Forward/Reverse Proxy that can run as standalone proxy server, war application or library included in another java application
host: http://localhost
attrkey: Attribute-Header # attrval is in TestModel
# global request settings
targetUri: _[host]_:9998/proxy
model: info.stasha.proxywarrior.config.TestModel
removeHeaders: ".*"
content: true
matchedUrl: true
headers: true
handleRedirects: true
xtra: _[xtra]_
_[attrkey]_: _[attrval]_
+add-if-not-present: add-if-not-present-original
=keep-eisting: keep-existing-original
~delete-existing: deleteheader
# Requests should be always ordered from most specific
# to most general
# generic test url or url containing /proxy
# are not proxied to prevent infinite "proxy" loop
- url: ".*?(__generic__|/proxy).*"
autoProxy: false
# url for testing file responses
- url: /fileresponse
removeHeaders: "null"
+add-if-not-present: add-if-not-present
- file: classpath:/file.txt
# url for testing text response
- url: /textresponse
- text: my text from yaml
- url: /methodtextresponse
removeHeaders: "null"
# response will be matched only if
# 1. request method is GET
# 2. if response contains header (x-get-header)
# it will return specified text instead of original response
# Note that this GET response must be specified before later,
# GET response because it has more matchers (method, responseHeader)
# later response has only method matcher.
# If order was switched from less specific to more specific, more
# specific response would never be hit.
- method: GET
responseHeader: x-get-header
text: my get text with header response
# response will be matched only if
# 1. request method is GET
# it will return specified text instead of original response
- method: GET
text: my get text response
# response will be matched only if
# 1. request method is POST
# it will return specified text instead of original response
- method: POST
text: my post text response
# response will be matched only if
# 1. request method is PUT
# it will return specified text instead of original response
- method: PUT
text: my put text response
# response will be matched only if
# 1. request method is PATCH
# 2. request contains specified header with specified value
# 3. response contains specified header with specified value
- method: DELETE
requestHeader: "x-delete-request\\s*:\\s*true"
responseHeader: "x-delete-response\\s*:\\s*true"
text: my delete text response
# response will be matched only if
# 1. request method is HEAD or OPTIONS
# 2. request contains specific request header
# it will return specified text instead of original response
- method: "HEAD|OPTIONS"
requestHeader: "x-multy-method"
x-head-options-header: true
text: my head|options text response
# all responses that did not match previous response matchers
# will fall to this default response
# specified text will be returned instead of original response
# additional header (x-default-header: true) will be added to response
- text: my default text response
x-default-header: true
# request configuration that will match
# any request url is always last
- url: "*"