Machine learning and statistics are closely related fields, so do check out the Statistics page for more packages. Category sorting of packages is a WIP.
- BackpropNeuralNet.jl :: A neural network in Julia.
- BayesianNonparametrics.jl :: Bayesian nonparametrics in Julia.
- BNMF.jl :: Gamma Process Non-negative Matrix Factorization (GaP-NMF).
- ConfidenceWeighted.jl :: Confidence weighted, a machine learning algorithm.
- Contingency.jl :: Assorted techniques for the purpose of enabling automated machine learning.
- Clustering.jl :: Basic functions for clustering data ==> k-means, dp-means, etc..
- DAI.jl :: A julia binding to the C++ discrete approximate inference library for graphical models: libDAI.
- DecisionTree.jl :: Julia implementation of Decision Tree (CART) and Random Forest algorithms.
- DecisionTrees.jl :: {NotSupported}
- Discretizers.jl :: A package to support discretization methods and mapping functions for data discretization and label maps.
- EGR.jl :: The Stochastic Gradient (SG) algorithm for machine learning.
- ELM.jl :: Extreme Learning Machines are a variant of Single-Hidden Layer Feedforward Networks (SLFNs) with a significant departure as their weights aren't iteratively tuned. This boosts the speed of neurals nets heavily.
- EmpiricalRiskMinimization.jl :: Empirical Risk Minimization (and modeling) in Julia.
- FeatureSelection.jl :: Common measures and algorithms for feature selection.
- Flimsy.jl :: Gradient based Machine Learning for Julia.
- FunctionalDataUtils.jl :: Utility functions for the FunctionalData package, mainly from the area of computer vision / machine learning.
- go.jl :: A deep learning based Go bot implemented in Julia.
- GradientBoost.jl :: Gradient boosting framework for Julia.
- Glmnet.jl :: Julia wrapper for fitting Lasso/ElasticNet GLM models using glmnet.
- HopfieldNets.jl :: Discrete and continuous Hopfield networks in Julia.
- HSIC.jl :: Julia implementations of the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC).
- JuML.jl :: Machine Learning in Julia.
- KaggleDigitRecognizer.jl :: Julia code for Kaggle's Digit Recognizer competition.
- KDTrees.jl :: KD Trees.
- Keras.jl :: A package built atop Flux to directly load Keras(.py) models into Flux.
- Kernels.jl :: A Julia package for Mercer kernels and Gramian matrix calculation/approximation functions used in kernel methods of machine learning.
- Knet.jl :: Koç University deep learning framework - A machine learning module implemented in Julia.
- KnetNLP :: NLP models and utilities for Knet.
- kNN.jl :: The k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm in Julia.
- KSVM.jl by @remusao :: Kernel Support Vector Machine (SVM) written in Julia.
- KSVM.jl by @Evizero :: Support Vector Machines in pure Julia.
- Ladder.jl :: A reliable leaderboard algorithm for machine learning competitions.
- Learn.jl :: Base framework library for machine learning packages.
- LearnBase.jl :: Abstractions for Julia Machine Learning Packages.
- LearningStrategies.jl :: A generic and modular framework for building custom iterative algorithms in Julia.
- liblinear.jl :: Liblinear binding to Julia.
- LIBSVM.jl :: Julia bindings for LIBSVM.
- LossFunctions.jl :: Julia package of loss functions for machine learning. Documentation:
- NMF.jl :: A Julia package for non-negative matrix factorization (NMF).
- MachineLearning.jl :: is a Machine Learning library package that consolidates common machine learning algorithms written in pure Julia and presents a consistent API.
- Merlin.jl :: Flexible Deep Learning Framework in Julia.
- Mitosis.jl :: Automatic probabilistic programming for scientific machine learning and dynamical models.
- MLDatasets.jl :: Utility package for accessing common Machine Learning datasets in Julia.
- MLJ.jl :: MLJ (Machine Learning in Julia) is a toolbox written in Julia providing a common interface and meta-algorithms for selecting, tuning, evaluating, composing and comparing over 160 machine learning models written in Julia and other languages.
- MLLabelUtils.jl :: Utility package for working with classification targets and label-encodings. Documentation:
- MLKernels.jl :: Mercer kernels and Gramian matrix calculation/approximation.
- MochaTheano.jl :: Allow use of Theano for automatic differentiation within Mocha, via PyCall.
- MXNet.jl :: Flexible and efficient deep learning in Julia.
- NetworkLearning.jl :: Baseline collective classification library.
- Ollam.jl :: OLLAM = Online Learning of Linear Adaptatable Models.
- OnlineAI.jl :: Machine learning for sequential/streaming data. {Usable: 3, Robust: 3, Active: 3}
- Orchestra.jl :: Heterogeneous ensemble learning package for the Julia programming language.
- ParticleFilters.jl :: Simple particle filter implementation in Julia - works with
models or others. - PredictMD.jl :: Uniform interface for machine learning in Julia.
- PrivateMultiplicativeWeights.jl :: Differentially private synthetic data.
- ProjectiveDictionaryPairLearning.jl :: Juia code for the paper S. Gu, L. Zhang, W. Zuo, and X. Feng, “Projective Dictionary Pair Learning for Pattern Classification,” In NIPS 2014.
- RegERMs.jl :: A package implementing several machine learning algorithms in a regularised empirical risk minimisation framework (SVMs, LogReg, Linear Regression) in Julia.
- SALSA.jl :: _S_oftware Lab for _A_dvanced Machine _L_earning and _S_tochastic _A_lgorithms is a native Julia implementation of the well known stochastic algorithms for linear and non-linear Support Vector Machines.
- ScikitLearn.jl :: Julia implementation of the scikit-learn API.
- Cheatsheet for choosing the right estimator.
- ScikitLearnBase.jl :: Definition of the ScikitLearn.jl API.
- SimpleML.jl :: Textbook implementations of some Machine Learning Algorithms in Julia.
- SFA.jl :: Implementation of the standard SFA (Slow Feature Analysis) algorithm (both linear and non-linear signal expansion) in Julia.
- SoftConfidenceWeighted.jl :: Exact Soft Confidence-Weighted Learning.
- Strada.jl :: A deep learning library for Julia based on Caffe.
- SVMLightLoader.jl :: Loader of svmlight / liblinear format files.
- JuliaTakingFittingAPIsSeriously :: proof of concept taking the APIs for statistics, machine learning and other infomatics.
- TensorFlow.jl :: A Julia wrapper for TensorFlow, the open source machine learning framework from Google.
- TheDataMustFlow.jl :: Julia tools for feeding tabular data into machine learning.
- TSVD.jl :: Truncated singular value decomposition with partial reorthogonalization.
- ValueHistories.jl :: Utilities to efficiently track learning curves or other optimization information.
- XLATools.jl :: Provides access to XLA and the XRT runtime (in Tensorflow), including the ability to build and compile XLA computations using the IRTools format.
- DistLearn.jl :: An example of distributed learning in Julia. Note: this is not a full featured distributed machine learning library, therefore we are not going to register this in the Julia package system.
- Examples from Thoughtful Machine Learning.
- CIML :: A Course in Machine Learning. This repository contains the source code for the CIML book (see as well as any course materials that seem useful (slides, documents, labs, etc.).
- deepframeworks :: An evaluation of Deep Learning Frameworks.
- A Machine Learning course by Prof. Yaser Abu-Mostafa with videos on Youtube.
- Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet by Laura D Hamilton.
- machine-learning-cheat-sheet :: Classical equations and diagrams in machine learning by @soulmachine.
- Machine Learning cheatsheet.
- Big Data Machine Learning Patterns for Predictive Analytics By Ricky Ho.
- juliastreetview :: Updated sample code for the Kaggle Julia Street View Character Recognition Tutorial.
- ML4H.jl :: Machine Learning for Hackers in Julia.
- A curated list of awesome places to learn and/or practice algorithms.
- A HN site for ML.
- AdaGram.jl :: Adaptive Skip-gram implementation in Julia.
- Peter Norvig's spelling corrector ported to Julia, is now a part of the DataStructures.jl package.
- allen :: A syntacto-semantic natural language parser.
- BKTrees.jl :: Julia implementation of Burkhard-Keller trees.
- ConceptnetNumberbatch.jl :: Julia interface to ConceptnetNumberbatch.
- CorpusLoaders.jl :: A variety of loaders for various NLP corpora.
- DependencyTrees.jl :: A package for dependency parsing.
- DPL.jl :: Projective Dictionary Pair Learning - code for the paper S. Gu, L. Zhang, W. Zuo, and X. Feng, “Projective Dictionary Pair Learning for Pattern Classification,” In NIPS 20144.
- GloVe.jl :: Implements Global Word Vectors.
- Glowe.jl :: Julia interface to Global Word Vectors.
- GoodTuring.jl :: A Julia implementation of Simple Good Turing smoothing, largely adapted from @maxbane.
- JuliaParser.jl :: A rewrite of Julia's parser in Julia.
- KUparser.jl :: Dependency parsing with word vectors.
- Languages.jl :: A package for working with human languages.
- Levenshtein.jl :: Levenshtein distance between two strings.
- LTSV.jl :: Labeled Tab Separated Values (LTSV) parser.
- MeCab.jl :: Julia binding of Japanese morphological analyzer MeCab.
- NGram.jl :: Implement the NGram model.
- ParserCombinator.jl :: A parser combinator library.
- Parsimonious.jl :: A PEG parser generator.
- PEGParser.jl :: A PEG Parser for Julia with Packrat capabilties, inspired by pyparsing, parsimonious, boost::spirit, as well as several others.
- PyLexYacc.jl :: An interface to Python Lex-Yacc package that uses reflection for most of its processing.
- SimpleParser.jl :: A very simple hackable parser and lexer for simple languages.
- Stemmers.jl :: Interface for text stemmer implementations.
- StringAnalysis.jl :: A hard fork of the TextAnalysis.jl package, designed to provide a richer, faster and orthogonal API.
- Sumup.jl :: Automatic multi-documents, multi-topics summarization based on topic extraction.
- Treekenize.jl :: Parser with beginners and enders and infix.
- Text.jl :: Numerous tools for text processing.
- TextAnalysis.jl :: A Julia package for text analysis.
- TopicModels.jl.
- TOML.jl :: A TOML parser.
- Word2Vec.jl :: Julia interface to word2vec.
- WordNet.jl :: A Julia package for Princeton's WordNet®.
- EnglishText.jl :: Utilities for English-language quirks in Julia.
- Why.jl :: A simple function, why, which gives randomly generated answers.
- FiniteStateMachine.jl :: A simple Julia implementation of finite state machines.
- MeCab.jl :: Julia binding of Japanese morphological analyzer MeCab.
- DeepQLearning.jl :: An implementation of DeepMind's Deep Q Learning algorithm described in Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning.
- Flux.jl :: A library for machine learning implemented in Julia. Documentation:
- model-zoo :: A repository containing various demonstrations of the Flux machine learning library that can be freely used as a starting point for your own models.
- ReinforcementLearning.jl by @jbrea :: A Reinforcement Learning package.
- ReinforcementLearning.jl by @benhamner :: A Reinforcement Learning package.
- ReinforcementLearning.jl by @JuliaReinforcementLearning :: A package for reinforcement learning research in Julia.
- TopoChains.jl :: A flexible data structure for multi-input multi-output model compositions of layers and functions. It provides a new data structure, a TopoChain, which was originally designed as the
, as part of Transformers.jl by Peter Cheng, and this has been repackaged here into a standalone package for general purpose use. - Transformers.jl :: Julia Implementation of Transformer-based models, with
- JuliaTorch :: Using PyTorch in Julia Language via PyCall.
- MelGeneralizedCepstrums.jl :: It provides a
mel generalized cepstrum
analysis for spectrum envelope estimation, which includes linear predicition, mel-cepstrum, generalized cepstrum and mel-generalized cepstrum analysis for Julia. - MFCC.jl :: Standard Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients feature extraction for speech analysis.
- SpeechBase.jl.
- SPTK.jl :: A Julia wrapper for the Speech Signal Processing Toolkit (SPTK), based on the modified version of SPTK.
- SynthesisFilters.jl :: Speech Synthesis Filters.
- WORLD.jl :: A Julia wrapper for WORLD - a high-quality speech analysis, modification and synthesis system. WORLD provides a way to decompose a speech signal into: Fundamental frequency (F0), spectral envelope, excitation signal (or aperiodicy used in TANDEM-STRAIGHT), and re-synthesize a speech signal from these paramters. See here for the original WORLD.
- GURLS.jl :: A pure Julia port of the GURLS supervised learning library.
- SupervisedLearning.jl :: Front-end interface for supervised machine learning.
- ml_cheat_sheet :: Supervised learning superstitions cheat sheet.
- Mocha.jl :: A Deep Learning framework for Julia, inspired by the C++ Deep Learning framework Caffe.
- New tutorial on unsupervised pre-training with stacked denoising auto-encoders.
- An IJulia Notebook demo of using pre-trained CNN on imagenet to do image classification.
- ANN.jl :: Artifical Neural Networks.
- Resources
- Blog post on Neural networks and a dive into Julia
- Boltzmann.jl :: Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Deep Belief Networks in Julia
- FANN.jl :: A Julia wrapper for the Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN).
- hinton.jl :: Create hinton diagrams in Julia. Hinton diagrams are used to visualize weight matrices in neural networks.
- Julia_Neural_Network :: Basic Neural Network written in JuliaLang.
- KnetOnnx.jl :: It reads an ONNX file and creates the corresponding Model in Knet that can be re-designed, re-trained or simply used for inference.
- mlpnnets.jl :: Feed-forward MLP neural network implementation.
- MultiLabelNeuralNetwork.jl :: A simple feed-forward neural network for multi-label classification.
- neural.jl :: is a Julia implementation of a neural network, based on Sergio Fierens Ruby version.
- NeuralNets.jl :: Generic artificial neural networks in Julia.
- neuralnetwork.jl :: is an implementation of label neural network originally written for MATLAB/Octave by Andrew Ng for Coursera Machine Learning Class.
- NeuralNetworks.jl :: Various functions for Neural Networks implemented in Julia.
- ONNX.jl :: Read ONNX graphs and load these models in Julia.
- PyTorch.jl:: PyTorch wrapper.
- RecurrentNN.jl :: Deep RNN and LSTM in Julia.
- RNN.jl :: Recurrent Neural Networks.
- SimpleNets :: Simple neural nets implementions in Julia.
- SpikeNet.jl :: A spiking neural network simulator written in Julia.
- StackedNets.jl :: A simple interface to deep stacks of neural network units that can be trained using gradient descent over defined error measures.
- SumProductNetworks.jl :: Sum-Product Networks (deep probabilistic networks) package in Julia.
- Blog post on 'Chess position evaluation with convolutional neural networks' in Julia.