Collection of articles and material to give an in-depth look at javascript.
Link | Author | Type | Description | Code Examples |
What is Javascript? | Anthony Grant | Article | Basic introduction to Javascript and Web App building blocks (HTML, CSS, JS). Detailed explanation of how the language works, what is the DOM and how to use it | Yes, not interactive |
What is Javascript? | MDN | Article | Mozilla guide to learn web development. It comes with detail descriptions of all the possible implementations of Javascript. | Yes, interactive |
Eloquent Javascript | Marijn Haverbeke | Book | Comprehensive book providing deep knowledge of Javascript. Each chapter is dedicated to one aspect of the language, from basics to advanced concepets. | Yes, interactive |
Introduction to the DOM | MDN | Article | Introduction to the concept of DOM as a way to connect programming languages to webpages. | Yes, not interactive |
A little bit of theory on libraries (coming soon also a selection of libraries).
Link | Author | Type | Description | Code Examples |
What's a JS library? | Khan Academy | Collection of articles | Collection of chapters covering the ABC of libraries: where to host them, how to use them, etc. They also test your knowledge with cute quizzes from time to time while you are reading. | No |
The Difference Between a Framework and a Library | Brandon Wozniewicz | Article | Very simple and straightforward article explaining the main differences between libraries and frameworks. | No |
What is NPM? | W3schools | Tutorial | Guide on how to install and use NPM on your computer, examples of code (either for Mac, Linux and Windows) provided. | Yes, not interactive |
Get started with NPM | Michael Wanyoike, Peter Dierx | Collection of tutorials | Collection of tutorials to understand and use NPM as beginners. Some background knowledge is required. | Yes, not interactive |
How does a framework works? Why is it important to know it? Here some answers.
Link | Author | Type | Description | Code Examples |
What is a framework? | Marc Clifton | Article | General take on the multiple functions of frameworks, there is no specific framework discussed, but a more general, structural approach. | No |
The deepest reason why modern JavaScript frameworks exist | Alberto Gimeno | Article | Deep dive in frameworks and their functions. Background knowledge on web apps, JavaScript and general web development concepts are required to fully enjoy the article. | Yes, not interactive |
Vue.js guide | Vue | Documentation | Vue.js documentation, really important if you want to understand how Vue is working under the hook, how it keeps components and state in sync. | Yes, interactive |
Vue.js styleguide | Vue | Documentation | Vue style guide to keep under your eye all the cool things you can do style-wise to your components writing very little code. | Yes, interactive |
Vue Reactive Properties | Thierry Ciot | Article | In depth look at reactive properties in Vue, how to use them to live update your HTML and other tricks | Yes, not interactive |
v-if and v-else | Vue | Documentation | Chapter of Vue documentation on conditional rendering | Yes, interactive |
CSS, HTML, MarkDown, Stack Overflow: you can keep learning a lot of things, make your project even cooler and discover new approaches to code. In this session we will collect other material you can explore.
Link | Author | Type | Description | Code Examples |
CSS complete guide | MDN | Documentation | Complete documentation on Cascading Style Sheets | Yes, not interactive |
Set up a local server | MDN | Documentation | Learn how to launch a local server on your computer |