Modulator includes 16QAM modulator , QPSK modulator and BPSK modulator. 16 QAM modulator consists of deserilizer, interleaver and mapper. QPSK modulator consists of deserilizer, interleaver and mapper. BPSK modulator merely consists of interleaver and mapper. The Interleaver operates at an OFDM symbol level with a block size of (48, 96, or 192) bits. The Mapper also operates at the OFDM symbol level with a block size of (48, 96, or 192) bits. Each block is divided into sub-blocks at the OFDM sub-carrier level. Sub-blocks are of size (1, 2, or 4) bits. The Mapper first converts each sub-block into a complex number representing BPSK, QPSK, or 16-QAM constellation points. Note that the modulation type may be different for the header and data parts of the message. The resulting 48 complex pairs are then normalized by KMOD. The interleaver is defined by a two step permutation. The first permutation ensures that adjacent coded bits are mapped onto nonadjacent subcarriers. The second ensures that adjacent coded bits are mapped alternately onto less and more significant bits of the constellation.Specifically, the first permutation is defined by the rule
i = (NCBPS/16)(k mod 16) + floor(k/16) k=0,1,...,NCBPS-1
The second permutation is defined by the rule
j = s x floor(i/s) + (i+NCBPS-floor(16 x i/NCBPS)) mode s i=0,1,...,NCBPS-1
s= max(NBPSC/2,1)
k is the index of the coded bit before first permutation; i is the index after the first permutation and before second permutation; j is the index after the second permutation.
val bitsWidth: Int
width of inputs
val dataWidth: Int
width of outputs
val Ncbps: Int
the number of bits in a single OFDM symbol
val Nbpsc: Int
coded bits per subcarrier
Val mod_ctrl: UInt ` modulation scheme control signal
val in.bits.bits: UInt
val in.bits.pktStart: Bool
package start signal
val in.bits.pktEnd: Bool
package end signal
val in.valid: Bool
valid signal
val out.ready: Bool
ready signal
val DspComplex
modulated output
val out.bits.pktStart: Bool
package start signal
val out.bits.pktEnd: Bool
package end signal
val out.valid: Bool
valid signal
val in.ready: Bool
ready signal
Include tests for bpsk, qpsk and qam16 modulator. Run testOnly modem.modulatorSpec