Josh Sanz [email protected]
This blocks implements a zero-forcing preamble based equalizer. It expects two preamble symbols which it averages and uses to calculate the channel correction vector.
The zero forcing algorithm, illustrated below, tries to simply invert the channel transfer function H(w)
Correction(w) = 1 / H(W)
|** **
| ** ***** **
| *** ***
0 |----------------------- f
| ... ...
| .. ..... ..
|.. ..
Channel: ...
Equalizer: ***
The channel inversion uses two CORDICs and a divider to pipeline the channel inversion and reduce latency. The first CORDIC splits a sub-carrier's IQ value into a magnitude and phase. The divider then inverts the magnitude. Finally, the second CORDIC combines the new magnitude and minus the phase found by the first CORDIC to obtain the correction value.
While the subcarriers are streaming through the correction calculation ready
is held low on the input. After the correction has been calculated, ready
goes high and the rest of the packet can stream through. The correction is applied directly to the output of the FFT and passed through to following blocks. The LTF symbols are never sent on. After the correction function has been calculated they are dropped.
width: Int
- inherited from PacketBundleParams, unusedprotoIQ: DspComplex[T]
- prototype for IQ datacarrierMask: Seq[Boolean]
- boolean mask of subcarriers which should be equalizednSubcarriers: Int
- how many subcarriers to expect from the FFTpreambleSymbol: DenseVector[Complex]
- frequency domain vector of the values in each preamble symbol
Decoupled interface
iq: Vec[DspComplex[T]]
- input IQ samplespktStart: Bool
- start of packet flagpktEnd: Bool
- end of packet flag
Decoupled interface
iq: Vec[DspComplex[T]]
- output equalized IQ samplespktStart: Bool
- start of packet flagpktEnd: Bool
- end of packet flag
sbt test
Test vectors are static and found in EqualizerSpec.scala
. Tests include:
- Whether packets passed through an identity channel make it through the equalizer unchanged and the LTF symbols are dropped
- Whether a constant gain across all subcarriers is corrected
- Whether a constant phase rotation across all subcarriers is corrected
Additionally, the channel inversion block is tested for gain and phase changes together.
- MMSE equalization algorithm
- Make number of preamble symbols a parameter
- Handle large dynamic range better.