- Renamed 1 global variable: toolNameBigText.
- A more lean structure for the entire projects has been embraced. Upgraded eslint 8 --> 9. Upgraded @inquirer/prompts 5 --> 7.
- BUGFIX: build process converted package.json type to 'commonjs', when if fact now it should remain it type 'module'. Deleted the line that converts it to 'commonjs'.
- Bundling the package as esm now. As you cannot use both the global __dirname (which throws an error in ESM) & you cannot use import.meta.dirname (as it is undefined in commonjs), we must choose between bundling the package as esm or in commonjs. Since this is meant to remain a CLI tool, we figured there's no harm in keeping it as esm, to fit into today's modern world.
- Switched to the modern way of getting the __dirname. Instead of using the 'url' & 'path' modules, to then apply onto the import.meta.url, on node 20 there the new import.meta.filename & dirname attached.
- Removed the "bye." message.
- Solved __dirname not being recognized during runtime.
- HUGE refactor. Created a common directory. Put utils inside of it. Removed flags dir, and renamed version into showVersion. Now using esbuild is the main bundler of the package.
- fixed changelog doesn't work issu
- lvlup will now tag your bump commit with the version number
- better explanation of the new workflow
- added an example image of the status command's output
- First Major release of LvLup CLI tool
- added a blue status title
- fix status command: remove additional '...' from descriptions below 50 chars
- found some grammer issues in some prints
- using console-table-printer now as our table printer
- status should only display the filename, not its full path
- packageName inside of mdVersionFileTemplate must be wrapped in quotes because scoped packages begin with @ and gray matter can't parse it with out quotes
- print a new line break before printing the status table
- after logging the New package version, need to do stop the coloring
- init's last logger.info color was wrongfully positioned
- getAllMdVersionFiles now ignores the README.md file
- lvlup is now cross platform.
- ok NOWWWW the images will support dark mode on github
- updated the readme.md main image logo to fit in dark mode
- removed slashes before backticks inside default.README.md file
- README.md sourcePath was incorrect !@#$%^&*()_+
- both add & bump commands now support the commit option under the
- respecting the add command
- colorSemverLevels colored only the first occurrence of semverLevel
- copying static files in a different way. build process has been updated to support copy of static files.
- bump command can now take into consideration new line items
- replaced positionals with flags in the help menu
- EditorTypes accidentally got into the choices for editor flag
- remaned positionals to blue colored Flags
- commit message cannot be empty, cannot be 2 or more consequtive spaces
- removed the link
- added keywords and updated the README.md file
- fixed some warningg suggested by mp pkg fix
- created a publish command
- added a link to the git repository
- added a status command
- added a new line for DEFAULT_CONFIG_JSON
- the init command creates 2 files now: config.json & readme.md
- BUGFIX: version calculation was wrong
- back to smallest bundle size possible (no minify, only js files)
- trying to use rollup as bundler and terser as the minify`er
- IMPROVEMENT: made CLI weigh much less. removed .js.map files
- BUGFIX: version was again taked from the wrong place. it is now being hardcoded during build
- BUGFIX: my custom version flag should grab version from lvlup's version as a constant
- yargs should be a dependency and NOT a devDependency
- added an init command
- one file, many commands: init, add, bump, status & publish
- did not have the shabang set up porperly
- larer image in READMD.md
- new README.md file