In order to run tests you'll need:
- Java 11+, which can be downloaded from Oracle
- Maven v3+
- The Chrome browser built by Google
- 4 Gb RAM on VM or PC with OS (Windows 10 or higher, Linux Ubuntu 20.04 or higher) where tests will be run
- Screen resolution at least 1024x768
- To run Selenium tests - check out the project to a local directory
- Run tests using Maven:
mvn clean install
mvn clean install
General profile active by default with baseUrl =, see property filemvn test -P GeneralTests -DbaseUrl=
mvn test -P HotTests -DbaseUrl=
Profile Hot testsmvn test -P DemoTests -DbaseUrl=
Profile Demo testsmvn test -Dtest=JobTest -DbaseUrl=
mvn clean install -Dtest=JobTest#addNewJob
mvn clean install -Dtest=JobTest,HotTest
When the tests are finished, the folder 'target' contains:
- tests_log.log file with information on each test
- surefire-reports subfolder with emailable-report
- screenshots subfolder with screenshot files in case if test(s) are SKIP or FAILURE
- MainPageTest#checkMainPageGUI - the first test to check a webelement on the main page.
- DemoTest#demoCheckProfile - the test to check a "Demo Suite".
- HotTest#hotCheckProfile - the test to check a "Smoke Suite".
- ... to be continued