PyCUTLASS is a python interface of CUTLASS C++ template library. PyCUTLASS takes user-defined operation descriptions, emits C++ code, and compiles it with nvcc
or nvrtc
. It also provides wrappers for user-provide arguments from numpy, torch, and cupy and encode them to kernel's parameters.
import pycutlass
from pycutlass import *
import torch
pycutlass.get_memory_pool(2**8, 2**32)
math_inst = MathInstruction(
[1, 1, 1], cutlass.float32, cutlass.float32, cutlass.float32,
cutlass.OpClass.Simt, MathOperation.multiply_add
tile_description = TileDescription(
[128, 128, 8], 4, [2, 4, 1],
A = TensorDescription(
cutlass.float32, cutlass.RowMajor, 1
B = TensorDescription(
cutlass.float32, cutlass.RowMajor, 1
C = TensorDescription(
cutlass.float32, cutlass.RowMajor, 1
epilogue_functor = LinearCombination(cutlass.float32, 1, cutlass.float32, cutlass.float32)
operation = GemmOperationUniversal(
arch=80, tile_description=tile_description,
A=A, B=B, C=C,
problem_size = cutlass.gemm.GemmCoord(512, 256, 128)
tensor_A = torch.ceil(torch.empty(size=(problem_size.m(), problem_size.k()), dtype=torch.float32, device="cuda").uniform_(-8.5, 7.5))
tensor_B = torch.ceil(torch.empty(size=(problem_size.k(), problem_size.n()), dtype=torch.float32, device="cuda").uniform_(-8.5, 7.5))
tensor_C = torch.ceil(torch.empty(size=(problem_size.m(), problem_size.n()), dtype=torch.float32, device="cuda").uniform_(-8.5, 7.5))
tensor_D = torch.empty_like(tensor_C)
alpha = 1.0
beta = 0.0
arguments = GemmArguments(
operation=operation, problem_size=problem_size,
A=tensor_A, B=tensor_B, C=tensor_C, D=tensor_D,
output_op=operation.epilogue_type(alpha, beta),
gemm_mode=cutlass.gemm.Mode.Gemm, split_k_splices=1
tensor_D_ref = alpha * tensor_A @ tensor_B + beta * tensor_C
assert torch.equal(tensor_D, tensor_D_ref)
PyCUTLASS also provides infrastructures for profiling, compiled artifact management, and pool memory manager
PyCUTLASS currently supports following operations:
- GEMM with mode {Serial, Parallel Split K, Batched GEMM, Array GEMM}, op class {SIMT, TensorCore}, data type {int8, f16, bf16, f32, f64}, layout {RowMajor, ColumnMajor, Row/ColumnMajorInterleaved<32> for int8}, math operation {MultiplyAdd, MultiplyAddFastF16, MultiplyAddFastBF16, MultiplyAddFastF32}, swizzling functions {IdentitySwizzle<1,2,4,8>, HorizontalSwizzle, BatchedIdentitySwizzle}, and epilogue {LinearCombination, LinearCombinationClamp}
- GEMM grouped with op class {SIMT, TensorCore}, data type {int8, f16, bf16, f32, f64}, layout {RowMajor, ColumnMajor}, math operation {MultiplyAdd, MultiplyAddFastF16, MultiplyAddFastBF16, MultiplyAddFastF32}, scheduling mode {Host, Device}, and epilogue {LinearCombination, LinearCombinationClamp}.
- Conv2d with {Fprop, Dgrad, Wgrad}, op class {SIMT, TensorCore}, data type {int8, f16, bf16, f32, f64}, layout {Tensor NHWC, TensorNC32HW32 and TensorC32RSK for int8}, math operation {MultiplyAdd, MultiplyAddFastF16, MultiplyAddFastBF16, MultiplyAddFastF32}, split-k mode {Parallel, Serial}, and epilogue {LinearCombination, LinearCombinationClamp}
The tiling size of above operations can also be customized.
You can run the PyCUTLASS on NGC PyTorch container.
docker run --gpus all -it --rm
PyCUTLASSS requires two environment variables:
: the root directory of CUTLASS. You can set this from the location at which you cloned CUTLASS via:export CUTLASS_PATH=$(pwd)
: the directory where cuda toolkit is installed. If running in bash withnvcc
installed under a CUDA toolkit, you can set this to the location of yournvcc
installation via:export CUDA_INSTALL_PATH=$(which nvcc | awk -F'/bin/nvcc' '{print $1}')
After setting these two environment variables, PyCUTLASS can be installed with
cd $CUTLASS_PATH/tools/library/scripts/pycutlass && bash
Examples can be found in $CUTLASS_PATH/examples/40_cutlass_py
The test cases are listed in $CUTLASS_PATH//tools/library/scripts/pycutlass/test
. The unit test can be run with
# Each of these tests are only supported on devices with compute capability of SM80. For other devices,
# see the basic examples in $CUTLASS_PATH/examples/40_cutlass_py
cd $CUTLASS_PATH/tools/library/scripts/pycutlass/test/unit && python
cd $CUTLASS_PATH/tools/library/scripts/pycutlass/test/example && bash
Building PyCUTLASS requires installing dependencies to python. So conda could an option if you don't have permission.
PyCUTLASS manages the device memory with RMM. Our
automatically pull the rmm branch-22.08 from github and build it from source. The rmm is allocated at $CUTLASS_PATH/tools/library/scripts/pycutlass/rmm
. It requires cmake > 3.20.1
. If the build fails, it can be manually fixed with the following steps:
cd $CUTLASS_PATH/tools/library/scripts/pycutlass/rmm && ./ librmm rmm
cd $CUTLASS_PATH/tools/library/scripts/pycutlass/rmm/python
python build_ext --inplace
python install
To test whether rmm is successfully installed, try import rmm
. For other issues related to rmm, please check