Model caching in this library is very simple and is extremely extensible, accessible, and usable.
A ModelCache
is an interface to an actual cache that is used within a SQLite query, FlowQueryList
, FlowCursorList
, or can use it anywhere you wish.
To enabled caching, simply add cachingEnabled = true
to your @Table
annotation. To enable caching on classes with multiple @PrimaryKey
columns, you must define a @MultiCacheField
object (explained below).
When a query runs on the DB, it will store the instance of the Model
in the cache, and the cache is solely responsible for managing memory efficiently.
There are a few kinds of caches supported out the box:
-> using an LruCache, this cache will evict members as it adds items that go past a predefined limit.SimpleMapCache
-> simply stores models in aMap
(default isHashMap
) with a predefined capacity on theMap
-> an int->object key/value based object that uses aSparseArray
underneath. It works with any Number descendant or primitive counterpart (Integer, Double, Long, etc.), orMulitCacheConverter
that returns the same key type.
Note if you run a SELECT
with columns specified, it may cache partial Model
classes if they're loaded before the full counterparts. It is highly recommended to just load the full models in this case, since the caching mechanism will make up most efficiency problems.
The default cache is a SimpleMapCache
. You can specify cacheSize()
in the @Table
to tell the default cache the size of its contents. Once specifying a custom cache, this parameter becomes invalid.
To use a custom cache, specify the cache in your Model
public static ModelCache<CacheableModel3, ?> modelCache = new SimpleMapCache<>();
The @ModelCacheField
must be public static
As of 3.0, DBFlow now will smartly reload @ForeignKey
relationships when loading from the cache.
1.Each @Table
class has its own cache, they are not shared between tables or subclasses.
2. It "intercepts" the query running and references the cache (explained next).
3. Using any wrapper Insert
, Update
, or Delete
SQLite-builder method are strongly discouraged when caching a Model
as the cache will not update (due to efficiency and performance reasons). If you need to run these queries, a simple FlowManager.getModelAdapter(MyTable.class).getModelCache().clear()
after running the query will invalidate the cache and it will update its information going forward.
4. Modifying objects from the cache follows Java-reference rules: changing field values in one thread may result in an inconsistent state on in your application that may be loading from the DB until you save()
, insert()
or update()
. Changing any fields are directly modifying objects from the cache (when loaded directly from it), so take note.
When running a query via the wrapper language, DBFlow will:
Run the query, resulting in a
Retrieve the primary key column values from the
If the combo from the keys is in the cache, we: 1. Reload relationships such as
(if any exist). TIP: Make this faster by enabling caching on this object's table too. 2. Then return the cached object. -
If the object does not exist, we load the full object from the DB, and subsequent queries to the same object will return the object from the cache (until it's evicted or cleared from the cache.)
As of 3.0, DBFlow supports multiple primary keys in a cache. It is required that any Model
with more than one primary key define a @MultiCacheField
@Table(database = TestDatabase.class, cachingEnabled = true)
public class MultipleCacheableModel extends BaseModel {
public static IMultiKeyCacheConverter<String> multiKeyCacheModel = new IMultiKeyCacheConverter<String>() {
public String getCachingKey(@NonNull Object[] values) { // in order of the primary keys defined
return "(" + values[0] + "," + values[1] + ")";
double latitude;
double longitude;
@ForeignKey(references = {@ForeignKeyReference(columnName = "associatedModel",
columnType = String.class, foreignKeyColumnName = "name", referencedFieldIsPackagePrivate = true)})
TestModel1 associatedModel;
The return type can be anything, as long as the ModelCache
you define for the class supports the return type as a key.
and FlowQueryList
utilize a separate ModelCache
from the caches associated with @Table
classes. To override the default caching mechanism:
protected ModelCache<? extends BaseCacheableModel, ?> getBackingCache() {
return new MyCustomCache<>();
You can create your own cache and use it wherever you want.
An example cache is using a copied LruCache
from the support library:
public class ModelLruCache<ModelClass extends Model> extends ModelCache<ModelClass, LruCache<Long, ModelClass>>{
public ModelLruCache(int size) {
super(new LruCache<Long, ModelClass>(size));
public void addModel(Object id, ModelClass model) {
if(id instanceof Number) {
synchronized (getCache()) {
Number number = ((Number) id);
getCache().put(number.longValue(), model);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A ModelLruCache must use an id that can cast to" +
"a Number to convert it into a long");
public ModelClass removeModel(Object id) {
ModelClass model;
if(id instanceof Number) {
synchronized (getCache()) {
model = getCache().remove(((Number) id).longValue());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A ModelLruCache uses an id that can cast to" +
"a Number to convert it into a long");
return model;
public void clear() {
synchronized (getCache()) {
public void setCacheSize(int size) {
public ModelClass get(Object id) {
if(id instanceof Number) {
return getCache().get(((Number) id).longValue());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A ModelLruCache must use an id that can cast to" +
"a Number to convert it into a long");