Basic usage of this module is as follows:
module "bootstrap" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/bootstrap/google//modules/cloudbuild"
version = "~> 0.1"
org_id = "<ORGANIZATION_ID>"
billing_account = "<BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID>"
group_org_admins = "[email protected]"
default_region = "australia-southeast1"
sa_enable_impersonation = true
terraform_sa_email = "<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL>"
terraform_sa_name = "<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME>"
terraform_state_bucket = "<GCS_STATE_BUCKET_NAME>"
Functional examples and sample Cloud Build definitions are included in the examples directory.
- Create a new GCP cloud build project using
- Enable APIs in the cloud build project using
- Build a Terraform docker image for Cloud Build
- Create a GCS bucket for Cloud Build Artifacts using
- Create Cloud Source Repos for pipelines using list of repos in
- Create Cloud Build trigger for terraform apply on master branch
- Create Cloud Build trigger for terrafor plan on all other branches
- Create KMS Keyring and key for encryption
- Grant access to decrypt to Cloud Build service account and
- Grant access to encrypt to
- Grant access to decrypt to Cloud Build service account and
- Optionally give Cloud Build service account permissions to impersonate terraform service account using
and supplied value forterraform_sa_name
- KMS Keyring and key for secrets, including IAM for Cloudbuild, Org Admins and Terraform service acocunt
- (optional) Cloudbuild impersonation permissions for a service account
- (optional) Cloud Source Repos, with triggers for terraform plan (all other branches) & terraform apply (master)
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
activate_apis | List of APIs to enable in the Cloudbuild project. | list(string) | <list> |
no |
billing_account | The ID of the billing account to associate projects with. | string | n/a | yes |
cloud_source_repos | List of Cloud Source Repo's to create with CloudBuild triggers. | list(string) | <list> |
no |
cloudbuild_apply_filename | Path and name of Cloud Build YAML definition used for terraform apply. | string | "cloudbuild-tf-apply.yaml" |
no |
cloudbuild_plan_filename | Path and name of Cloud Build YAML definition used for terraform plan. | string | "cloudbuild-tf-plan.yaml" |
no |
default_region | Default region to create resources where applicable. | string | "us-central1" |
no |
folder_id | The ID of a folder to host this project | string | "" |
no |
group_org_admins | Google Group for GCP Organization Administrators | string | n/a | yes |
org_id | GCP Organization ID | string | n/a | yes |
project_labels | Labels to apply to the project. | map(string) | <map> |
no |
project_prefix | Name prefix to use for projects created. | string | "cft" |
no |
sa_enable_impersonation | Allow org_admins group to impersonate service account & enable APIs required. | bool | "false" |
no |
skip_gcloud_download | Whether to skip downloading gcloud (assumes gcloud is already available outside the module) | bool | "true" |
no |
storage_bucket_labels | Labels to apply to the storage bucket. | map(string) | <map> |
no |
terraform_apply_branches | List of git branches configured to run terraform apply Cloud Build trigger. All other branches will run plan by default. | list(string) | <list> |
no |
terraform_sa_email | Email for terraform service account. | string | n/a | yes |
terraform_sa_name | Fully-qualified name of the terraform service account. | string | n/a | yes |
terraform_state_bucket | Default state bucket, used in Cloud Build substitutions. | string | n/a | yes |
terraform_version | Default terraform version. | string | "0.12.24" |
no |
terraform_version_sha256sum | sha256sum for default terraform version. | string | "602d2529aafdaa0f605c06adb7c72cfb585d8aa19b3f4d8d189b42589e27bf11" |
no |
Name | Description |
cloudbuild_project_id | Project where CloudBuild configuration and terraform container image will reside. |
csr_repos | List of Cloud Source Repos created by the module, linked to Cloud Build triggers. |
gcs_bucket_cloudbuild_artifacts | Bucket used to store Cloud/Build artefacts in CloudBuild project. |
kms_crypto_key | KMS key created by the module. |
kms_keyring | KMS Keyring created by the module. |
- gcloud sdk >= 206.0.0
- Terraform >= 0.12.6
- [terraform-provider-google] plugin 2.1.x
- [terraform-provider-google-beta] plugin 2.1.x
on supplied billing accountroles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin
on GCP Organizationroles/resourcemanager.projectCreator
on GCP Organization or folder
A project with the following APIs enabled must be used to host the resources of this module:
- Google Cloud Resource Manager API:
- Google Cloud Billing API:
- Google Cloud IAM API:
- Google Cloud Storage API
- Google Cloud Service Usage API:
- Google Cloud Build API:
- Google Cloud Source Repo API:
- Google Cloud KMS API:
This API can be enabled in the default project created during establishing an organization.
Refer to the contribution guidelines for information on contributing to this module.