Extracted Section 4.6.3 from the thesis text.
The following text describes the concepts behind the tools React, Redux, Reselect and React-Router that power the frontend. The Frontend Development Stack Guide contains essentially the same info but on the implementation level.
The frontend itself can be viewed as a standalone application that has its own inner architecture. It is responsible for rendering the user interface which involves many not so simple tasks, including transitions between individual screen, processing user input, processing backend responses (including the the failed ones) and of course visualizations themselves. The architecture is also important because it defines the way the frontend can be extended with new visualizers.
The frontend actually consists of several standalone Single-page applications, as Figure 1 suggests. There is one big platform SPA, which contains configurator interfaces for all visualizers, and then for each visualizer there is a small dedicated SPA, which contains only the application interface for that particular visualizer. The platform SPA covers the overall generator agenda which includes most importantly generating and configuring applications. Each visualizer SPA, on the other hand, is responsible only for rendering published application of that particular type.
When a published application is accessed, depending on the visualizer, the appropriate SPA is loaded. On the other hand, the platform SPA needs to deal with this problem dynamically, using an internal mechanism that loads the appropriate configurator interface on demand. This mechanism will be described later in this subsection.
The inner frontend architecture follows the Flux pattern, or specifically the Redux mutation of Flux. The core idea is a unidirectional data flow, as shown on Figure 2. Let us take an example of how this pattern deals with user interactions. Let us say that the user clicks a button to increase a counter’s value. This is what would happen:
The user clicks the button
The controller-view layer intercepts that interaction and dispatches an appropriate action to the store.
The store updates the state using the action and notifies the controller-view layer of the change.
The controller-view updates itself using the new state which results in a change on the screen.
The state is a single hierarchically structured object that holds the complete state of the user interface, i.e., what the user sees on the screen is a function of the state. The controller-view layer both defines how the user interface, given the state, should look like and how it should respond to user input. An action represents an event that occurs in the system. It is a structured object which is identified by a unique name and can carry a payload. To create actions we usually use factories called action creators. The store holds the state, it updates it with incoming actions and notifies the controller-view layer of changes.
It is important that the only way the state (and consequently the user interface) is updated, is through actions. That means that given an initial state and a sequence of actions, we always reach the same state. This aspect greatly improves the predictability of the frontend application.
As the initial example was very simple, let us take a more complex one, which involves communication with the backend. In this example, the user clicks the Refresh button to load updated markers from the server to be shown on a Google Map. The whole process is visualized on Figure 3. It consists of the following steps:
The user clicks the Refresh button.
The controller-view layer (represented by a
Google Maps Configurator Component
at this moment) intercepts the click and invokesGet Markers Action Creator
. -
The action creator firstly dispatches the
action. -
The store updates the state accordingly (let us say that an appropriate boolean variable
is flipped totrue
) and informs the controller-view layer of this change which results in a user interface update and consequently visual feedback on the screen (e.g. the user will see an animated loading indicator). -
The action creator makes the actual HTTP request to the backend to get the markers and waits for the response.
The backend responds with the markers.
The action creator dispatches the
action with the received markers as the action payload. -
The store updates the state accordingly (the aforementioned variable is flipped back to
and the markers are stored in the state). The controller-view layer is notified of another changes and updates itself according to the new state (e.g. the loading bar is hidden and the markers are shown on the map).
Let us now talk more in detail about individual parts of this architecture. The actual user interface, i.e. the controller-view layer, is composed of hierarchically structured UI components, specifically React components. We suggested how a screen with a configurator interface should look like. Now you can refer to Figure 4 to see how this screen would be represented with the component hierarchy.
An UI component is the base building block that we work with while creating the user interface. It works as a view, defining how it should be rendered on the screen, and also as a controller, defining how it should respond to user interactions. The main asset of this component approach is composability. One component typically consists of several smaller components, creating as many levels of abstraction as necessary. This can be nicely seen on Figure 4. One consequence is that even though we talk about a controller-view layer, some components are rather controllers, focusing on the application logic, and some are rather views, focusing on the visual aspect.
The state is similarly structured as the user interface, even though the hierarchies are not identical. Figure 5 gives the reader an idea of what kind of information the state actually contains and how this information is mapped to the user interface.
The role of the state is similar to how RDBMS is used in the backend. It works as a structured storage of data (instead of tables we have an arbitrarily deep nested hierarchy). Whereas in backend repositories typically work as the first abstraction layer through which the RDBMS is accessed, in frontend we utilize reducers to define how the state should be updated using action, and selectors to select specific data from the state. Note that both reducers and selectors always work only on a single piece of the whole state.
Figure [fig:frontend-reducer-and-selector] shows how these concepts are utilized in a real situation. After successful authentication with the backend, the SIGN_IN
action carrying the current user is dispatched. The User Reducer
updates the state (stores the authenticated user) and the User Selector selects the user from the state and passes it to a UI component.
There is a clear analogy between repositories and the combination of actions, reducers and selectors. Actions define API for updates (setters), selectors for reads (getters). Reducers represent the actual implementations of the setters. Action creators, on the other hand, constitute a higher level of abstraction as they handle more complex tasks from the business logic (such as communication with the backend, as shown in the example on Figure 3).
Whereas in backend all this functionality is tightly bundled in a single repository or service object (object as in OOP), in backend the individual parts are represented as functions that are coupled only loosely. Nevertheless, we use a name duck to refer to a unit of related actions, action creators, selectors and reducers that cover a limited functionality (e.g. users). Just as there are different repositories and services in backend, having different responsibilities, there are different ducks in frontend. Here are some examples (the state structure on Figure 5 might have already given some ideas to the user):
User – authenticated user
Dialog windows – state of opened dialog windows
Promises – state of all asynchronous operations in the system (typically HTTP requests to the backend)
Notifications – on-screen user notifications
Discovery – state of the currently opened discovery
Published applications – list of published applications (catalog content)
These were just some of the many that exist in the frontend, plus they are typically related to the general platform functionality. Then every visualizer would define its own ducks, typically responsible for fetching and storing the RDF data from the backend and for the configuration (as seen on Figure [fig:frontend-state-structure]).
The last missing piece of the frontend architecture is routing. Despite the frontend being an SPA, standard URLs are still used for identification of different screens, i.e., by changing the current URL the user transitions to another screen. In a typical OOP MVC implementation as is used in the backend, a URL is mapped onto a controller object method. In our frontend application, each URL is mapped on a hierarchy of UI components.
Let us consider the screen with Google Maps Visualizer configurator interface with component structure shown on Figure 4 Note that this applies only to the platform SPA. The URL of this screen is /app/13/googleMaps
. The mapping on a component hierarchy would be following:
–Configurator Loader
component -
– the ID of current application. It is passed as a parameter to theConfigurator Loader
component -
–Google Maps Configurator
On Figure 4 there is a Router
component high up in the hierarchy. This component is responsible for injecting the components that map on the current URL into the hierarchy. If any segment of the URL changes, the Router
replaces the old component with a new one that maps on the new URL segment which results in a screen update. Note the hierarchical nature of this routing approach.
This suggests how the internal mechanism for loading the appropriate configurator interface works. Each visualizer defines its own configurator interface in a form of a UI component which is seemingly integrated into the component hierarchy (see Figure 4 where the configurator component is highlighted with a dotted border). Each such component maps on a unique URL. When a user decides to configure an application, he is redirected to this URL and the Router activates the appropriate component.