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File metadata and controls

353 lines (247 loc) · 10.1 KB

Add Plant Patents PDF Scans

This procedure is used for uploading new Plant Patents PDF scans into fcrepo, and updating the "data.csv" file in the "solr-plant-patents" repository.

Procedure Inputs/Outputs


  • Patent scans are placed in "Plant Patents Digitization Project/PDFs" folder in Box (

    Note: To avoid duplicate uploads to fcrepo, this folder must only contain new PDF scans (i.e., must not include PDF scans from previous uploads).


  • Patent scans have been uploaded to fcrepo
  • Patent scans have been placed in the "/processing/processing/archelon/plantpatents/binaries" directory on the server.
  • The “data.csv” file in solr-plant-patents has been updated.

Docker Images

The following Docker images are used by this procedure:

  • bitnami/rclone:1.57.0

Thee Docker images should be available in the UMD Nexus prior to running this procedure.


Pre.1) Create Box access token

The following procedure uses "rclone" to retrieve files from Box. An access token is needed to authorize "rclone" to access Box. To obtain an access token:

Pre. 1.1) On a local workstation, go to and download the appropriate Zip file for your operating system. For Apple Silicon MacBooks, this will be "".

Pre. 1.2) Unzip the downloaded file

Pre. 1.3) Switch into the "rclone" directory, and run the following command:

./rclone authorize "box"

A web browser will open, and display a Box login page. On the login page, left-click "Use Single Sign On (SSO)" link, and fill out the resulting page with your UMD email address. Then left-click the "Authorize" button.

Pre. 1.4) After completing the login, a page indicating that read/write access to your Box account is being provided to "rclone". Left-click the "Grant access to Box" button.

Pre. 1.5) In the terminal, an access token will be printed:

Paste the following into your remote machine --->
<---End paste

Copy the {"access_token":...} line. This will be referred to as <BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN> in the steps below.

Pre.2) Create an fcrepo access token

Pre. 2.1) In a web browser on the local workstation, generate an fcrepo JWT access token by going to:

This will be referred to as <FCREPO_ACCESS_TOKEN> in the steps below.


1) Log in to libdpiprocessing and switch service account

1.1) SSH to the "libdpiprocessing" server:


1.2) Switch to the "dpiprocessing" service account:

su - dpiprocessing

2) Set up the environment variables

2.1) Export a "BASE_DIR" environment variable as the base of the Plant Patents directory hierarchy on the server:

export BASE_DIR=/home/dpiprocessing/plant_patents

2.2) Export a "BOX_BASE_DIR" environment variable containing the base Plant Patents directory on Box:

export BOX_BASE_DIR="/Plant Patents Digitization Project"

2.3) Export an "ARCHIVE_BINARIES_DIR" environment variable containing the directory where Plant Patents PDF scans are permanently stored:

export ARCHIVE_BINARIES_DIR="/processing/processing/archelon/plantpatents/binaries/"

2.4) Create a "BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN" environment variable where <BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN> is the Box access token from the prerequisites:


3) Create Docker aliases

3.1) Run the following commands to create aliases to simplify the running of the commands:

alias rclone_docker='docker run --rm --user `id -u`:`id -g` --env BOX_BASE_DIR="$BOX_BASE_DIR" --volume "$BASE_DIR/docker_mount":/tmp/host bitnami/rclone:1.57.0 --box-token "$BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"'

alias ingest_docker='docker run --rm --user `id -u`:`id -g` --env BOX_BASE_DIR="$BOX_BASE_DIR" --volume "$BASE_DIR/docker_mount":/tmp/host --volume "$ARCHIVE_BINARIES_DIR":/tmp/archive_binaries'

alias plastron_docker='docker run --rm --entrypoint "plastron" --user `id -u`:`id -g` --env BOX_BASE_DIR="$BOX_BASE_DIR" --volume "$BASE_DIR/docker_mount":/tmp/host'

alias validator_docker='docker run --rm --volume "$BASE_DIR/docker_mount":/tmp/host'

4) Ensure solr-plant-patents repository is at the latest version

4.1) Switch to the "$BASE_DIR/solr-plant-patents" directory:

cd "$BASE_DIR/docker_mount/solr-plant-patents"

4.2) Use Git to checkout the "main" branch, and a "git pull" to ensure repository is up-to-date:

git checkout main
git pull

5) Retrieve the Plant Patents PDF scans from Box

5.1) Sync the Plant Patents PDF scans from the "PDFs/" directory on Box using "rclone":

rclone_docker --progress sync :box:"$BOX_BASE_DIR"/PDFs /tmp/host/box/PDFs

6) Upload Plant Patents PDF scans to fcrepo using Plastron

6.1) Run the "create_plastron_batch" command to generate the "plastron_batch.csv" file:

ingest_docker create_plastron_batch --root-dir /tmp/host/box/PDFs --output-file /tmp/host/plastron/plastron_batch.csv

6.2) Switch to the "$BASE_DIR/docker_mount/plastron" directory:

cd "$BASE_DIR/docker_mount/plastron"

6.4) Create a "config/fcrepo.yml" Plastron configuration file:

mkdir config
vi config/fcrepo.yml

with the following contents:

    RELPATH: /pcdm
    LOG_DIR: /tmp/host/plastron/logs/

where <FCREPO_ACCESS_TOKEN> is the JWT access token from the previous steps.

6.5) Load the Plant Patents PDF scans listed in the "plastron_batch.csv" file using the Plastron "stub" command:

plastron_docker --config /tmp/host/plastron/config/fcrepo.yml stub \
    --identifier-column patent_number \
    --binary-column filepath \
    --rename-binary-column image_url \
    --member-of \
    --access umdaccess:Public \
    --container /pcdm \
    --output-file /tmp/host/solr-plant-patents/fcrepo_urls.csv \

Note: In the above the "--member-of" URL is the URL of the "Plant Patents Image Database" collection in fcrepo.

7) Extract the file metadata from the downloaded PDFs

7.1) Run the "extract_binaries_metadata" command to create the "files_metadata.csv" file:

ingest_docker extract_binaries_metadata \
    --root-dir /tmp/host/box/PDFs \
    --output-file /tmp/host/solr-plant-patents/file_metadata.csv

8) Create the "scans_metadata.csv" file

8.1) Run the "csvjoin" command to merge the "fcrepo_urls.csv" and "files_metadata.csv" file into a "scans_metadata.csv" file:

ingest_docker csvjoin --no-inference --left --columns "patent_number" \
    /tmp/host/solr-plant-patents/file_metadata.csv \
    /tmp/host/solr-plant-patents/fcrepo_urls.csv >  \

9) Merge the "scans_metadata.csv" file into "data.csv"

9.1) Using the "merge_csv" tool from "umd-lib/plant-patents-ingest", merge the "scans_metadata.csv" file into the "data.csv" file, generating a "data_updated.csv" file:

ingest_docker merge_csv \
    --base-file /tmp/host/solr-plant-patents/data.csv \
    --merge-file /tmp/host/solr-plant-patents/scans_metadata.csv \
    --key-field patent_number \
    --output-file /tmp/host/solr-plant-patents/data_updated.csv

10) Update the derived Solr fields

10.1) Using the "derive_solr_fields" tool, derive the various Solr fields from "data_updated.csv" file, creating a "data_updated_derived.csv file":

ingest_docker derive_solr_fields \
    --source-file /tmp/host/solr-plant-patents/data_updated.csv \
    --output-file /tmp/host/solr-plant-patents/data_updated_derived.csv

11) Replace the "data.csv" file

11.1) Rename the "data_updated_derived.csv" file to "data.csv":

mv "$BASE_DIR/docker_mount/solr-plant-patents/data_updated_derived.csv" \

12) Move the Plant Patents PDF scans to archive storage

12.1) Run the "organize_files" command to move the uploaded Plant Patents PDF scans to the "/tmp/archive_binaries" directory:

ingest_docker organize_files \
    --source-directory /tmp/host/box/PDFs \
    --destination-directory /tmp/archive_binaries

13) Validate the "data.csv" file

13.1) Switch to the "$BASE_DIR/docker_mount/solr-plant-patents" directory:

cd "$BASE_DIR/docker_mount/solr-plant-patents"

13.2) Run the "csv-validator" Docker image:

validator_docker validate \
    /tmp/host/solr-plant-patents/data.csv \

Any validation errors will be displayed, otherwise "PASS" will be output.

Note: Validation errors indicate a problem with either the source data or some other issue, which will need to be corrected before going on to the next step.

13.3) Commit the changes in the "data.csv" file and push to the upstream repository:

git add data.csv
git commit
git push

Note: The "fcrepo_urls.csv", "file_metadata.csv", and "scans_metadata.csv", should not be committed.

13.4) Delete the temporary working files:

rm fcrepo_urls.csv
rm file_metadata.csv
rm scans_metadata.csv

13.5) Switch to the "$BASE_DIR/docker_mount/box/PDFs" directory:

cd $BASE_DIR/docker_mount/box/PDFs

and verify that all the files have been transferred:

find . -type f
<Should not return any results>

Delete any subdirectories:

rm -rf $BASE_DIR/docker_mount/box/PDFs/*

13.6) Remind the STEM contact (in an email, or similar) to remove the uploaded PDF scans from the "Plant Patents Digitization Project/PDFs" folder in Box.