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Contents of Readme

  1. About
  2. Brief information about Pmod DPOT
  3. Native Core
    1. Interface Description
    2. Simulation
    3. Test
  4. AXI4-Lite IP Core
    1. Basic Information on IP
    2. Interfaces/Ports
    3. Register Map
    4. Utilization
  5. Status Information
  6. Licence


Simple interface for the Digilent Pmod DPOT. SPI protocol is used to communicate with AD5160.

Brief information about Pmod DPOT

The Digilent Pmod DPOT contains a Analog Devices AD5160 digital potentiometer. AD5160 can be utilized in two diffrent way: a rheostat where users set a desired resistance between one outside terminal and the wiper terminal or in a voltage divider mode where the two outside terminals are powered at set voltages and a ratio of resistance is specified.

Native Interface Core

Native Interface Description

This interface can be used to gather data from Pmod DPOT (or any other AD5160) easily.

Port Type Width Description
rst I 1 System Reset
nCS O 1 Active Low Chip Select
MOSI O 1 Serial Data
SCLK O 1 Serial Clock output
spi_clk_i I 1 Serial Clock input
value I 8 Potentiometer value
update I 1 Initiate a new transmission
ready O 1 Module is not busy

I: Input O: Output

Note: spi_clk_i and SCLK are the same clock and the maximum allowed frequency is 25 MHz.

25 MHz spi_clk_i can be generated from 100 MHz clock with clkDiv.

Native Interface Simulation

Modules dpot and autoUpdate simulated on sim.v.

Native Interface Test

Module dpot tested with board.v and Basys3.xdc with clock divider clkDiv. Module autoUpdate is not tested. update connected to leftmost switch and value is connected to eight rightmost switches. Pmod DPOT used as voltage divider. Approximately 1 V applied between ports A and B. Voltage value of port W observed with OpenScope MZ.

AXI4-Lite IP Core

Basic Information on IP

IP core provides a basic interface with DPOT (or any other AD5160) with AXI4-Lite protocol.


  • AXI4-Lite
    • Following ports are not implemented:
      • Write strobes (WSTRB)
      • Non-secure and Secure accesses (AxPROT)
  • External SPI Clock Input
    • Clock to be used in SPI connection, max 25 MHz.
  • SPI
    • nCS: Chip Select
    • SCLK: SPI clock
    • MISO: Data channel

Register Map

0x0 Potentiometer Value:

Read and write to control potentiometer value. This is the only register in this IP.

(Synthesized) Utilization of IP on Artix-7

  • Slice LUTs as Logic: 69
  • Slice Registers as Flip Flop: 54
  • Slice Registers as Latch: 8

Status Information

Native Interface Status

Last simulation: 1 April 2021, with Vivado Simulator.

Last test: 1 April 2021, on Digilent Basys 3.

AXI4-Lite IP Status

Last simulation: 24 December 2021, with Icarus Verilog.

Last test: 24 December 2021, on Digilent Basys 3.


CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal