calipseo-shiny v1.6.0 - 2024-12-13
- #222 i18n call for missing labels fails with sprintf for R >= 4.2
- #227 Aberrant values obtained with function 'artfish_year_summary'
- #226 Bug in pyramid layout when limited data
- #215 Improve line chart
- #220 Artfish standardization & packaging - use for legacy Artfish computation (for now applied to LBN)
- #223 Provide translated vocabularies for French
Computation enhancements computation module
- #216 Add dependancy between indicators
- #217 Adjust indicator period coverage
- #218 Conditional release behavior of indivators based on dependant indicators
- #219 Clean computation module
calipseo-shiny v1.5.4 - 2024-06-11
Module corrections
- #212 Issue in actualisation of artfish monthly report
- #214 Fix counting for artfish overview graphs
Computation enhancements
- #213 Add label for main variables of artfish method result
calipseo-shiny v1.5.3 - 2024-04-15
Module corrections
Pyramid chart
- #207 Pyramid chart - bug with some variable in bar mode
calipseo-shiny v1.5.2 - 2024-03-08
Module corrections
Logbook details
- #204 Fix logbook details by landing sites
Module enhancements
- #206 Computation module - rebuild and upgrade
calipseo-shiny v1.5.1 - 2024-03-07
Core corrections
- #201 JS select2 provider fails when column handle single values
- #202 Sunburst widget fails when single variable is available for breakdown
Core enhancements
- #203 Consolidate vessel breakdown maps
calipseo-shiny v1.5.0 - 2024-03-04
Core corrections
- #166 Individuals - Add controls for age pyramid on non fishers for no data
- #188 Counting of landing sites too restrictive on geographic coordinates availability
- #189 Bad filering inside tables of vessel and individual list modules
- #190 Select2 js filter not sorting first column
- #198 Regression in getStatPeriod argument name
- #199 Fix discrepancies in vessels counting
- #200 Fix discrepancies in individuals counting
Core enhancements
- #178 Make artfish method compatible for multiple sampling strategy
- #181 Make computation module more flexible
- #186 Make the shiny app rely on external calipseo-data
- #187 Move statistical indicators defs to calipseo-data repository
- #185 add capability to filter variable categories for table module
Module enhancements
Individuals list
- #191 Full i18n implementation for individuals list
- #192 Full i18n implementation for individuals overview
Vessels list
- #194 Vessel list - Support vessel status (active/inactive)
Vessels overview
pyramid chart
- #197 Manage case when no datafor pyramid chart
Core new features
Stat new features
Saint Lucia (LCA)
- #182 LCA - add statistical indicator for count number of active fisher by category
- #183 LCA - add statistical indicator to count active vessel
calipseo-shiny v1.4.0 - 2023-12-05
Core corrections
- #162 Computation module - Error with handling local datasets
- #163 Computation module - Error with passing temporal args to
- #175 js_select2_filter_provider.js fails when some item is null
Core enhancements
- #156 Computation module - Add support for mode (release/staging) selection for inter-dependent indicators
- #160 Computation module - Add message to inform if all upstream indicators are going to be computed (case of inter-dependent indicators)
- #164 Make individual modules generic
- #170 LBN - adjust digit number of statistical indicators
Module enhancements
- #174 Individual Overview - Restructure visual and content to make the module more generic
- #176 Implement IS_FISHER and IS_FISHER ACTIVE query and apply them in individuals_overview
- #179 Refactor Individuals list based on vessels list
- #177 Refactor vessel breakdown to vessel overview
- #180 Enable Stats breakdowns even with no map is available
Core new features
- #157 Computation module - add support for triggering upstream indicators in cascade
- #161 Computation module - add capability to release staging indicators in cascade if a toplevel indicator is released
- #165 Create config file for LCA
- #171 Create generic widget module for sunburst chart
- #172 Create generic widget module for pyramid chart
- #173 Create generic widget module to display table with wide view
Module new features
- #167 LBN - Add statistical indicator to compute GFCM Task I
- #158 LBN - Add statistical indicator to compute GFCM Task II.1
- #159 LBN - Add statistical indicator to compute GFCM Task II.2
- #169 LBN - Add statistical indicator to compute GFCM Task III
- #168 LBN - Add statistical indicator to compute FAO report
New R dependencies
--> #171
calipseo-shiny v1.3.0 - 2022-02-02
Core enhancements
- #143 Improve units of measures handling / conversion
- #144 Systematize use of CATCH_QUANTITY_LIVE_WEIGHT_EQUIVALENT for target quantity field
- #146 Make the computation module generic (initially done for TTO)
- #147 Use computation module (statistics storage) for Artfish module
- #152 Computation module needs to trigger changes for dependent modules
- #153 Computation module - refactor periods handling (to check actual file existence)
- #155 Use ASFIS species / species groups from fdiwg repository instead of RefData
Core features
- #150 Computation module - enable external store for storing computation results
- #154 Computation module - need to be permissive for visualizing statistics (staging/release)
Module features
- #142 New module for SUR - export to CWP RH / WECAFC-FIRMS RDB formats
- #148 LBN - Add statistical indicator to compute Artfish estimates by fleet segment
- #145 Introduce dotenv package for easier switch between local instance configs
New R dependencies
calipseo-shiny v1.2.0 - 2022-11-03
Core corrections
- #128 Vessel-info vesselfinder returns less variables
Module corrections
Individual Breakdown and List
- #133 Modify list of items used like fisher/non fisher roles
Vessels - list / details
- #137 Modify query to search fishing type of vessel
Logbook trips
- #118 Logbook trips-select inputs do not respond
Vessel details
- #122 Vessel QA-handle vessels with no license
Core enhancements
- #127 VesselFindeR - add type to restrain search to fishing vessels
Module enhancements
Individual Info
- #129 Add information about age and entity document of individu profil card
Individual List
Individual Breakdown
- #130 Add dropdown list for filter individuals based on fishery roles
Individual Quality Assessment
- #134 Add quality information for gender and educational level
Logbook details
- #136 Force to organize years and connect dots in chronological order on plot
Vessel list
- #119 Vessel-list enable vessel list table combine with license permit table with no data
Vessel details
- #123 Vessel-info make an expection for Vessel Operational Status for dominica
Core features
#141 New strategy to catch and dissiminate currency preference use to store data
#140 New strategy to catch and dissiminate weight unit preference use to store data
Module features
- #120 New module for individuals QA
- #121 New module for individuals breakdown
- #124 Individual breakdown: Breaking down educational level by gender
- #125 New module for individuals details
- #132 New module for individuals overview
calipseo-shiny v1.1.3 - 2022-07-13
Module corrections
Artfish method (summary by fishing units)
- #117 bugs in calculation break the "By fishing unit' module
calipseo-shiny v1.1.2 - 2022-06-24
Module corrections
Logbook validation (Suriname)
- #110 Logbooks validation / SQL - add inclusion of fishery products - Fix regression with SQL
calipseo-shiny v1.1.1 - 2022-06-22
Module enhancements
Fishing trips
- #115 Fishing trips - detail by vessel - need to round (2 digits) quantities
Logbook validation (Suriname)
- #110 Logbooks validation / SQL - add inclusion of fishery products
- #116 Logbook validation (Suriname) - implement RD-DD+1 rule for fishing trip duration
Module corrections
Logbook overview
- #111 Logbooks overview - CI intervals with normal and student dists
Logbook details
- #113 Logbooks - details - download buttons do not work in "By landing site" tab tables
calipseo-shiny v1.1.0 - 2022-05-12
Module enhancements
Vessels - list / details
- #96 Adopting a function to determine vessel license validity across vessel list module and vessel info module
- #97 Refractoring Vessel list module-moving from using column indexes to column names
- #98 Using the gicon calipseo function to handle glyphicon icons in vessel list module
- #99 Refractoring Vessel info module-moving from using column indexes to column names
Logbook validation (Suriname)
- #107 Rename module for more clarity on business processes (validation, SQL generation) vs. upload
- #108 Increase validation rules for Logbook upload modules
Core corrections
** Module corrections**
Individuals -list
- #91 individuals list - Wrong SQL join with reg_entities
Vessels - details (info)
- #92 Vessel-info-module Number-of-license-infobox-display-more-counts
- #93 Vessel-info-module Removing extra column name from dataframe
- #94 Vessel-info-module Vessel Operational Status infobox throws error when invalide registration number is input
- #95 Vessel-info-module vessel characteristics tab throws error when invalide registration number is input
- #101 VesselFindeR returns unstandard data without image link for some vessels
- #106 Fix logbook SQL generation function for Suriname logbook data
calipseo-shiny v1.0.0 - 2022-04-22
Core features
- #6 Prepare Dockerfile for calipseo-shiny
- #29 Add capacity for internal module to be loaded
- #17 Add R function to load country profile from DB
- #32 i18n multi-lingual support - base skeleton for i18 app labels
- #49 Apply i18n English ('en') terms to all existing modules
- #41 Faciliate the set-up of local shiny configs
- #55 i18n multi-lingual support - retrieval of DB i18n labels
- #57 Switch to RMariaDB driver instead of RMySQL
- #61 Inherit country params
- #62 Create 'HAS_REGMANGT' R variable based on country-specific parameter
- #68 Externalize package dependencies to json file
- #75 Add version/date footer for the calipseo-shiny app
- #84 Improve country's logo handling
- #89 Refactor shiny module server calls from 'callModule' to 'moduleServer'
Module features
Vessels - list
- #80 Vessel list - Add a column for License status
Vessels - details (info)
- #14 Vessel Details module - Vessel image fetching/display from Vessel finder
- #15 Vessel Details module - add catches sub tab 'Breakdown by species'
- #21 Vessel Details module - add indicators
- #24 Vessel Details module - Apply generic function to display advanced species linechart
- #25 Vessel Details module - add catches sub tab 'Breakdown by species group'
- #31 Vessel Details module - Licenses tab
- #45 Vessel Details module - add vertical tab 'Fishing trips'
- #46 Vessel Details module - implement vessel characteristics history
- #66 Vessel Details module - add info box for license status
Vessels - QA (checks)
- #71 Vessel QA module -New module
- #73 Vessel QA module - Add tab on vessel characteristics
- #74 Vessel QA module - vessels ports - switch to a single table for countings
- #77 Vessel QA module - Add tab for counting vessels with expired license for current year
- #78 Vessel QA module - Add tab for counting vessels with unknown operational status
- #86 Vessel QA module - Add tab for counting vessels with/without activity
Individuals - list
- #69 Individuals list - new core module inception
Logbooks - overview
- #4 Logbooks - Overview - Add statistical timeseries as linechart
Logbooks - trips
- #44 New Trip Monitoring Module
Logbooks - data upload
- #5 Logbooks - Data upload module (new)
- #42 New module for Artfish statistical methodology
- #40 R Functions in support of Artfish methodology / statistical computation
- #56 Apply i18n DB labels to ArtFish module
- #58 Apply i18n English ('en') terms to Artfish modules
- #2 R function in support of Suriname logbooks data integration
- #12 R functions in support of Lebanon FLOUCA data integration
- #13 R function to fetch free information from Vessel Finder
- #27 Compute Confidence Intervals (percentiles 2.5 and 97.5) associated to data series mean
- #50 Extend shinydashboard 'infoBox' function for more flexibility
Core enhancements
- #16 Evaluate needs to add 'shinydashboardplus' to improve user-friendliness
- #28 Load ASFIS reference dataset enriched with ISSCAAP groups at app starting
- #83 Improve country's logo handling
- #48 Reduce size (in particular height) of vertical tab titles
Module enhancements
- #7 Home module - Improve UI dynamicity
- #63 Home module | Display vessel-related info boxes only when HAS_REGMANGT is TRUE
Vessels - list
- #10 Vessels - Register module improvements
Vessels - details (info)
- #11 Vessel Details module - UI refactoring
- #20 Test 'shinydashboardplus' for vessel identity card
- #36 Vessel Details module - apply different background color vessel operational status info box
- #38 Vessel Details module - additional information (vessel characteristics) to put in vessel identity card
- #39 Vessel Details module - enrich vessel identity card 'Info' tab
- #47 Vessel Details module - Add warning on 'catches' and 'fishing trips' report for artisanal vessels
- #52 Vessel Details module - remove page title
- #60 Extent vessel owners list to target companies
- #72 Vessel Details module - switch from js_render_for_license_table to native R shiny implementation
- #81 Vessel Details module - add explicit logs on main code runs
Vessels - breakdown
- #8 Vessels - Breakdown - UI improvements
Logbooks - overview
- #22 Logbooks - Overview - Convert kgs to tons
- #26 Logbooks - Overview - Layout improvement for species / species group
- #34 Logbook overview lineplot Function - add capability to include summary table
- #35 Logbooks - Overview - Simplify UI
- #70 Improve Logbook overview
Linechart module (internal)
- #23 Factorize generic function(s) to display statistics as linechart with shinydashboardPlus
- #43 Generic line_chart module - set a landscape view for PDF data export
Core corrections
Module corrections
Vessels - list
- #87 Vessel-list enabling all the vessels with valid license permits display as intended
Vessels - details (info)
- #1 SUR - Vessel info fail for some vessels
- #51 vesselFindeR doesn't work anymore
- #53 Vessel Details module - fix typos
- #59 Vessels details - Check that data is properly filtered by vessel / aggregated
- #76 License status infobox broken
- #85 Vessel details - Issue with vessel history (when no data?)
Vessels - QA (checks
- #88 Vessel QA-vessel license tab not having the right counts
- #90 Vessel QA-vessel activity tab not having the right counts
Logbooks - overview
- #3 Logbooks - Overview - Check accuracy of 'Logbook Reporting ratio'