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Expressive Grammar Language 1.0.0


The Expressive Grammar Language (EGL) can be used to specify formal languages over an arbitrary alphabet. EGL can describe all context free languages and also some non context free languages by using the Without Expression or by defining constraints. Besides, for each EGL grammar and for each string matching this grammar so called Parse Trees are defined that describe all possible logical structures of the string and give reason of why the string has matched.


An Alphabet is a set of distinguishable elements that are called Characters. A String over an Alphabet A (or just an A-String) is a finite sequence in A. ASCII refers to the Alphabet as defined by the ASCII charset.

Text Fragments

A Text Fragment over an Alphabet A (or just an A-Text Fragment) consists of an A-String Origin and two natural numbers Start and End which can be zero. Start and End refer to the start and end positions within Origin hence Start must be lower or equal than End. The Text of a Text Fragment is the substring of Origin that starts at the given position and has the length of End minus Start.

The most important difference between Strings and Text Fragments is that even though the Text of two Text Fragments can be equal, the Text Fragments itself do not have to. Besides, two Text Fragments can only be concatenized if they share the same origin and the end number of the first Text Fragment matches with the start number of the second.


Whitespaces is an ASCII-String that consists of zero or more whitespace characters (ASCII hex-codes 09, 0A, 0D, 20). An Identifier is an ASCII-String that matches the regular expression [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*. A Symbol is an Identifier that is defined by a Production.

A Production Rule (or just Production) is an ASCII-String that starts with an Identifier that names the Symbol to be defined followed by Whitespaces, two colons (":"), the equals sign ("="), further Whitespaces and an Expression that ends the Production definition.

A Parameterized Production Rule of arity n is similar to a Production Rule, but the first Identifier is followed by an opening angle bracket ("<"), then by n Identifiers that are separated by commas (",") and then by a closing angle bracket (">"). The separating commas and the opening and closing brackets can be surrounded by Whitespaces. These identifiers are called parameters.

A Grammar over an Alphabet A consists of Productions and a Symbol called the Start Symbol. An A-String is a member of the formal language described by a Grammar over an Alphabet A, iff it matches the Expression that defines the Start Symbol.


An Expression is an ASCII-String that describes Strings over a certain Alphabet A. Each Expression type defines conditions when an A-String matches such an Expression. As well as Strings, Text Fragments can match Expressions analogous.

In the following let S be an A-String.

These constructs are atomic Expressions:

  • .
    is matched by S iff S consists of exactly one Character.
  • Sym, where Sym is a Symbol defined by a Production,
    is matched by S iff S matches the Expression that defines Sym.
  • Sym, followed by "<", n comma-separated Expressions and then followed by ">", where Sym is a Symbol defined by a Parameterized Production Rule of arity n, is matched by S iff S matches the Expression that defines Sym where all parameters are replaced by their corresponding argument.
  • Ident, where Ident is an Identifier that

Depending on the used Alphabet A, more atomic Expressions can be defined. See chapter Unicode for further atomic Expressions regarding Unicode.

If Expr1 and Expr2 are Expressions, the following ASCII-Strings are Expressions also:

  • (Expr1) and Expr1 surrounded by Whitespaces
    are matched by S iff S matches Expr1.

  • Disjunction: Expr1 | Expr2
    is matched by S iff S matches Expr1 or Expr2. This is not an exclusive disjunction, thus S can match both Expr1 and Expr2.

  • Conditional Disjunction: Expr1 || Expr2
    is matched by S iff S matches Expr1 | (Expr2 \ Expr1). This construct is used to make the resulting Parse Tree unambigious, since strings matching both expressions will only lead to one Parse Tree with Expr1 as symbol. Note that A || B || C is equivalent to A || (B || C), A || (B | C\B), A | (B | C\B)\A and thus A | B\A | C\B\A.

  • Concatenation: Expr1 Expr2
    is matched by S iff S is the concatenization of two A-Strings S1 and S2 so that S1 matches Expr1 and S2 matches Expr2.

  • Without: Expr1 \ Expr2
    is matched by S iff S matches Expr1 but not Expr2. The Without operator is left-associative, i.e. A \ B \ C and (A \ B) \ C are equivalent.

  • Optional: Expr1?
    is matched by S iff S has length zero or S matches Expr1.

  • Star: Expr*
    is matched by S iff S has length zero or matches Expr Expr*.

  • Positive Star: Expr+
    is matched by S iff S matches Expr Expr*.

The mentioned operators are right-associative if not said otherwise and are ordered ascending by their precedence. Thus A \ B | C D? and (A \ B) | (C (D?)) are matching the same Strings.

Parse Trees

Let A be an Alphabet and S an A-String that matches a certain Symbol Sym defined in a grammar over the Alphabet A.

Parse Trees of S relative to Sym are trees whose nodes are the Text Fragments of S together with the Symbol the Text Fragment has matched with. The root node of these trees is Sym together with the Text Fragment of S whose Text equals S.

There is a Parse Tree for each possible Symbol/Text Fragment matching. All these possible Parse Trees are sorted by greediness in descending order, i.e. Star Expressions try to match the repeating expression as much as possible, Concatenation Expressions try to consume as much characters as possible for the first expression and Disjunction Expressions try to match the first expression first.

Children of a node are constructed by matching the node's text fragment T with the Expression Expr that defines the node's Symbol. For each Symbol SubSym within Expr that is matched with a sub text fragment Ts of T, a new node containing Ts and SubSym is added as child. These child nodes are ordered by the occurrence of SubSym in Expr.

Parse Trees are very similar to syntax trees yielded by context free grammars. However, Parse Trees do not contain terminal nodes and nodes can have arbitrary many children since symbols within Star Expressions can be matched multiple times.


Unicode refers to the Alphabet as defined by the Unicode charset. Accordingly, all unicode Characters can be represented by their code point.

A Unicode Printable Character is a Unicode Character whose hexadecimal code point is in the following list:

  • 09 (horizontal tab)
  • 0A (line feed)
  • 0D (carriage return)
  • 20, 21, ..., 7E
  • 85 (next line)
  • A0, A1, ..., D7FF
  • E000, E001, ..., 10FFFF

Thus a Unicode Printable Character can be any unicode character excluding the surrogate block and the C0 and C1 control codes with the exception of a few whitespace characters.

For Unicode Grammers, the following ASCII Strings are valid Expressions too:

  • #xN where N is a hexadecimal integer.
    Is matched by the Unicode-String that represents a single character whose code point is N. Leading zeros in N are insignificant.

  • [a-zA-Z], [#xN-#xN]
    Is matched by Unicode-Strings that represent a single character with a value in the range(s) indicated (inclusive). Only Unicode Characters that fall into the ASCII range can be used within the Expression String. When referring to a Unicode Character that does not, the code point notation can be used.

  • [abc], [#xN#xN#xN]
    Is matched by any Char with a value among the characters enumerated. Enumerations and ranges can be mixed in one set of brackets.

  • "Str" and 'Str' where Str is an ASCII-String.
    Is matched by the Unicode-String that is equal to Str.

  • unicode:Str where Str is a valid name of an Unicode property like ID_Start or ID_Continue.
    Is matched by any Char that has the given unicode property.


Grammar of Simple Function Definitions

A simple grammar over the unicode alphabet that describes simple function definitions could look like:

Func ::= "func" WS Name WS? "(" WS? (Arg (WS? "," WS? Arg)*)? ")" WS? "=" WS? Body
WS ::= " "+
Name ::= Ident
Ident ::= [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
Arg ::= Type WS Name
Type ::= Ident
Body ::= .*

The start symbol of the grammar is Func.

The string func fun(int arg1, int arg2) = expr that matches the grammar yields the following two Parse Trees:

Parse Trees

The second Parse Tree differs from the first in the Body element that encloses the text of the last WS node now.

Grammar of EGL Productions

Without the unicode extensions, a valid EGL production is an ASCII string that matches the unicode grammar with the start symbol Production and the following rules:

Production ::= Identifier WS* "::=" WS* Expr WS*

Identifier ::= [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
WS ::= #x09 | #x0A | #x0D | #x20

Expr ::= Dot || Symbol || "(" Expr ")" || Disj || CondDisj || Concat || Without || Opt || Star || PosStar

Dot ::= "."
Symbol ::= Identifier

CondDisj ::= (Expr \ CondDisj) WS* "||" WS* Expr
Disj ::= (Expr \ Disj) WS* "|" WS* Expr

Concat ::= (Expr \ Concat) WS* Expr

Without ::= Expr WS* "\" WS* (Expr \ Without)

Opt ::= Expr WS* "?"
Star ::= Expr WS* "*"
PosStar ::= Expr WS* "+"

This grammar is unambiguous, i.e. for each matching string there is exactly one Parse Tree. This is achieved by the Conditional Disjunction construct. Note that even though the grammar describes strings over the unicode alphabet, all unicode strings that match this grammar are already ASCII strings.

The following productions describe additional expressions for unicode grammars:

AdditionalExpr ::= UnicodeProperty CodePointRef RangeList String1 String2

UnicodeProperty ::= "unicode:" [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*

CodePointRef ::= "#x" [0-9]+
Ascii ::= [#x00-#x80]

RangeChar ::= Ascii \ "-" \ "]" \ "["
RangeElement ::= CodePointRange | CharRange | RangeChar | CodePoint
CodePointRange ::= CodePointRef WS* "-" WS* CodePointRef
CharRange ::= RangeChar WS* "-" WS* RangeChar
RangeList ::= "[" (WS* RangeElement)* "]"

StringChar ::= Ascii \ ['"]
String1 ::= "'" StringChar+ "'"
String2 ::= '"' StringChar+ '"'