This is an attempt to document the BC protocol. It is far from complete but should serve as a good basis for those wishing to develop apps for BC cameras.
Each message has the general format:
Header: 20-24 bytes
Message Body
The header has the format:
magic | message id | message length | encryption offset | encrypt | message class |
f0 de bc 0a | 01 00 00 00 | 2c 07 00 00 | 00 00 00 01 | 01 dc | 14 65 |
- Magic 4 bytes
- ID 4 bytes
- Message length 4 bytes
- Encryption offset 4 bytes
- Encryption flag 1 byte
- Unknown 1 byte
- Message class 2 bytes
Magic | Message ID | Message Length | Encryption Offset | Status Code | Message Class | Payload Offset |
f0 de bc 0a | 01 00 00 00 | 28 01 00 00 | 00 00 00 01 | c8 00 | 14 64 | 00 00 00 00 |
- Magic 4 bytes
- ID 4 bytes
- Message length 4 bytes
- Encryption offset 4 bytes
- Status Code 2 bytes
- Message class 2 bytes
- Binary offset 4 bytes (Presence depend on message class)
The magic bytes for BC messages is always f0 de bc 0a
for client <-> device.
Or magic a0 cd ed 0f
for device <-> device, eg NVR <-> IPC.
When receiving packet these should be used to quickly discard invalid packets.
Each function in BC has its own message ID. For example login is 1, video data is 3, motion detection is 33.
For a more complete list please see the messages doc
The message length contains the full length of the data to follow the header this includes both the XML and binary parts.
The encryption offset is used as part of the decoding process. It is combined with the key to decrypt the data.
Here is an example decrypter in rust
const XML_KEY: [u8; 8] = [0x1F, 0x2D, 0x3C, 0x4B, 0x5A, 0x69, 0x78, 0xFF];
pub fn crypt(offset: u32, buf: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
let key_iter = XML_KEY.iter().cycle().skip(offset as usize % 8);
.map(|(key, i)| *i ^ key ^ (offset as u8))
In short the key is offset by the encryption offset in the header. Then each encrypted byte is paired with the offseted keys bytes (looping the offseted key as necessary). Then each byte is XORed with the paired key byte and the offset.
The key is the same for all cameras.
Older cameras do not use encryption and all messages are sent as plain text.
The offset bytes are actually made up of other useful information
channel_id 1 byte - NVR channel related to request/response or 00
if N/A.
stream_id 1 byte - 00
=clear, 01
=fluent, 04
unknown 1 byte - Always 00
message_handle 1 byte - client increments per request, replies use request handle
Client will send the number 0xXXdc
and the server will reply 0xXXdd
Where XX
is one of the following.
- 0 Unencrypted
- 1 BC Encryption
- 2 AES Encryption (Camera)
- 3 AES Encryption (Client)
means this encryption protol or lower. So 0x01dc
means BC on no encryption
whereas 0x03dc
means AES, BC or Unencrypted.
is the reply that the camera sends to the dc
request. It is the chosen
protocol that will be used.
Note: When requesting AES the client sends 0x03dc
and the camera replies 0x02dc
We are not sure why.
Encryption is negotiated in the login request.
In a request this is set to 00 00
In a reply this is a http style response code.
c8 00
= 200 OK
90 01
= 400 Bad Request
The message class determines the length of the header. The following classes and header lengths are known.
0x6514: "legacy" 20 bytes
0x6614: "modern" 20 bytes
0x6414: "modern" 24 bytes
0x0000: "modern" 24 bytes
For messages that contain the payload offset field this represents where to start the payload part of the message. The total length of the message (extension XML + payload) is equal to the message length in the header so Payload Offset is total_length - this_offset. Where as this field also represents the end of the extension XML part of the message.
For message details see the docs
Clients should login by
Send legacy login message
- User and pass MD5'ed
- Capped at 32 bytes with a null terminator
- Bytes 32 is always zero so only first 31 bytes are compared
Receive modern upgrade message with nonce in XML
Send modern login:
- User and pass concatenated with the nonce
- Send MD5'ed user and password
Receive reply with device info
Video is requested and received with message ID 3.
Video is requested with an XML of the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Preview version="1.1">
streamType can be either
in which case it will be HDsubStream
in which case it will be SD
channelId is part of the NVR when multiple cameras use the same IP. In this case each camera has its own channelId.
The handle
is used when multiple streams are requested in a single login.
This number should be unique for each stream. If not then that stream
(Clear or Fluent) will not work until the camera is reset.
The reply is first a message with the following Extension Xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Extension version="1.1">
After which all message bodies of type id 3 are binary.
The binary represents a stream of data that can be interrupted by packet boundaries. Clients should create a buffer and pop bytes for processing when complete media packets are received. Media packets descriptions can be found in the docs
Other data can be received from the camera by sending the appropriate header to the camera. For example sending the header for ID 78
Magic | Message ID | Message Length | Encryption Offset | Status Code | Message Class | Payload Offset |
f0 de bc 0a | 4e 00 00 00 | d3 00 00 00 | 08 db 9c 00 | c8 00 | 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 |
The camera will reply with an xml with brightness and contrast
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<VideoInput version="1.1">
Some message IDs also require input along with the request header. For example
ID 151 which is the users ability info requires the header
Magic | Message ID | Message Length | Encryption Offset | Status Code | Message Class | Payload Offset |
f0 de bc 0a | 97 00 00 00 | a7 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 02 | 00 00 | 14 64 | a7 00 00 00 |
and the body of
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Extension version="1.1">
<userName>...</userName> <!-- Plain text username -->
<token>system, network, alarm, record, video, image</token>
Which contains the plain text of the username of interest and the tokens for abilities you want to know about.
Details of expected formats should be found from the docs
If the encryption flag returned from the camera is 0x02dd
then AES encryption will be used.
The cameras use AES cfb128 with an IV of 0123456789abcdef
the key is made as follows
- Concatenated the
from login with a-
then with your plain text password - MD5 Hash this concatenated string
- Represent the hash as hex string in all caps
- Take the first 16 characters as the encryption key
Here is an example:
use aes::Aes128;
use cfb_mode::cipher::{NewStreamCipher, StreamCipher};
use cfb_mode::Cfb;
const IV: &[u8] = b"0123456789abcdef";
let key_phrase = format!("{}-{}", nonce, passwd);
let key_phrase_hash = format!("{:X}\0", md5::compute(&key_phrase))
let key = key_phrase_hash[0..16];
let mut decrypted = encrypted.to_vec();
Cfb::<Aes128>::new(key.into(), IV.into()).decrypt(&mut decrypted);
return decrypted;