In a nutshell, Stratio Streaming is a real-time engine with Complex Event Processing capabilities with a built-in and powerful Streaming Query Language for doing on-demand operations on your streams.
Stratio streaming provides a simple Java/Scala API to send commands to the engine and retrieve information from existing streams.
The key components of Streaming Engine provide a fault-tolerant, high availability and extremely performant solution in order to work with thousands of miles of events per minute.
--sparkMaster local --zookeeper-cluster fqdn:port,fqdn2:port --kafka-cluster fqdn:port,fqdn2:port --cassandra-cluster fqdn,fqdn2
Using the provided script
sudo sh run-stratio-streaming com.stratio.streaming.StreamingEngine --spark-master local_2 --zookeeper-cluster fqdn:port,fqdn2:port,... --kafka-cluster fqdn:port,fqdn2:port,... --cassandra-cluster fqdn,fqdn,...