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File metadata and controls

223 lines (125 loc) · 21.9 KB


In this chapter we will discuss in detail the target user group and use cases of our application, specify important goals that we would like to meet, select features to help us meet these goals and talk about implications of virtual reality prototyping on our design process.


The following personas characterize potential users of our application.


Frank is a hobbyist. He is capable of performing basic computer operations, such as browsing the Internet or using an office suite. Lately, he came across an interesting dataset that highlights population growth in different areas of the world over the past couple centuries. Frank is quite impatient when it comes to computers and gets easily frustrated with complex pieces of software. As such, he is looking for a tool that will enable him to view this data without too much hassle.

Power user

Quinn is a senior data analyst working at a meteorological agency. She possesses advanced programming skills and her current task is to build a networked swarm of drones that gather meteorological data from locations around her neighbourhood. She wants to remotely access the measured data and share measurements from particular days with her colleagues.

IT administrator

Paul works as an IT technician at a corporate bank. He has been tasked by the company to find and recommend an immersive analytics platform to be used by its employees. Paul wants the software to store data locally in order to achieve compliance with new data regulations, integrate easily with existing processes inside the company and have the ability to audit the software. Although he is an experienced administrator with many years under his belt, he always enjoys software that is hassle-free to run and easy to set up.

Task analysis

The goal of our research is to create a virtual reality visualization environment that is accessible to everyone, is easily extensible by outside developers and works on 3DOF and 6DOF HMDs, no matter whether they are connected to a personal computer or function as standalone devices. Different control styles should be taken into account when designing interactions. The following graph illustrates tasks that are typical for immersive analytics software (and for the most part, traditional business intelligence tools). High-level tasks are broken down into subtasks as is commonplace in hierarchical task analysis.[1]

Hierarchical task analysis of typical immersive analytics software.

The users typically traverse these tasks in order, however, depending on the scenario, they may want to repeat tasks 2-4. It is important to note, that when collaborating with another user, tasks 1-2 can be skipped. Detailed descriptions of each task follow.

Task Description
Prepare data The user has to define the underlying structure of data they want to use. This is typically a local file in a certain format or an API provided by a third-party application. They can then proceed to retrieve such data and specify various associated features (metadata), such as attribute types or labels (in case of multivariate data). They are also able to select a subset of data to work with or fill in missing values.
Map data The user makes an informed decision on which plot type they wish to use and associates attributes from their dataset with its features. They are also able to conduct plot-specific filtering (e.g. by modifying the range of displayed values on a spatial axis in scatter plots).
Analyze data This task includes looking at plots from different viewpoints and discovering further information by consulting the legend.
Collaborate Collaboration can be divided into two distinct areas - synchronous and asynchronous. If the user we are collaborating with is available for real-time collaboration, we can invite them to a persistent virtual space and communicate using voice and physical gestures that map onto our virtual avatars. Alternatively, we are able to send them a copy of our dataset, which they can analyze at their leisure.


Let us specify three scenarios that highlight certain use cases.

Loading a dataset from a local file

Frank opens up the application, logs in and proceeds to add a new dataset representing population growth in the last century. He locates a CSV file on his computer and answers a series of simple questions. After the application finishes loading the dataset, he promptly checks whether the data has been correctly loaded and attribute types correctly assigned. He notices that several attributes have been mistyped as numerical instead of locational and that several attribute labels are ambiguous. He proceeds to fix these issues and puts on a virtual reality headset.

Inside VR, Frank selects the dataset he had just uploaded and creates a globe plot. He assigns locational attributes onto compatible features of the plot and specifies a numerical attribute as value. As Frank rotates the globe, he observes several hotspots around the world - eastern portions of China catch his eye. He moves the globe closer towards him and continues to explore.

Creating an integration

Quinn has recently finished work on her new fleet of Internet-connected drones. She is using Python to periodically gather measurements of temperature, humidity, wind direction and wind speed. Every day at a set time, the drones travel along a pre-programmed path and log measurements at certain locations. These measurements are then dumped into a file, which is stored in the drone's internal memory. Quinn, wanting to utilize the full capabilities of her drones, decides to add an integration to her Python script. She opens up our application, logs into her account and adds the file containing her last measurements as a new dataset. She then turns on a feature called version history, that enables her to upload multiple versions of the same dataset.

Quinn proceeds to look up the API key specific to the dataset she had just added along with instructions on how to set up the Python integration. After installing the integration from Python's package manager, she replaces the bit of code that saves measured data as a file with a snippet that she found. The next day after her drones return from their travels, Quinn notices that a new version of data has been added to her dataset. She puts on her VR headset, creates a map plot and assigns attributes from her dataset onto its features. Quinn then changes between the two versions and can see that today's measurements indicate higher humidity in certain areas as well as a change in wind direction.

Collaborating with another user

Quinn wants to share her findings with her fellow employee, Bob. While in VR, she opens her friends list and notices that Bob is online. She invites him to join her in VR. Bob gets a notification and puts on his VR headset. He accepts the invitation and after waiting several seconds for Quinn's data to load, appears in a shared virtual space beside Quinn's virtual avatar. Quinn then briefs Bob on the current meteorological situation using the application's voice communication functionality. She points to the area of interest and both agree that the situation is unusual. Bob requests a personal copy of the dataset and Quinn is happy to oblige. She takes off her VR headset and sends the dataset to Bob who then receives a prompt to accept the share request.

Design goals

Let us specify key design goals for our application.


The application should be accessible to users without any prior experience with data analysis. Workflows that are expected to be utilized by the vast majority of users should be straightforward. More advanced functionality can be available for experienced users, but its presence should not deter newcomers from using the product.


The application has to be extensible to a certain degree as to give stakeholders the ability to integrate it with their existing software stack.

Data security

Users are not to be held hostage inside the application's ecosystem (vendor lock). All data should be retrievable with ease by the user and a system administrator where applicable. There should be an option to store data locally without a requirement to connect to outside servers.


The application should facilitate collaboration between multiple users. They should be able to share data with one another without being forced to resort to external tools. In an optimal scenario, they should have the ability to communicate and interact with one another inside the virtual environment.


Use cases of our application should not be limited to a select field or domain of data.

Focus on VR

The application's user interface should be tailor-made for virtual reality. It is to be designed around a spatial environment while mitigating all shortcomings of present-day virtual reality technology.


The application is to be available on all major virtual reality platforms across PC, mobile and standalone categories. The user should be able to retain a persistent copy of their data across all devices as they may for instance use a workstation at their workplace and a standalone system at home.


When adding a new dataset, the application should be able to predict certain features, such as attribute type or structure of an uploaded dataset. The user should only be prompted if there is a high degree of uncertainty. In the inverse case, we will choose the most likely settings and allow the user to make modifications later at their leisure.

Feature selection

In this section, we will set the scope of our application by selecting features to meet aforementioned design goals and use cases. The user should be able to load industry-standard comma-delimited (CSV) files into the environment. Two data structures are to be supported - multivariate datasets, which contain multiple attributes arranged in columns and two-dimensional arrays of numerical values, which will be further referred to as matrix datasets for the lack of a more suitable term. Multivariate datasets may or may not include attribute labels. If they are present, they should be presented as a comma-delimited list on the first row of the file as per the example below.

Sepal length,Sepal width,Petal length,Petal width,Species 

When loading a new dataset into our application, the data type of each attribute should be automatically determined and presented to the user along with an option to change to another type that suits the provided data. In addition, the user should be presented with basic statistical data and data preview, so that they can make an informed decision regarding the data type of each attribute. The specifics of each attribute type are discussed later in this section. Users should also be able to change the label of each attribute and decide on how to fill in missing values.

The user should be able to load a new version of the dataset, provided the data structure meets dataset specifications. They are to be given an option to replace existing data or add a new version. In the latter case, the user will have the ability to change between versions when visualizing data from said dataset.

When in VR, the user will be able to choose between five types of plots discussed below, position them freely around the virtual environment, adjust their rotation and scale, assign dataset attributes onto features of the plot and view basic dataset metadata and statistics of attributes contained within said dataset. The user should also be able to filter by attribute value, regardless of whether said attribute is assigned onto a feature of the plot.

Collaboration features should include the ability to share datasets with another user directly within the environment and also the ability to invite said user to a shared virtual environment with users represented as articulated virtual avatars that are capable of moving in space and voice communication.

Lastly, there should be integration support for popular programming languages that allows programmers to create or update datasets from their programming environment of choice. Since we cannot cater to all, we should provide the ability for outside developers to build their own integrations for other programming languages or environments.

Plot types

In order to satisfy the non-specificity design goal, we have to offer the user a variety of plot options. Six plot types were selected for implementation, four for multivariate and two for spatial data (matrix datasets).

Clockwise from top left: surface plot, globe plot, scatter plot, bar plot, parallel coordinates plot, map plot.

Scatter plot

Accepts multivariate data. Allows the user to assign numerical values onto spatial axes, which determine the position of the nodes. Spatial axes also allow for the assignment of categorical attributes, however the ordering in this case is non-deterministic. The user is able to specify bounds for each axis. Assignable non-spatial features include color, size, shape and label, which is set to appear when the user points at a node.

Color mapping differs based on the type of the assigned attribute. Numerical attributes map onto a gradient, which can be diverging (if the attribute includes both positive and negative numbers) or sequential (otherwise). When assigning a categorical attribute, each unique value is given a color with distinct hue. Size only accepts numerical attributes. Shape accepts either numerical or categorical attributes. In the former case, the values are divided into two bins of a similar size with median used as the division point, each half is then rendered as a different glyph. In the latter case, we try to map each unique value onto a distinct glyph. If the number of distinguishable glyphs is smaller than the number of unique values, one of the glyphs can substitute a greater number of unique values.

Globe plot

Accepts multivariate data. The globe plot accepts two locational attributes for coordinates (latitude, longitude) and a single numerical or categorical attribute. If a numerical attribute is assigned as a value, it renders bars that protrude from the globe. Assignment of a categorical attribute will result in the rendering of uniformly-sized marks of different colors, the hue of which is again distinct for each unique value.

Map plot

Accepts multivariate data. A flat version of the globe plot suitable for viewing smaller geospatial areas.

Parallel coordinate plot

Accepts multivariate data. Contains two or more axes, each of which represents a numerical or categorical attribute. A polyline is then created between the axes with vertices positioned in the same way as values on a spatial axis of a scatter plot. The user is able to position the axes around the space using an interaction technique borrowed from a distinguished paper.[2]

Surface plot

Accepts spatial data. Renders a continuous mesh, the elevation of which is determined by numerical values at a specified position in the two-dimensional matrix.

Bar plot

Accepts spatial data. Renders a series of bars, with their height determined in the same way as with the surface plot.

Type compatibility with different features of each plot.

Attribute types

This subsection lists attribute types to be supported by our application. As mentioned earlier, an attribute type is automatically assigned when loading a new dataset. The user is then given the ability to change to any other type provided the attribute in question meets the type's requirements. Flow of the auto-assignment process is detailed by the following decision tree.

Decision tree for automatic assignment of attribute types in multivariate datasets.


Nominal attributes do not have any special requirements. Attributes default to this type should they fail all other assignment checks.


Numerical attributes represent numbers in both decimal and integer formats. Decimal point is to be represented by a dot. The type is automatically assigned if all of the attribute's values are numeric and do not satisfy conditions set for the locational type.


Categorical attributes do not have any special requirements. The type is automatically assigned if the attribute in question has less than 10 unique values, where 10 is an arbitrary number chosen by the author.


Vector type is designed for storing three-dimensional vectors. The accepted format is specified as three numerical values separated by spaces. If all values of a specific attribute adhere to this convention, the type is automatically assigned.


Locational type is a subset of the numerical type representing geospatial coordinates. Decimal values between -180 and 180 are permitted. The full range is used to represent longitude, while a reduced range from -90 to 90 represents latitude. An attribute is automatically determined to be spatial if it meets the requirements and is labeled as one of the following (case-insensitive):

  • latitude
  • longitude
  • lat
  • lon


Spatial type is exclusive to matrix datasets, where it represents the sole "attribute" containing all data. It is automatically assigned and cannot be changed by the user. As it only supports numerical data, datasets that do not satisfy this condition will be treated as multivariate instead.

Component design

Two big issues in present-day virtual reality technology that we would like to focus on are low pixel density of displays on most consumer HMDs compared to modern computer monitors and non-intuitiveness of text input in VR. The first fact leads to poor legibility of text below a certain size. This effect is compounded in HMDs with an OLED screen, due to their characteristic pentile subpixel arrangement. Text input in VR typically consists of pointing the controller towards a virtual keyboard, the layout of which is reminiscent of its smartphone variant. Using such keyboard for a short amount of time is a mere inconvenience, attempting to do so for longer periods of time will lead to fatigue, due to the need to precisely position a controller in space.

Comparison of pixel density between a high-end consumer headset and a business-oriented HMD.[3]

Over the years, there have been many attempts to come up with a solution that mitigates the fatigue, one of which is a project called Punchkeyboard.[4] We had originally planned on designing a similar solution, however doing so would only work in 6DOF, requiring us to use a traditional keyboard interface in 3DOF. In order to alleviate both these issues, we came up with a component design, which divides the overall workflow - text input is done inside a WIMP interface on the computer, allowing the user to use the computer keyboard they are most likely already familiar with. Furthermore, usage of text in the VR part of our application is greatly reduced in favor of using icons.

Example use of Punchkeyboard.[4]

The three distinct components that we have chosen to divide our environment into are as follows - plugins, Manager and Navigator. Plugins are API integrations written for different programming languages that allow the user to create a new dataset or update an existing one. Manager enables the user to view and edit all of their datasets and also facilitates loading files from the local computer. Navigator allows the user to interact with their data in virtual reality. The following visualization pipeline shows the distribution of tasks among our components.

Adapted version of Haber–McNabb dataflow model for scientific visualization in the context of our environment.[5]

Challenges of VR design

The spatial nature of virtual reality applications carries with it certain design challenges, which make it difficult to utilize the typical prototyping workflow. As interaction techniques in VR are much more complex than in typical WIMP applications, we are unable to create a rich interactive prototype without being forced to delve into code. The typical workflow for VR prototyping consists of drawing sketches, creating 2D and 3D assets that we intend to use in our project and then positioning said assets inside a static 3D environment (spatial prototyping). The user is then able to move between these scenes and also in 3D space, but they are unable to interact with any of the objects.[6] Commonly used tools for spatial prototyping include Google Blocks[7] and Microsoft Maquette[8]. We will be using the latter as it is the more advanced of the two.

When it comes to our workflow, we will begin by creating a sketch of basic interactions. This is key, as the design of our user interface greatly depends on limitations imposed by the interaction scheme that we are going to use. We will follow up by creating a UI design for our application, which will share its design language with Manager, allowing for a consistent experience. Afterwards, we will alternate between designing prototypes in Maquette and implementing new features in our game engine of choice. After each run, we gather user feedback and attempt to incorporate it into our design.

  1. (hta)
  2. (imaxes)
  3. (varjocomparison)
  4. (punchkeyboard)
  5. (santos)
  6. (vrprototyping)
  7. (googleblocks)
  8. (msmaquette)