Click and Treat is a free training tracker to help pet owners structure and document their training sessions! Using Express, Node, and Postgres for the back-end and React and Vite for the front-end, it will allow users to add information about their pets, subscribe to training plans that break down how to teach individual skills, and keep track of each training session they have to teach that particular skill.
Follow these steps to run the Click and Treat project locally:
Open your terminal
Change directory to where you want to store the project
~/ cd new/Directory/on/your/machine
Clone this repository using the HTTPS URL
git clone
Navigate into the client directory
cd ./client
Install all relevant dependencies
npm install
Navigate into the server directory
cd ../server/
Install all relevant dependencies
npm install
Restore DB Dump file
psql -f db.sql
Create a .env file
touch .env
Add in relevant configuration
Start the app concurrently from server directory
npm run dev
Navigate to http://localhost:5173 to interact with the front end of the app.
User Dashboard
![Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 6 54 02 PM](
Session Form
![Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 6 53 37 PM](
Database Schema
Wireframe Screenshots
JIRA Board - Time Management Plan
JIRA Board - Time Management Plan
Final Project Pitch Submission
Final Project Pitch Submission
Visual Studio Code - Source code editor
JavaScript - Primary language used
HTML - Used to design web layout
@vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh
Express.js as a web framework for Node.js
PostgreSQL - Used for database design and implementation
- Training History Page: A component to list out all saved sessions for a pet, including sessions completed with connected users
- Session Details: The ability to view all saved session details for prior sessions
- ZenQuotes API Implementation: Users will be able to view motivational quotes provided by the ZenQuotes API
- About Page & Example Training Plans: Users will have access to information about Techtonica, dog training, the inspiration behind the site, and available plans
- Log In Component: The current iteration of this project does not have an established account creation or log-in component. That is pending!
- User Connection: Users will be able to connect a specific pet to another user's accounts. This will allow them to view any training session completed by the other user for that particular pet. The goal of this feature is to facilitate organization and cooperation amongst household members who are all participating in the training of that pet.
- Techtonica & the H2 2024 Cohort
- My pets, Daisy, Luke, and Han, for being my constant inspirations and sources of joy (and stress)