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Tabby Android SDK

Tabby SDK for Android makes it easier to integrate you app with Tabby payment platform.


Android 5.0 (API level 21) and above.


Add Tabby Android SDK dependency to your app's build.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation 'ai.tabby:tabby-android:1.1.11'

Getting Started

Before using functions of Tabby SDK, it has to be initialized. The ways of initialization differ depending on whether you app is using Dagger or not. If you don't use Dagger, please read Initialization via Factory chapter. If you DO use Dagger refer to Initialization of Dagger Components.


You should use only one of these initialization approaches in the single app.

Initialization via Factory

Tabby SDK requires one-time initialization which can be done on app's start:

class App : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {
        TabbyFactory.setup(this, "__API_KEY_HERE__", TabbyEnvironment.Prod)

Once initialized, Tabby instance always available via TabbyFactory.tabby property.

See source code

Initialization of Dagger Components

Declare you own component to be able to inject Tabby instance to your code.

annotation class AppScope

    dependencies = [
        TabbyComponent::class // your component must depend on TabbyComponent
interface MyTabbyComponent {

    fun provideTabby(): Tabby

    // Add methods to inject Tabby instance to your code
    fun inject(activity: CheckoutActivity)

Implement TabbyComponentDependencies to provide context and your API_KEY to the TabbyComponent.

class TabbyComponentDependenciesImpl(
    private val context: Context,
    private val apiKey: String,
    private val environment: TabbyEnvironment
) : TabbyComponentDependencies {
    override fun getContext(): Context = context
    override fun getApiKey(): String = apiKey
    override fun getEnv(): TabbyEnvironment = environment

Create your component and keep its reference in the Application instance.

class App : Application() {

    val myTabbyComponent: MyTabbyComponent

    init {
        // Tabby setup
        val tabbyDependencies = TabbyComponentDependenciesImpl(
            context = this,             // application context
            apiKey = "__API_KEY_HERE__", // you api key
            environment = TabbyEnvironment.Prod 

        // Create tabby component and link it to the injectable component
        val tabbyComponent = TabbyComponent.create(dependencies = tabbyDependencies)
        myTabbyComponent = DaggerMyTabbyComponent.builder()

Once MyTabbyComponent is created you can inject Tabby instance to the other parts of your app's code.

See source code

Creating Tabby Session


To reduce the size of code examples, further snippets assume that Tabby instance was initialized using Factory approach. You'll see that Tabby instance is accessed via TabbyFactory.tabby. If you use Dagger, you can inject Tabby instance to your code using MyTabbyComponent described above.

Preparing Payment Payload

The following code snippet shows example of simple always-successful payment:

val tabbyPayment = TabbyPayment(
    amount = BigDecimal(340),
    currency = Currency.AED,
    description = "tabby Store Order #33",
    buyer = Buyer(
        email = "[email protected]",  // Always successful
        phone = "500000001",
        name = "Yazan Khalid"
    order = Order(
        refId = "#xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx",
        items = listOf(
                refId = "SKU123",
                title = "Pink jersey",
                description = "Jersey",
                productUrl = "",
                unitPrice = BigDecimal(300.00),
                quantity = 1
        shippingAmount = BigDecimal(50),
        taxAmount = BigDecimal(100)
    shippingAddress = ShippingAddress(
        address = "Sample Address #2",
        city = "Dubai",
        zip = "11111"
    buyerHistory = BuyerHistory(
        // registeredSince is a Date and Date formatter is only one of the options how to get it for particular Date.
        // We suggest to use LocalDateTime. It's not possible from our side because of the minSdk version.
        // Date(
        registeredSince = SimpleDateFormat(
        loyaltyLevel = 0,
        wishlistCount = 1,
        isSocialNetworksConnected = false,
        isPhoneNumberVerified = false,
        isEmailVerified = false,
    orderHistory = listOf(
            // purchasedAt is a Date and Calendar is only one of the options how to get it for particular Date.
            // We suggest to use LocalDateTime. It's not possible from our side because of the minSdk version.
            // Date(
            purchasedAt = GregorianCalendar.getInstance().apply {
                set(2019, 8, 24)
            amount = BigDecimal.ONE,
            paymentMethod = PaymentMethod.CARD,
            status = Status.NEW,
            buyer = Buyer(
                email = "[email protected]",
                phone = "+995555466567",
                name = "Denis",
                dob = "2019-08-24",
            shippingAddress = ShippingAddress(
                address = "Tbel-Abuseridze",
                city = "Batumi",
                zip = "6010",
            items = listOf(
                    refId = "1242532",
                    title = "Test item"
    meta = emptyMap(),

Creating Session

Usually Tabby session is created when your checkout activity is created.

class CheckoutActivity : ComponentActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // Create tabby session once activity is created
        lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated {
            val session = TabbyFactory.tabby.createSession(
                merchantCode = "ae",
                lang = Lang.EN,
                payment = tabbyPayment

            // Update UI with Tabby products
            withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
                for (product in session.availableProducts) {
                    // ...

TabbySession contains a list of available Tabby Products, which can be accessed via tabbySession.availableProducts. Your app should display these products on checkout activity. When user selects one of the products, you app starts Tabby Checkout.

Starting Tabby Checkout

To start Tabby Checkout you need to create intent and launch Tabby Checkout.

class CheckoutActivity : ComponentActivity() {

    private fun onProductSelected(selectedProduct: Product) {
        val intent = TabbyFactory.tabby.createCheckoutIntent(product = selectedProduct)
        checkoutContract.launch(intent) // contract will be discussed below

Receiving Checkout Result

When your app launches Tabby Checkout, a web view is shown allowing user to confirm their purchase. Once user is authorized (or rejected), result is returned to your checkout activity contract.

class CheckoutActivity : ComponentActivity() {

    private val checkoutContract =
        registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) { result ->
            when (result.resultCode) {
                RESULT_OK -> {
                    result.tabbyResult?.let { tabbyResult ->
                    } ?: // Tabby result is null
                else -> {
                    // Result is not OK

    private fun onCheckoutResult(tabbyResult: TabbyResult) {
        when (tabbyResult.result) {
            TabbyResult.Result.AUTHORIZED ->  { } // Purchase is authorized
            TabbyResult.Result.REJECTED ->    { } // Purchase is rejected
            TabbyResult.Result.CLOSED ->      { } // Tabby Checkout activity was closed
            TabbyResult.Result.EXPIRED ->     { } // Tabby Session is expired, you need to call
                                                  //    TabbyFactory.tabby.createSession(...) again

UI Components

Product Page Snippet



fun TabbySnippetWidgetComposable(tabbyPayment: TabbyPayment) {
        factory = { context ->
        update = { widget ->
            val params = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(
            widget.layoutParams = params
            widget.amount = tabbyPayment.amount
            widget.currency = tabbyPayment.currency

Checkout Snippet



fun TabbyInstallmentsWidgetComposable(tabbyPayment: TabbyPayment) {
        factory = { context ->
        update = { widget ->
            val params = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(
            widget.layoutParams = params
            widget.amount = tabbyPayment.amount
            widget.currency = tabbyPayment.currency


Copyright 2022 Tabby LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.