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#!/usr/bin/python3'''Module: read_and_map_merra_aerosol.py==========================================================================================Disclaimer: The code is for demonstration purposes only. Users are responsible to check for accuracy and revise to fit their objective.Author: Justin Roberts-Pierel, 2015 Organization: NASA ARSETPurpose: To extract various SDS from a MERRA NetCDF4 file and create a map of the resulting dataSee the README associated with this module for more information.=========================================================================================='''#import necessary modulesimport numpy as npimport netcdf4 as nc4import matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap#This finds the user's current path so that all hdf4 files can be foundtry: fileList=open('fileList.txt','r')except: print('Did not find a text file containing file names (perhaps name does not match)') #loops through all files listed in the text filefor FILE_NAME in fileList: FILE_NAME=FILE_NAME.strip() user_input=input('\nWould you like to process\n' + FILE_NAME + '\n\n(Y/N)') if(user_input == 'N' or user_input == 'n'): continue else: #read in the data merraData = nc4.Dataset(FILE_NAME, 'r') variables=set(merraData.variables) desiredVariables=set({'AOD','RH','ps','PBLH','TA','US','VS'}) desiredVariables=set([x.lower() for x in desiredVariables]) var1=variables.intersection(desiredVariables) desiredVariables=set([x.upper() for x in desiredVariables]) var2=variables.intersection(desiredVariables) fileVars=list(var1.union(var2)) if len(fileVars)==0: print('This file contains none of the selected SDS. Skipping...') continue print('Please select an SDS from the current file to map: ') [print('(' + str(fileVars.index(x)) + ')',x) for x in fileVars] user_var=input() SDS_NAME=fileVars[int(user_var)] try: #gets the fill value fv=float((merraData.variables[SDS_NAME])._FillValue) except: print('There is an issue with your MERRA file (might be the wrong MERRA file type). Skipping...') continue #gets the SDS data from merraData (multidimensional) data = merraData.variables[SDS_NAME][:] if len(data.shape) ==4: data=data[0,:,:,:] level=data.shape[0]-1 elif len(data.shape) == 3: level=data.shape[0]-1 #replace fill values with nan data[data==fv]=np.nan #asks the user what type of map they would like user_input=float(input('For a world map, enter (1). To enter a latitude and longitude, press (2)')) while user_input != 1 and user_input != 2: user_input=float(input('Please enter a valid choice')) if user_input == 1: #then set up a world map # set up cylindrical map user_min_lat=-90 user_max_lat=90 user_min_lon=-180 user_max_lon=180 xMax=180.0 yMax=90.1 else: #get more info for a specific location map user_min_lat=float(input('Enter a starting (min) latitude (Deg N): ')) user_max_lat=float(input('Enter an ending (max) latitude (Deg N): ')) while user_max_lat<=user_min_lat: user_min_lat=float(input('Your ending latitude is smaller than your starting latitude. Please enter a new starting (min) latitude (Deg N): ')) user_max_lat=float(input('Enter an ending (max) latitude (Deg N): ')) user_min_lon=float(input('Enter a starting (min) longitude (Deg E): ')) user_max_lon=float(input('Enter an ending (max) longitude (Deg E): ')) while user_max_lon<=user_min_lon: user_min_lon=float(input('Your ending longitude is smaller than your starting longitude. Please enter a new starting (min) longitude (Deg N): ')) user_max_lon=float(input('Enter an ending (max) longitude (Deg N): ')) #extract lat and lon info tempLat=merraData.variables['lat'][:] min_lat=np.unravel_index(abs(tempLat-user_min_lat).argmin(),abs(tempLat-user_min_lat).shape) max_lat=np.unravel_index(abs(tempLat-user_max_lat).argmin(),abs(tempLat-user_max_lat).shape) tempLon=merraData.variables['lon'][:] min_lon=np.unravel_index(abs(tempLon-user_min_lon).argmin(),abs(tempLon-user_min_lon).shape) max_lon=np.unravel_index(abs(tempLon-user_max_lon).argmin(),abs(tempLon-user_max_lon).shape) data = merraData.variables[SDS_NAME][0,:,min_lat[0]-1:max_lat[0],min_lon[0]-1:max_lon[0]] xMax=user_max_lon+.1 yMax=user_max_lat+.1 #start plotting m = Basemap( projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=user_min_lat, urcrnrlat=user_max_lat, llcrnrlon=user_min_lon, urcrnrlon=user_max_lon, resolution='c' ) m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5) m.drawmapboundary() # plot pcolormesh if len(data.shape)>2: data=data[level,:,:] data[data==np.nanmin(data)]=np.nan data = np.ma.masked_array(data, np.isnan(data)) X = np.arange(user_min_lon, xMax, .625) Y = np.arange(user_min_lat, yMax, .5) # 90 is the last element my_cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('Oranges') my_cmap.set_under('w') cp=m.pcolormesh(X, Y, data, latlon=True, vmin=np.nanmin(data), vmax=np.nanmax(data),cmap=my_cmap) plt.autoscale() #title the plot plotTitle=plotTitle=FILE_NAME[:-4] if SDS_NAME != 'PBLH': plt.title('{0}\n {1}'.format(plotTitle, SDS_NAME + ' at the surface')) else: plt.title('{0}\n {1}'.format(plotTitle, SDS_NAME)) fig = plt.gcf() cb = m.colorbar() cb.set_label(SDS_NAME) plt.show() is_save=str(input('\n Would you like to save this map? Please enter Y or N \n')) if is_save == 'Y' or is_save == 'y': #saves as a png if the user would like pngfile = '{0}.png'.format(FILE_NAME[:-4]) fig.savefig(pngfile)