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audiovisual analytics vocabulary and ontology (AAVO)

This repository holds:

  • a SKOS vocabulary;
  • an OWL ontology;
  • Python code to synthesize them both.
  • This with directions on the implementation and intended uses.

In summary, audiovisual analytics (AA) is an extension of visual analytics to encompass both visualizing and hearing data. It is a broad subject which related data structures and provenance, analysis techniques and methods, audiovisualization of data and visual interfaces. Therefore, AAVO should strive to use already existing vocabularies and ontologies (e.g. DBpedia and Wordnet).

AAVO formalizes the knowledge involved in AA and gives context by relations to external vocabularies and ontologies.

Check the documentation in this and in the wiki for further directions on how AAVO is being implemented.

intended use

AAVO is intended for conceptual organization and discussion and for obtaining relations by machine inference (e.g. what analysis and visualizations might be useful for a given dataset). Other and minor intended uses are described at the end of this README (includes Portuguese text for now).

It is also conceived as a part of an AA framework in which the following components are foreseen:

  • Social/Participation/Gmane: routines for representing data from diverse provenance as linked data. (Done)
  • Percolation: linked data and data analysis facilities. (migrating code)
  • Visuals: useful routines for generating images and videos. (migrating code, WIP)
  • Music: routines useful for rendering sound and music. (migrating code, WIP)
  • AAVO: the conceptualization formalized as linked data/semantic web. (WIP)
  • AAI: a gluing component for providing audiovisual analytics interfaces. Should include a web frontend using D3.js and ccNetViz. (incipient)

All implementations should be in Python (backend) and Javascript (frontend).

implementation details

Each concept is related both to an OWL class and a SKOS concept for allowing OWL DL inference to be made in the ontology. This have pros and cons, but the other possibilities:

  • yields OWL Full (if a SKOS concept, and instance, is a class), or
  • annotations on instances o OWL classes, not on the classes (if we annotate instances of OWL classes with SKOS properties), or
  • a less formal ontology (if we went from SKOS to OWL), or
  • would extrapolate the purpose of SKOS AFAIK (giving enough expressive power to SKOS to achieve an OWL without degeneration of the conceptualization).
  • One other possibility that I came across is to model a concept not as an instance of skos:Concept, but as a subClass of it. I do not know if this is ok, so it is in standby, but it seems like a good alternative to avoid duplicating concepts, e.g. aao:Analysis and aav:Analysis.

Therefore, conceptualization is formalized in OWL (as an ontology) from which the SKOS vocabulary is automatically derived. SKOS is less formal then OWL so a small set of conventions allows Percolation to output the vocabulary from the ontology.

The ontology rdf/audiovisualAnalyticsOntology.owl is synthesized by the src/ file. The vocabulary rdf/audiovisualAnalytics.skos is then obtained from rdf/audiovisualAnalytics.owl by means of src/ Example usages of AAVO for reasoning and extracting knowledge should be in src/

Visualization of RDF code:

  • multiple RDF text formats (Turtle, n3, Manchester, XML, etc).
  • diagram view (nodes are classes or concepts or raw data).
  • Tree view for the taxonomic relations.
  • These files should be in the rdf/ and img/ directories.
  • (See VOWL for good online tools for visualizing OWL and data from endpoints as node-edge diagrams, but no textual visualization.)

Notes on the implementation of the full AA framework should be in the wiki of this repository while other components are incipient.

deriving the vocabulary from the ontology

By standard, each OWL class and property is a subclass of skos:Concept. Both subClassOf and subPropertyOf are subProperties of skos:broader. OWL properties also yield skos:related. OWL properties can be annotated to yield vocabulary relations and not concepts. See issues.

conceptualization details

  • Text and numbers are considered visualization.
  • Some analysis methods involve visualization.
    • We keep under analysis methods only what involves data processing and arbitrary consultation.
    • Under visualization are kept only methods for representing data visually.
    • Example: PCA in an analysis. The scatter plot is a visualization (which might be useful for plotting data with respect to the first principal components).
    • Relations between analysis and visualization concepts are defined in the ontology and vocabulary.
    • If for an analysis technique this distinction is not possible, we can use the concept of (audio)visual analysis.

core and extended AAVO

Both the ontology and vocabulary have core and extended versions. Extended includes core. Core is meant to keep a very simple representation of the knowledge.

  • Core includes: data, analysis, audiovisualization and interface concepts as OWL classes and properties, and as SKOS concepts. Some sub classes and properties.
  • Extended also includes: knowledge from other fields such as statistics, complex networks, text mining, audio and music, visual design, HCI, UI, etc. When necessary to better account for the AA field and link to external OWL. Also includes definitions of further sub classes and properties of the main classes.

further notes

  • Maybe start from this linking to Wordnet and DBPedia and LOSD and then grow from them.
  • Revisit Pandas, Sympy, other python data-related libraries and the Entoght videos for obtaining a solid conceptualization of the analysis (and visualizations).
  • Defining classes as of owl:type another class and rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept allows for annotating instances of the class with SKOS properties. This does not enable the annotations to be directly annotated in the classes, reason why we did not choose this approach.
  • Pseudocodes for data structures and algorithms are written as RDF Schema (RDFS). RDF collections, RDFS containers, and SparQL queries.
  • Each OWL class has a related SKOS concept. Annotations are made in each class and inherited by the concept.
    • super classes are maped to broader relations.
    • definitions and notes are inherited in related fields.
    • OWL properties have skos properties as superproperties (broader, related concept, etc)
    • If needed, define ontology annotation properties that can be mapped or inherited by the vocabulary. Another approach is to use textual tags in the string. The first approach leads to better defined ontological structures while the second might involve in simples structures and less coding (an maybe to less clear and less clean comments).
    • How to map OWL meronyms to SKOS?
  • MOOC in semantic web. Another MOOC. And another MOOC.
  • Maybe use EARL to report on the tests performed. The application of analysis methods to data most yields automated results. Audiovisualization should require annotation by the user to yield results. Output EARL RDF for the user, allow for changing and adding to it.
  • Get text from Gutemberg books, DBpedia (or wikipedia pages)j.
  • Get networks from SparQL queries and from the online networks repository (find URL again to cite ).
  • Use Content RDF to represent content.
  • Understand what Google Cloud and Firebase and other services can and cannot provide.
    • Firebase (BaaS) is a slim backend that delivers frontend. App engine (PaaS) the backend. Cloud (DaaS?) deals with massive data. Is that it?
  • Use algorithmia (AaaS?) for running algorithms?
  • Explore the open model of the semantic web (anyone can say anything about anything).
    • Make some text about this design, what it implied for AAVO/AAI and possibilites.
    • Make the open design of the semantic web very explicit in AAI.
  • Algorithmia post has good resources for NLP and text mining:
  • Revisit scikit-learn, scipy, anaconda, etc. Maybe use e.g. scipy to derive ontology until it reaches DBpedia or so.
  • Study KNIME (and book) in depth to understand their approaches.
  • See with Vilson Vieira (The Grid) how to implement the dataflow in client JS.
  • Course on ETL with KNIME!!!
  • See source of KNIME to know if they use a vocabulary or ontology for organizing all the concepts.
  • Understand RIF and confirm that we do not need it for now.
  • WebVOWL for visualizing OWL ontologies online. It is very good. The VOWL project includes online querying an endpoint for visualizing the structure of data and other tools.
  • A list of alive SparQL endpoints HERE. They (SPARQLES) provide 24h updated information on endpoint availability.
  • DBPedia Spotlight searching in a text for terms on DBpedia, Freebase and others
  • SKOS Play to render tree and textual interactive visualizations of SKOS vocabularies.
  • Maybe write an auxiliary ontology about semantic web fundamentals: RDF, RDFS, SKOS, OWL, RIF, SparQL etc.


  • Find the difference between using an inference process or a model-driven transformation.
  • Find the difference between SKOS Collection and Concept Scheme.
  • Define the set of external properties and classes that will be used.
  • Distinguish between array and matrix?
  • What is the difference between method and technique?
  • Any better way for linking resources with properties without axioms (including range and domain) and restrictions?
    • One approach is to define subclasses, but it is clumsy. Ex:
      • :Analysis should have a name, but it is not necessary.
      • One way is to write:
        • :analysisName rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:title .
        • :analysisName rdfs:domain :Analysis
      • Now the ontology has some explicit bond between :analysis and a naming property.
      • But this could be substituted by something like:
        • dct:title :unrestrictiveDomain :Analysis OR:
        • :Analysis :usesProperty dct:title
        • This approach yields less (unecessary) triples, the correct meaning and the desired non-restrictive bond between :Analysis and dct:title.
      • Class restrictions have inference costs, add many triples and asserts a wrong meaning in this context.
  • Revisit Curl documentation.
  • What should we use to yield a SKOS with relations such as meronymy and hyponymy (which is related to OWL sub and super classes)?

drafts in English:

Should include subfields like data visualization, information and scientific visualization, HCI, visual design, UI. Should include visualization methods including other senses, at least hearing (for the blind to have information of the visual environment, such as location and colors. Michel Hospital (FEE/UFSCar).

drafts in a English and Portuguese mix

Há intuitos menores do AAVO:

  • permitir consulta e rápida assimilação de aspectos da analítica audiovisual tanto para o especialista quanto para outros interessados.
  • sustentar possíveis software de analítica visual através de relações entre dados, métodos de análise e visualizações específicas:
    • 1D: histograms, medians, cumulativas, ajuste de curva ou distribuição).
    • 2D: scatter plot com ajuste de curva 2d histogram, 1d histogram of a measure over other measure, curve and distribution fitting
    • 3D: scatter plot com ajuste de curva, componentes principais, histograma 3d?, curve and distribution fitting
    • 4-XD: PCA, MDS, outro?
    • Riemmanian manifolds: circular statistics (circular histgrams?).
    • temporal/sequencial: timeline, 1D methods, other?
    • PCA: plot 1D, 2D, 3D. Visualização como tabela. (analíse -> visualização)
    • Histogram and derivatives (e.g. cumulative distribution): bar graph, timeline, other?
    • Suitable analysis and visualization for basic data types (linked list, set, dictionary, homogeneus and eterogeneous arrays).

A obtenção de cumulativa é uma técnica para análise de distribuições, então ela é um item dentre as técnicas e métodos de processamento: PCA e curve fitting é uma técnica de análise de distribuições que resultam em boas visualizações de dados. O curve fitting pode ser parametrizado e escrutinizado através de uma interface visual.

a interface visual serve para:

  • a escolha de visualizações
  • a parametrização de visualizações
  • a audiovisualização de resultados, seja via texto, números, imagens, números, video ou música.
  • Download any of the information in any visualization or visualization interface.

Each visualization, datatype or analysis method should have a standard visualization interface.

  • Concept: Interface

    • narrower: Analysis, Visualization, Datatype, Widget
  • Concept: Analysis

    • subClass: classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, model selection, preprocessing, NN, GA, PCO, ACO, etc. PCA, curve fitting, most probable distributions, histogram, 1D method, 2D method, 3D method, most frequent values, most frequent sequences of values, stability measures, difference measures between data items, bag of words, regression, ML algs, FP-Growth, POS tagging, ensemble learning, GLM,
    • necessaryAudiovisualization: class Visulization Interface
    • necessaryAudiovisualization: subPropertyOf skos:related
    • note: the analysis method might be tightly linked to a visualization Interface
  • Concept: AudioVisualization

    • subClass: 1D visualizaton, 2D visualization, 3D visualization, audio
    • Auralization subClassOf Audiovisualization
    • Visualization subClassOf Audiovisualization
  • Concept: Datatype

    • type: linked list, homogeneous and heterogeneous set, homogeneous array, heterogeneous array, dictionary with numbers or other datatypes, compound
    • datatypeChildren: same values as type
    • child: DataType Instance
    • childs: set, array or dictionary of DataTypes
  • Concept: Data

    • provenance: audio, social network, temporal/sequential, etc.
    • type: Data Type
    • data: the specific data structure

The interface uses Data, Analysis and Visualization compatibilities for rendering itself. An interface might be related to them by:

  • dedicatedInterfaceOf
  • possibleInterfaceOf
  • isInterfaceOf

An interface has sessions, which are subInterfaces (?).

Outras notas:

  • Olho mágico para visualizações.
  • DoIn sonoro e sons binaurais para audio de acompanhamento.
  • para aprender SparQL.
  • Reler a documentação de RDF(s), SKOS e OWL.
  • Encontrar outros trabalhos interessantes e fazer uma lista das classes e propriedades que usam.

Data, Analysis and Visualization compatibility

  • Data and analysis: the analysis method has to be compatible with the "Data type ?" triple.

  • Analysis and AudioVisualization: an analysis method also generates data, and for a visualization to be compatible the "Analysis output ?data. ?data type ?" should be compatible with visualization input. "Visualization input ?data. ?data type ?".

  • Data and AudioVisualizations. Visualizations also might generate data. "AudioVisualization output ?data". Any data might be directly visualized without any analysis (e.g. scatter plot). In which The datatype of both data and of the input of the visualization should be compatible "select ?compatible where { Data type ?DataType1 . ?Datatype1 type ?dt1. AudioVisualization input ?DataType2 . ?Datatype2 type ?dt2. compare( ?d1, ?d2) as ?compatible. }

Data is a URI of an instance of the Data class. Visualization and ?DataTypeX are classes/concepts. ?dt1, ?dt2 are data values, strings in this case. ?compatible is also a data value, a boolean.

  • Visualization and Visualization: The Visualization output might be compatible with another visualization's input. Other relation among visualizations are if they are often used for the same type of analysis or data.

  • Analysis and Analysis: An analysis output might be compatible with another analysis's input. Other relation among analysis methods are if they are often used for the same type of data or visualization.

  • Data and Data: Data can always be merged together. They are said compatible if their datatypes match. Other relations among data types and instances are if they are often used for the same type of analysis or visualization.