- node.js
- npm
- on mac-os, you have to install xcode command line developer tools (run xcode-select --install)
- gcloud
- docker
- the IDE of your choice
- run
npm install
redis server
cd docker; docker compose up -d redis
cd docker; docker compose up -d pubsub
For the moment, it does not work with docker compose. But if you install the cloud-datastore-emulator, you will have a working configuration.
gcloud components install cloud-datastore-emulator
run the data store:
gcloud beta emulators datastore start --data-dir=MY_DATA_DIR
before npm run dev:
- open another shell.
- define the required environment variables:
eval $(gcloud beta emulators datastore --data-dir=MY_DATA_DIR env-init)
- you can then run the application locally in this shell with
npm run dev
npx nx check
runs the build, lint, and test targets for all the projects. Nice to use before uploading a PR.
nx affected:test --all --parallel --maxParallel 10 --watch
will run the tests affected by your code changes.
npm run fixlint
to fix lint errors.