- Add ``allowed_push_host
to gemspec [pi3r]
- Test newer rubies and railses [byroot] #342
- Bump rake from 12.3.2 to 13.0.1 [dependabot] #340
- Remove special subunit case for HUF in universal integration [krispenney] #341
- Bump nokogiri from 1.10.5 to 1.10.8 [dependabot] #339
- Added quickpay which already has code for it [espen] #85
- Added support for Quickpay v10 [calvincorreli] #205
- Bump loofah from 2.2.3 to 2.3.1 [dependabot] #336
- Bump rack from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8 [dependabot] #338
- Various updates to the Realex integration [pi3r] #324
- [Realex] Use application_id instead of hardcoded Shopify [pi3r] #334
- [Bitpay] api version tracking [thejoshualewis] #331
- [Bitpay] Only compare transaction_id/status while acknowledging [pi3r] #330
- [Bitpay] Fixes an issue where notification couldn't be acknowledged [pi3r] #329
- [BitPay] Read information from the
key present in the payload instead of root [pi3r] #328
- [BitPay] properly call
on the BitPay module [pi3r] #325 - [BitPay] properly fetch the invoice id after creation [pi3r] #325
- Remove support for Ruby 2.3/2.2 (they are EOL) [pi3r]
- Update URL for Paytm [AnnaGyergyai] #315
- [Bitpay] Include basic auth only when the api isn't v2 [anbugal] #323
- [BitPay] Add token to payload while creating the invoice [pi3r] #321
- [BitPay] Use v2 api urls when the api token is of type v2 [pi3r] #319
- Fix CVE-2019-5418, CVE-2018-14404 [pi3r] #317
- Add
to the whitelist of params to use for checksum verification [pi3r] #308
- Quickpay callback includes acquirer param and must be checked with md5secret from options [espen] #72
- map payu_in pg status pending as Failed [GeminPatel] #306
- Update rack and loofah to fix security issues [pi3r] #307
- remove credential2 and access key from citrus helper fields [elfassy] #304
- Update sprockets to new versions [Girardvjonathan] #302
- Update Paytm test and production urls [rahul7verma] #301
- add failure reasons for Moneybookers (Skrill) integration [dhalai] #263
- Update Mollie iDEAL & MisterCash handling of querystring [joshnuss] #299
- Update ipay88 urls due to deprecation [pi3r] #298
- Remove test issues from Mollie [elfassy] #297
- Use requested currency instead of authorization currency for WorldPay [joshnuss] #296
- Update list of Mollie iDEAL issuers [Smitsel] #292
- Add application ID tracking to PayuIn [ahamed-wahid] #271
- Remove Money gem as dependency into gemspec [filipebarcos] #288
- Ensure values are always sanitized [christianblais] #281
- Updates exception handling for BitPay [joshnuss] #282
- Add GET retries for Mollie offsites [Girardvjonathan] #279
- Paytm to accepts phone numbers as customer identifier [christianblais] #275
- Paytm::Notification#checksum_ok? should always return a boolean predicate [pi3r] #273
- Allow actionpack 5.2 [Edouard-chin] #276
- Use multiple address fields for WorldPay instead of concatenating them [joshnuss] #270
- Fix nil coercion to BigDecimal zero in PayuIn [aman-dureja] #265
- Fix ArgumentError in PayuIn with BigDecimal v1.3.2 [aman-dureja] #264
- Fix molpay and citrus tests [aman-dureja] #264
- Fix PayTM checksum generation [christianblais] #262
- Rails 5.1 compatibility [eitoball, patientdev] #245
- Update paydollar URLs [SimonLeungAPHK] #228
- Fixed compatibility between RubyMoney/money and Shopify/money gems [elfassy] #246
- Fixed calling Mollie with extra parameters [edwinv] #247
- Stop hiding JSON parse errors for Bitpay [bdewater] #251
- Do not send locale parameter to Sagepay [pi3r] #258
- Updats Skrill URL [sergey-alekseev ] #259
- Changed PayTM integration [Mohit-Aggarwal1] #260
- corrected zip parameter to from zip to zipcode
- [Realex] guard against nil when extracting AVS code
- only use fields that start with
to generate the signature - bump active_utils version 3.3.0
- Fixed use of decimal instead of float
- Fixed use Money gem
- Fixed sanitize of the phone field for payu_in
- Added Paytm
- Updated dependency on nokogiri 1.6
- Release 2.3.0
- Bump active_utils dependency. [lucasuyezu]
- Change: network exceptions now use ActiveUtils instead of ActiveMerchant as namespace,
instead ofActiveMerchant::ConnectionError
. [wvanbergen] - Bump active_utils and active_support dependencies. [wvanbergen]
- Bump test dependencies. [wvanbergen]
- Configured ShipIt for deploys to RubyGems [bslobodin]
- Extracted from ActiveMerchant [ntalbott]