- Coerce decimal values into valid ranges and precision before importing.
- Clean up unused foreign keys once a day instead of after every import.
- Clean up unused foreign keys librarian job available in admin panel.
- Don't open browser when a library changes when reading a comic.
- Fixed crash creating illegal dates on import.
- Replace description field with more common ComicInfo comments field.
- Log files now rotate by size instead of daily.
- Log path for failed imports and cover creation.
- Use an allow list for importing metadata to prevent crashes.
- Fixed crash when importing comments metadata.
- Import credits data for CBI and CIX tagged comics.
- More liberal metadata decimal parsing.
- Fix rare migration bug for Cover Artist role.
- Fix to library group integrity checker
Private Libraries
- Libraries may have access restricted to certain user groups.
- The "Critical Rating" tag is now a decimal value.
- The "Community Rating" tag replaced "User Rating" tag, a decimal value.
- Cover Credits role replaced by "Cover Artist".
- Reader has a "Download Page" button.
- Metadata dialog highlights filtered items.
- Metadata dialog is faster.
- Admin Queue Job for creating missing comic covers.
- Metadata search field in browser
- Settings dialogs replaced with side drawers
- Changed some keyboard shortcuts in reader.
- "group by" renamed to "top group".
- Admin panel gained a Queue Jobs page.
- Browser does a better job of remembering your last browser view on first load.
- Reader's "close book" button now does a better job returning you to your last browser view.
- Metadata panel cleanup and fix some missing fields.
Binary Dependencies
- Codex now requires the Xapian library to run as a native application
Drop Support
- The linux/armhf platform is no longer published for Docker.
- Codex is GPLv3
- Fix integrity cleanup check for old comic_folder relations that prevented migrations.
- Fix integrity cleanup check for more types of integrity errors that may have prevented clean db migrations.
- Fix last filter, group, sort not loading properly for some new views.
- Fix crash updating latest version.
- Fix a folder not found crash in folder view.
- Database indexing speedups.
- Fix another integrity check bug
- Fix and integrity check crash that happened with an older databases.
- Added
env var.
Feels Snappier
Database Migration
- v0.7.0 changes the database schema. Databases run with v0.7.0+ will not run on previous versions of codex.
- Big speed up to importing comics for large imports.
- Speed up creating comic covers on large imports.
- Admin Panel options for polling (formerly "scanning") and watching events have changed names.
- Admin Panel task added to regenerate all comic covers.
- Browser Admin Menu option added for polling all Libraries on demand.
- Comics with no specified Publishers, Imprints and Series no longer have induced default names for these but have no name like Volumes.
- Codex repairs database integrity on startup.
- Codex backs up the database every night.
- Autodetect server timezone (for logging).
- Use TZ and TIMEZONE environment variables to explicitly set server timezone.
- Added
logging level to help screen out bulkDEBUG
messages from dependencies. - Truncated logging messages for easier reading.
- Fixed metadata screen displaying incorrect information.
- Now compatible with python 3.10.
- Fixes
- Fixes some import bugs with filename parsing when there are no tags
- Fixed two page view toggle hotkey
- Features
- Browser now tells you what kind of items you're looking at.
- Reader swiping navigation
- Reader keyboard shortcut help dialog
- Tentative linux/armhf support. No way for me to test this
- Vacuum the sqllite database once a day to prevent bloat
- Corrupt database rebuild procedure. See README.
- Dark admin pages and fix template overrides.
- Automate multi-arch builds
- Build Docker images for amd64 & arm64 manually.
- Fix reader bug that only displayed first page
- Add LOGLEVEL environment variable.
- Set to DEBUG to see everything.
- Removed DEV environment variable.
- Possible fix for newly imported covers not displaying.
- Fixed intermittent Librarian startup crash in docker.
- Fixed DEBUG environment variable to be able to run in production.
- Added DEV environment variable for dev environment.
- Fix librarian startup crash. Prevented admin actions from happening.
Better Filtering and Sorting
- New Filters
- New sort options: Updated Time and Maturity Rating
- New frontend URL scheme
- New API
- Added time to the browse card when sorting by time fields
- Fixed a bug importing Story Arc Series Groups and Genres. Requires re-import to correct.
- Fixed a bug with sorting that grouped improperly and showed the wrong covers for reverse sorts.
- Browser pagination footer now remains fixed on the page
- Browser pagination footer is now a slider to handle larger collections
- Notifications now appear in reader as well as browser
- Scanning notifications on login not disappearing bug squashed
- On comic import failure, log the path as well as the reason
- Fixed a bug where the browser settings menu wouldn't close when opening a dialog
- Codex version information moved to Browser > Settings
- Fix filters not changing display bug
- Fix root_path not parsing bug
- Fix broken startup when parsing json shared between front and back end
- Metadata popup is now faster.
- Metadata popup now shows created_at, updated_at and path (if admin).
- Removed numeric and common password validators. Made the minimum length 4.
- Metadata view for browse containers. Also observes filters.
- Fix scanning notification
- Fix unable to delete libraries bug
- Covers now regenerate on re-import.
- Admin Flag for automatically updating codex
- Force updates from the admin panel with an Admin Flag action
- Snackbar for notifying about failed imports
- admin page for failed imports
- snackbar tells admins when scans are happening
- report the latest version available in the browser footer tooltip
- admin flag for disabling codex for non-users
- browser rows now adapt to browse tile size
- browser covers for containers now match data we're sorting by
- reader fix settings for all comics were not setting properly
- fix bookmarks for sessions that aren't logged in
- serve static files faster
- fix filtering bugs
- fix mark read/unread bugs
- fix reader settings not setting properly
- fix reader images positioning
- fix minor crash closing books with uninitialized browser app
- fix sorting for folder view
- display sort key value in browse tile
- display standard image for missing covers
- slightly more helpful 404 page
- fix import bugs
- Upload mistake with 0.5.7. This is just a version bump.
- fix import crashes
- allow credits with an empty role
- pagination of large browse results
- center comic pages better
- add download link to browser menu
- log to files as well as console
- remove scan locks on startup
- websocket path security wasn't handling leading slashes well. Skip it.
- Revert to whitenoise 5.1.0 which works with subpaths
- Fix crash on start if all static dirs do not exist.
- Fixed login bug introduces in v0.5.3 (thanks hubcaps)
- Fixed filtering bug introduced in v0.5.2
- Versioned API
- Toast popup for admins indicating libraries are scanning.
- Periodic frontend refresh during long scans.
- Codex version displayed in browser footer
- Lazy load filter choices when the menu opens
- Fix multiprocessing for Windows
- Documentation moved into admin panel
- Minor bugfixes. Rebuild for pypi
First useful working version
- Productionized alpha release
Polished UI
- Polished VueJS frontend
I'm a frontend developer
- Single Page VueJS frontend PoC without much styling
It's alive
- Working application with all initial features
- Django frontend
Hello world
- Proof of concept.