- Install leadfoot in your project
npm install @theintern/leadfoot
- Create a Server — this manages communication between your app and a remote WebDriver server
import Server from '@theintern/leadfoot/Server' const server = new Server('http://my-webdriver-server.local');
- Create a new session — this is a connection to a remote browser
const session = server.createSession({ "browserName": "chrome" });
- Create a Command — this is what your app will use to call WebDriver commands
import Command from '@theintern/leadfoot/Command' const command = new Command(session);
- Start talking to the browser
command.get('http://theintern.io') .findByTagName('h1') // ...
Leadfoot is Promise-based, so it works very well with async/await.
const page = await command.get('http://page.local');
const form = await page.findById('login-form');
await form.findByCssSelector('[name="username"]').type('bob');
await form.findByCssSelector('[name="password"]').type('12345');
await form.findByCssSelector('.submit').click()
Using Array.reduce
.then(headings => {
return headings.reduce((textsPromise, heading) => {
return textsPromise.then(texts => {
return heading.getText().then(text => {
return texts.concat(text);
}, Promise.resolve([]));
Using async/await:
.then(async headings => {
const texts = [];
for (const heading of headings) {
texts.push(await heading.getVisibleText());
return texts;
Since Leadfoot element methods will work on arrays as well as individual found elements, in this case one could also simply do: