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Sinatra in The Wild |
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NOTE: Feel free to fork
Sinatra's website on GitHub
and add your own entry to the wild.markdown
file. Just push and we'll take
care of the rest.
- Flickr Group Viewer is a (nicer?) way to view photos in a flickr group -- on GitHub.
- OnBoard a web interface to manage Linux-based network appliances.
- Tweetrad.io text to speech conversion for twitter
- Tweeps conference app to aggregate tweets by attendees
- Integrity the easy and fun Continuous Integration server
- Pearson Reader UAE online textbooks for the Ministry of Education, Abu Dhabi
- Healthy Communities preventative health grant applications for Government
- Sum is an email-based budgeting application
- Shoes and a Shotgun an one click development environment built on Shoes
- Marley the blog engine without <textareas>
- Postview a simple blog-engine that render text files written in Markdown.
- Scanty an even more minimalist blogging engine
- Scanty using CouchDB
- Scanty using CouchDB 0.9.0a and CouchRest 0.16
- Haze a lightweight and minimalist blogging engine using flat text files.
- Wind HTML5 blog engine focused in a easy, extensible and fast admin.
- git-wiki a git-powered wiki
- Wordnatra an interface to Princeton's WordNet lexical dictionary
- GitHub-FogBuz logs your GitHub commits with FogBuz
- Notable listens on Jabber to take your notes and then displays them back to you
- Dash Sinatra provides a Ruby API to push metrics from an app to the FiveRuns Dash service
- Gaze tiny app that serves up your Markdown files
- Giftsmas Gift Tracking Website using Sinatra, Sequel, and Scaffolding Extensions
- Toopaste Pastebin site created with Sinatra and DataMapper
- Columnlog Tiny feed fetching app
- Kapow Comics on your iPhone
- Knapsack Pack pages into data URIs
- Thumblmonks Delayed HTTP Requests
- weaky a basic CouchDB wiki
- Amnesia an app that presents memcached server stats
- Rash, Ruby, Twitter & Hashtags
- So Nice is a Small web interface to control iTunes, Rhythmbox or MPD
- sinatra-rubygems A complete reimplementation of the gem server command as a Sinatra application
- Nesta is an SEO oriented CMS/blog for developers
- Mogo A planet-style feed aggregator
- Hancock A Single Sign On provider based on OpenID
- Hancock Client Rack middleware client for the Hancock server, written in Sinatra
- Rails Searchable API Doc runs on Sinatra
- Sinatra Saucer JRuby web application frontend for Flying Saucer, which converts xhtml into a pdf
- Wink minimalist blogging engine
- WineAdds micro-app that calculates common additions to wine
- Deltacloud Deltacloud protects your apps from cloud API changes and incompatibilies. REST API is written using Sinatra
- jamMm.in a music collaboration application
- Jaconda A simple team collaboration service that allows you to create chat rooms for groups through Gtalk/Jabber protocol. REST API is written in Sinatra
- Soxer Soxer is a lean but infinitely extensible web publishing tool.
- SinMagick a front-end for image processing and thumbnailing with flexible storage options.
- Sinatra::SimpleNavigation Easy creation of navigations (with multiple levels) with sinatra and the simple-navigation gem
- sinatra_more Library with agnostic generators, form builders, named route mappings, easy mailer support, and more.
- Sinatra's Hat Mount models as web services in Sinatra with ease
- Classy Resources Think resources controller, except for sinatra
- Sinatra Ditties A collection of plugins and useful helpers
- Chicago runtime and testing helpers, extensions, and macros commonly used by Thumblemonks
- Capinatra Quickly deploy Sinatra apps to Passenger.
- Frankie Easy creation of Facebook applications with Sinatra and the Facebook gem
- Sinatra Application Template Base app with DataMapper, Haml and RSpec. Fork and build.
- Sinatra OAuth Provider an OAuth provider implemented with Sinatra
- Spork Executes some aynchronous code using Sinatra running under Passenger
- Retweet Create Twitter apps like tweetdreams.org with ease
- Rack Flash Simple flash hash implementation for Rack with extra sugar for Sinatra.
- Sinatra-REST generates RESTful routes for your models (ActiveRecord, DataMapper, Stone)
- R18n Agnostic i18n library with Sinatra extension.
- url_for Construct absolute paths and full URLs for current application.
- WebIRC Web-based IRC client.
- content_for Rails-like
helper for your views (supports ERB and Haml.) - Sinatra Effigy Sinatra extension for Effigy (HTML in .html files, Ruby in .rb files) views.
- Sinatra Mongoid Sinatra extension for Mongoid (MongoDB ORM).
- Haml::More Adds more functionality to Haml and Sass
- Sinatra::AdvancedRoutes Makes routes first class objects
- Sinatra::Compass Integrates the Compass stylesheet framework
- Sinatra::ConfigFile Adds YAML config file support
- Sinatra::MoreServer Adds support for more web servers to Sinatra::Base#run!
- Sinatra::Namespace Adds namespaces, allows namespaces to have local helpers.
- Sinatra::Reloader Advanced and fast code reloader
- Sinatra::Sugar Extensions for Sinatra's standard methods, like #set or #register
- Sinatra::TestHelper Adds helper methods and better integration for various testing frameworks
- Sinatra::WebInspector Allows you to inspect a running app
- Yard::Sinatra Displays Sinatra routes (including comments) in YARD output
- BigBand Pre-configured replacement for Sinatra::Base setting up useful extensions
- Sinatra::Jsonp JSONP output helper for Sinatra.
- Bowtie Admin generator for DataMapper models, on Sinatra.
- I Shoot Film presents Funkaoshi's film photography posted to Flickr organized by film rolls -- on GitHub.
- Speed of Animals: imagine being a spotted hyena...
- Bloor and Lansdowne is Blansdowne is a photoblog about a neighbourhood in Toronto.
- NYLS Upload Tool Web-based replacement of FTP
- Fabulously40 Mobile Sinatra powered mobile site of Fabulously40
- UploadBooth Sinatra powered Upload Service
- PasteBooth Sinatra powered multi-lingual Paste Service
- ShrinkBooth Sinatra powered multi-lingual URL shortening Service
- Calendar About Nothing Seinfeld calendar for hackers
- irclogger Logging urz IRC channel #sinatra
- Follow Cost Is that Twitter celebrity worth the pain?
- Is LOST on yet?
- URL Unwind Don't get RickRolled again
- Tweetdreams Twitter dream journal
- Does Follow Twitter tool for figuring out who follows whom
- portfolio.quirkey.com
- go get me some Our new favorite timesink
- Chargd The quick way to get paid
- Gusg.us Blog - Ridding the long bus
- Deleanotes
- Pagestacker
- themoviedb.org The name says it all :)
- columnlog Tiny feed fetching app
- Your Fiveruns Dashboard
- IronRuby Watch their great stats here
- beeing.com Explore, Discover, Create
- ZapText Never miss critical time sensitive data (API uses Sinatra)
- MooURL The web's cutest URL shortening service
- FlexCode iPhone development
- California PATH program - UC Berkley In-vehicle applications on their Vehicle-Infrastructure Integration server
- TweepDiff Compare friends/followers of two Twitter users
- CSptRun Minimal URL shortening service
- Effectif Development
- Six-Word Tweets Stories told in only six words.
- Chirp-chirp Write a Sinatra-based Twitter clone in 200 lines of Ruby code
- Rdoc.info Auto-generate and host Ruby library documentation using GitHub web hooks
- All Sorts An aggregator for novel collective nouns, driven by Twitter
- The Setup Interviews with nerds about their computer setups.
- Congrelate Congress data mashup visualization tool.
- Scholas Social file-sharing for academics.
- Gemcutter Awesome gem hosting.
- UKOfficeAdvisers Find serviced offices in the UK.
- SavvyFranchises Franchise Search + Discovery for the Savvy Entrepreneur.
- The Setup The setup is a bunch of nerdy interviews (Source)
- A Good Company An awesome little portfolio for a great design company.
- dbpedia lite takes some of the structured data in Wikipedia and presents it as Linked Data (Source).
- Evan Lecklider Website showing off work, code examples and experiments built with Sinatra and Compass.
- Brightspoke.com matches people with bicycles.
- Heroku
- GitHub
- Zenbe
- Agency Rainford
- Songbird
- Curbed Network
- Meticulo
- Rock-n-code
- Solutious
- Centro
- Apartment Therapy
- Nitobi
- Inventive Labs
- FiveRuns
- Engine Yard
- Citrusbyte
- Lomographic Society International
- Swipht Technologies
- Nth Metal Interactive
- Osborne Brook
- Robot Mode
- thoughtbot
- Forward
- WyeWorks
- Idealist Digital
- A Good Company
- Ylastic
- SPB Software
- Formalibre
- Fork
- Tractor Feed