 28, 29, 3... | \n","0.145216 | \n","1.437154 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","45.871951 | \n","0.666233 | \n","7523.0 | \n","False | \n","215845.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.176003 | \n","0.663699 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2101 | \n","2101.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","{64, 128, 1, 38, 137, 16} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 9, 146, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51, 64, 65, ... | \n","({64, 128, 1, 38, 137, 16}, [{0, 2, 3, 140, 14... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.646 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{101, 141, 46, 111, 48, 49, 50, 84, 117, 149, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 2, 3, 140, 141, 142, 14, 17, 148, 21, 22,... | \n","[0, 163, 87, 84, 85, 80, 83, 79, 0, 88, 78, 0,... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3780, ({1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16,... | \n","(3996, ({1, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28... | \n","0.146249 | \n","1.440745 | \n","[63, 76, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","45.579268 | \n","0.649698 | \n","7475.0 | \n","False | \n","315302.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.918129 | \n","0.648806 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2110 | \n","2110.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","28.0 | \n","{0, 98, 130, 101, 139} | \n","{128, 0, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 146, 20... | \n","({0, 98, 130, 101, 139}, [{128, 0, 4, 5, 10, 1... | \n","35.0 | \n","0.668 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","{4, 133, 5, 9, 10, 146, 19, 20, 150, 154, 28, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","({128, 0, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 146, 2... | \n","[0, 160, 84, 83, 86, 81, 87, 80, 90, 76, 0, 91... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3882, ({0, 131, 132, 5, 134, 135, 8, 9, 10, 1... | \n","(4339, ({0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 2... | \n","0.115877 | \n","1.406928 | \n","[20, 162, 97] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","48.335366 | \n","0.697148 | \n","7927.0 | \n","False | \n","319155.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.664130 | \n","0.694327 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2081 | \n","2081.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","{0, 4, 43, 143, 79} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 158, ... | \n","({0, 4, 43, 143, 79}, [{4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.648 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{33, 131, 146, 51, 116, 150, 57} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 158,... | \n","[0, 130, 41, 1, 163, 1, 93, 71, 98, 70, 99, 68... | \n","146.0 | \n","146.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3776, ({2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 18, 21, 24, 25... | \n","(4052, ({3, 4, 10, 11, 14, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24,... | \n","0.105837 | \n","1.441044 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","45.554878 | \n","0.649283 | \n","7471.0 | \n","False | \n","171091.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.221713 | \n","0.647361 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2087 | \n","2087.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","{0, 1, 130, 141, 114} | \n","{2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 16, 20, 21, 25, 27, 156, 2... | \n","({0, 1, 130, 141, 114}, [{1, 2, 3, 10, 16, 22,... | \n","45.0 | \n","0.757 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (154, 156), (... | \n","{4, 5, 9, 10, 26, 27, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 50, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (154, 156), (... | \n","({1, 2, 3, 10, 16, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 33, 39,... | \n","[0, 127, 69, 1, 157, 1, 88, 73, 99, 71, 101, 6... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4426, ({1, 3, 5, 6, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 2... | \n","(4691, ({1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 19, 20, 21, 22,... | \n","0.082929 | \n","1.342137 | \n","[14, 74, 159] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","53.615854 | \n","0.745867 | \n","8793.0 | \n","False | \n","708021.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","6.050365 | \n","0.743936 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2121 | \n","2121.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","65.0 | \n","{0, 129, 5, 70, 138, 59} | \n","{0, 1, 7, 136, 8, 10, 139, 141, 144, 30, 31, 1... | \n","({0, 129, 5, 70, 138, 59}, [{0, 1, 7, 136, 8, ... | \n","22.0 | \n","0.613 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{128, 102, 11, 144, 116, 85, 94} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 1, 7, 136, 8, 10, 139, 141, 144, 30, 31, ... | \n","[0, 133, 34, 4, 108, 64, 111, 57, 118, 48, 115... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3495, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 128, 129, 9, 10,... | \n","(3754, ({0, 1, 5, 6, 11, 13, 16, 17, 25, 27, 2... | \n","0.104617 | \n","1.479500 | \n","[20, 162, 130] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","37.0 | \n","42.420732 | \n","0.609117 | \n","6957.0 | \n","False | \n","122983.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.182001 | \n","0.607318 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2092 | \n","2092.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","{0, 129, 5, 39, 121, 154} | \n","{25, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 38, 40, 41, 42, 47, 4... | \n","({0, 129, 5, 39, 121, 154}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 132,... | \n","44.0 | \n","0.679 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{1, 133, 134, 10, 16, 27, 46, 50, 51, 56, 57, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 132, 4, 28, 29, 36, 45, 47, 48, ... | \n","[0, 96, 70, 1, 161, 1, 81, 86, 103, 69, 82, 85... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3758, ({3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 21, 23... | \n","(4091, ({1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 24... | \n","0.283960 | \n","1.434610 | \n","[80, 125, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","46.079268 | \n","0.686550 | \n","7557.0 | \n","False | \n","153346.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","6.797186 | \n","0.693688 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2079 | \n","2079.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","57.0 | \n","{0, 130, 132, 20, 119} | \n","{16, 18, 19, 20, 34, 35, 42, 48, 56, 57, 59, 6... | \n","({0, 130, 132, 20, 119}, [{161, 34, 6, 8, 42, ... | \n","31.0 | \n","0.630 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","{103, 48, 112, 146, 147, 49, 154, 159} | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","({161, 34, 6, 8, 42, 10, 76, 12, 46, 47, 112, ... | \n","[0, 158, 0, 85, 84, 87, 80, 0, 92, 75, 96, 72,... | \n","141.0 | \n","141.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3787, ({1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17... | \n","(4068, ({1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 24... | \n","0.156715 | \n","1.437378 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","45.853659 | \n","0.652411 | \n","7520.0 | \n","False | \n","421656.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.917581 | \n","0.653748 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2080 | \n","2080.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","{0, 161, 99, 7, 149, 57} | \n","{138, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 145, 146, 17, 20, 21... | \n","({0, 161, 99, 7, 149, 57}, [{5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1... | \n","24.0 | \n","0.613 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","{128, 130, 35, 36, 69, 102, 138, 46, 144, 16, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","({5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 145, 146, 17, 34, 69... | \n","[0, 160, 159, 6, 50, 119, 0, 157, 84, 85, 83, ... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3567, ({2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, ... | \n","(3790, ({4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21,... | \n","0.159516 | \n","1.472767 | \n","[39, 70, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","39.0 | \n","42.969512 | \n","0.614164 | \n","7047.0 | \n","False | \n","231488.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.351485 | \n","0.615060 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2113 | \n","2113.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","{0, 129, 4, 72, 142, 119} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 18, 147, 20, 21, 19, 44, 45, ... | \n","({0, 129, 4, 72, 142, 119}, [{4, 5, 6, 9, 10, ... | \n","27.0 | \n","0.613 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (154, 156), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18... | \n","{33, 162, 150, 31, 30, 159} | \n","{(54, 55), (154, 156), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 18, 147, 20, 21, 19, 44, 45,... | \n","[0, 163, 152, 14, 11, 118, 46, 4, 92, 70, 109,... | \n","147.0 | \n","147.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3576, ({2, 3, 131, 132, 133, 10, 12, 13, 14, ... | \n","(3881, ({3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, ... | \n","0.068795 | \n","1.461245 | \n","[80, 125, 130] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","43.908537 | \n","0.629540 | \n","7201.0 | \n","False | \n","171512.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.888365 | \n","0.626077 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2094 | \n","2094.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","{128, 0, 14, 51, 59} | \n","{5, 6, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, 44, 45, 48, ... | \n","({128, 0, 14, 51, 59}, [{1, 12, 14, 16, 17, 22... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.649 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (40, ... | \n","{35, 101, 69, 40, 46, 112, 49, 52, 53, 117, 54... | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (40, ... | \n","({1, 12, 14, 16, 17, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 35, 3... | \n","[0, 84, 83, 85, 82, 86, 81, 87, 80, 0, 95, 77,... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3751, ({0, 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17,... | \n","(4005, ({1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 14, 15, 28, 29, 31, 3... | \n","0.155930 | \n","1.446057 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","45.146341 | \n","0.657482 | \n","7404.0 | \n","False | \n","176455.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.093169 | \n","0.655461 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2112 | \n","2112.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","{0, 129, 7, 58, 62} | \n","{8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 150... | \n","({0, 129, 7, 58, 62}, [{4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12... | \n","45.0 | \n","0.709 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","{37, 103, 8, 104, 76, 46, 47, 50, 51, 151, 155} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","({4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 27, 34, ... | \n","[0, 148, 19, 5, 66, 102, 0, 154, 18, 21, 142, ... | \n","131.0 | \n","131.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4002, ({0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 16, 17, ... | \n","(4293, ({2, 3, 6, 8, 15, 18, 19, 26, 28, 29, 3... | \n","0.267370 | \n","1.406255 | \n","[20, 162, 133] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","48.390244 | \n","0.708464 | \n","7936.0 | \n","False | \n","364955.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","6.399297 | \n","0.714590 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2091 | \n","2091.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","61.0 | \n","{161, 8, 11, 108, 23, 155} | \n","{0, 1, 2, 131, 3, 135, 148, 152, 28, 29, 30, 1... | \n","({161, 8, 11, 108, 23, 155}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, 3... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.653 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{131, 133, 134, 42, 142, 143, 144, 145, 50, 93... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 131, 3, 135, 148, 152, 28, 29, 30, ... | \n","[0, 99, 71, 5, 77, 91, 85, 84, 0, 94, 83, 88, ... | \n","141.0 | \n","141.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3525, ({1, 2, 130, 7, 135, 9, 136, 137, 12, 1... | \n","(3824, ({0, 4, 6, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 24, 27, ... | \n","0.137107 | \n","1.468053 | \n","[20, 162, 4] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","43.353659 | \n","0.634064 | \n","7110.0 | \n","False | \n","119134.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.373193 | \n","0.632419 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2090 | \n","2090.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","{97, 135, 15, 113, 22, 151} | \n","{128, 1, 130, 3, 2, 0, 137, 139, 147, 152, 153... | \n","({97, 135, 15, 113, 22, 151}, [{128, 1, 130, 3... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.684 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (98, 102), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, ... | \n","{129, 132, 73, 107, 47, 145, 146, 53, 55, 92} | \n","{(6, 9), (98, 102), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, ... | \n","({128, 1, 130, 3, 2, 0, 137, 139, 147, 152, 15... | \n","[0, 162, 159, 3, 105, 63, 1, 99, 61, 57, 109, ... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3601, ({2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 19, 21, 24, ... | \n","(3937, ({1, 2, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 20, 21, 27, ... | \n","0.096388 | \n","1.460347 | \n","[39, 70, 4] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","43.981707 | \n","0.658532 | \n","7213.0 | \n","False | \n","133572.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.796470 | \n","0.652783 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2105 | \n","2105.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","{97, 130, 3, 100, 6, 135} | \n","{0, 129, 2, 1, 8, 140, 141, 148, 149, 22, 23, ... | \n","({97, 130, 3, 100, 6, 135}, [{0, 129, 2, 1, 8,... | \n","41.0 | \n","0.708 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (... | \n","{129, 99, 36, 133, 102, 72, 42, 79, 48, 84, 94} | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (... | \n","({0, 129, 2, 1, 8, 140, 141, 148, 149, 22, 23,... | \n","[0, 162, 147, 19, 2, 79, 1, 46, 122, 99, 68, 3... | \n","127.0 | \n","127.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3791, ({1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22,... | \n","(4116, ({0, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16,... | \n","0.251890 | \n","1.432740 | \n","[20, 162, 1] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","50.0 | \n","46.231707 | \n","0.695584 | \n","7582.0 | \n","False | \n","295818.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.097281 | \n","0.694114 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2102 | \n","2102.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","36.0 | \n","{0, 129, 104, 137, 79} | \n","{130, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 14... | \n","({0, 129, 104, 137, 79}, [{4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11,... | \n","45.0 | \n","0.727 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","{128, 162, 133, 108, 86, 126, 127} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","({4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, ... | \n","[0, 163, 0, 85, 84, 87, 83, 86, 81, 88, 80, 93... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4174, ({4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 19, 20, 21, 2... | \n","(4484, ({1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 24... | \n","0.178332 | \n","1.379545 | \n","[20, 162, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","58.0 | \n","50.567073 | \n","0.717028 | \n","8293.0 | \n","False | \n","240345.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.878189 | \n","0.718848 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2088 | \n","2088.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","{0, 8, 41, 14, 146} | \n","{133, 11, 13, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, ... | \n","({0, 8, 41, 14, 146}, [{5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.662 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18, ... | \n","{161, 37, 133, 38, 41, 42, 43, 46, 151, 26} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18, ... | \n","({5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 30, 3... | \n","[0, 161, 1, 100, 69, 58, 119, 123, 68, 5, 71, ... | \n","138.0 | \n","138.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3527, ({0, 3, 6, 135, 136, 9, 12, 141, 142, 1... | \n","(3976, ({0, 1, 3, 5, 8, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26... | \n","0.189120 | \n","1.457878 | \n","[20, 162, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","47.0 | \n","44.182927 | \n","0.659866 | \n","7246.0 | \n","False | \n","156268.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.480570 | \n","0.658389 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2109 | \n","2109.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","{0, 101, 7, 11, 150, 55} | \n","{130, 134, 135, 24, 25, 34, 35, 45, 46, 47, 48... | \n","({0, 101, 7, 11, 150, 55}, [{7, 138, 140, 141,... | \n","23.0 | \n","0.579 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(98, 102), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (4... | \n","{32, 129, 1, 26, 45, 46, 16, 56, 57, 126, 125,... | \n","{(98, 102), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (4... | \n","({7, 138, 140, 141, 13, 146, 19, 20, 21, 18, 1... | \n","[0, 151, 17, 7, 140, 31, 5, 159, 1, 101, 68, 1... | \n","145.0 | \n","145.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3524, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 17... | \n","(3799, ({0, 2, 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, ... | \n","0.107239 | \n","1.478827 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","42.475610 | \n","0.608554 | \n","6966.0 | \n","False | \n","156976.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.319435 | \n","0.606874 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2084 | \n","2084.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","57.0 | \n","{0, 131, 36, 10, 51} | \n","{7, 9, 138, 146, 19, 148, 21, 153, 154, 155, 3... | \n","({0, 131, 36, 10, 51}, [{7, 9, 138, 146, 19, 1... | \n","28.0 | \n","0.617 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{42, 43, 108, 12, 13, 142, 91, 44, 52, 26, 27,... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({7, 9, 138, 146, 19, 148, 21, 153, 154, 155, ... | \n","[0, 116, 49, 2, 99, 68, 3, 163, 67, 103, 0, 88... | \n","141.0 | \n","141.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3498, ({0, 128, 131, 4, 5, 132, 7, 134, 136, ... | \n","(3792, ({8, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24... | \n","0.146797 | \n","1.478228 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","42.524390 | \n","0.636794 | \n","6974.0 | \n","False | \n","103429.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.878297 | \n","0.633881 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2098 | \n","2098.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","50.0 | \n","{153, 2, 6, 121, 31} | \n","{130, 141, 13, 16, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29,... | \n","({153, 2, 6, 121, 31}, [{0, 97, 98, 1, 90, 7, ... | \n","26.0 | \n","0.651 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{128, 129, 130, 2, 133, 136, 137, 138, 14, 143... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 97, 98, 1, 90, 7, 104, 105, 106, 10, 9, 8... | \n","[0, 109, 55, 2, 160, 2, 107, 57, 114, 49, 72, ... | \n","132.0 | \n","132.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3571, ({2, 133, 134, 7, 136, 137, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3824, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 3... | \n","0.284490 | \n","1.470298 | \n","[20, 162, 3] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","43.170732 | \n","0.638049 | \n","7080.0 | \n","False | \n","273458.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.652899 | \n","0.640816 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2118 | \n","2118.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","57.0 | \n","{128, 0, 66, 29, 94} | \n","{3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 142, 144, 145, 26, 28, 158... | \n","({128, 0, 66, 29, 94}, [{4, 5, 6, 7, 137, 9, 1... | \n","45.0 | \n","0.686 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{35, 5, 134, 37, 43, 44, 45, 110, 81, 82, 146,... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 7, 137, 9, 144, 145, 28, 157, 158, ... | \n","[0, 142, 87, 84, 0, 163, 83, 93, 80, 90, 76, 9... | \n","119.0 | \n","119.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3388, ({2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 16, 18, 19, 20,... | \n","(3918, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, ... | \n","0.248703 | \n","1.464612 | \n","[39, 70, 131] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","57.0 | \n","43.634146 | \n","0.688296 | \n","7156.0 | \n","False | \n","43786.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.808971 | \n","0.686480 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2119 | \n","2119.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","{131, 14, 148, 152, 58} | \n","{140, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 36, 37, 39, 42, ... | \n","({131, 14, 148, 152, 58}, [{0, 2, 138, 140, 14... | \n","33.0 | \n","0.696 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{136, 12, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, 30, 31, 32, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({0, 2, 138, 140, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 28, 29, ... | \n","[0, 84, 83, 85, 80, 96, 75, 87, 73, 93, 72, 0,... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3846, ({1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19... | \n","(4100, ({0, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, ... | \n","0.288838 | \n","1.428924 | \n","[20, 162, 132] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","48.0 | \n","46.542683 | \n","0.677374 | \n","7633.0 | \n","False | \n","722357.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","6.837325 | \n","0.687697 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2115 | \n","2115.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","{0, 128, 6, 107, 19} | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 139, 140, 22, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31,... | \n","({0, 128, 6, 107, 19}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 139, 140,... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.635 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (95, 101), (4... | \n","{101, 103, 8, 104, 12, 45, 146, 150, 54, 22, 1... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (95, 101), (4... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 139, 140, 22, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31... | \n","[0, 161, 2, 66, 110, 4, 163, 6, 120, 48, 122, ... | \n","137.0 | \n","137.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3658, ({1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16... | \n","(3913, ({6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25,... | \n","0.159700 | \n","1.456831 | \n","[20, 162, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","44.268293 | \n","0.648416 | \n","7260.0 | \n","False | \n","141771.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.293832 | \n","0.648802 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2086 | \n","2086.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","58.0 | \n","{130, 14, 20, 22, 56, 31} | \n","{4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 145, 34, 35, 44, 45, 48, ... | \n","({130, 14, 20, 22, 56, 31}, [{1, 4, 8, 21, 23,... | \n","27.0 | \n","0.654 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (26, 28), (15... | \n","{96, 34, 35, 36, 132, 101, 133, 27, 12, 45, 79... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (26, 28), (15... | \n","({1, 4, 8, 21, 23, 151, 155, 40, 43, 45, 62, 6... | \n","[0, 86, 85, 87, 84, 0, 88, 83, 0, 89, 82, 90, ... | \n","141.0 | \n","141.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3707, ({0, 130, 131, 133, 6, 7, 134, 9, 135, ... | \n","(4006, ({0, 1, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 2... | \n","0.114559 | \n","1.445908 | \n","[20, 162, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","45.158537 | \n","0.646073 | \n","7406.0 | \n","False | \n","243223.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.318802 | \n","0.642889 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2124 | \n","2124.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","{4, 133, 71, 85, 156} | \n","{128, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21,... | \n","({4, 133, 71, 85, 156}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 22, 23, ... | \n","39.0 | \n","0.696 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{128, 98, 134, 77, 48, 49, 116, 150, 58, 91} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 37, ... | \n","[0, 158, 3, 42, 125, 0, 131, 40, 3, 62, 108, 4... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3910, ({3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, ... | \n","(4257, ({7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23,... | \n","0.184865 | \n","1.414036 | \n","[20, 162, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","47.756098 | \n","0.680836 | \n","7832.0 | \n","False | \n","320427.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.693268 | \n","0.681680 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2100 | \n","2100.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","{0, 4, 7, 149, 95} | \n","{128, 131, 4, 5, 6, 10, 16, 18, 20, 21, 34, 35... | \n","({0, 4, 7, 149, 95}, [{128, 131, 4, 5, 6, 10, ... | \n","35.0 | \n","0.652 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, ... | \n","{98, 102, 27, 138, 77, 46, 47, 52, 53, 55, 56,... | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, ... | \n","({128, 131, 4, 5, 6, 10, 16, 18, 20, 21, 34, 3... | \n","[0, 163, 84, 85, 83, 87, 80, 94, 78, 79, 89, 3... | \n","146.0 | \n","146.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3502, ({1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 2... | \n","(3779, ({3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25, ... | \n","0.127140 | \n","1.481745 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","42.237805 | \n","0.643532 | \n","6927.0 | \n","False | \n","58866.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.090085 | \n","0.640768 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2117 | \n","2117.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","60.0 | \n","{0, 139, 18, 90, 123} | \n","{6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 34, 35, 44... | \n","({0, 139, 18, 90, 123}, [{128, 129, 130, 3, 13... | \n","23.0 | \n","0.632 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{5, 77, 82, 91, 158} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({128, 129, 130, 3, 133, 134, 137, 11, 21, 154... | \n","[0, 141, 159, 4, 45, 127, 3, 128, 44, 67, 102,... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3636, ({1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, ... | \n","(4054, ({0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 16, 19, 24, 25,... | \n","0.065422 | \n","1.440596 | \n","[20, 162, 1] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","45.591463 | \n","0.643955 | \n","7477.0 | \n","False | \n","215025.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.386209 | \n","0.641230 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2103 | \n","2103.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","{1, 66, 163, 4, 11, 139} | \n","{8, 9, 13, 17, 150, 22, 153, 26, 30, 31, 40, 4... | \n","({1, 66, 163, 4, 11, 139}, [{134, 7, 8, 9, 146... | \n","28.0 | \n","0.596 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (12... | \n","{161, 34, 135, 40, 104, 76, 77, 143, 113, 114,... | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (12... | \n","({134, 7, 8, 9, 146, 27, 159, 40, 76, 77, 90, ... | \n","[0, 162, 0, 125, 42, 8, 56, 114, 87, 84, 86, 8... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3517, ({0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24,... | \n","(3805, ({0, 2, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, ... | \n","0.200730 | \n","1.474488 | \n","[20, 162, 1] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","39.0 | \n","42.829268 | \n","0.628162 | \n","7024.0 | \n","False | \n","125811.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.471587 | \n","0.630690 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2125 | \n","2125.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","{0, 163, 5, 22, 89} | \n","{136, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, ... | \n","({0, 163, 5, 22, 89}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 16,... | \n","57.0 | \n","0.797 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{9, 10, 13, 16, 18, 27, 28, 29, 34, 36, 37, 40... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 21, 28, 29, 34, 36, 3... | \n","[0, 125, 42, 2, 43, 124, 126, 41, 108, 64, 4, ... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4685, ({0, 2, 131, 5, 8, 9, 10, 138, 139, 140... | \n","(5068, ({4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 1... | \n","0.098470 | \n","1.288344 | \n","[68, 138, 2] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","64.0 | \n","58.000000 | \n","0.791042 | \n","9512.0 | \n","False | \n","2320148.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","6.933309 | \n","0.791540 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2085 | \n","2085.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","{101, 7, 135, 41, 157} | \n","{129, 11, 12, 13, 14, 144, 17, 16, 20, 21, 28,... | \n","({101, 7, 135, 41, 157}, [{1, 130, 4, 5, 6, 9,... | \n","51.0 | \n","0.748 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, ... | \n","{1, 129, 67, 3, 103, 104, 74, 75, 11, 49, 50, ... | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, ... | \n","({1, 130, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 146, 21,... | \n","[0, 162, 0, 117, 51, 1, 160, 89, 78, 90, 77, 1... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4381, ({0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20... | \n","(4702, ({1, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 20, 21, 26, 2... | \n","0.123308 | \n","1.343932 | \n","[147, 163, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","53.469512 | \n","0.745651 | \n","8769.0 | \n","False | \n","428540.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","6.154509 | \n","0.747062 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2120 | \n","2120.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","{68, 135, 137, 105, 75, 23} | \n","{129, 133, 7, 8, 9, 146, 147, 19, 26, 33, 44, ... | \n","({68, 135, 137, 105, 75, 23}, [{128, 129, 130,... | \n","36.0 | \n","0.651 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (40... | \n","{128, 4, 5, 134, 132, 144, 45, 65, 92, 103, 10... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (40... | \n","({128, 129, 130, 4, 138, 12, 13, 14, 34, 35, 3... | \n","[0, 163, 0, 162, 5, 31, 144, 104, 62, 1, 61, 1... | \n","127.0 | \n","127.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3771, ({4, 9, 10, 14, 18, 22, 24, 25, 30, 33,... | \n","(4061, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20,... | \n","0.183078 | \n","1.438575 | \n","[29, 44, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","46.0 | \n","45.756098 | \n","0.671936 | \n","7504.0 | \n","False | \n","183908.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.208764 | \n","0.670683 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2097 | \n","2097.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","{97, 4, 8, 12, 142, 151} | \n","{131, 132, 133, 134, 6, 137, 144, 145, 19, 158... | \n","({97, 4, 8, 12, 142, 151}, [{128, 129, 130, 13... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.653 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (... | \n","{0, 2, 133, 134, 41, 137, 46, 47, 80, 60, 144,... | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (... | \n","({128, 129, 130, 13, 16, 17, 20, 34, 42, 44, 5... | \n","[0, 163, 161, 1, 62, 107, 8, 32, 135, 0, 160, ... | \n","137.0 | \n","137.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3509, ({0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, ... | \n","(3859, ({1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 2... | \n","0.217280 | \n","1.475460 | \n","[20, 162, 1] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","42.750000 | \n","0.635379 | \n","7011.0 | \n","False | \n","144473.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.377103 | \n","0.636283 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2089 | \n","2089.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","38.0 | \n","{0, 130, 5, 38, 8, 139} | \n","{10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 151, 29, 33, ... | \n","({0, 130, 5, 38, 8, 139}, [{128, 5, 11, 12, 13... | \n","43.0 | \n","0.709 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (154, 156), (... | \n","{128, 134, 137, 14, 151, 157, 33, 34, 35, 39, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (154, 156), (... | \n","({128, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 151,... | \n","[0, 163, 162, 2, 72, 99, 4, 108, 60, 7, 122, 5... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3990, ({0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, ... | \n","(4279, ({3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 18, 19, 22, 24, 31... | \n","0.165969 | \n","1.405432 | \n","[20, 162, 7] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","48.457317 | \n","0.697522 | \n","7947.0 | \n","False | \n","425633.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","6.750310 | \n","0.702057 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2107 | \n","2107.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","{0, 129, 7, 40, 157, 93} | \n","{5, 6, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 34, 35, 44,... | \n","({0, 129, 7, 40, 157, 93}, [{4, 6, 10, 12, 14,... | \n","27.0 | \n","0.636 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{128, 129, 70, 71, 104, 43, 77, 46, 92, 29, 51... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20, 21, 34, 35, 44, 46... | \n","[0, 158, 0, 94, 69, 3, 89, 78, 90, 77, 98, 71,... | \n","145.0 | \n","145.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3549, ({0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23... | \n","(3871, ({1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 2... | \n","0.121288 | \n","1.473216 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","42.932927 | \n","0.658542 | \n","7041.0 | \n","False | \n","67466.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.126253 | \n","0.653895 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2106 | \n","2106.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","58.0 | \n","{0, 4, 136, 78, 48} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 11, 16, 17, 21, 34, 35, 44, 45, 62, ... | \n","({0, 4, 136, 78, 48}, [{4, 5, 6, 11, 16, 17, 2... | \n","31.0 | \n","0.647 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (100, 101), (125, 126), (15... | \n","{160, 130, 35, 100, 133, 134, 31, 47, 147, 116... | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (100, 101), (125, 126), (15... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 11, 16, 17, 21, 34, 35, 44, 45, 62,... | \n","[0, 100, 68, 3, 79, 95, 162, 2, 70, 91, 0, 163... | \n","127.0 | \n","127.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3440, ({3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20... | \n","(3730, ({2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 21, 2... | \n","0.140315 | \n","1.491246 | \n","[20, 162, 1] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","41.463415 | \n","0.627432 | \n","6800.0 | \n","False | \n","61692.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.230034 | \n","0.624665 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2095 | \n","2095.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","{96, 128, 160, 107, 11, 22} | \n","{141, 16, 18, 147, 20, 149, 21, 151, 19, 26, 2... | \n","({96, 128, 160, 107, 11, 22}, [{4, 5, 6, 18, 1... | \n","26.0 | \n","0.636 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(82, 86), (54, 55), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","{71, 13, 146, 86, 55, 57, 122, 27, 28} | \n","{(82, 86), (54, 55), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 18, 19, 20, 21, 151, 27, 156, 30, 1... | \n","[0, 152, 0, 93, 81, 4, 69, 86, 92, 67, 4, 157,... | \n","145.0 | \n","145.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3643, ({1, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 26,... | \n","(3944, ({2, 3, 9, 10, 13, 18, 20, 26, 27, 28, ... | \n","0.173505 | \n","1.453763 | \n","[100, 112, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","44.518293 | \n","0.630176 | \n","7301.0 | \n","False | \n","217990.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.212138 | \n","0.631460 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2093 | \n","2093.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","{0, 4, 138, 153, 154} | \n","{1, 2, 3, 138, 139, 140, 141, 11, 148, 149, 22... | \n","({0, 4, 138, 153, 154}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 139, 140... | \n","36.0 | \n","0.684 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","{129, 130, 12, 16, 17, 30, 33, 42, 43, 46, 47,... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 139, 140, 141, 11, 148, 149, 22,... | \n","[0, 163, 162, 2, 78, 90, 4, 89, 79, 94, 77, 11... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3696, ({0, 1, 128, 3, 4, 130, 131, 7, 8, 132,... | \n","(4034, ({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16,... | \n","0.093789 | \n","1.440147 | \n","[20, 162, 7] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","45.628049 | \n","0.691681 | \n","7483.0 | \n","False | \n","112874.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.991557 | \n","0.683907 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2083 | \n","2083.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","{0, 4, 81, 24, 155} | \n","{129, 139, 140, 141, 14, 16, 17, 20, 149, 150,... | \n","({0, 4, 81, 24, 155}, [{32, 1, 2, 3, 0, 37, 72... | \n","32.0 | \n","0.627 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (156, 157), (72, 73), (... | \n","{128, 32, 33, 70, 138, 140, 111, 119, 24, 120,... | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (156, 157), (72, 73), (... | \n","({32, 1, 2, 3, 0, 37, 72, 8, 106, 75, 74, 48, ... | \n","[0, 133, 157, 1, 163, 84, 85, 83, 93, 80, 94, ... | \n","145.0 | \n","145.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3654, ({1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16... | \n","(3956, ({0, 1, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 19, 21, 23... | \n","0.110303 | \n","1.451145 | \n","[80, 125, 161] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","44.731707 | \n","0.648111 | \n","7336.0 | \n","False | \n","130975.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.806311 | \n","0.645761 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2122 | \n","2122.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","{128, 161, 0, 131, 148, 59} | \n","{135, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 7, 15, 16, 17, 146... | \n","({128, 161, 0, 131, 148, 59}, [{4, 5, 15, 17, ... | \n","26.0 | \n","0.646 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (154, 156), (... | \n","{97, 98, 103, 104, 78, 47, 49, 50, 51, 117, 60... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (154, 156), (... | \n","({4, 5, 15, 17, 146, 18, 20, 21, 160, 34, 35, ... | \n","[0, 163, 85, 83, 87, 80, 88, 79, 89, 78, 0, 94... | \n","136.0 | \n","136.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3478, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 1... | \n","(3736, ({0, 1, 3, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 2... | \n","0.140170 | \n","1.483914 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","42.060976 | \n","0.625860 | \n","6898.0 | \n","False | \n","96165.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.538825 | \n","0.623743 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2111 | \n","2111.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","{0, 99, 4, 142, 17} | \n","{136, 8, 138, 139, 140, 13, 14, 15, 11, 148, 1... | \n","({0, 99, 4, 142, 17}, [{128, 1, 130, 0, 133, 1... | \n","44.0 | \n","0.674 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (... | \n","{161, 132, 103, 138, 107, 46, 15, 145, 147, 14... | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (... | \n","({128, 1, 130, 0, 133, 135, 8, 138, 139, 140, ... | \n","[0, 116, 109, 68, 2, 66, 104, 163, 1, 76, 98, ... | \n","145.0 | \n","145.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3841, ({3, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, ... | \n","(4173, ({0, 1, 2, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 2... | \n","0.206448 | \n","1.424734 | \n","[20, 162, 4] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","46.884146 | \n","0.686283 | \n","7689.0 | \n","False | \n","145085.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.252105 | \n","0.689442 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2082 | \n","2082.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","{0, 67, 133, 7, 141, 29} | \n","{5, 6, 10, 139, 15, 146, 147, 21, 29, 31, 44, ... | \n","({0, 67, 133, 7, 141, 29}, [{128, 97, 34, 35, ... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.644 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{128, 130, 10, 139, 138, 12, 13, 144, 145, 146... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({128, 97, 34, 35, 7, 9, 10, 11, 108, 13, 12, ... | \n","[0, 163, 158, 1, 127, 43, 7, 91, 78, 30, 144, ... | \n","130.0 | \n","130.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3575, ({0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20,... | \n","(3883, ({0, 1, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20,... | \n","0.136860 | \n","1.467230 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","43.420732 | \n","0.646613 | \n","7121.0 | \n","False | \n","115355.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.526843 | \n","0.642511 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2126 | \n","2126.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","{0, 130, 7, 108, 151, 156} | \n","{11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 146, 19, 20, 21, 34, ... | \n","({0, 130, 7, 108, 151, 156}, [{4, 6, 8, 9, 10,... | \n","48.0 | \n","0.706 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 8, 13, 145, 19, 29, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 145, 146, 147, 2... | \n","[0, 161, 0, 87, 84, 88, 83, 92, 63, 2, 162, 91... | \n","145.0 | \n","145.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3803, ({0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, ... | \n","(4151, ({4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 23, ... | \n","0.283247 | \n","1.429523 | \n","[39, 70, 43] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","46.493902 | \n","0.685836 | \n","7625.0 | \n","False | \n","107196.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.574138 | \n","0.693380 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2116 | \n","2116.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","{0, 130, 132, 7, 71} | \n","{131, 5, 6, 10, 144, 18, 19, 21, 161, 44, 45, ... | \n","({0, 130, 132, 7, 71}, [{7, 11, 16, 19, 21, 27... | \n","34.0 | \n","0.674 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (154, 156), (... | \n","{96, 97, 134, 46, 113, 114, 156} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (154, 156), (... | \n","({7, 11, 16, 19, 21, 27, 34, 40, 46, 47, 50, 5... | \n","[0, 161, 5, 47, 120, 3, 160, 0, 85, 84, 86, 83... | \n","146.0 | \n","146.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3973, ({0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, ... | \n","(4266, ({0, 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 24, 2... | \n","0.218141 | \n","1.404983 | \n","[20, 162, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","50.0 | \n","48.493902 | \n","0.694035 | \n","7953.0 | \n","False | \n","384635.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.567058 | \n","0.695640 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2096 | \n","2096.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","{0, 130, 7, 137, 24} | \n","{5, 6, 10, 11, 144, 145, 18, 147, 19, 44, 45, ... | \n","({0, 130, 7, 137, 24}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, 132, 5,... | \n","39.0 | \n","0.696 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","{77, 142, 144, 145, 19, 52, 147, 85, 28} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 131, 132, 5, 6, 141, 149, 28, 41, 5... | \n","[0, 162, 1, 133, 35, 71, 93, 140, 24, 1, 82, 8... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3924, ({1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19,... | \n","(4177, ({0, 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 19, 20, 2... | \n","0.148185 | \n","1.420619 | \n","[20, 162, 4] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","50.0 | \n","47.219512 | \n","0.682315 | \n","7744.0 | \n","False | \n","177187.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.098318 | \n","0.681598 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2077 | \n","2077.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","57.0 | \n","{0, 129, 35, 70, 119} | \n","{128, 130, 133, 6, 143, 144, 28, 157, 49, 50, ... | \n","({0, 129, 35, 70, 119}, [{128, 0, 4, 5, 6, 28,... | \n","36.0 | \n","0.667 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(98, 102), (54, 55), (86, 87), (10, 17), (156... | \n","{0, 132, 100, 102, 36, 40, 46, 47, 48, 92, 18,... | \n","{(98, 102), (54, 55), (86, 87), (10, 17), (156... | \n","({128, 0, 4, 5, 6, 28, 34, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,... | \n","[0, 154, 20, 8, 163, 63, 105, 0, 126, 42, 2, 1... | \n","147.0 | \n","147.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3592, ({3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18... | \n","(3923, ({0, 1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, ... | \n","0.296090 | \n","1.460422 | \n","[29, 44, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","47.0 | \n","43.975610 | \n","0.655128 | \n","7212.0 | \n","False | \n","145832.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.008029 | \n","0.662294 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2123 | \n","2123.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","38.0 | \n","{129, 6, 135, 11, 159} | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 146, 23, 26, 2... | \n","({129, 6, 135, 11, 159}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7... | \n","71.0 | \n","0.803 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{0, 1, 2, 131, 4, 132, 134, 133, 135, 9, 10, 1... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 146, 23, 26, ... | \n","[0, 163, 2, 82, 88, 1, 24, 135, 154, 21, 45, 1... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4640, ({0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 16, 19, 21, 22,... | \n","(4977, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, ... | \n","0.190179 | \n","1.307497 | \n","[68, 138, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","73.0 | \n","56.439024 | \n","0.801971 | \n","9256.0 | \n","False | \n","96423.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","10.283087 | \n","0.808342 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2148 | \n","2148.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","{0, 133, 37, 138, 15, 158} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 13, 16, 145, 146, 147, 17, 21, 22, 2... | \n","({0, 133, 37, 138, 15, 158}, [{4, 5, 6, 13, 16... | \n","41.0 | \n","0.748 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (12... | \n","{129, 130, 98, 34, 104, 77, 46, 53} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (12... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 13, 16, 145, 146, 147, 17, 21, 22, ... | \n","[0, 93, 71, 4, 97, 70, 78, 91, 102, 67, 3, 79,... | \n","146.0 | \n","146.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4383, ({128, 129, 2, 3, 4, 130, 131, 7, 133, ... | \n","(4644, ({6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 22, ... | \n","0.095029 | \n","1.344007 | \n","[50, 96, 163] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","55.0 | \n","53.463415 | \n","0.737253 | \n","8768.0 | \n","False | \n","2080923.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.945300 | \n","0.737420 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2155 | \n","2155.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","22.0 | \n","{0, 129, 163, 113, 63} | \n","{6, 7, 8, 10, 146, 19, 20, 21, 18, 44, 45, 51,... | \n","({0, 129, 163, 113, 63}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 23, 25,... | \n","27.0 | \n","0.716 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{160, 161, 98, 99, 97, 101, 100, 46, 124, 49, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 23, 25, 28, 29, 32, 33, 36, 37, ... | \n","[0, 127, 40, 2, 42, 123, 161, 3, 67, 107, 4, 9... | \n","145.0 | \n","145.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3996, ({0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, ... | \n","(4283, ({1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 18, 20, 23, 25, 27,... | \n","0.092492 | \n","1.402215 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","48.719512 | \n","0.690353 | \n","7990.0 | \n","False | \n","361951.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.273859 | \n","0.688456 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2130 | \n","2130.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","60.0 | \n","{0, 133, 138, 16, 145} | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 137, 11, 144, 152, 153, 27, 28... | \n","({0, 133, 138, 16, 145}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 137,... | \n","33.0 | \n","0.727 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{101, 6, 102, 47, 144, 151, 56, 154, 28, 94} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 137, 11, 144, 152, 153, 27, 2... | \n","[0, 121, 49, 4, 109, 65, 67, 102, 117, 42, 107... | \n","145.0 | \n","145.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4112, ({0, 131, 5, 6, 133, 134, 136, 139, 12,... | \n","(4550, ({0, 1, 3, 6, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 28... | \n","0.063627 | \n","1.367799 | \n","[20, 162, 140] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","51.524390 | \n","0.721335 | \n","8450.0 | \n","False | \n","1070303.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.784354 | \n","0.714688 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2171 | \n","2171.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","23.0 | \n","{65, 99, 139, 53, 25} | \n","{128, 129, 130, 135, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 14... | \n","({65, 99, 139, 53, 25}, [{0, 129, 2, 3, 4, 1, ... | \n","71.0 | \n","0.803 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (72... | \n","{0, 129, 128, 130, 3, 133, 2, 7, 6, 9, 10, 14,... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (72... | \n","({0, 129, 2, 3, 4, 1, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 14... | \n","[0, 85, 84, 86, 83, 0, 87, 82, 88, 81, 89, 80,... | \n","137.0 | \n","137.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4795, ({1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19... | \n","(5102, ({0, 2, 6, 7, 10, 15, 17, 26, 27, 29, 3... | \n","0.207743 | \n","1.282807 | \n","[22, 154, 96] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","74.0 | \n","58.451220 | \n","0.801687 | \n","9586.0 | \n","False | \n","569048.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","9.688356 | \n","0.815500 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2129 | \n","2129.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","{133, 107, 18, 154, 61} | \n","{132, 5, 4, 7, 9, 10, 144, 145, 20, 21, 157, 1... | \n","({133, 107, 18, 154, 61}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 148... | \n","44.0 | \n","0.765 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{97, 162, 98, 100, 7, 80, 116, 120, 56, 123, 1... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 148, 152, 27, 28, 29, 36, 38,... | \n","[0, 162, 1, 81, 83, 84, 82, 85, 80, 87, 77, 76... | \n","146.0 | \n","146.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4557, ({1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20... | \n","(4911, ({0, 3, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, ... | \n","0.051111 | \n","1.317372 | \n","[50, 96, 18] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","57.0 | \n","55.634146 | \n","0.769762 | \n","9124.0 | \n","False | \n","1239348.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.273559 | \n","0.762726 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2151 | \n","2151.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","39.0 | \n","{128, 1, 131, 140, 153} | \n","{129, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 148, 21,... | \n","({128, 1, 131, 140, 153}, [{129, 4, 5, 6, 9, 1... | \n","38.0 | \n","0.714 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","{32, 128, 8, 41, 15, 112, 17, 117, 118, 151, 92} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","({129, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 148, 21... | \n","[0, 159, 118, 45, 3, 50, 117, 120, 48, 4, 65, ... | \n","146.0 | \n","146.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4145, ({0, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17,... | \n","(4444, ({3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23... | \n","0.132957 | \n","1.384184 | \n","[100, 112, 162] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","50.189024 | \n","0.707942 | \n","8231.0 | \n","False | \n","787695.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.404443 | \n","0.708817 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2145 | \n","2145.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","51.0 | \n","{160, 0, 5, 75, 14} | \n","{133, 6, 5, 137, 13, 16, 17, 21, 150, 152, 34,... | \n","({160, 0, 5, 75, 14}, [{133, 6, 5, 137, 13, 16... | \n","35.0 | \n","0.665 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{130, 98, 133, 134, 12, 127, 46, 144, 113, 50,... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({133, 6, 5, 137, 13, 16, 17, 21, 150, 152, 34... | \n","[0, 156, 158, 1, 154, 3, 63, 107, 116, 51, 34,... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3757, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, ... | \n","(4054, ({6, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 30... | \n","0.163812 | \n","1.434386 | \n","[20, 162, 1] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","47.0 | \n","46.097561 | \n","0.665029 | \n","7560.0 | \n","False | \n","261278.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.162184 | \n","0.665651 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2142 | \n","2142.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","57.0 | \n","{0, 1, 4, 49, 148} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 146, 147, 1... | \n","({0, 1, 4, 49, 148}, [{1, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14... | \n","39.0 | \n","0.685 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (125, 126), (86, 90), (154, 156), (... | \n","{103, 104, 135, 46, 27, 28, 30} | \n","{(54, 55), (125, 126), (86, 90), (154, 156), (... | \n","({1, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 147, 19... | \n","[0, 163, 100, 63, 1, 76, 90, 3, 98, 70, 105, 6... | \n","127.0 | \n","127.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3703, ({0, 2, 8, 9, 14, 15, 18, 20, 24, 26, 2... | \n","(4042, ({1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 19, 21, 23,... | \n","0.145655 | \n","1.439847 | \n","[20, 162, 2] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","45.652439 | \n","0.682807 | \n","7487.0 | \n","False | \n","123487.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.815621 | \n","0.677733 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2156 | \n","2156.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","47.0 | \n","{0, 4, 102, 90, 155} | \n","{130, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, ... | \n","({0, 4, 102, 90, 155}, [{130, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, ... | \n","37.0 | \n","0.697 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (40, 41... | \n","{128, 9, 10, 19, 148, 149, 151, 24, 28, 29, 16... | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (40, 41... | \n","({130, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19,... | \n","[0, 162, 138, 29, 3, 57, 112, 4, 71, 104, 85, ... | \n","135.0 | \n","135.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3894, ({7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22, 23,... | \n","(4172, ({0, 1, 2, 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 2... | \n","0.087038 | \n","1.423238 | \n","[20, 162, 135] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","47.006098 | \n","0.692605 | \n","7709.0 | \n","False | \n","353125.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.369520 | \n","0.684873 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2143 | \n","2143.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","{128, 0, 8, 20, 156, 61} | \n","{1, 2, 4, 134, 6, 18, 27, 28, 29, 37, 40, 41, ... | \n","({128, 0, 8, 20, 156, 61}, [{0, 3, 7, 137, 144... | \n","33.0 | \n","0.668 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","{128, 99, 35, 102, 134, 42, 80, 113, 114, 115,... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","({0, 3, 7, 137, 144, 145, 146, 150, 22, 30, 15... | \n","[0, 162, 3, 112, 57, 1, 109, 53, 1, 110, 52, 5... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3783, ({2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, ... | \n","(3994, ({1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 21, 23, 26... | \n","0.130747 | \n","1.445758 | \n","[20, 162, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","45.170732 | \n","0.659991 | \n","7408.0 | \n","False | \n","152155.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.386302 | \n","0.657424 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2167 | \n","2167.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","{0, 129, 135, 137, 108, 150} | \n","{128, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 30... | \n","({0, 129, 135, 137, 108, 150}, [{128, 4, 5, 12... | \n","27.0 | \n","0.641 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (17, 20), (40... | \n","{4, 138, 143, 17, 146, 24, 156, 157, 30, 162, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (17, 20), (40... | \n","({128, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 3... | \n","[0, 163, 0, 119, 62, 1, 105, 58, 1, 57, 104, 9... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3555, ({2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21... | \n","(3789, ({0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1... | \n","0.174059 | \n","1.473964 | \n","[39, 70, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","42.871951 | \n","0.636250 | \n","7031.0 | \n","False | \n","111904.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.366976 | \n","0.635114 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2144 | \n","2144.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","{97, 100, 11, 81, 59} | \n","{128, 129, 3, 133, 6, 7, 5, 9, 10, 15, 19, 20,... | \n","({97, 100, 11, 81, 59}, [{128, 129, 2, 3, 1, 1... | \n","38.0 | \n","0.701 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","{32, 129, 3, 36, 37, 38, 133, 104, 105, 76, 77... | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","({128, 129, 2, 3, 1, 133, 6, 7, 8, 0, 22, 154,... | \n","[0, 162, 1, 97, 71, 109, 64, 67, 102, 160, 3, ... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3959, ({1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 2... | \n","(4294, ({3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 2... | \n","0.123412 | \n","1.409921 | \n","[100, 112, 2] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","48.0 | \n","48.091463 | \n","0.687510 | \n","7887.0 | \n","False | \n","264418.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.055285 | \n","0.685530 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2147 | \n","2147.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","{130, 4, 136, 53, 152, 91} | \n","{10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 45, 56, 57, 66, 6... | \n","({130, 4, 136, 53, 152, 91}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 6, ... | \n","25.0 | \n","0.628 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(98, 102), (54, 55), (86, 87), (154, 156), (4... | \n","{128, 97, 6, 45, 110, 147, 119, 28, 157} | \n","{(98, 102), (54, 55), (86, 87), (154, 156), (4... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 135, 7, 9, 18, 25, 32, 72, 73... | \n","[0, 162, 129, 41, 2, 66, 107, 4, 109, 65, 67, ... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3804, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, ... | \n","(4105, ({3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17... | \n","0.074764 | \n","1.431992 | \n","[20, 162, 130] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","46.292683 | \n","0.653596 | \n","7592.0 | \n","False | \n","348136.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.482218 | \n","0.649361 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2152 | \n","2152.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","{161, 129, 2, 6, 155, 126} | \n","{1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 149, 23, 154, 28, 29, 32, ... | \n","({161, 129, 2, 6, 155, 126}, [{0, 1, 3, 4, 5, ... | \n","26.0 | \n","0.688 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(98, 102), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (4... | \n","{32, 33, 0, 36, 38, 71, 73, 43, 84, 52, 150, 2... | \n","{(98, 102), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (4... | \n","({0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 20, 22, 32, 37, 62,... | \n","[0, 116, 49, 4, 51, 115, 161, 3, 64, 103, 0, 9... | \n","134.0 | \n","134.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3806, ({4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 2... | \n","(4064, ({0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22... | \n","0.071820 | \n","1.437977 | \n","[20, 162, 97] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","45.804878 | \n","0.669312 | \n","7512.0 | \n","False | \n","205366.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.166093 | \n","0.661749 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2163 | \n","2163.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","{0, 99, 4, 62, 31} | \n","{1, 2, 3, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 38, ... | \n","({0, 99, 4, 62, 31}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 24, 25, 27,... | \n","24.0 | \n","0.634 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(82, 86), (54, 55), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{96, 102, 7, 74, 107, 13, 78, 46, 47, 119, 57,... | \n","{(82, 86), (54, 55), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 38, 39, ... | \n","[0, 132, 0, 162, 85, 87, 84, 88, 83, 97, 75, 1... | \n","141.0 | \n","141.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3402, ({1, 130, 4, 6, 134, 8, 136, 11, 12, 13... | \n","(3706, ({0, 3, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21,... | \n","0.140332 | \n","1.488029 | \n","[20, 162, 131] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","41.725610 | \n","0.635558 | \n","6843.0 | \n","False | \n","70475.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.094016 | \n","0.631382 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2138 | \n","2138.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","63.0 | \n","{160, 0, 128, 14, 19} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 137, 10, 11, 9, 13, 16, 17, 146, 19,... | \n","({160, 0, 128, 14, 19}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, 132, 1... | \n","44.0 | \n","0.707 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, ... | \n","{64, 5, 16, 145, 91} | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, ... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 131, 132, 133, 134, 6, 3, 10, 17, 2... | \n","[0, 158, 3, 39, 124, 0, 161, 84, 85, 83, 93, 8... | \n","136.0 | \n","136.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4070, ({0, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 17, 20, 21, 23, ... | \n","(4278, ({0, 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17... | \n","0.107367 | \n","1.396005 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","49.225610 | \n","0.710150 | \n","8073.0 | \n","False | \n","299068.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.345153 | \n","0.705195 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2159 | \n","2159.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","58.0 | \n","{0, 3, 163, 5, 135, 22} | \n","{6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 145, 146, 147, 20, 21, 1... | \n","({0, 3, 163, 5, 135, 22}, [{3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 14,... | \n","39.0 | \n","0.647 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(86, 87), (154, 156), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18... | \n","{162, 103, 105, 48, 145, 16, 147, 151, 28, 29,... | \n","{(86, 87), (154, 156), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18... | \n","({3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 14, 16, 17, 146, 18, 20, 158,... | \n","[0, 162, 0, 95, 74, 2, 89, 78, 3, 97, 70, 90, ... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3768, ({0, 1, 128, 4, 132, 6, 134, 8, 137, 11... | \n","(4127, ({0, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, 22... | \n","0.155797 | \n","1.430196 | \n","[39, 70, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","46.0 | \n","46.439024 | \n","0.664014 | \n","7616.0 | \n","False | \n","176275.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.432622 | \n","0.664395 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2158 | \n","2158.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","38.0 | \n","{0, 138, 12, 154, 94} | \n","{3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28, 29,... | \n","({0, 138, 12, 154, 94}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10... | \n","61.0 | \n","0.756 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (26, 28), (40... | \n","{128, 0, 130, 3, 6, 135, 10, 20, 26, 28, 29, 1... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (26, 28), (40... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 28, 30, 161, 33, 36, 3... | \n","[0, 84, 83, 85, 82, 0, 93, 80, 87, 79, 88, 78,... | \n","131.0 | \n","131.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4366, ({0, 128, 2, 3, 129, 132, 6, 133, 137, ... | \n","(4656, ({0, 3, 6, 8, 10, 20, 21, 26, 28, 29, 3... | \n","0.226764 | \n","1.349020 | \n","[49, 146, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","65.0 | \n","53.054878 | \n","0.755375 | \n","8701.0 | \n","False | \n","317337.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","9.917683 | \n","0.768974 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2134 | \n","2134.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","{128, 0, 35, 18, 19} | \n","{131, 134, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 27,... | \n","({128, 0, 35, 18, 19}, [{4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13... | \n","50.0 | \n","0.755 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72, 73), (34... | \n","{65, 131, 4, 70, 135, 72, 41, 40, 43, 111, 49,... | \n","{(86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72, 73), (34... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 34, 4... | \n","[0, 158, 1, 93, 74, 70, 97, 0, 99, 69, 104, 65... | \n","145.0 | \n","145.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4466, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15... | \n","(4726, ({1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 21, 25, 26... | \n","0.094114 | \n","1.332859 | \n","[75, 104, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","54.371951 | \n","0.741354 | \n","8917.0 | \n","False | \n","1191976.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.595349 | \n","0.742364 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2169 | \n","2169.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","{128, 2, 9, 141, 94} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 144, 17, 16, 21, 34, ... | \n","({128, 2, 9, 141, 94}, [{4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 1... | \n","28.0 | \n","0.709 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{96, 97, 7, 48, 144, 122, 123, 124} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 144, 17, 16, 21, 34,... | \n","[0, 162, 160, 2, 70, 95, 1, 130, 1, 90, 74, 97... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3904, ({0, 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19... | \n","(4197, ({0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 2... | \n","0.075451 | \n","1.418824 | \n","[20, 162, 131] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","47.365854 | \n","0.680857 | \n","7768.0 | \n","False | \n","264877.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.512403 | \n","0.675001 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2136 | \n","2136.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","{0, 100, 4, 139, 12, 156} | \n","{5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 146, 18, 20, 21, ... | \n","({0, 100, 4, 139, 12, 156}, [{4, 5, 6, 10, 11,... | \n","43.0 | \n","0.664 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{162, 101, 103, 48, 62, 30, 95} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 146, 18, 21... | \n","[0, 163, 162, 3, 64, 109, 119, 46, 2, 70, 92, ... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3798, ({0, 129, 2, 4, 6, 7, 134, 9, 135, 11, ... | \n","(4118, ({1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19, 23... | \n","0.228281 | \n","1.436256 | \n","[20, 162, 132] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","45.945122 | \n","0.675731 | \n","7535.0 | \n","False | \n","112822.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.545361 | \n","0.678941 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2137 | \n","2137.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","{160, 1, 128, 7, 59} | \n","{12, 13, 16, 17, 147, 28, 30, 34, 36, 41, 42, ... | \n","({160, 1, 128, 7, 59}, [{4, 5, 12, 13, 146, 14... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.636 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","{128, 5, 135, 142, 150, 30, 34, 37, 41, 46, 47... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","({4, 5, 12, 13, 146, 147, 20, 18, 150, 34, 35,... | \n","[0, 162, 1, 67, 99, 102, 66, 63, 110, 4, 111, ... | \n","138.0 | \n","138.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3661, ({2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 22, 2... | \n","(3899, ({0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 11, 14, 20, 21, 23, 2... | \n","0.068928 | \n","1.459075 | \n","[20, 162, 6] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","44.085366 | \n","0.638338 | \n","7230.0 | \n","False | \n","147201.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.783841 | \n","0.634383 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2166 | \n","2166.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","46.0 | \n","{128, 0, 67, 5, 139, 47} | \n","{13, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 3... | \n","({128, 0, 67, 5, 139, 47}, [{128, 129, 130, 11... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.669 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{129, 97, 36, 4, 136, 42, 76, 45, 48, 113, 114... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({128, 129, 130, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 33, 3... | \n","[0, 162, 3, 50, 118, 4, 159, 103, 67, 1, 163, ... | \n","136.0 | \n","136.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3545, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2... | \n","(3865, ({1, 3, 4, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 27, ... | \n","0.141106 | \n","1.468502 | \n","[20, 162, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","43.317073 | \n","0.654430 | \n","7104.0 | \n","False | \n","94333.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.985451 | \n","0.651014 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2170 | \n","2170.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","{128, 0, 163, 137, 111, 145} | \n","{16, 17, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34, 35, 36, 4... | \n","({128, 0, 163, 137, 111, 145}, [{4, 5, 6, 7, 1... | \n","32.0 | \n","0.620 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (... | \n","{33, 42, 43, 46, 49, 57, 26, 59, 28, 157, 127} | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 26, 44, 45, 64, 65, 78, 79, ... | \n","[0, 154, 17, 3, 70, 107, 4, 163, 89, 82, 90, 8... | \n","132.0 | \n","132.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3446, ({1, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 21, 23,... | \n","(3691, ({0, 1, 6, 7, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20... | \n","0.171143 | \n","1.491546 | \n","[20, 162, 131] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","39.0 | \n","41.439024 | \n","0.619671 | \n","6796.0 | \n","False | \n","70158.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.489397 | \n","0.618858 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2128 | \n","2128.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","50.0 | \n","{0, 132, 69, 9, 49} | \n","{2, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 28, 32, 34, 35... | \n","({0, 132, 69, 9, 49}, [{0, 1, 2, 13, 15, 16, 1... | \n","27.0 | \n","0.654 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (125, 126), (156, 157),... | \n","{96, 128, 34, 35, 99, 133, 104, 9, 10, 76, 77,... | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (125, 126), (156, 157),... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 13, 15, 16, 17, 148, 23, 24, 25, 27... | \n","[0, 85, 83, 86, 80, 0, 95, 79, 88, 75, 91, 73,... | \n","129.0 | \n","129.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3486, ({0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15,... | \n","(3761, ({4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17... | \n","0.074140 | \n","1.483166 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","46.0 | \n","42.121951 | \n","0.653026 | \n","6908.0 | \n","False | \n","84787.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.193266 | \n","0.645453 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2149 | \n","2149.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","46.0 | \n","{17, 82, 50, 151, 157} | \n","{130, 138, 140, 14, 144, 146, 147, 149, 151, 3... | \n","({17, 82, 50, 151, 157}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9... | \n","43.0 | \n","0.717 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{8, 9, 139, 76, 47, 53, 149} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28,... | \n","[0, 162, 1, 57, 110, 4, 82, 111, 56, 118, 44, ... | \n","129.0 | \n","129.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4117, ({0, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18,... | \n","(4467, ({3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 2... | \n","0.128428 | \n","1.380593 | \n","[20, 162, 35] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","50.481707 | \n","0.724212 | \n","8279.0 | \n","False | \n","670035.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.383133 | \n","0.720521 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2172 | \n","2172.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","{135, 42, 10, 141, 53} | \n","{133, 134, 7, 8, 9, 10, 6, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21,... | \n","({135, 42, 10, 141, 53}, [{0, 4, 133, 134, 7, ... | \n","49.0 | \n","0.699 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","{128, 10, 144, 145, 146, 147, 47, 48, 49, 53, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","({0, 4, 133, 134, 7, 8, 9, 6, 5, 13, 16, 17, 2... | \n","[0, 161, 114, 58, 10, 15, 152, 1, 155, 14, 3, ... | \n","140.0 | \n","140.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4051, ({3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 16, 17, 23, 24, 26, ... | \n","(4368, ({0, 2, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, ... | \n","0.240552 | \n","1.397576 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","60.0 | \n","49.097561 | \n","0.713557 | \n","8052.0 | \n","False | \n","199819.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.821490 | \n","0.717722 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2168 | \n","2168.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","{0, 4, 133, 70, 39, 150} | \n","{129, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, 158... | \n","({0, 4, 133, 70, 39, 150}, [{129, 4, 5, 6, 11,... | \n","31.0 | \n","0.654 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (10, 17), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{40, 41, 43, 144, 145, 114, 49, 121, 26, 92, 95} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (10, 17), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({129, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, 15... | \n","[0, 163, 156, 2, 70, 95, 162, 1, 99, 67, 71, 9... | \n","147.0 | \n","147.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3398, ({0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, ... | \n","(3713, ({1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 2... | \n","0.087035 | \n","1.492444 | \n","[20, 162, 130] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","41.365854 | \n","0.632316 | \n","6784.0 | \n","False | \n","58397.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","0.765920 | \n","0.628892 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2160 | \n","2160.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","{0, 137, 139, 81, 56} | \n","{132, 134, 6, 9, 10, 18, 21, 23, 34, 35, 44, 5... | \n","({0, 137, 139, 81, 56}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9,... | \n","33.0 | \n","0.664 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","{108, 12, 112, 50, 84, 54, 23, 152, 153, 63, 57} | \n","{(86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (156, 157), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 58, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80,... | \n","[0, 103, 68, 1, 67, 101, 108, 63, 74, 97, 109,... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3727, ({1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, ... | \n","(4143, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 20, 22, 23, ... | \n","0.147253 | \n","1.431243 | \n","[100, 112, 159] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","44.0 | \n","46.353659 | \n","0.671636 | \n","7602.0 | \n","False | \n","233941.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.075216 | \n","0.670408 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2154 | \n","2154.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","25.0 | \n","{128, 163, 8, 10, 15, 60} | \n","{4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 16, 147, 28, 161, 34, 35, 44... | \n","({128, 163, 8, 10, 15, 60}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, 3,... | \n","50.0 | \n","0.748 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","{33, 130, 131, 161, 133, 102, 35, 104, 9, 44, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 131, 3, 9, 149, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30,... | \n","[0, 96, 69, 2, 70, 93, 101, 66, 68, 107, 5, 13... | \n","136.0 | \n","136.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4281, ({128, 129, 131, 133, 6, 135, 136, 9, 1... | \n","(4676, ({2, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,... | \n","0.090250 | \n","1.355305 | \n","[147, 163, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","52.542683 | \n","0.739034 | \n","8617.0 | \n","False | \n","365724.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.986322 | \n","0.734990 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2161 | \n","2161.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","{99, 6, 15, 144, 22} | \n","{1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 145, 19, 21, 28, 29, 36... | \n","({99, 6, 15, 144, 22}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 145, 18, ... | \n","39.0 | \n","0.738 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{153, 147, 111, 41} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 145, 18, 20, 28, 29, 36, 37, 38,... | \n","[0, 86, 84, 85, 83, 87, 80, 88, 77, 0, 94, 81,... | \n","131.0 | \n","131.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4227, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ... | \n","(4526, ({7, 8, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,... | \n","0.091317 | \n","1.372512 | \n","[20, 162, 163] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","55.0 | \n","51.140244 | \n","0.723521 | \n","8387.0 | \n","False | \n","769793.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.770685 | \n","0.718282 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2140 | \n","2140.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","53.0 | \n","{0, 162, 6, 143} | \n","{128, 130, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,... | \n","({0, 162, 6, 143}, [{128, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 13... | \n","68.0 | \n","0.839 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 1... | \n","{130, 3, 9, 74, 77, 79, 88, 57} | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 1... | \n","({128, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 135, 8, 9, 10, 11, 7,... | \n","[0, 161, 0, 84, 83, 85, 82, 86, 81, 87, 80, 88... | \n","139.0 | \n","139.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(5073, ({128, 1, 129, 130, 4, 5, 132, 134, 8, ... | \n","(5439, ({0, 3, 5, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, ... | \n","0.086789 | \n","1.237767 | \n","[68, 138, 162] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","72.0 | \n","62.121951 | \n","0.832469 | \n","10188.0 | \n","False | \n","1913292.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","7.227305 | \n","0.833253 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2164 | \n","2164.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","58.0 | \n","{0, 1, 4, 14, 20, 127} | \n","{134, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, ... | \n","({0, 1, 4, 14, 20, 127}, [{130, 4, 5, 12, 16, ... | \n","28.0 | \n","0.621 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18, ... | \n","{36, 134, 103, 104, 27, 76, 77, 46, 12, 52, 11... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18, ... | \n","({130, 4, 5, 12, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 36, 4... | \n","[0, 162, 141, 27, 4, 68, 107, 1, 163, 2, 29, 1... | \n","148.0 | \n","148.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3740, ({0, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 13, 18, 22, 24, 25... | \n","(4027, ({2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 2... | \n","0.147243 | \n","1.444187 | \n","[20, 162, 130] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","45.298780 | \n","0.631140 | \n","7429.0 | \n","False | \n","232616.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.774070 | \n","0.633744 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2165 | \n","2165.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","57.0 | \n","{1, 101, 134, 24, 125} | \n","{5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 34, 35, 40, 42, 44, ... | \n","({1, 101, 134, 24, 125}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 140, 14... | \n","41.0 | \n","0.699 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{130, 132, 102, 135, 40, 75, 11, 108, 78, 79, ... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 140, 148, 23, 25, 29, 31, 32, 33... | \n","[0, 163, 162, 2, 94, 68, 3, 160, 1, 63, 105, 4... | \n","147.0 | \n","147.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4021, ({1, 7, 9, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 29, ... | \n","(4310, ({7, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 27, 30... | \n","0.122801 | \n","1.403711 | \n","[20, 162, 133] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","48.597561 | \n","0.704138 | \n","7970.0 | \n","False | \n","271287.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.999058 | \n","0.700203 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2146 | \n","2146.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","66.0 | \n","{0, 98, 4, 135, 141, 158} | \n","{10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 146, 20, 21, 34, 35, 42, ... | \n","({0, 98, 4, 135, 141, 158}, [{128, 1, 2, 3, 0,... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.648 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (12... | \n","{34, 143, 19, 148, 95} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (12... | \n","({128, 1, 2, 3, 0, 134, 19, 23, 32, 33, 37, 39... | \n","[0, 157, 1, 95, 71, 100, 67, 59, 109, 4, 163, ... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3702, ({1, 3, 133, 135, 9, 10, 11, 138, 139, ... | \n","(4049, ({8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,... | \n","0.100410 | \n","1.440670 | \n","[20, 162, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","45.585366 | \n","0.652785 | \n","7476.0 | \n","False | \n","271408.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.036711 | \n","0.648965 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2150 | \n","2150.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","38.0 | \n","{128, 0, 4, 47, 157} | \n","{7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 28, 34, ... | \n","({128, 0, 4, 47, 157}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 22, 23... | \n","42.0 | \n","0.702 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","{5, 134, 133, 9, 28, 34, 36, 44, 46, 56, 57, 5... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 22, 23, 32, 33, 37, 39, 52, 5... | \n","[0, 160, 0, 119, 45, 4, 163, 82, 81, 93, 70, 6... | \n","138.0 | \n","138.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4043, ({3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17,... | \n","(4427, ({4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 22, 24, 28, 29... | \n","0.190277 | \n","1.387176 | \n","[20, 162, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","55.0 | \n","49.945122 | \n","0.705228 | \n","8191.0 | \n","False | \n","340530.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.762098 | \n","0.710125 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2141 | \n","2141.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","60.0 | \n","{0, 4, 100, 13, 154} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 9, 16, 17, 20, 21, 34, 44, 48, 50, 5... | \n","({0, 4, 100, 13, 154}, [{4, 5, 6, 9, 16, 17, 2... | \n","24.0 | \n","0.633 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{163, 134, 40, 42, 54, 152, 56, 27, 28, 29} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 9, 16, 17, 20, 21, 34, 44, 48, 50, ... | \n","[0, 156, 0, 125, 46, 1, 163, 64, 110, 3, 88, 8... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3354, ({2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21,... | \n","(3711, ({0, 3, 6, 9, 10, 14, 19, 26, 27, 28, 2... | \n","0.125881 | \n","1.492444 | \n","[20, 162, 128] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","38.0 | \n","41.365854 | \n","0.615066 | \n","6784.0 | \n","False | \n","93882.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.312934 | \n","0.611784 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2131 | \n","2131.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","56.0 | \n","{131, 69, 8, 43, 15, 157} | \n","{2, 131, 3, 9, 10, 18, 37, 40, 50, 51, 52, 54,... | \n","({131, 69, 8, 43, 15, 157}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 18, ... | \n","28.0 | \n","0.645 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{130, 36, 137, 148, 53, 156} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 18, 20, 153, 37, 39, 52, 54, 55,... | \n","[0, 162, 2, 62, 106, 91, 79, 7, 122, 56, 4, 82... | \n","138.0 | \n","138.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3694, ({0, 130, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 131, 9, 132, 1... | \n","(4019, ({0, 2, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 2... | \n","0.114685 | \n","1.442466 | \n","[20, 162, 5] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","45.439024 | \n","0.645399 | \n","7452.0 | \n","False | \n","216226.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.977011 | \n","0.642934 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2135 | \n","2135.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","58.0 | \n","{1, 130, 131, 42, 152} | \n","{1, 2, 3, 133, 6, 7, 136, 9, 10, 21, 28, 156, ... | \n","({1, 130, 131, 42, 152}, [{128, 129, 4, 5, 9, ... | \n","33.0 | \n","0.705 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18, ... | \n","{34, 101, 5, 39, 41, 50, 147, 117, 30, 56, 156... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18, ... | \n","({128, 129, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 17, 20, 149, 150,... | \n","[0, 93, 72, 1, 91, 73, 1, 161, 4, 82, 86, 0, 9... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3958, ({1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, ... | \n","(4308, ({4, 5, 8, 11, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, ... | \n","0.126276 | \n","1.395706 | \n","[20, 162, 131] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","46.0 | \n","49.250000 | \n","0.689159 | \n","8077.0 | \n","False | \n","480536.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.862467 | \n","0.688587 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2127 | \n","2127.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","47.0 | \n","{161, 135, 12, 48, 29} | \n","{1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 138, 139, 140, 141, 14, ... | \n","({161, 135, 12, 48, 29}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8... | \n","47.0 | \n","0.733 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (40, 41), (72, 73), (34, ... | \n","{128, 2, 4, 9, 14, 148, 150, 152, 156, 43, 45,... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (40, 41), (72, 73), (34, ... | \n","({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 138, 139, 140, 141, ... | \n","[0, 84, 83, 85, 82, 86, 80, 87, 79, 89, 77, 88... | \n","133.0 | \n","133.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3935, ({128, 1, 2, 6, 134, 8, 139, 13, 141, 1... | \n","(4278, ({0, 2, 4, 5, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21... | \n","0.277971 | \n","1.410893 | \n","[29, 44, 129] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","60.0 | \n","48.012195 | \n","0.719480 | \n","7874.0 | \n","False | \n","187173.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","7.058629 | \n","0.725545 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2132 | \n","2132.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","41.0 | \n","{0, 130, 131, 138, 19} | \n","{4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 146, 26, 34,... | \n","({0, 130, 131, 138, 19}, [{130, 7, 8, 11, 12, ... | \n","37.0 | \n","0.708 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157),... | \n","{161, 162, 35, 36, 37, 6, 134, 27, 40, 113, 86... | \n","{(134, 137), (54, 55), (100, 101), (156, 157),... | \n","({130, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 147, 151, 159... | \n","[0, 85, 84, 86, 83, 87, 82, 90, 78, 3, 89, 81,... | \n","146.0 | \n","146.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4266, ({4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21... | \n","(4514, ({0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 16, 18, 19, 23, 27... | \n","0.129167 | \n","1.367574 | \n","[50, 96, 68] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","51.542683 | \n","0.709857 | \n","8453.0 | \n","False | \n","1275388.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.262627 | \n","0.712976 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2162 | \n","2162.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","{131, 36, 5, 7, 142, 28} | \n","{20, 21, 151, 162, 46, 48, 52, 53, 58, 67, 76,... | \n","({131, 36, 5, 7, 142, 28}, [{13, 17, 146, 148,... | \n","25.0 | \n","0.644 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (10, 17), (100, 1... | \n","{130, 50, 149, 58, 91} | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (10, 17), (100, 1... | \n","({13, 17, 146, 148, 149, 150, 22, 24, 25, 27, ... | \n","[0, 145, 40, 1, 71, 98, 3, 99, 69, 63, 108, 4,... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3665, ({0, 1, 3, 4, 8, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22... | \n","(3877, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 11, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 2... | \n","0.102685 | \n","1.457579 | \n","[100, 112, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","40.0 | \n","44.207317 | \n","0.637452 | \n","7250.0 | \n","False | \n","229522.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.672876 | \n","0.634603 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2157 | \n","2157.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","{0, 1, 163, 16, 124} | \n","{5, 135, 136, 9, 138, 139, 140, 141, 7, 146, 1... | \n","({0, 1, 163, 16, 124}, [{160, 161, 162, 3, 1, ... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.679 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (40... | \n","{33, 44, 45, 28, 14, 51, 61, 55, 26, 92, 125, 63} | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (40... | \n","({160, 161, 162, 3, 1, 39, 9, 74, 75, 44, 10, ... | \n","[0, 159, 98, 73, 1, 162, 1, 87, 81, 3, 163, 2,... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3719, ({0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21... | \n","(3941, ({1, 3, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, ... | \n","0.133296 | \n","1.451594 | \n","[39, 70, 0] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","45.0 | \n","44.695122 | \n","0.655512 | \n","7330.0 | \n","False | \n","178971.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.901956 | \n","0.652782 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2139 | \n","2139.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","47.0 | \n","{128, 161, 135, 39, 9, 56} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 7, 144, 17, 16, 147, 20, 21, 151, 15... | \n","({128, 161, 135, 39, 9, 56}, [{4, 5, 6, 7, 144... | \n","36.0 | \n","0.701 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","{129, 130, 4, 5, 16, 147, 148, 152, 30, 161, 3... | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","({4, 5, 6, 7, 144, 17, 16, 147, 20, 21, 151, 1... | \n","[0, 162, 92, 70, 4, 86, 81, 77, 90, 3, 159, 89... | \n","142.0 | \n","142.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3957, ({2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15,... | \n","(4277, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20... | \n","0.180186 | \n","1.408050 | \n","[20, 162, 135] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","49.0 | \n","48.243902 | \n","0.701528 | \n","7912.0 | \n","False | \n","481345.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.175136 | \n","0.701991 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2133 | \n","2133.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","57.0 | \n","{100, 18, 122, 156, 30} | \n","{0, 129, 130, 3, 2, 1, 8, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, ... | \n","({100, 18, 122, 156, 30}, [{0, 129, 130, 3, 2,... | \n","37.0 | \n","0.655 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","{128, 106, 48, 115, 27} | \n","{(86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","({0, 129, 130, 3, 2, 1, 8, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25,... | \n","[0, 163, 104, 66, 4, 156, 86, 81, 99, 68, 67, ... | \n","144.0 | \n","144.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(3818, ({1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19,... | \n","(4111, ({3, 5, 6, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2... | \n","0.127737 | \n","1.434610 | \n","[20, 162, 1] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","47.0 | \n","46.079268 | \n","0.671572 | \n","7557.0 | \n","False | \n","169682.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.187179 | \n","0.668056 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2153 | \n","2153.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","60.0 | \n","{136, 8, 108, 143, 154} | \n","{0, 1, 130, 3, 2, 139, 140, 141, 26, 27, 28, 3... | \n","({136, 8, 108, 143, 154}, [{0, 1, 130, 3, 2, 1... | \n","40.0 | \n","0.710 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{10, 75, 91, 45, 77, 86, 123, 124} | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","({0, 1, 130, 3, 2, 139, 140, 141, 26, 27, 28, ... | \n","[0, 153, 101, 67, 1, 71, 100, 0, 145, 29, 2, 7... | \n","143.0 | \n","143.0 | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,... | \n","(4084, ({0, 129, 3, 4, 131, 133, 7, 134, 9, 10... | \n","(4641, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 14, 15, 24, 25, 2... | \n","0.062355 | \n","1.360766 | \n","[50, 96, 163] | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","54.0 | \n","52.097561 | \n","0.721741 | \n","8544.0 | \n","False | \n","592404.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.848097 | \n","0.717857 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
\n"," | Subject | \n","Label | \n","
0 | \n","40013 | \n","0 | \n","
1 | \n","40014 | \n","0 | \n","
2 | \n","40017 | \n","0 | \n","
3 | \n","40018 | \n","0 | \n","
4 | \n","40019 | \n","0 | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
759 | \n","4167 | \n","0 | \n","
760 | \n","4168 | \n","0 | \n","
761 | \n","4169 | \n","1 | \n","
762 | \n","4170 | \n","1 | \n","
763 | \n","4171 | \n","1 | \n","
764 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | Subject | \n","Schizophrenic | \n","Average shortest path | \n","Stoer Wagner cuts | \n","Wiener Index | \n","Dijkstra path | \n","Max weight matching | \n","Conductance | \n","Randomized Partitioning Heuristic | \n","
3000 | \n","3000 | \n","0 | \n","0.012555 | \n","20.479361 | \n","167.807115 | \n","6.0 | \n","82.0 | \n","0.495620 | \n","(1648.6063707380802, ({0, 3, 4, 9, 12, 15, 16,... | \n","
3010 | \n","3010 | \n","0 | \n","0.012412 | \n","16.898351 | \n","165.892491 | \n","8.0 | \n","82.0 | \n","0.498204 | \n","(1539.5217418635789, ({0, 128, 3, 132, 5, 6, 1... | \n","
3002 | \n","3002 | \n","0 | \n","0.010298 | \n","20.075623 | \n","137.648029 | \n","8.0 | \n","82.0 | \n","0.491145 | \n","(1374.510072904605, ({1, 4, 6, 7, 14, 16, 18, ... | \n","
3009 | \n","3009 | \n","0 | \n","0.010249 | \n","22.489461 | \n","136.991810 | \n","4.0 | \n","82.0 | \n","0.472525 | \n","(1412.5937324993017, ({2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14, 1... | \n","
3001 | \n","3001 | \n","0 | \n","0.009900 | \n","18.636786 | \n","132.329467 | \n","7.0 | \n","82.0 | \n","0.497004 | \n","(1307.7308541961775, ({128, 129, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
3171 | \n","3171 | \n","1 | \n","0.011135 | \n","18.207614 | \n","148.831164 | \n","7.0 | \n","82.0 | \n","0.504037 | \n","(1488.015140906703, ({6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15... | \n","
3168 | \n","3168 | \n","1 | \n","0.010344 | \n","21.208409 | \n","138.256592 | \n","4.0 | \n","82.0 | \n","0.485365 | \n","(1401.7140954226836, ({0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,... | \n","
3170 | \n","3170 | \n","1 | \n","0.012029 | \n","25.750936 | \n","160.775121 | \n","4.0 | \n","82.0 | \n","0.496349 | \n","(1642.0291251558797, ({4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 15, 20,... | \n","
3167 | \n","3167 | \n","1 | \n","0.009766 | \n","21.030312 | \n","130.530521 | \n","7.0 | \n","82.0 | \n","0.508939 | \n","(1363.3718401436267, ({1, 4, 6, 12, 14, 15, 16... | \n","
3169 | \n","3169 | \n","1 | \n","0.010490 | \n","19.338868 | \n","140.209955 | \n","5.0 | \n","82.0 | \n","0.497514 | \n","(1486.6317208546427, ({0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14... | \n","
172 rows × 9 columns
\n","\n"," | degree | \n","degree centrality | \n","betweenness centrality | \n","closeness centrality | \n","eigenvector centrality | \n","pagerank centrality | \n","local clustering | \n","avg neighbour degree | \n","load centrality | \n","subgraph centrality | \n","... | \n","local reaching centrality | \n","node clique number | \n","number of cliques | \n","square clustering | \n","greedy color | \n","second order clustering | \n","eccentricity | \n","information centrality | \n","current flow betweenness centrality | \n","approx. current flow betweenness centrality | \n","
0 | \n","58 | \n","0.355828 | \n","0.003369 | \n","0.592727 | \n","0.103592 | \n","0.006821 | \n","0.625529 | \n","56.482759 | \n","0.003390 | \n","4.327763e+21 | \n","... | \n","0.670757 | \n","24 | \n","866 | \n","0.369908 | \n","22 | \n","216.161742 | \n","3 | \n","0.152921 | \n","0.015040 | \n","0.015826 | \n","
1 | \n","62 | \n","0.380368 | \n","0.003449 | \n","0.615094 | \n","0.111947 | \n","0.007188 | \n","0.610788 | \n","57.258065 | \n","0.003397 | \n","5.054098e+21 | \n","... | \n","0.689162 | \n","25 | \n","846 | \n","0.365715 | \n","6 | \n","204.791499 | \n","3 | \n","0.157425 | \n","0.015488 | \n","0.015796 | \n","
2 | \n","63 | \n","0.386503 | \n","0.003039 | \n","0.612782 | \n","0.116265 | \n","0.007271 | \n","0.638505 | \n","58.476190 | \n","0.003034 | \n","5.451467e+21 | \n","... | \n","0.690184 | \n","26 | \n","1236 | \n","0.375446 | \n","19 | \n","202.142903 | \n","3 | \n","0.158476 | \n","0.015348 | \n","0.016063 | \n","
3 | \n","58 | \n","0.355828 | \n","0.005174 | \n","0.592727 | \n","0.096182 | \n","0.006887 | \n","0.545070 | \n","55.103448 | \n","0.005160 | \n","3.730728e+21 | \n","... | \n","0.670757 | \n","24 | \n","404 | \n","0.310129 | \n","10 | \n","215.407056 | \n","3 | \n","0.153219 | \n","0.017196 | \n","0.018117 | \n","
4 | \n","34 | \n","0.208589 | \n","0.001423 | \n","0.541528 | \n","0.037500 | \n","0.004605 | \n","0.622103 | \n","45.852941 | \n","0.001487 | \n","5.670813e+20 | \n","... | \n","0.595092 | \n","15 | \n","82 | \n","0.304600 | \n","20 | \n","315.051194 | \n","3 | \n","0.116379 | \n","0.011446 | \n","0.011162 | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
159 | \n","45 | \n","0.276074 | \n","0.003754 | \n","0.569930 | \n","0.047403 | \n","0.005848 | \n","0.552525 | \n","46.644444 | \n","0.003790 | \n","9.060653e+20 | \n","... | \n","0.632924 | \n","16 | \n","306 | \n","0.286670 | \n","17 | \n","261.431329 | \n","3 | \n","0.135421 | \n","0.015251 | \n","0.016816 | \n","
160 | \n","44 | \n","0.269939 | \n","0.002351 | \n","0.569930 | \n","0.043810 | \n","0.005753 | \n","0.599366 | \n","46.750000 | \n","0.002374 | \n","7.738830e+20 | \n","... | \n","0.630879 | \n","17 | \n","307 | \n","0.304537 | \n","18 | \n","265.883360 | \n","3 | \n","0.133758 | \n","0.014465 | \n","0.017282 | \n","
161 | \n","45 | \n","0.276074 | \n","0.004404 | \n","0.562069 | \n","0.040425 | \n","0.005958 | \n","0.533333 | \n","43.066667 | \n","0.004448 | \n","6.589125e+20 | \n","... | \n","0.628834 | \n","16 | \n","243 | \n","0.286043 | \n","9 | \n","262.207867 | \n","3 | \n","0.135130 | \n","0.016256 | \n","0.020894 | \n","
162 | \n","48 | \n","0.294479 | \n","0.004050 | \n","0.584229 | \n","0.075903 | \n","0.005894 | \n","0.520390 | \n","55.291667 | \n","0.004062 | \n","2.323333e+21 | \n","... | \n","0.646217 | \n","16 | \n","302 | \n","0.273896 | \n","6 | \n","247.896667 | \n","3 | \n","0.140549 | \n","0.015432 | \n","0.016149 | \n","
163 | \n","56 | \n","0.343558 | \n","0.004376 | \n","0.599265 | \n","0.097633 | \n","0.006623 | \n","0.572078 | \n","57.339286 | \n","0.004402 | \n","3.844134e+21 | \n","... | \n","0.669734 | \n","24 | \n","437 | \n","0.327503 | \n","24 | \n","221.365223 | \n","3 | \n","0.150868 | \n","0.015646 | \n","0.019778 | \n","
164 rows × 21 columns
\n","\n"," | Subject | \n","Subject Type | \n","Label | \n","
0 | \n","40013 | \n","Control | \n","0 | \n","
1 | \n","40014 | \n","Control | \n","0 | \n","
2 | \n","40017 | \n","Control | \n","0 | \n","
3 | \n","40018 | \n","Control | \n","0 | \n","
4 | \n","40019 | \n","Control | \n","0 | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
416 | \n","2168 | \n","Patient | \n","1 | \n","
417 | \n","2169 | \n","Patient | \n","1 | \n","
418 | \n","2170 | \n","Patient | \n","1 | \n","
419 | \n","2171 | \n","Patient | \n","1 | \n","
420 | \n","2172 | \n","Patient | \n","1 | \n","
421 rows × 3 columns
\n","\n"," | Subject | \n","Schizophrenic | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set | \n","... | \n","Chordal | \n","Maximal Cliques | \n","Num of isolates | \n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model | \n","Transitivity | \n","Connected Components | \n","Diameter | \n","1 Edge Connected | \n","2 Edge Connected | \n","3 Edge Connected | \n","
0 | \n","2019.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","43.0 | \n","{128, 0, 4, 147, 89, 156} | \n","{11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 2... | \n","({128, 0, 4, 147, 89, 156}, [{4, 133, 6, 5, 16... | \n","39.0 | \n","0.674 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (40, 41), (72, 73), (18... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","227045.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","7.277249 | \n","0.698336 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
1 | \n","2024.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","62.0 | \n","{33, 4, 134, 8, 12, 56} | \n","{5, 6, 7, 10, 145, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52,... | \n","({33, 4, 134, 8, 12, 56}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, 3, 6... | \n","31.0 | \n","0.613 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (154, 156), (... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","165809.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.495979 | \n","0.644565 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2 | \n","2022.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","42.0 | \n","{1, 100, 5, 36, 159} | \n","{0, 1, 2, 131, 4, 133, 3, 135, 140, 24, 30, 32... | \n","({1, 100, 5, 36, 159}, [{0, 1, 2, 131, 4, 133,... | \n","32.0 | \n","0.658 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (154, 156), (40, 41), (72... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","261112.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.893600 | \n","0.666596 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
3 | \n","2015.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","60.0 | \n","{128, 0, 76, 148, 29} | \n","{6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 145, 146, 147, 21, 150, 157, ... | \n","({128, 0, 76, 148, 29}, [{128, 129, 134, 12, 1... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.661 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","33730.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","0.766125 | \n","0.652857 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
4 | \n","2025.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","50.0 | \n","{130, 100, 5, 6, 9, 154} | \n","{129, 8, 141, 19, 22, 23, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, ... | \n","({130, 100, 5, 6, 9, 154}, [{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 14... | \n","26.0 | \n","0.647 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","289857.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.706520 | \n","0.640787 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
167 | \n","2162.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","52.0 | \n","{131, 36, 5, 7, 142, 28} | \n","{20, 21, 151, 162, 46, 48, 52, 53, 58, 67, 76,... | \n","({131, 36, 5, 7, 142, 28}, [{13, 17, 146, 148,... | \n","25.0 | \n","0.634 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (10, 17), (100, 1... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","229522.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","2.672876 | \n","0.634603 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
168 | \n","2157.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","59.0 | \n","{0, 1, 163, 16, 124} | \n","{5, 135, 136, 9, 138, 139, 140, 141, 7, 146, 1... | \n","({0, 1, 163, 16, 124}, [{160, 161, 162, 3, 1, ... | \n","29.0 | \n","0.678 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (40... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","178971.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.901956 | \n","0.652782 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
169 | \n","2139.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","47.0 | \n","{128, 161, 135, 39, 9, 56} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 7, 144, 17, 16, 147, 20, 21, 151, 15... | \n","({128, 161, 135, 39, 9, 56}, [{4, 5, 6, 7, 144... | \n","36.0 | \n","0.683 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (15... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","481345.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.175136 | \n","0.701991 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
170 | \n","2133.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","57.0 | \n","{100, 18, 122, 156, 30} | \n","{0, 129, 130, 3, 2, 1, 8, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, ... | \n","({100, 18, 122, 156, 30}, [{0, 129, 130, 3, 2,... | \n","37.0 | \n","0.697 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(86, 87), (100, 101), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","169682.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.187179 | \n","0.668056 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
171 | \n","2153.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","60.0 | \n","{136, 8, 108, 143, 154} | \n","{0, 1, 130, 3, 2, 139, 140, 141, 26, 27, 28, 3... | \n","({136, 8, 108, 143, 154}, [{0, 1, 130, 3, 2, 1... | \n","40.0 | \n","0.734 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","592404.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.848097 | \n","0.717857 | \n","1.0 | \n","2.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
172 rows × 38 columns
\n","\n"," | Subject | \n","Schizophrenic | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set | \n","... | \n","Chordal | \n","Maximal Cliques | \n","Num of isolates | \n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model | \n","Transitivity | \n","Connected Components | \n","Diameter | \n","1 Edge Connected | \n","2 Edge Connected | \n","3 Edge Connected | \n","
0 | \n","2024.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","29.0 | \n","{121, 107, 11, 48, 18, 20, 22, 153, 154} | \n","{160, 97, 66, 8, 41, 138, 106, 74, 42, 78, 10,... | \n","({121, 107, 11, 48, 18, 20, 22, 153, 154}, [{3... | \n","24.0 | \n","0.566 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (154, 156), (... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","17184.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.553827 | \n","0.555932 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
1 | \n","2019.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","27.0 | \n","{3, 11, 48, 18, 116, 153, 154, 124} | \n","{13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 27, 28, 35, 36, 3... | \n","({3, 11, 48, 18, 116, 153, 154, 124}, [{4, 101... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.622 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (100, 101), (125, 126), (40, 41), (... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","28416.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","10.303074 | \n","0.635582 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2 | \n","2022.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","28.0 | \n","{128, 26, 10, 50, 86, 23, 58, 156} | \n","{12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 148, 21, 150, 20, 34,... | \n","({128, 26, 10, 50, 86, 23, 58, 156}, [{0, 1, 2... | \n","22.0 | \n","0.612 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (154, 156), (72, 73), (18... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","26690.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","5.002479 | \n","0.580028 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
3 | \n","2015.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","34.0 | \n","{0, 129, 4, 9, 107, 52, 152} | \n","{5, 6, 8, 10, 145, 146, 147, 19, 21, 150, 159,... | \n","({0, 129, 4, 9, 107, 52, 152}, [{128, 130, 35,... | \n","26.0 | \n","0.602 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (40, 41), (72... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","7333.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.096650 | \n","0.608700 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
4 | \n","2025.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","28.0 | \n","{128, 34, 4, 134, 135, 104, 7, 55, 25} | \n","{32, 33, 130, 129, 3, 37, 2, 39, 72, 73, 1, 75... | \n","({128, 34, 4, 134, 135, 104, 7, 55, 25}, [{32,... | \n","20.0 | \n","0.533 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (125, 126), (30... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","20187.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.359957 | \n","0.539438 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
167 | \n","2162.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","28.0 | \n","{160, 11, 44, 141, 80, 18, 156, 62, 127} | \n","{69, 38, 71, 40, 41, 42, 39, 13, 16, 17, 19, 2... | \n","({160, 11, 44, 141, 80, 18, 156, 62, 127}, [{6... | \n","20.0 | \n","0.523 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (86, 87), (40, 41), (72, 73... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","17203.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.144129 | \n","0.539863 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
168 | \n","2157.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","31.0 | \n","{36, 69, 11, 155, 13, 15, 19, 59, 157} | \n","{7, 8, 9, 138, 139, 140, 10, 146, 147, 148, 14... | \n","({36, 69, 11, 155, 13, 15, 19, 59, 157}, [{1, ... | \n","23.0 | \n","0.554 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(86, 87), (92, 93), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","25882.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","-24.921649 | \n","0.569801 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
169 | \n","2139.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","21.0 | \n","{128, 0, 132, 4, 72, 153, 126} | \n","{11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 28, 29, 34, 35, 4... | \n","({128, 0, 132, 4, 72, 153, 126}, [{4, 5, 6, 7,... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.627 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","45641.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","6.708431 | \n","0.625999 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
170 | \n","2133.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","35.0 | \n","{130, 138, 109, 114, 21, 150, 25, 126} | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 23, 24, 28, 29, 32, 33, 38, 54... | \n","({130, 138, 109, 114, 21, 150, 25, 126}, [{0, ... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.598 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(86, 87), (125, 126), (156, 157), (40, 41), (... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","24061.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.809681 | \n","0.598039 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
171 | \n","2153.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","32.0 | \n","{128, 135, 137, 143, 16, 49, 50, 22} | \n","{0, 1, 130, 3, 2, 139, 30, 31, 36, 37, 39, 46,... | \n","({128, 135, 137, 143, 16, 49, 50, 22}, [{0, 1,... | \n","31.0 | \n","0.628 | \n","2.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (40... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","62094.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","6.214514 | \n","0.626438 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
172 rows × 38 columns
\n","\n"," | Subject | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set | \n","... | \n","Maximal Cliques | \n","Num of isolates | \n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model | \n","Transitivity | \n","Connected Components | \n","Diameter | \n","1 Edge Connected | \n","2 Edge Connected | \n","3 Edge Connected | \n","Schizophrenic | \n","
0 | \n","2019.0 | \n","14.0 | \n","{0, 4, 7, 137, 91, 11, 114, 19, 22, 123, 156, ... | \n","{23, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 4... | \n","({0, 4, 7, 137, 91, 11, 114, 19, 22, 123, 156,... | \n","26.0 | \n","0.590 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (125, 126), (17, 20), (40, 41), (72... | \n","{131, 4, 133, 134, 6, 8, 9, 138, 139, 12, 13, ... | \n","... | \n","6311.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","13.402218 | \n","0.588124 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","0 | \n","
1 | \n","2024.0 | \n","12.0 | \n","{0, 162, 3, 8, 137, 59, 11, 48, 20, 22, 94, 15... | \n","{97, 161, 7, 9, 106, 74, 138, 77, 10, 144, 146... | \n","({0, 162, 3, 8, 137, 59, 11, 48, 20, 22, 94, 1... | \n","21.0 | \n","0.491 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(125, 126), (40, 41), (72, 73), (34, 35), (11... | \n","{0, 1, 2, 131, 133, 6, 5, 8, 138, 139, 144, 14... | \n","... | \n","3340.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","7.373402 | \n","0.503415 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","0 | \n","
2 | \n","2022.0 | \n","13.0 | \n","{0, 33, 5, 7, 138, 11, 142, 16, 18, 26, 59, 124} | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 73, 80, 48, 84, 85, 55, 87, 88, 1... | \n","({0, 33, 5, 7, 138, 11, 142, 16, 18, 26, 59, 1... | \n","20.0 | \n","0.512 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(86, 87), (154, 156), (18, 19), (127, 128), (... | \n","{0, 2, 131, 4, 133, 14, 145, 146, 147, 17, 21,... | \n","... | \n","4121.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","-7.439670 | \n","0.511476 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","0 | \n","
3 | \n","2015.0 | \n","17.0 | \n","{0, 1, 162, 99, 4, 135, 9, 11, 142, 50, 18, 60} | \n","{8, 138, 10, 140, 141, 146, 147, 30, 31, 76, 7... | \n","({0, 1, 162, 99, 4, 135, 9, 11, 142, 50, 18, 6... | \n","24.0 | \n","0.574 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (125, 126), (72, 73), (34, 35), (10... | \n","{5, 138, 10, 11, 144, 17, 30, 47, 64, 66, 73, ... | \n","... | \n","2932.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","-18.705485 | \n","0.580403 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","0 | \n","
4 | \n","2017.0 | \n","7.0 | \n","{129, 58, 39, 27, 13, 14, 145, 18, 51, 154, 59... | \n","{64, 35, 4, 5, 6, 44, 109, 110, 45, 48, 81, 14... | \n","({129, 58, 39, 27, 13, 14, 145, 18, 51, 154, 5... | \n","17.0 | \n","0.461 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (136, 141), (156, 157), (17, 20), (... | \n","{128, 153, 131, 4, 5, 132, 6, 9, 10, 12, 144, ... | \n","... | \n","4570.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","7.005373 | \n","0.488998 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","0 | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
167 | \n","2157.0 | \n","11.0 | \n","{161, 65, 2, 132, 100, 58, 36, 11, 109, 78, 14... | \n","{160, 33, 32, 136, 8, 138, 139, 140, 146, 147,... | \n","({161, 65, 2, 132, 100, 58, 36, 11, 109, 78, 1... | \n","20.0 | \n","0.495 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(125, 126), (40, 41), (18, 19), (34, 35), (23... | \n","{128, 133, 134, 7, 136, 9, 8, 12, 146, 147, 21... | \n","... | \n","4433.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","-4.009700 | \n","0.499852 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","1 | \n","
168 | \n","2162.0 | \n","12.0 | \n","{0, 129, 1, 99, 132, 4, 7, 136, 137, 138, 11, ... | \n","{97, 98, 101, 133, 103, 104, 106, 10, 76, 78, ... | \n","({0, 129, 1, 99, 132, 4, 7, 136, 137, 138, 11,... | \n","17.0 | \n","0.453 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (40, 41), (72, 73), (34, ... | \n","{5, 134, 9, 140, 12, 13, 144, 17, 145, 20, 149... | \n","... | \n","2734.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.327224 | \n","0.480864 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","1 | \n","
169 | \n","2139.0 | \n","9.0 | \n","{0, 39, 7, 11, 143, 18, 19, 30, 155, 60, 158} | \n","{15, 16, 17, 21, 29, 34, 35, 44, 49, 68, 70, 7... | \n","({0, 39, 7, 11, 143, 18, 19, 30, 155, 60, 158}... | \n","28.0 | \n","0.570 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","{1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17,... | \n","... | \n","5698.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","8.627942 | \n","0.566638 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","1 | \n","
170 | \n","2133.0 | \n","17.0 | \n","{97, 163, 100, 4, 6, 142, 16, 18, 149, 121, 15... | \n","{23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 36, 38, 39, 40, 4... | \n","({97, 163, 100, 4, 6, 142, 16, 18, 149, 121, 1... | \n","25.0 | \n","0.550 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (125, 126), (72, 73), (18, 19), (34... | \n","{16, 17, 145, 23, 27, 28, 36, 37, 40, 43, 44, ... | \n","... | \n","5452.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","6.700952 | \n","0.545750 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","1 | \n","
171 | \n","2153.0 | \n","12.0 | \n","{32, 0, 4, 137, 14, 143, 16, 89, 26, 157} | \n","{4, 5, 6, 13, 146, 21, 34, 44, 45, 64, 65, 66,... | \n","({32, 0, 4, 137, 14, 143, 16, 89, 26, 157}, [{... | \n","23.0 | \n","0.587 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(86, 87), (92, 93), (156, 157), (72, 73), (18... | \n","{0, 6, 8, 9, 10, 139, 146, 147, 151, 29, 30, 3... | \n","... | \n","9187.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","8.934200 | \n","0.561398 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","1 | \n","
171 rows × 38 columns
\n","\n"," | Subject | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Wt Dominating Set | \n","... | \n","Maximal Cliques | \n","Num of isolates | \n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model | \n","Transitivity | \n","Connected Components | \n","Diameter | \n","1 Edge Connected | \n","2 Edge Connected | \n","3 Edge Connected | \n","Schizophrenic | \n","
0 | \n","2019.0 | \n","5.0 | \n","{0, 129, 1, 3, 6, 137, 142, 18, 148, 149, 26, ... | \n","{32, 33, 2, 36, 37, 38, 39, 71, 73, 140, 85, 2... | \n","({0, 129, 1, 3, 6, 137, 142, 18, 148, 149, 26,... | \n","19.0 | \n","0.567 | \n","4.0 | \n","{(125, 126), (40, 41), (72, 73), (153, 160), (... | \n","{4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,... | \n","... | \n","2178.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","16.229224 | \n","0.555217 | \n","1.0 | \n","4.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","0.0 | \n","
1 | \n","2022.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","{129, 130, 1, 132, 7, 8, 138, 11, 142, 16, 18,... | \n","{64, 65, 4, 5, 6, 44, 109, 110, 45, 49, 51, 11... | \n","({129, 130, 1, 132, 7, 8, 138, 11, 142, 16, 18... | \n","14.0 | \n","0.458 | \n","4.0 | \n","{(156, 157), (127, 128), (113, 114), (140, 148... | \n","{0, 2, 131, 4, 133, 6, 12, 13, 17, 145, 147, 1... | \n","... | \n","1105.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.068700 | \n","0.474974 | \n","1.0 | \n","4.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","0.0 | \n","
2 | \n","2015.0 | \n","6.0 | \n","{130, 135, 142, 145, 18, 19, 149, 155, 28, 162... | \n","{66, 8, 9, 138, 139, 76, 77, 10, 146, 147, 30,... | \n","({130, 135, 142, 145, 18, 19, 149, 155, 28, 16... | \n","19.0 | \n","0.549 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (54, 55), (62, 64), (125, 126), (134,... | \n","{0, 1, 2, 128, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 138, 12, 13,... | \n","... | \n","1008.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","3.795201 | \n","0.559561 | \n","1.0 | \n","4.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","0.0 | \n","
3 | \n","2025.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","{128, 6, 135, 137, 15, 18, 22, 27, 155, 156, 3... | \n","{0, 1, 2, 3, 39, 72, 73, 14, 87, 88} | \n","({128, 6, 135, 137, 15, 18, 22, 27, 155, 156, ... | \n","12.0 | \n","0.470 | \n","4.0 | \n","{(30, 65), (125, 126), (154, 156), (33, 36), (... | \n","{0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 1... | \n","... | \n","1059.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","-5.157916 | \n","0.437976 | \n","1.0 | \n","4.0 | \n","True | \n","False | \n","False | \n","0.0 | \n","
4 | \n","2017.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","{0, 129, 1, 4, 7, 139, 11, 142, 14, 18, 149, 2... | \n","{97, 98, 7, 8, 105, 106, 10, 76, 9, 150, 121, ... | \n","({0, 129, 1, 4, 7, 139, 11, 142, 14, 18, 149, ... | \n","15.0 | \n","0.429 | \n","4.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (100, 101), (125, 126), (... | \n","{1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, ... | \n","... | \n","1029.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","10.166776 | \n","0.453146 | \n","1.0 | \n","4.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","0.0 | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
164 | \n","2157.0 | \n","4.0 | \n","{0, 1, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 142, 15, 154, 36, 49,... | \n","{32, 33, 38, 136, 140, 141, 146, 147, 150, 152... | \n","({0, 1, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 142, 15, 154, 36, 49... | \n","16.0 | \n","0.477 | \n","4.0 | \n","{(57, 61), (100, 101), (40, 41), (72, 73), (34... | \n","{128, 4, 133, 134, 7, 8, 136, 138, 10, 6, 146,... | \n","... | \n","1161.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","4.265055 | \n","0.447614 | \n","1.0 | \n","4.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","1.0 | \n","
165 | \n","2139.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","{128, 0, 4, 6, 135, 136, 8, 138, 11, 142, 18, ... | \n","{5, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 28, 29, 34, 49, 53, 71... | \n","({128, 0, 4, 6, 135, 136, 8, 138, 11, 142, 18,... | \n","22.0 | \n","0.528 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(92, 93), (100, 101), (125, 126), (122, 131),... | \n","{1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,... | \n","... | \n","1586.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","12.235447 | \n","0.528256 | \n","1.0 | \n","4.0 | \n","True | \n","False | \n","False | \n","1.0 | \n","
166 | \n","2127.0 | \n","5.0 | \n","{129, 5, 6, 136, 10, 13, 142, 16, 19, 22, 154,... | \n","{3, 8, 138, 139, 140, 141, 144, 146, 147, 151,... | \n","({129, 5, 6, 136, 10, 13, 142, 16, 19, 22, 154... | \n","30.0 | \n","0.610 | \n","4.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (125, 126), (21, 28), (33, 36), (34... | \n","{1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 138, 139, 140, 141, 11, 14,... | \n","... | \n","1671.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","1.166344 | \n","0.625417 | \n","1.0 | \n","4.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","1.0 | \n","
167 | \n","2133.0 | \n","7.0 | \n","{128, 163, 8, 11, 142, 110, 16, 115, 83, 52, 5... | \n","{32, 129, 38, 71, 72, 73, 42, 107, 40, 17, 84,... | \n","({128, 163, 8, 11, 142, 110, 16, 115, 83, 52, ... | \n","19.0 | \n","0.544 | \n","3.0 | \n","{(6, 9), (125, 126), (26, 28), (68, 76), (18, ... | \n","{129, 2, 3, 1, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17, 144, 23, ... | \n","... | \n","1725.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","12.227727 | \n","0.516497 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","1.0 | \n","
168 | \n","2153.0 | \n","3.0 | \n","{129, 1, 131, 8, 11, 12, 142, 18, 23, 152, 29,... | \n","{160, 98, 90, 103, 8, 105, 106, 9, 76, 77, 7, ... | \n","({129, 1, 131, 8, 11, 12, 142, 18, 23, 152, 29... | \n","18.0 | \n","0.518 | \n","4.0 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (72, 73), (34... | \n","{0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, ... | \n","... | \n","2568.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","11.727501 | \n","0.519539 | \n","1.0 | \n","4.0 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","1.0 | \n","
160 rows × 38 columns
\n","\n"," | 0 | \n","1 | \n","2 | \n","3 | \n","4 | \n","5 | \n","6 | \n","7 | \n","8 | \n","9 | \n","... | \n","154 | \n","155 | \n","156 | \n","157 | \n","158 | \n","159 | \n","160 | \n","161 | \n","162 | \n","163 | \n","
0 | \n","NaN | \n","0.408635 | \n","0.091122 | \n","0.141027 | \n","0.212356 | \n","0.232217 | \n","0.153159 | \n","0.101704 | \n","0.422963 | \n","0.128853 | \n","... | \n","-0.025669 | \n","-0.193461 | \n","-0.301842 | \n","0.016608 | \n","0.125022 | \n","0.127793 | \n","-0.009022 | \n","0.032929 | \n","-0.287735 | \n","-0.032206 | \n","
1 | \n","0.408635 | \n","NaN | \n","0.437967 | \n","0.452820 | \n","-0.194418 | \n","-0.061455 | \n","0.120086 | \n","-0.040434 | \n","0.113105 | \n","-0.100684 | \n","... | \n","0.074928 | \n","0.391174 | \n","-0.152202 | \n","0.013005 | \n","0.098310 | \n","-0.119852 | \n","0.071226 | \n","-0.041300 | \n","0.020607 | \n","0.334697 | \n","
2 | \n","0.091122 | \n","0.437967 | \n","NaN | \n","0.149192 | \n","-0.210396 | \n","-0.088659 | \n","-0.010411 | \n","-0.142276 | \n","0.162457 | \n","0.029971 | \n","... | \n","0.170891 | \n","0.203254 | \n","-0.453497 | \n","-0.228100 | \n","-0.106776 | \n","-0.055199 | \n","0.002006 | \n","-0.092069 | \n","0.141708 | \n","0.123455 | \n","
3 | \n","0.141027 | \n","0.452820 | \n","0.149192 | \n","NaN | \n","-0.279202 | \n","-0.365347 | \n","0.139110 | \n","-0.151724 | \n","-0.135375 | \n","-0.234444 | \n","... | \n","0.220136 | \n","0.406015 | \n","-0.007174 | \n","0.287492 | \n","0.414779 | \n","-0.405352 | \n","-0.256749 | \n","-0.123936 | \n","0.341234 | \n","0.212942 | \n","
4 | \n","0.212356 | \n","-0.194418 | \n","-0.210396 | \n","-0.279202 | \n","NaN | \n","1.230418 | \n","0.292630 | \n","0.114947 | \n","-0.027004 | \n","0.126552 | \n","... | \n","-0.102763 | \n","-0.168673 | \n","-0.215468 | \n","-0.067362 | \n","0.078732 | \n","0.172673 | \n","-0.104079 | \n","0.324740 | \n","0.002076 | \n","0.071211 | \n","
5 rows × 164 columns
\n","\n"," | sumsquare_error | \n","aic | \n","bic | \n","kl_div | \n","ks_statistic | \n","ks_pvalue | \n","
beta | \n","1.184787 | \n","419.197755 | \n","-6710.560827 | \n","inf | \n","0.025303 | \n","0.535436 | \n","
norm | \n","1.200274 | \n","416.899778 | \n","-6711.389748 | \n","inf | \n","0.028625 | \n","0.378500 | \n","
lognorm | \n","1.209820 | \n","420.913752 | \n","-6696.560377 | \n","inf | \n","0.030686 | \n","0.297040 | \n","
gamma | \n","1.215311 | \n","420.685136 | \n","-6692.031856 | \n","inf | \n","0.031333 | \n","0.274229 | \n","
burr | \n","2.257951 | \n","517.038813 | \n","-6065.666492 | \n","inf | \n","0.073903 | \n","0.000034 | \n","
\n"," | Subject | \n","Schizophrenic | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Cliques | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Clique Removal | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Diameter | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Min Edge Dominating Set | \n","... | \n","Chordal | \n","Maximal Cliques | \n","Num of isolates | \n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model | \n","Transitivity | \n","Connected Components | \n","Diameter | \n","1 Edge Connected | \n","2 Edge Connected | \n","3 Edge Connected | \n","
0 | \n","2001 | \n","0 | \n","10 | \n","{160, 129, 2, 3, 0, 6, 7, 11, 108, 142, 46, 14... | \n","{32, 33, 2, 38, 72, 73, 43, 140, 148, 149, 22,... | \n","({160, 129, 2, 3, 0, 6, 7, 11, 108, 142, 46, 1... | \n","17 | \n","0.465 | \n","3 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (17, 20), (40... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","1813 | \n","0 | \n","-0.570663 | \n","0.503559 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
1 | \n","2002 | \n","0 | \n","11 | \n","{0, 129, 1, 8, 10, 12, 141, 143, 18, 152, 93, 94} | \n","{12, 14, 15, 145, 146, 17, 158, 34, 35, 36, 68... | \n","({0, 129, 1, 8, 10, 12, 141, 143, 18, 152, 93,... | \n","25 | \n","0.563 | \n","3 | \n","{(125, 126), (26, 28), (17, 20), (72, 73), (35... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","5810 | \n","0 | \n","10.101452 | \n","0.548962 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2 | \n","2003 | \n","0 | \n","1 | \n","{96, 1, 0, 5, 8, 137, 11, 141, 46, 49, 87, 24,... | \n","{32, 34, 68, 36, 70, 40, 42, 107, 13, 111, 16,... | \n","({96, 1, 0, 5, 8, 137, 11, 141, 46, 49, 87, 24... | \n","17 | \n","0.489 | \n","4 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (125, 126), (40, 41), (72... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","3860 | \n","0 | \n","7.200119 | \n","0.492561 | \n","1 | \n","4 | \n","True | \n","False | \n","False | \n","
3 | \n","2004 | \n","0 | \n","10 | \n","{4, 39, 8, 7, 74, 13, 51, 148, 20, 19, 27, 61,... | \n","{64, 102, 103, 104, 46, 50, 51, 52, 54, 58, 29} | \n","({4, 39, 8, 7, 74, 13, 51, 148, 20, 19, 27, 61... | \n","16 | \n","0.461 | \n","3 | \n","{(134, 137), (65, 67), (54, 55), (30, 41), (15... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","3505 | \n","0 | \n","7.945752 | \n","0.464850 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
4 | \n","2005 | \n","0 | \n","15 | \n","{0, 129, 1, 99, 4, 6, 7, 41, 138, 108, 150, 15... | \n","{128, 0, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 11, 83, 84, ... | \n","({0, 129, 1, 99, 4, 6, 7, 41, 138, 108, 150, 1... | \n","14 | \n","0.490 | \n","3 | \n","{(54, 55), (86, 87), (156, 157), (40, 41), (72... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","3339 | \n","0 | \n","5.800827 | \n","0.472348 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
238 | \n","4156 | \n","1 | \n","11 | \n","{161, 65, 2, 132, 100, 58, 36, 11, 109, 78, 14... | \n","{160, 33, 32, 136, 8, 138, 139, 140, 146, 147,... | \n","({161, 65, 2, 132, 100, 58, 36, 11, 109, 78, 1... | \n","20 | \n","0.500 | \n","3 | \n","{(125, 126), (40, 41), (18, 19), (34, 35), (23... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","4429 | \n","0 | \n","-4.078784 | \n","0.498773 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
239 | \n","4159 | \n","1 | \n","12 | \n","{160, 1, 163, 100, 133, 36, 26, 10, 12, 19, 11... | \n","{132, 5, 6, 7, 4, 9, 34, 35, 45, 46, 64, 65, 7... | \n","({160, 1, 163, 100, 133, 36, 26, 10, 12, 19, 1... | \n","24 | \n","0.531 | \n","3 | \n","{(43, 48), (156, 157), (40, 41), (110, 111), (... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","3767 | \n","0 | \n","8.362277 | \n","0.549560 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
240 | \n","4169 | \n","1 | \n","5 | \n","{130, 132, 133, 100, 137, 74, 42, 11, 141, 143... | \n","{64, 65, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 44, 45, 112, 81, 116, ... | \n","({130, 132, 133, 100, 137, 74, 42, 11, 141, 14... | \n","21 | \n","0.526 | \n","3 | \n","{(86, 87), (33, 36), (72, 73), (141, 145), (18... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","2133 | \n","0 | \n","7.042686 | \n","0.499686 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
241 | \n","4170 | \n","1 | \n","6 | \n","NaN | \n","{11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 144, 24, 27, 29, 32, 33, ... | \n","({161, 1, 4, 7, 16, 49, 23, 58, 156, 31}, [{0,... | \n","35 | \n","0.623 | \n","3 | \n","{(62, 64), (125, 126), (156, 157), (18, 19), (... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","102687 | \n","0 | \n","18.747141 | \n","0.664289 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
242 | \n","4171 | \n","1 | \n","8 | \n","{32, 1, 26, 8, 11, 143, 79, 61, 119, 153, 58, ... | \n","{4, 133, 134, 7, 6, 9, 5, 145, 34, 35, 44, 45,... | \n","({32, 1, 26, 8, 11, 143, 79, 61, 119, 153, 58,... | \n","30 | \n","0.598 | \n","3 | \n","{(54, 55), (156, 157), (86, 90), (40, 41), (34... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","8572 | \n","0 | \n","16.102848 | \n","0.620705 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
243 rows × 38 columns
\n","\n"," | Subject | \n","Average shortest path | \n","Stoer Wagner cuts | \n","Wiener Index | \n","Dijkstra path | \n","Max weight matching | \n","Conductance | \n","Randomized Partitioning Heuristic | \n","
0 | \n","2001 | \n","0.008042 | \n","19.841134 | \n","107.483595 | \n","8 | \n","82 | \n","116.917205 | \n","(1340.0942298403615, ({0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, ... | \n","
1 | \n","2002 | \n","0.012136 | \n","19.315941 | \n","162.212200 | \n","4 | \n","82 | \n","126.843205 | \n","(1491.6328930370037, ({1, 129, 130, 4, 5, 6, 7... | \n","
2 | \n","2003 | \n","0.010182 | \n","16.432399 | \n","136.090766 | \n","3 | \n","82 | \n","111.259694 | \n","(1302.932983262392, ({1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13... | \n","
3 | \n","2004 | \n","0.009460 | \n","20.374916 | \n","126.446053 | \n","6 | \n","82 | \n","119.750835 | \n","(1283.965973913516, ({0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13... | \n","
4 | \n","2005 | \n","0.011182 | \n","20.140523 | \n","149.462698 | \n","7 | \n","82 | \n","114.872774 | \n","(1304.7065863045175, ({1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
261 | \n","4167 | \n","0.011655 | \n","19.283984 | \n","155.780433 | \n","6 | \n","82 | \n","NaN | \n","(1456.528461115162, ({1, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15,... | \n","
262 | \n","4168 | \n","0.012280 | \n","20.846043 | \n","164.140639 | \n","7 | \n","82 | \n","NaN | \n","(1459.219925223858, ({0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 1... | \n","
263 | \n","4169 | \n","0.011931 | \n","18.323694 | \n","159.472844 | \n","8 | \n","82 | \n","NaN | \n","(1484.4315153492448, ({0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12... | \n","
264 | \n","4170 | \n","0.013469 | \n","20.179314 | \n","180.026202 | \n","4 | \n","82 | \n","NaN | \n","(1639.2320994076063, ({1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,... | \n","
265 | \n","4171 | \n","0.011134 | \n","20.074664 | \n","148.814281 | \n","6 | \n","82 | \n","NaN | \n","(1550.9123617475766, ({129, 130, 131, 4, 5, 6,... | \n","
265 rows × 8 columns
\n","\n"," | Subject | \n","Average shortest path | \n","Stoer Wagner cuts | \n","Wiener Index | \n","Dijkstra path | \n","Max weight matching | \n","Randomized Partitioning Heuristic | \n","Schizophrenic | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Max Independent Sets | \n","... | \n","Chordal | \n","Maximal Cliques | \n","Num of isolates | \n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model | \n","Transitivity | \n","Connected Components | \n","Diameter | \n","1 Edge Connected | \n","2 Edge Connected | \n","3 Edge Connected | \n","
0 | \n","2001 | \n","0.008042 | \n","19.841134 | \n","107.483595 | \n","8 | \n","82 | \n","(1340.0942298403615, ({0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, ... | \n","0 | \n","10 | \n","{160, 129, 2, 3, 0, 6, 7, 11, 108, 142, 46, 14... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","1813 | \n","0 | \n","-0.570663 | \n","0.503559 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
1 | \n","2002 | \n","0.012136 | \n","19.315941 | \n","162.212200 | \n","4 | \n","82 | \n","(1491.6328930370037, ({1, 129, 130, 4, 5, 6, 7... | \n","0 | \n","11 | \n","{0, 129, 1, 8, 10, 12, 141, 143, 18, 152, 93, 94} | \n","... | \n","False | \n","5810 | \n","0 | \n","10.101452 | \n","0.548962 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
2 | \n","2003 | \n","0.010182 | \n","16.432399 | \n","136.090766 | \n","3 | \n","82 | \n","(1302.932983262392, ({1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13... | \n","0 | \n","1 | \n","{96, 1, 0, 5, 8, 137, 11, 141, 46, 49, 87, 24,... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","3860 | \n","0 | \n","7.200119 | \n","0.492561 | \n","1 | \n","4 | \n","True | \n","False | \n","False | \n","
3 | \n","2004 | \n","0.009460 | \n","20.374916 | \n","126.446053 | \n","6 | \n","82 | \n","(1283.965973913516, ({0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13... | \n","0 | \n","10 | \n","{4, 39, 8, 7, 74, 13, 51, 148, 20, 19, 27, 61,... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","3505 | \n","0 | \n","7.945752 | \n","0.464850 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
4 | \n","2005 | \n","0.011182 | \n","20.140523 | \n","149.462698 | \n","7 | \n","82 | \n","(1304.7065863045175, ({1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10... | \n","0 | \n","15 | \n","{0, 129, 1, 99, 4, 6, 7, 41, 138, 108, 150, 15... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","3339 | \n","0 | \n","5.800827 | \n","0.472348 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
238 | \n","4156 | \n","0.010345 | \n","21.208409 | \n","138.275598 | \n","4 | \n","82 | \n","(1426.8818395540534, ({0, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, ... | \n","1 | \n","11 | \n","{161, 65, 2, 132, 100, 58, 36, 11, 109, 78, 14... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","4429 | \n","0 | \n","-4.078784 | \n","0.498773 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
239 | \n","4159 | \n","0.010946 | \n","21.128360 | \n","146.306992 | \n","9 | \n","82 | \n","(1494.8627601239193, ({0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 15, ... | \n","1 | \n","12 | \n","{160, 1, 163, 100, 133, 36, 26, 10, 12, 19, 11... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","3767 | \n","0 | \n","8.362277 | \n","0.549560 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
240 | \n","4169 | \n","0.011931 | \n","18.323694 | \n","159.472844 | \n","8 | \n","82 | \n","(1484.4315153492448, ({0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12... | \n","1 | \n","5 | \n","{130, 132, 133, 100, 137, 74, 42, 11, 141, 143... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","2133 | \n","0 | \n","7.042686 | \n","0.499686 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
241 | \n","4170 | \n","0.013469 | \n","20.179314 | \n","180.026202 | \n","4 | \n","82 | \n","(1639.2320994076063, ({1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,... | \n","1 | \n","6 | \n","NaN | \n","... | \n","False | \n","102687 | \n","0 | \n","18.747141 | \n","0.664289 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
242 | \n","4171 | \n","0.011134 | \n","20.074664 | \n","148.814281 | \n","6 | \n","82 | \n","(1550.9123617475766, ({129, 130, 131, 4, 5, 6,... | \n","1 | \n","8 | \n","{32, 1, 26, 8, 11, 143, 79, 61, 119, 153, 58, ... | \n","... | \n","False | \n","8572 | \n","0 | \n","16.102848 | \n","0.620705 | \n","1 | \n","3 | \n","True | \n","True | \n","True | \n","
243 rows × 39 columns
\n","\n"," | Subject | \n","Average shortest path | \n","Stoer Wagner cuts | \n","Wiener Index | \n","Dijkstra path | \n","Randomized Partitioning Heuristic | \n","Schizophrenic | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Node Connectivity | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Large Clique Size | \n","Approximation and Heuristics Average Clustering | \n","... | \n","Graph colouring | \n","Avg Degree | \n","Global Clustering | \n","Edges | \n","Maximal Cliques | \n","Non Randomness wrt Random Model | \n","Transitivity | \n","Diameter | \n","2 Edge Connected | \n","3 Edge Connected | \n","
0 | \n","2001 | \n","0.008042 | \n","19.841134 | \n","107.483595 | \n","8 | \n","1340.094230 | \n","0 | \n","10 | \n","17 | \n","0.465 | \n","... | \n","19 | \n","17.512195 | \n","0.492320 | \n","2872 | \n","1813 | \n","-0.570663 | \n","0.503559 | \n","3 | \n","1 | \n","1 | \n","
1 | \n","2002 | \n","0.012136 | \n","19.315941 | \n","162.212200 | \n","4 | \n","1491.632893 | \n","0 | \n","11 | \n","25 | \n","0.563 | \n","... | \n","31 | \n","24.396341 | \n","0.541610 | \n","4001 | \n","5810 | \n","10.101452 | \n","0.548962 | \n","3 | \n","1 | \n","1 | \n","
2 | \n","2003 | \n","0.010182 | \n","16.432399 | \n","136.090766 | \n","3 | \n","1302.932983 | \n","0 | \n","1 | \n","17 | \n","0.489 | \n","... | \n","22 | \n","20.628049 | \n","0.499233 | \n","3383 | \n","3860 | \n","7.200119 | \n","0.492561 | \n","4 | \n","0 | \n","0 | \n","
3 | \n","2004 | \n","0.009460 | \n","20.374916 | \n","126.446053 | \n","6 | \n","1283.965974 | \n","0 | \n","10 | \n","16 | \n","0.461 | \n","... | \n","19 | \n","19.115854 | \n","0.462352 | \n","3135 | \n","3505 | \n","7.945752 | \n","0.464850 | \n","3 | \n","1 | \n","1 | \n","
4 | \n","2005 | \n","0.011182 | \n","20.140523 | \n","149.462698 | \n","7 | \n","1304.706586 | \n","0 | \n","15 | \n","14 | \n","0.490 | \n","... | \n","19 | \n","19.762195 | \n","0.477082 | \n","3241 | \n","3339 | \n","5.800827 | \n","0.472348 | \n","3 | \n","1 | \n","1 | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
238 | \n","4156 | \n","0.010345 | \n","21.208409 | \n","138.275598 | \n","4 | \n","1426.881840 | \n","1 | \n","11 | \n","20 | \n","0.500 | \n","... | \n","23 | \n","20.682927 | \n","0.497645 | \n","3392 | \n","4429 | \n","-4.078784 | \n","0.498773 | \n","3 | \n","1 | \n","1 | \n","
239 | \n","4159 | \n","0.010946 | \n","21.128360 | \n","146.306992 | \n","9 | \n","1494.862760 | \n","1 | \n","12 | \n","24 | \n","0.531 | \n","... | \n","30 | \n","23.012195 | \n","0.551732 | \n","3774 | \n","3767 | \n","8.362277 | \n","0.549560 | \n","3 | \n","1 | \n","1 | \n","
240 | \n","4169 | \n","0.011931 | \n","18.323694 | \n","159.472844 | \n","8 | \n","1484.431515 | \n","1 | \n","5 | \n","21 | \n","0.526 | \n","... | \n","24 | \n","18.987805 | \n","0.485025 | \n","3114 | \n","2133 | \n","7.042686 | \n","0.499686 | \n","3 | \n","1 | \n","1 | \n","
241 | \n","4170 | \n","0.013469 | \n","20.179314 | \n","180.026202 | \n","4 | \n","1639.232099 | \n","1 | \n","6 | \n","35 | \n","0.623 | \n","... | \n","41 | \n","34.280488 | \n","0.632228 | \n","5622 | \n","102687 | \n","18.747141 | \n","0.664289 | \n","3 | \n","1 | \n","1 | \n","
242 | \n","4171 | \n","0.011134 | \n","20.074664 | \n","148.814281 | \n","6 | \n","1550.912362 | \n","1 | \n","8 | \n","30 | \n","0.598 | \n","... | \n","33 | \n","26.432927 | \n","0.594931 | \n","4335 | \n","8572 | \n","16.102848 | \n","0.620705 | \n","3 | \n","1 | \n","1 | \n","
243 rows × 28 columns
\n","\n"," | 0 | \n","
0 | \n","\n"," |
0 | \n","123 | \n","
1 | \n","123 | \n","
\n"," | Subject | \n","Label | \n","
0 | \n","40013 | \n","0 | \n","
1 | \n","40014 | \n","0 | \n","
2 | \n","40017 | \n","0 | \n","
3 | \n","40018 | \n","0 | \n","
4 | \n","40019 | \n","0 | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
759 | \n","4167 | \n","0 | \n","
760 | \n","4168 | \n","0 | \n","
761 | \n","4169 | \n","1 | \n","
762 | \n","4170 | \n","1 | \n","
763 | \n","4171 | \n","1 | \n","
764 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | 0 | \n","name | \n","
0 | \n","0.192734 | \n","142_avg neighbour degree | \n","
1 | \n","0.161039 | \n","117_load centrality | \n","
2 | \n","0.160579 | \n","112_local clustering | \n","
3 | \n","0.159658 | \n","152_betweenness centrality | \n","
4 | \n","0.159655 | \n","85_load centrality | \n","
5 | \n","0.158532 | \n","73_square clustering | \n","
6 | \n","0.156196 | \n","122_number of cliques | \n","
7 | \n","0.154679 | \n","70_degree | \n","
8 | \n","0.151850 | \n","70_degree centrality | \n","
9 | \n","0.149884 | \n","116_harmonic centrality | \n","
10 | \n","0.147656 | \n","117_betweenness centrality | \n","
11 | \n","0.147299 | \n","4_betweenness centrality | \n","
12 | \n","0.147121 | \n","98_avg neighbour degree | \n","
13 | \n","0.146528 | \n","4_load centrality | \n","
14 | \n","0.146192 | \n","159_current flow betweenness centrality | \n","
15 | \n","0.145864 | \n","71_constraint | \n","
16 | \n","0.142928 | \n","24_betweenness centrality | \n","
17 | \n","0.142557 | \n","134_local clustering | \n","
18 | \n","0.142309 | \n","116_local reaching centrality | \n","
19 | \n","0.140472 | \n","27_number of cliques | \n","
20 | \n","0.139788 | \n","145_closeness centrality | \n","
21 | \n","0.139707 | \n","38_load centrality | \n","
22 | \n","0.137201 | \n","72_harmonic centrality | \n","
23 | \n","0.137016 | \n","129_second order clustering | \n","
24 | \n","0.136679 | \n","40_local reaching centrality | \n","
25 | \n","0.135739 | \n","131_second order clustering | \n","
26 | \n","0.135112 | \n","112_information centrality | \n","
27 | \n","0.134260 | \n","72_local reaching centrality | \n","
28 | \n","0.133751 | \n","152_load centrality | \n","
29 | \n","0.133307 | \n","156_current flow betweenness centrality | \n","
30 | \n","0.132711 | \n","33_avg neighbour degree | \n","
31 | \n","0.132209 | \n","80_closeness centrality | \n","
32 | \n","0.131608 | \n","121_number of cliques | \n","
33 | \n","0.131547 | \n","72_information centrality | \n","
34 | \n","0.130861 | \n","140_current flow betweenness centrality | \n","
35 | \n","0.130840 | \n","131_pagerank centrality | \n","
36 | \n","0.130364 | \n","4_current flow betweenness centrality | \n","
37 | \n","0.129774 | \n","129_eigenvector centrality | \n","
38 | \n","0.129728 | \n","85_betweenness centrality | \n","
39 | \n","0.127852 | \n","92_load centrality | \n","
40 | \n","0.127110 | \n","147_number of cliques | \n","
41 | \n","0.126709 | \n","66_number of cliques | \n","
42 | \n","0.126589 | \n","145_harmonic centrality | \n","
43 | \n","0.125919 | \n","144_pagerank centrality | \n","
44 | \n","0.125479 | \n","133_information centrality | \n","
45 | \n","0.125366 | \n","40_harmonic centrality | \n","
46 | \n","0.125098 | \n","9_betweenness centrality | \n","
47 | \n","0.124383 | \n","60_degree centrality | \n","
48 | \n","0.124158 | \n","140_eccentricity | \n","
49 | \n","0.124052 | \n","30_degree | \n","
\n"," | Subject | \n","Subject Type | \n","Label | \n","
0 | \n","40013 | \n","Control | \n","0 | \n","
1 | \n","40014 | \n","Control | \n","0 | \n","
2 | \n","40017 | \n","Control | \n","0 | \n","
3 | \n","40018 | \n","Control | \n","0 | \n","
4 | \n","40019 | \n","Control | \n","0 | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
587 | \n","3167 | \n","Control | \n","1 | \n","
588 | \n","3168 | \n","Control | \n","1 | \n","
589 | \n","3169 | \n","Patient | \n","1 | \n","
590 | \n","3170 | \n","Patient | \n","1 | \n","
591 | \n","3171 | \n","Patient | \n","1 | \n","
592 rows × 3 columns
\n","\n"," | ROI | \n","Region | \n","
0 | \n","0 | \n","DefaultMode.MPFC (1,55,-3) | \n","
1 | \n","1 | \n","DefaultMode.LP (L) (-39,-77,33) | \n","
2 | \n","2 | \n","DefaultMode.LP (R) (47,-67,29) | \n","
3 | \n","3 | \n","DefaultMode.PCC (1,-61,38) | \n","
4 | \n","4 | \n","SensoriMotor.Lateral (L) (-55,-12,29) | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
159 | \n","159 | \n","Ver6 (Vermis 6) | \n","
160 | \n","160 | \n","Ver7 (Vermis 7) | \n","
161 | \n","161 | \n","Ver8 (Vermis 8) | \n","
162 | \n","162 | \n","Ver9 (Vermis 9) | \n","
163 | \n","163 | \n","Ver10 (Vermis 10) | \n","
164 rows × 2 columns