#leran study
#!usr/bin/env python#coding: utf-8
- try to use markdown
- try to use github
- try to use flask
- try to use MySQL
- try to read tutorial
- try to find object
- try to be pythonic
- syntax
- semantics
- idioms
- libraries
- tools
##python code
- moudle = ['os','sys','math','requests','bs4']
- decodes = ['utf-8','gbk','ISO-8859-1','gb18030','gb2312']
- encodes = ['gbk', 'utf-8']
not good
def add_end(L=[]):
return L
def add_end(L=None):
if L is None:
L = []
return L
normal codes:
alist = [] for i in range(10): alist.append(i)
list comprehension:
[i for i in range(10)]
##for links:
This is an example reference-style link.
I get 10 times more traffic from Google than from Yahoo or MSN.
##emphasize single asterisks
single underscores
double asterisks
double underscores
*this text is surrounded by literal asterisks*
Use the printf()
There is a literal backtick (`) here.
A single backtick in a code span: `
A backtick-delimited string in a code span: `foo`
Please don't use any <blink>
is the decimal-encoded equivalent of —
See my Vibiu-s-python page for details.
© 2015 Vibiu Corporation