Software Engineering @ DTM | EIT Digital - a.y. 2023-2024
This doc contains a high level description of the software architecture of the project.
v. 1.0.0-20240513
The software architecture is designed upon the bounded contexts and the context map described in related docs.
It is composed by three main kinds of software components:
- Backend microservices
- Frontend applications
- Embedded system components
The proposed architecture is based on three main backend microservices, directly mapping the identified bounded contexts and all designed upon the Ports & Adapters / Hexagonal pattern
Account Service
- this microservice concerns the management of the accounts of the e-scooter service
- keeping track of the current accounts
- registering a new user (account)
- get information about an existing account
- …
- Domain model
- account – entity
- accounts – aggregate
- The domain model is mapped into a RESTful architecture
- account and accounts are represented by resources
- API - RESTful model
- this microservice concerns the management of the accounts of the e-scooter service
E-scooters service
- this microservice concerns the management of e-scooters
- Keeping track of the list of registered e-scooters
- Domain model
- e-scooter dt – entity
- properties
- actions
- events
- e-scooters – aggregate
- e-scooter dt – entity
- The domain model is mapped into a RESTful architecture
- each e-scooter and e-scooters are represented as REST resources
- to register a new e-scooter
- to lookup for an existing e-scooter
- to access to e-scooter state (DT)
- to sync e-scooter DT with its physical twin
- this microservice concerns the management of e-scooters
Renting Service
- this microservice concerns the management of rentings
- Domain model
- rent – entity
- rents – aggregate
- The domain model is mapped into a RESTful architecture
- each ride and rides are represented as REST resources
- to start a new ride
- to lookup for an existing ride--
User app
- to register
- to make a new ride
- to show info about ongoing ride info and past rides
- to show possible warning/notification about the service
E-company dashboard
- to register a new e-scooter
- to get information about an e-scooter
- to monitor e-scooters map
- to monitor ongoing rides
Public service Dashboard
- to display users
- to monitor ongoing rides
- to monitor e-scooters map
- E-scooter onboard agent
- this is a software agent running onboard the e-scooter, controlling the e-scooter and responsible of the interaction with users/maintainers