These assignments are to prepare you for starting full-time at Techtonica. There will be a study group each week where volunteers can help.
Read and review Techtonica's Participant Handbook
Do the freeCodeCamp's Debuggingsection
Version Control with Git at Udacity (Free Course)
- Before starting the course, follow these steps
Read through Tips for Succeeding at Techtonica and The Recurse Center's User Manual
Read about coding outside of a tutorial and watch Leah's video
Listen the 28 minutes podcast about Fixed and Growth Mindset with Carol Dweck
Complete and turn in the following exercises via a GitHub link (using the public JS exercises repo) on the Pre-Start checklist:
Watch and practice with at least half of the Udacity Tutorial Intro to Javascript (you'll do the rest over the next week of the pre-work program)
Practice working with Git- Github
Read and practice top 20 Javascript String Functions and make sure that you are familiar with those
Read and do the exercises in Variables and Primitives lesson in Rithm School
Play, learn and practice how to use Git with Atlassian interactive course
Learn Git Branching is an interactive website that teaches git in an animated way.
Go through the Learning to Learn topic outline
Learn Apple keyboard shortcuts using Techtonica's Keyboard Shortcuts Practice App
Go through Working and Collaborating Remotely
Listen or read the transcript for the podcast: Hans Krueger on the Cycle of Emotions
Complete and turn in the following exercises (and submit the links via Github links):
Do at least 4 of these 16 problems: freeCodeCamp Basic Algorithm Scripting
You can choose which order to do these problems if you want — you'll do the rest over the next few weeks
Note: Many of these problems are challenging! Try to figure out the solutions and get the code working on your own even if it's hard -- that's what will make you improve as a programmer.
If you have any questions or want to work doing pair programming Techtonica is having a study-night group that week (attendance is not mandatory)
Watch and practice the last part of the Udacity Tutorial Intro to Javascript
Prep your mindset by learning about the Growth Mindset
Complete and turn in the following exercises:
Do 4 more of the 16 problems from freeCodeCamp Basic Algorithm Scripting.
Learn about the 12 JavaScript Array Methods You Should Master Today
Listen the podcast: Learning How to Learn with Dr. Barbara Oakley
Do the Guide Project Manipulate Arrays with JavaScript Methodson Coursera (2 hours)
The Codecademy Git course's Git Teamwork section
If the codecademy course is not free, you could read this resource on git, instead:
- Read and study the The JavaScript Array Handbook from FreeCodeCamp
- Watch the Objects and Arrays section from the free course Learn to Program in Javascript: Beginner to Pro (50 mins) on Udemy
We highly recommend that you keep studying Javascript and practice the first 20 very easy level code challenges on Edabit:
Watch and make the exercise for the course Start with Javascript (2 hrs) from Udemy
Watch the Functional Programming with Javascript section from the free course Learn to Program in Javascript: Beginner to Pro (50 mins) from Udemy
Do at least 4 more of these 16 problems: freeCodeCamp Basic Algorithm Scripting
Do the knowledge check about Objects from the Odin Project
Listen the podcast: How to Trade Expectations for Appreciation
Watch the lesson Debugging JS in VSCode on app academy (Free resource)
Read JavaScript For Cats
Do the 4 task in the Javascript Fundamentals: Objects website (you can submit those in a Github Link too)
Complete and turn in the following exercises: Arrays and Objects
Read about Techtonica's feedback framework
HTML and CSS: (5 hours class)
Listen to the podcast: Do You Receive Feedback Well?
Watch the Object Oriented Programming section from the free course Learn to Program in Javascript: Beginner to Pro (50 mins) from Udemy
Complete the lesson Asking Good Questions
Practice your self-pitch (1 minute max) for the launch celebration until you have it memorized and you can keep it to under two minutes. Include your name, one small phrase about what you did before Techtonica, why you haven't been able to get into tech, why you'll make a great software engineer, and why you're excited for Techtonica. Here are some examples of personal pitches that you can read:
Optional (if you finish the above work, choose what you're interested in next!)
Remaining sections within freeCodeCamp's JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures certification
Try to build your own very simple HTML - CSS website. Here are some resources.
See if your local library offers free Treehouse accounts, if so please sign up and watch the Javascript course