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ipykernel is a pure Python package, so setting up for development is the same as most other Python projects:
# clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/ipython/ipykernel
cd ipykernel
# do a 'development' or 'editable' install with pip:
pip install -e .
Releasing ipykernel is almost standard for a Python package:
- set version for release
- make and publish tag
- publish release to PyPI
- set version back to development
The one extra step for ipykernel is that we need to make separate wheels for Python 2 and 3 because the bundled kernelspec has different contents for Python 2 and 3. This affects only the 4.x branch of ipykernel as the 5+ version is only compatible Python 3.
The full release process is available below:
# make sure version is set in ipykernel/_version.py
# commit the version and make a release tag
git add ipykernel/_version.py
git commit -m "release $VERSION"
git tag -am "release $VERSION" $VERSION
# push the changes to the repo
git push
git push --tags
# publish the release to PyPI
# note the extra `python2 setup.py bdist_wheel` for creating
# the wheel for Python 2
pip install --upgrade twine
git clean -xfd
python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
python2 setup.py bdist_wheel # the extra step for the 4.x branch.
twine upload dist/*
# set the version back to '.dev' in ipykernel/_version.py
# e.g. 4.10.0.dev if we just released 4.9.0
git add ipykernel/_version.py
git commit -m "back to dev"
git push