- Add different types of transition providers (like cozy, modern, )
- Add different types of loader types (like cozy, modern, )
- Redesign the about section
- Integrate with the new shadcn cli as portfolio components to install
- Refactor to use frozen router, to add ability to go back and still have exit animations, https://github.com/FunTechInc/mekuri
- Revert to default font for portfolio, but use the different font for about page
- Add a guide to create and setup email handling, w/ turnstile
- Make turnstile optional
- Add a comment system, like fuma-comments (check if it is compatible with drizzle orm)
- Fix turnstile, it is not working properly and implement in all veairns
- Add sitemap
- Add og for each blog page, and project page
- Fix zod validation errors