Software Engineering @ DTM | EIT Digital - a.y. 2023-2024
This doc contains a description of the bounded contexts for the E-Scooters Case Study.
By analysing the identified subdomains and use cases, a simple design of the system accounts for three main bounded contexts:
User Account Context
- this bounded context concerns the user account management subdomain
- this context is about functionalities for:
- registering a new user (creating a new account)
- getting information about an account
- updating the information about a user account
- getting the list of all accounts
Renting Context
- this bounded context concerns the renting subdomain
- this context is about functionalities for:
- starting a new rent
- getting information about a ongoing rent
- ending a rent
- getting the list of ongoing rents
E-scooter Context
- this bounded context concerns the management and maintenance of e-scooters
- this context is about:
- registering a new e-scooter
- unlocking-for-use a registered e-scooter
- locking a registered e-scooter
- getting information about the status of an existing scooter
- getting the list of registered e-scooters
E-scooter Driving Context
- this bounded context concerns e-scooter driving and control by a user doing a ride
- this context is about:
- turning the e-scooter on and off
- driving (moving, controlling speed,... etc)
- signaling SoS