Hi there! 👋 Thanks for your interest in contributing to the OSPO Definition project. Whether you contribute new sections, help localize the OSPO definition into your native language, or want to help others get started, there are many ways to become an active member of this community.
- All the work is done asynchronously and discussed via todogroup/ospoefinition.org Issues and PRs.
- Major releases, such as integrating new sections, should happen no more than once a year.
- Minor releases, such as relevant improvements to existing content, can happen anytime by opening a PR.
- Patch releases, such as typo corrections and improved wording, can also happen anytime by opening a PR.
This section outlines the different contributor roles within the project and the responsibilities and privileges that come with them.
Anyone can become a OSPO Definition contributor simply by contributing to the project. All contributors are expected to follow the TODO Code of Conduct.
There are two of ways you can contribute to the project:
- Content contributors: everyone who improves existing sections or contributes new ones,
- Localization contributors: those who help translate the OSPO Definition into another language,
Contributors can have multiple roles or focus on one area only. All these contributions are equally important and help foster a thriving community.
Approvers provide feedback on PRs and approve them. Any active contributor can become an approver and request it by opening a issue (other maintaners will approve).
OSPO definition approvers are expected to:
- Review PRs,
- Answer contributors issues,
- Provide contributors with feedback and guide them when needed,
- Proofread and edit submissions.
If an approver is no longer interested in or cannot perform the above duties, they should let the maintainers know and step down
Maintainers are approvers who can also merge PRs. Anyone can become a OSPO Definition maintainer and request it by opening a issue (other maintaners will approve). There are certain expectations for maintainers, including:
- Be an active and responsive approver (see above),
- Help maintain the repository, including site configuration, permission, issue-templates, GitHub workflow, among others,
- Monitor the OSPO Forum and help out whenever possible,
If a maintainer is no longer interested in or cannot perform the duties listed above, they should move themselves to emeritus status
The OSPO Definition is for everyone and everyone can become a contributor.
How you can participate in this project depends on your level of Open Source Program Office / Open Source within organizations expertise. Simplifying complex concepts requires a deep knowledge of the topic. Therefore, to contribute new terms, you must be proficient in them.
If you have never directly engaging with Open Source Program Offices or open source initiatives wihtin organizations yet, but still want to contribute, we recommend teaming up with someone who is. Once the expert is confident that the term accurately describes the concept, you are ready for your first Glossary contribution.
The localization effort is where beginners proficient in another language can make valuable contributions to the OSPO Definition. With solid existing definitions in English, less experienced contributors can localize terms to a target language. You can join an existing localization team or create a new one.
Go to the orpodefinition.org GitHub repo issues to find a list of available issues.
You can propose a new sections or improve existing ones for others to work on or work on it yourself. Either way, you’ll start by creating an issue.