VMLINK Automounter for Linux on z/VM
VMLINK extends the namespace of a virtual machine to include devices of (specifically disks owned by) other virtual machines.
Consider automounter point /vmlink
, similar to /misc
and /net
Under /vmlink
, one can have target directories ("keys" in automounter
speak) named vmid.addr where "vmid" is the owning virtual machine
and "addr" is the address of a disk on that virtual machine.
The VMLINK automounter script uses the key, here yourvm.yourdisk
to "link" (at the z/VM layer) your disk, bring it online,
and then mount it at the named location under the automounter point.
VMLINK automates referencing disks of other virtual machines on demand. The "client" or guest (virtual machine) initiates the connection. Host administrative action is required for authorizing such references. Host administration is not required for activating such references once authorized.
In other words, your virtual machine must be granted the right to use another disk, but once authorized you do not have to engage the administrator to use a disk for which you are authorized. (The VM admin does not have to perform the "attach", which we call "link".)
Rushal Verma developed the VMLINK automounter script as an intern project under the Linux Foundation.
On CMS, vmlink
is a command.
On Linux, /vmlink
is an automounter point.